The Outback Ch. 02


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Surely, I hadn't been that exuberant that I'd shot cum on my own face!

With the force of a slap, the close-up image of Neel's cock ejaculating hot cum over my face flooded my mind. I froze, staring at myself in the mirror, unwilling to believe it.

Grabbing a flannel, I scrubbed at my face, washing away the telltale remains as best I could.

I shook my head and switched on the shower. It had to have been a dream. I'd been obsessing over that thought for days, and it had just intensified itself in my mind until I thought for a second that it was true.

The cool water washed over me, sending the dried semen gurgling down the drain. I scrubbed myself over with soap, repeating the mantra in my mind.

"It was just a dream."

The cool water having cleared my head a little, I towelled off and walked back into my room to find some clean clothes. I picked up my dirty clothes from the day before and threw them into the wash.

A corner of blue material stuck out from under my bedsheet. The knowledge of what it was hit my body before my mind. A stone sank into my stomach and my hand shook a little as I reached for it.

I held Neel's blue underwear up to the light. Cum smeared across near every surface, the material still damp with the fluid.

I knew it with a certainty now. It was no dream.

I'd sucked another man's cock.


Unable to bring myself to leave the room and face him, I collapsed back onto the bed, burying my head under the pillows and trying to think of anything other than what had happened.

No matter how much I tried, though, I couldn't get it out of my head. Worse still, the very thought of it made me horny.

Now that I remembered what had happened, the whole scene played out in my head like a porno. The moonlight on his muscular body. The sure-footed stance beside my bed. The confidence with which he knew I wanted him.

The desire to taste him, and savour him, and swallow him.

The desire rested in me still. I had no place to put it. No context to make it ok.

I was straight.

I wanted him again.

Feeling as though those two competing realities would tear me in two, I paced the room, grabbing clothes as I went and throwing them on. Anything to cover up my naked body and help me to hide the turmoil inside.

Finally dressed, I walked outside into the humid heat, pulling on my hiking boots at the door and picking up my water bottle from the small table outside my room.

I headed for the only escape that I had in this isolated prison -- the bush.

As soon as I stepped under the shade of the melaleucas, the heat seemed to come out of the day and my mind seemed to slow a few beats.

The recent rain had caused immense growth in just the time we had been here. Wildflowers sprung up everywhere, rushing to complete their lifecycle in the short space of time that water was available.

The life and energy of the place never ceased to amaze me.

My feet found their own path, and soon I was walking down to the water hole, around a kilometre from the house. It was a beautiful place, seemingly hewn out of the red rock, with trees clinging to the sides of the gorge.

I sat beside the waterhole, feet floating in the coolness. The sound of the cicadas filled my head. A Jabiru patrolled the shallows, its long beak searching under the water for a feed to take home to its young.

I could feel my pulse slowing as I breathed slowly in and out.

As my mind cleared, I became more rational. Who was I to expect biology not to affect me? Here I was, isolated from women and porn for months on end. I was used to a healthy, regular sex life. Of course my body would point me to whatever I needed to fill that unmet need.

I was a bag of muscle, bones and hormones, just like the insects that I could hear or the birds that I could see. It didn't mean anything for my body to want what it wanted.

Besides, we were in the middle of nowhere, with no people for literally hundreds of miles. What did it matter how I met my needs out here. No one would ever know.

I smiled, a feeling of lightness washing over me. Stripping off my clothes, I dived into the cool water and floated in the shade of the rock walls.


It was much later when I finally returned home. The sun was already heading for the horizon as I walked across the courtyard and into the kitchen.

"Was beginning to wonder if I should call for a search team." Neel muttered as I walked in. "Jesus, you look like you've just walked in from a day spa. How are you holding up this well when I have a hangover just shy of death!?"

"Some of us can just hold our liquor a little better than others, I guess." I said lightly as I grabbed an apple off the counter.

"So, you're...feeling ok then?" Neel asked, clearly not wanting to be too direct. "Fuck, I got so hammered last night, I barely remember anything!"

"I was a bit rough this morning to be honest, but nothing a good shower and a swim at the waterhole couldn't fix. Feel a million bucks now." I smiled at him, trying to be reassuring. "Why don't you go sit down and I'll whip up some dinner."

He complied happily enough, although looked a bit bewildered as he headed to the couch to lie down while I cooked us some pasta. I could see that he wanted some discussion of what had happened but didn't want to be the one to bring it up.

Easier to just pretend that he was so drunk that he couldn't remember.

I found myself watching him without the same feelings of guilt and shame that I'd felt previously. I was taking a biologist's view. His was a perfect example of masculinity in its prime. He was muscular and virile. His biceps and pecs defined an upper body that screamed strength and protection.

I found myself wanting to be wrapped in his arms.

I also couldn't help but notice that he was still without underwear. As he lay on the couch, the outline of his cock was notable against the thin material of his shorts.

I wanted to rip them off him and take him in my mouth again.

I shook myself as I turned my attention back to slicing up the chicken for dinner. Thankfully this particular biological form had a frontal cortex with which I could regulate my baser impulses.

I looked up at him again as I stirred the sizzling dinner.

"So I think I'm pretty much done with the night shifts for a while." I announced. "I've collected most of the data I need for the minute, so I'm just going back to regular hours again while I run some models and process it."

He sat himself up on the couch a little.

"Hey, that's great." He exclaimed. "Welcome back to the land of the living!"

"Yeah, at least you won't have to sneak around during the day to avoid waking me up!" I said

I carried the plates of pasta over to the table as he wandered over.

"You want some wine with dinner?" I asked, laughing to myself as I watched him turn noticeably green at the thought.

"Nah, I think I might just skip the drinking for a couple of days." He laughed. He tucked into some of the pasta. "Hey, this is great!"

"Always the note of surprise." I chuckled, quietly pleased with my culinary success. "Just something I threw together."

We passed the evening and the rest of the weekend quite amicably. Neel seemed relieved that I wasn't going to bring up his night-time incursion, and our relationship regained a veneer of normality.

It was a relief to settle into a normal sleeping pattern, and with the extra rest came extra energy. I found that I was in a good place. Neel and I were getting along well. I was enjoying his company and he seemed to be enjoying mine. I got back into some early morning jogs, and enjoyed the solitude and silence that came from being out in the dawn light.

As my energy levels increased, so too did my libido. I could barely even look sideways at Neel without feeling that familiar twitch in the base of my belly, and I'd have to escape to my bathroom to rub out a quick load a couple of times a day.

The frustration of being without a sexual partner was growing quickly and I was longing for a release. Looking at Neel, I could see that he was in the same predicament.

He was constantly readjusting himself, and spent an increasing amount of time in his room. I took to walking around without a shirt on to try and play on his attraction a little. On a couple of occasions, I noticed him watching me out of the corner of my eye.

After almost a week of this, I decided that I needed to be a bit more forward if I was ever going to have another taste of that delicious cock of his.

After a particularly enjoyable afternoon run, I came back inside downing a large glass of cold water. Sweat slicked my shirtless torso. I leaned back against the bench as Neel came into the room from the laundry.

He stopped short, apparently not hearing me come in.

"Oh, thought you were still out." He sounded a little flustered, as if I'd interrupted something. "How was the run?"

I watched him as he clutched the towel he'd just grabbed off the drying rack, trying to casually drape it in front of his obvious erection. Looks like I really had come back sooner than he'd hoped.

"It was great." I replied, smiling. "You know when you're just in the zone? Felt like I could run forever!"

"Sounds good." He said, heading towards his bedroom. "I'm just gunna take a quick shower."

Sure, I thought to myself. A shower.

I turned back to the kitchen bench, about to cut into an apple but paused. This was surely the opportunity that I was after.

Putting down the knife, I walked quietly to his bedroom door, careful not to make any sound. I listened from the hallway, not hearing anything to indicate what was happening inside.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and slowly turned the door handle, silently swinging it open.

Neel lay on his back on the bed, his shorts pulled down around his ankles. His hand gripped his hard cock, stroking it quickly as his other hand reached up under his singlet, tweaking a nipple.

He froze as he noticed the door opening, then grabbed the towel beside him and throwing it over his crotch with a strangled cry.

"Jesus, Dean! What the fuck! Don't you ever knock?" He blushed furiously, more embarrassed than angry.

I walked forward, as if I hadn't heard him, and stood at the foot of his bed, looking down. It felt different from this angle. I was the one with power. I was in control.

He stopped talking and lay there for a moment, looking at me.

"You can just lie there." I said softly. "You don't have to do anything."

I climbed onto the foot of the bed as he lay there still.

"I know you liked having your dick sucked last weekend," I slowly pulled his shorts from his feet and knelt between his legs. "And to be honest, I liked sucking it."

I slowly prised the towel from his grip, exposing his engorged cock once again. I gripped him with one hand, pulling his cock upright towards me. Neel made no move to resist. He barely breathed.

"So, I'm just going to do this now," I licked the tip of his cock ever so gently. "And, let's be honest, whenever I want."

Leaning forward again, I opened my mouth and swallowed the head of his cock in a single motion. I felt rather than heard him exhale, long and deep. His body seemed to melt into the cotton sheets as I wrapped my lips around his shaft and tickled the tip of his cock with my tongue.

Releasing his cock from my hand, I gripped him with my mouth, sliding up and down the shaft as I sucked. I slowly ran my hands up the sides of his pelvis, along his flanks, and up to his chest. My fingers traced their way gently under his singlet until they found his nipples. I gripped them between my finger and thumb, rolling the hard nubs back and forth.

Neel moaned as I relaxed my throat and slid down and down his shaft. As the end of his cock neared my tonsils, I fought a gag. Reflexively, I swallowed, moving him further into my throat and burying my nose in his pubs.

Impaled like this, I breathed him in. His scent and taste overwhelmed me once again. My hard cock twitched, spewing precum into my underwear.

Eyes watering, I pulled back along his shaft, slowly letting his cock slip out of my mouth and slap hard against his belly. He gasped.

I sat back a little, hands on his thighs looking at him. He lay perfectly still, eyes fixed on me with a mix of apprehension and desire. He wanted this so badly, but didn't dare show me how much.

I leaned forward again, running the very tip of my tongue up along his balls, along his thick shaft to the head. He shifted on the bed, resisting the urge to grab my head and fuck my mouth there and then.

I teased him, fascinated by the way his balls twitched in their sack with each touch, and another glob of precum escaped him onto his belly.

He was transfixed now, lost in lust. He was mine. The sense of power was exhilarating.

I gripped his cock in a firm grasp once again and gave him a few strokes. Milking the fluid from him, I took him back into my mouth, draining the clear, viscous nectar from his very core.

His moans were more regular now as I got into a rhythm, stroking and sucking him, tickling the head of his cock with my tongue on each stroke.

With my spare hand, I reached down to release my own cock from the confines of my pants. It was slick with precum, and hard as steel. I stroked us both to the same rhythm.

Very soon, I could feel Neel drawing to a climax. I took him out of my mouth, stroking him hard and fast with one hand. I rested my head on his upper thigh, my tongue reaching out and toying with his sack as I jerked him ferociously.

His moans got louder and his breath came in pants as his muscles tensed with the inevitable release. His whole body was a contracted muscle, veins standing out on his neck and forehead.

Then finally, with a cry of pleasure, he released. Cum shot straight up into the air as I jerked his foreskin up and down. It splashed onto his belly just as the next shot followed. His balls drew up to his pelvis as he came, emptying their huge load across his abdomen.

As the waves slowed down, I took him back in my mouth, tasting the remnants of his cum, swallowing his seed and filling my mouth with his taste.

My own orgasm welled up inside me almost immediately.

I stroked my cock furiously as I straightened up, pushing my knees up under his legs as I knelt. He watched me with fascinated attention as I stroked myself towards orgasm, just below his own pelvis.

I gripped his thigh, my balls almost touching his.

The hot light of my orgasm lit inside my pelvis and flared into a flame, raging through my body in a sudden wave. Like a dam opening, my pleasure shot forth from my cock, stream after stream of cum spewing out over his softening cock and balls.

It seemed to last forever as I came all over him, my seed running across his pelvis and down the sides of his abdomen, soiling his sheets.

The pleasure finally abating, my breathing slowed. Neel lay perfectly still, not moving as he eyed me like a trapped animal.

Smiling down at him, I slapped him on the thigh.

"That was fun." I said lightly. "Gunna go and grab a beer if you want one."

Stuttering a little, Neel finally found his tongue.

"I...I might go grab a shower first, I guess." He said, looking down at his cum-coated body. "I'll be out there soon."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

turnabout is fair play

Windman1Windman14 months ago

Another great installment.

ilike2watchu5oneilike2watchu5one5 months ago

Another amazing installment! So glad you continued.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer6 months ago

This just got a whole lot hotter. I loved the way that Dean took control of what happened, then turned this around to seemingly get the upper hand over Neel. Right now, you can imagine Neel standing in the shower shaking his head and saying to himself, WTF just happened while Dean is sitting in the living room sipping his beer with a big grin on his face. Very well done!

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