The Palace Ch. 04


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Bold. Very bold. The more I learned about her, the more certain I grew that I needed her. "That is fair. But if you choose to go, my responsibilities toward you are absolved. You would be on your own."

"I understand."

I had convinced her. Now I had to convince the authorities at the Palace! "Come earn your pleasure, my Catalyn."

She immediately pushed herself up to her knees and bent over me, her hand going to my cock with the confidence I knew she possessed. She didn't hesitate to seal her lips around my shaft, sliding up and down like she'd been born to this role.

I had not taken my pills tonight—I'd been too busy arguing with the clerk—so I had to rely on my own stamina to carry me through the evening. Which meant I could not have my usual initial climax in her mouth, though I very much wished to see if she had improved in that area.

"Very good, sweet girl. You've learned a lot in the past few nights."

She didn't stop to acknowledge my praise, and in fact seemed to redouble her efforts, adding her hand to the motion of her mouth, cupping my delicate sack, driving deeper into the back of her mouth. I grew hard and ready in minutes and would have happily allowed her to continue this activity all night, if I had any delusions I could last that long.

I reached over to pinch her nipple, hard enough to hurt, just to see how she would react. She squealed around my cock, arched her back, and shifted her body to give me better access. What a change from even earlier this evening, to court my attentions so. Perhaps in deciding to submit to me, she had let go of the need to resist.

But I needed the fear, too. Where was the balance between joyful submission and fearful resentment?

I half sat up, my hand darting out to snag her braid, and yanked her head back. Her eyes widened, and fear flashed across her face as she tried to figure out what she'd done wrong.

Nothing, of course. She'd done very, very well, and I would tell her so.

But I needed the fear.

I tugged on her braid until her chin pointed toward the ceiling, mouth gaping, throat stretched. She neither resisted nor attempted to reduce the strain.

I let go, and she collapsed in relief, awaiting my next order.

"Well done, sweet girl." I sat up and pulled her close, cradled her head in my hand, and kissed her. This time she responded, unable to match my passion but willing to explore, lips parted, arms rising hesitantly to my shoulders, allowing me to set the rhythm and following my lead. As the kiss reached its peak, I broke away and shoved her with the hand on the back of her head, forcing her face-down into the mattress. She yelped in surprise and put her hands out to catch herself. She struggled, then relaxed, turning her head to the side so she could breathe.

I peered at her face. Her eyes were wide, and she stared at me, confusion and perhaps a hint of distrust in the set of her mouth. I'd caught her off guard, intentionally. I didn't explain, merely positioned myself behind her, with one hand on the back of her neck holding her down, and sank my cock deep into her. She groaned, tried to push up on her hands, and drew her knees in to settle herself in a more stable pose.

"Good girl," I murmured, and fucked her hard with my hands on her hips. She gripped the bedding and braced herself, though she rocked forward with every thrust, and a distinct moan rose up from her chest. Her passage, still tight, was warm and slick with her own juices, her arousal plain, though fear remained.

I had an inkling now of how to foster fear without resentment. I had to keep her guessing, allow her to become complacent only to surprise her again, vacillate from tender to rough, loving to harsh. She would learn quickly that it was all a game, but she would play along. I would have to stay one step ahead of her, and that challenge alone excited me.

I slowed to long, even strokes, building her anticipation along with my own. I caressed her back, a light touch that made her shiver, then reached under her to pinch her nipples. She pressed back into me, lifting her hips and adjusting the angle for more stimulation. In response, I twisted her nipples, eliciting another yelp, let go to spank her hard, once on each buttock, and withdrew. She flinched, jerked, and moaned.

I waited a moment to ensure she would maintain her position. She was still and silent, though there was an air of anticipation in her stance. If she were a cat, her ears would be folded back, her tail twitching.

When I did nothing, she raised her head, tried to look back at me over her shoulder.

"Lie on your back," I ordered. I couldn't remember a time when I'd had such a strong desire to gaze into my lover's eyes, but here it was.

She rolled over, and I pushed her thighs back, my eyes locked on hers. I kissed her lips, and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and hooked her ankles around my waist as I plunged into her again. She held her body against mine, lifting her hips to meet my every thrust. There was determination in her expression now, and desire, and uncertainty.

"You please me so, sweet girl," I said.

Her uncertainty faded. I thrust faster, my moans mingled with hers, our arms and legs intertwined, and my climax built, expanded, and then swept over me, leaving me lightheaded.

I collapsed atop her, breathing hard, my heart pounding against her chest. I recovered quickly and pushed up on my hands. Her eyes were closed, but she looked up at me when my weight on her lessened. "Did you climax, sweet girl?" I asked.

"Yes, Master." She sounded far away, but she met my eyes and smiled.

"I will not leave the Palace without you." Perhaps if I could say that with enough certainty, I could will it to be true. I began to dress, intent on finding a clerk immediately. I would pay anything they asked, but I would have her. "I will see you again very soon, my sweet Catalyn."

I left her lying there and flung the door open. Her handler was just outside, seeming flustered.

"Governor," he greeted me, ducked past me into the room, and froze.

I followed his gaze to Catalyn, still lying on her back on the bed.

I had neglected to replace her blindfold.

"What have you done?" he asked, and I was unsure whether he was speaking to me or to her. He stomped toward her, and I leapt to her defense.

"I removed it," I said. "I wished to see her eyes."

He halted halfway to the bed. "Her eyes?" he echoed, as though he'd never heard the word.

"I will be purchasing her tonight, and she will accompany me home," I continued. "There is no need to restrain her. Indeed, if you would be so kind as to secure her a garment, I would be most grateful." I imbued my statement with all the confidence I could muster, though I had no right to give this man orders, nor did I have confirmation that I would, in fact, be taking her home with me.

He dared not contradict me, but Catalyn was his responsibility above all. He considered his response very carefully. "I have not been informed that she will be leaving."

"An oversight, I am certain. Please, take her to her room and prepare her for departure. I shall await her at reception." Before he could respond, I spun on my heel and marched to reception myself, ready to argue my way to the top if I had to.

I located the clerk I'd spoken with earlier and planted myself in front of his desk.

"Governor?" he asked mildly.

"Do you have a number for me?" I was in no mood for pleasantries.

"I'm afraid it isn't possible. May I suggest you return in approximately one year?"

"No. You may not suggest that. You may suggest how much the Palace would ask of me so that I can take her home with me tonight."

"I'm very sorry, Governor, but my hands are tied."

"Are they?" I leaned forward and spoke very quietly. "And is there something you can suggest that might untie your hands? A finder's fee, perhaps?"

A smile ghosted across the clerk's face, and he mimicked my pose, tapping the end of his pen against his chin. "A finder's fee," he agreed. "Ten percent? And, I want to use her."

I was taking her away from this place precisely to prevent anyone else from touching her. I knew the clerks were forbidden to use the slave girls, but I suspected most found ways around that rule, probably with the assistance of the handlers, for a favor—or a fee.

But if it meant she would be mine, could I bring myself to allow it? I had promised her I would never require her to serve another. Would she resent me for it?

In reality, she had no choice. If I did not allow it now, she could not leave with me, unless I did something drastic, and if she stayed here, she would no doubt find herself in his clutches in the near future. If this clerk was unscrupulous enough to take a bribe, he was certainly unscrupulous enough for other transgressions.

"Agreed," I said.

The clerk smiled and handed me a sheet of paper from the bottom of the stack in front of him. A column of figures outlined her current value, expected earnings in the short and long terms, and associated costs of acquisition, training, housing, and care. A number at the bottom was circled.

My breath caught. This was far more than I had anticipated. Far more. "Surely this is an error," I said, pointing to the "expected earnings" line. I knew how much I had paid for a few nights with her. Multiplying that out over three years did not even come close to the number they demanded.

"Her value increases over time, peaking toward the middle of her second year, then begins to decline as she becomes overused," the clerk explained. "But her expected earnings near the end of her tenure here is still higher than what you were charged for tonight. Not to mention her expected sale price at the end of three years. Indeed, Governor, this offer is generous." He left eye twitched, and he chewed on the end of his pen.

He was lying, inflating the numbers so his own "finder's fee" would be increased as well. I shook my head. "It is not possible." I turned the paper over and snatched his pen, did some figuring of my own, and presented him with my offer, less than two-thirds of theirs. Still high, but closer to what I had planned.

The clerk studied my numbers. "We must also cover the costs of acquiring another virgin to replace her on short notice," he said.

"That is not my problem."

He cocked his head to the side, ready with yet another argument. "Governor, you have been a regular patron of the Palace. Does your desire to purchase this girl indicate that you will no longer have need of our services?"

"Regardless, I doubt I shall be returning." Not after the disrespect I'd been shown tonight.

"Then we are losing your generous patronage."

"Again, that is not my problem." I had a few more arguments of my own. "However, if I leave here tonight without that girl, I fear I can no longer allow Palace recruiters to interview candidates in the Central District."

He frowned. "Nearly a third of our girls are acquired there."

"I'm well aware."

The clerk's gaze darted around the room, then settled on the page before him. "Your offer is acceptable," he said with a resigned sigh. "Plus my ten percent finder's fee and the use of your girl before you leave."

"But of course. Please have her brought to my carriage after you have finished. And be sure she is dressed."

"Of course, Governor." The clerk hurried away, and I savored my victory for a moment before striding out to await my Catalyn.


I waited over an hour, tapping my fingers against my thigh while my driver pretended not to be aware of my impatience or the delay. Three times, I almost returned to reception, sure that the clerk was still sitting at his desk, probably laughing at me. As the urge to go back inside struck for the fourth time, I peered out the window of my carriage toward the door of the Palace to see the clerk and her handler escorting my lovely girl, now wearing a simple brown dress.

As they neared, I saw that she was limping and had recently been crying. I got out to meet them, and she shot me a glare so full of venom that for a moment I thought they had brought me the wrong girl. But, no, those blue eyes were unmistakable.

"Thank you," I said to the two men. "I will have my payment sent without delay." The clerk shrugged, and the handler frowned, and they dropped her arms and turned their backs. Catalyn stood staring at me. "Come, my sweet girl," I said, extending a hand to her.

She flinched and glanced at the retreating men as they disappeared into the Palace, and I truly thought she was about to dash back inside after them.

"Come, Catalyn," I repeated, reaching for her elbow. She allowed me to lead her to my carriage but would not accept my assistance in climbing up into it. She chose a seat and huddled in the corner farthest from the door, and when I tried to sit beside her, she curled up into a tighter ball and would not look at me.

I told the driver to take us to my manor and then sat opposite Catalyn. The carriage rolled forward out of the Palace yard and out to the main road.

"The journey is not long," I assured her.

"Yes, Master."

"Are you afraid?"

"No, Master."

"Are you in pain?" She should be happy to be free of that place, to join me and live in comfort. So why did she seem to be upset, or even angry?

"Yes, Master," she spat.


Some of her spirit reignited, and she unfolded herself and met my eyes. "You promised I would never serve another!"

"And you will not."

"That man said you told him to make use of me before I left. He beat me and took me in the—he used my anus, Master, with no care for my pleasure or my comfort. He laughed and told me you would be pleased to have me disciplined before taking on the responsibility of my training. Is that true, Master? Was this all a lie?"

If the clerk had been within reach, I would have throttled him. "No, my sweet girl. It was not. He should not have hurt you. If I had known he planned to, I would not have—"

"Then you did allow it."

"Watch your tongue, girl. I am still your master."

"Yes, Master." Not the least bit contrite, she delivered that phrase as a challenge.

"His price for allowing the sale was to use you. If I had not agreed, you would not be here with me now. Be grateful you will not spend another night in that place."

"You promised I would never serve another," she said again, very quietly.

"Never," I said. "But for this once. I had no control before you were out of their clutches, but now you are mine and mine only. I swear it." I had underestimated her reaction, and while I owed her no explanations, I could not bear it if she hated me.

"And if I am again part of the price someone else demands of you?"

"It will not happen."

"You can't guarantee that, Master, as I have already seen. I have no choice, but do me the courtesy of being honest with me. I am not stupid."

"You are not stupid," I agreed, bristling, "but you are impertinent. Is it your wish to be punished the minute we arrive at my manor?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I wished to call them back. I knew that was one of the worst things I could have said.

"No, Master." She sighed. "Perhaps I am stupid. Stupid to think coming with you would be better than life at the Palace." She drew her knees in and stared out the window, shutting me out.

I had envisioned a comfortable ride with her head in my lap, stroking her hair and exchanging sweet words. Had I squandered the chance to make her love me, to gain her trust and her affection?

I would allow her time to adjust, I decided. I would not pester her during the ride, and I would not bother her tonight, though I ached to have her in my arms.

I closed my eyes and listened to the rumble of the carriage wheels, rested my head against the window and breathed the night air. As we neared the capital, the agony of extended silence became too much to ignore. "I'm sorry, sweet girl," I said under my breath. "I should not have let him near you."

She tore her gaze away from the window and stared at me through several breaths. It was too dark to make out her expression, but her shoulders and arms relaxed. "I have never been to the capital, Master. It's lovely," she said.

Had she not heard me? "Yes. My manor sits atop one of the highest hills at the outskirts, and from my balcony you can see the whole city."

"Will we be there soon?"

Though she had not acknowledged my apology, I sensed she had accepted it. I moved to the seat beside her and leaned across her to point out the window. "Do you see the white walls up there?"

"Yes, Master."

"That is home."

The carriage ascended the winding path to the gates, and my footman registered only mild surprise that I had company when he opened the carriage door. I hopped down and helped Catalyn out myself. I offered no explanation to the bewildered servants.

"Have a bath drawn for my guest, and ensure she is well fed and provided with the finest garments," I ordered the air. Men and women scurried away at my words, and I took Catalyn by the elbow and led her inside.

She stopped in the entryway and gazed around in wonder. "My home was a one-room wooden cabin," she said. "And the whole of it could have fit in here."

I smiled and tried to see the space through her eyes. High ceilings and marbled floors screamed opulence. Our footsteps echoed as we walked farther in, and she had cause for another gasp of amazement upon entering the main hall, with its gilded chandeliers and ornate furnishings. A few servants strode past on errands, and when a maid approached, I beckoned to her.

"Juliet, this is Catalyn," I informed her. "See that she is well cared for tonight. Give her the guest quarters in the west wing nearest mine, and find her a silk nightgown and robe to sleep in." I had promised her silks, and I would deliver.

Juliet took in Catalyn's plain woolen dress, her lack of shoes, her obvious lack of sophistication. "The west wing, Governor?" Juliet asked after a shocked moment.

Catalyn backed away from Juliet and bumped into me. "Master?" she whispered. "Couldn't I come to your room?"

Whether it was because she was intimidated by Juliet or that she had a genuine desire to be near me, her request caused a giddy warmth to rise in my chest. "If you prefer," I said, attempting to maintain an even tone. "Never mind, Juliet. Have her garments brought to my chambers. I've ordered her a bath and a meal. She will take those in my chambers as well."

Juliet's lips narrowed into a thin line of disapproval, but she nodded. "Yes, Governor. Right away." She stalked away, and I relaxed.

"Come, sweet girl," I said, and headed up to my private quarters with Catalyn on my arm.

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TangledUpInYou2TangledUpInYou2over 1 year ago

The previous commenter who opened with, "oh, fuck you," made me laugh but also I get where they're coming from. Though I've read a huge number of them, I don't generally comment on any of these stories. However, this chapter of this story actually brought tears to my eyes, and I genuinely forgot that I was reading a jerk piece on a smut site! Your writing is smooth and polished beyond what one would expect to find here and you make it really easy to get lost in the story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oi! I'm with previous commenter - thanks for not writing another "The Will of the Gods" shit story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story has genuinely surprised me! I really appreciate that you wrote Catalyn's character to be strong willed and intelligent. She's perceptive to question her master's intentions, and whilst she's not worldly, she's shrewd enough to not blindly trust and has the foresight to carefully consider her long term options, along with the boldness to negotiate control over her destiny (sorry about the run-on sentence). Thank you for not making this into just another magic cock master/slave story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It’s nice that he seems to care for in his own way, that said it’s hard to get past this....

“ But I needed the fear.”

Spoken like a true psychopath. I wonder though is any form of redemption possible in her place I’d want him to use his position to tell the truth about what happens to girls who sign up for the “3 years of servitude”. Permanent sterility? It’s monstrous to remove that choice.

I don’t care how much more you add onto this story I don’t think I can stomach any more. If this your concept of erotic I’d hate to read what you write when you’re pissed off. It’s best all round if I just put you on my list of writers to avoid. I wish you the best of luck with your writing, it’s just not for me.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Please, tell me you have one more chapter for this story. An epilogue, at least...

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