The Palmist Ch. 07


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"Bitch boys are *not*... [WHACK!!]... *allowed*... [WHACK!!]... to *cum*... [WHACK!!]" said Derek. "Cumming is only for sir and ma'am." WHACK!!

Shortly after he said that, Megan (or "Ma'am") availed herself of her right and privilege, and fingered herself furiously as she entered the throes of orgasm.

When Derek stopped, my ass burned, and I moaned in pain. He told me to get up and get dressed, and I scrambled to do so, saying "yes sir", then searching for my clothes through teary eyes. Once I was dressed, he had me kneel, and then called Megan over to kneel beside me. He unzipped his fly, took his dick out, and then guided Megan's head to it. "Watch her suck my dick, bitch boy."

"Yes sir."

"Megan, you watch him. Savor bitch boy's jealousy, how he wishes he could get his dick sucked."

When Derek was ready to cum, he suddenly pulled out of Megan's mouth, grabbed my hair with one hand, and shot his load right into my face. Megan took in a quick breath, then covered her mouth with both hands and she watched, wide-eyed. His act had shocked us both, and when a spurt of cum landed near my eye, I shut both eyes, and my mouth, tightly, and waited for him to finish. He slapped his dick on top of my head and wiped the last drops in my hair. Then he said, "Stand up, bitch boy."

"Yes sir."

"Open your eyes."

"Yes sir."

"Now... you're gonna leave that cum on your face, to remind you it's *my* cum that gets to come out, not yours."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, let's go back. Walk behind us, bitch boy."

"Yes sir."

As we walked down the path, I could see the glow of Megan's phone as she inspected it. "Ashley called," she said. "Let me call her real quick."

"Oh," said Derek, "why don't you invite her to come with us tomorrow."


Tomorrow was Saturday, and we were all to drive up to Rippenburg, to go boating with Derek's relatives there. As we loaded into the car, and I prepared to drive us away, I could barely hear Ashley's voice as Megan invited her to join us tomorrow. Megan said, "Me, Derek, and David. Derek has relatives who live up there," then to Derek, "what is it, cousins, or...?" He said, "Cousins, yeah, and grandparents, aunts and uncles. But tomorrow we'll just be with my cousins."

Then I heard Ashley say, "Will there be any hot guys there?"

How fitting, I thought, that the one time I could clearly discern what Ashley was saying was when she asked that. Hot guys. Not David. Not losers. Hot guys.

Megan's response drove the knife in deeper, when she asked Derek, "Are any of your cousins cute? Any Ashley might like?"

Megan asked if Ashley could take her home later if she came there tonight. I guess the answer was yes, as Megan indicated she wanted to be driven to Ashley's house. When I pulled in the driveway, Megan kissed Derek and then said, "Hey. Can you wait a minute before you go? Let me go inside for a sec, I'll be back out in a minute."

Megan opened the front screen door and then grabbed the inner door's handle to enter. Finding it locked, she knocked, and in a moment Ashley appeared in the doorway, wearing only shorts and a spaghetti-strap top. Megan charged inside and shut the door, like she was in a hurry. We waited a couple minutes, and then both girls emerged, Ashley padding barefoot across the front lawn behind Megan. I thought, Oh god. What is she doing? Are they *both* coming over here?

Then I heard Derek from the back seat. "Oh my god, dude. I think Ashley's about to see your cum-covered face."

I groaned.

Sure enough, Megan made a bee line for my side window. She rapped on it with her knuckles, and Derek said, "Roll it down, bitch boy."

"Yes, sir," I answered, sadly, and as I rolled it down, I saw Megan drop out of view, Ashley taking her place. She bent forward and looked in at me, and then exploded in laughter. She snorted, and kept shifting her head this way and that, looking intently, but not really making eye contact with me. Just examining my face and the top of my head. "Oh my gahhhhhhd!" she said. "That's hiLARious!!"

"I told you," Megan said.

"Yep. You did. Oh my gahhhd. Derek, she said you spanked his bare ass with a stick. Is that true?"

"Yes. Bitch boy here came in his pants, and he's not allowed to cum at all, so that was very very bad." At that Ashley burst into laughter again, falling away from the car to hop up and down in the grass a little, move her hand to her belly, and throw her head back, laughing. Then she threw herself up against the car door, poked her head in just beside me, and asked Derek (not me), "Oh my god, can I see? I mean can I see his butt? Is it all red?"

"It might be. Bitch boy, lean over and pull your pants and underwear down, and show Ashley your butt."

"Yes, sir."

Ashley repeated, "'Yes, sir'? Hahahaha. Oh my gahhhd. You're Derek's little bitch. Hahaha!! Oh fuck, that's hilarious." Then when my butt became visible, she said, "Oh wowwwww. Oh my gosh it IS red. Look at THAT, oh my god. There's stripes all over it." She ran a finger along one of them, quickly, and I winced. "Ooh, does that hurt? Hahaha. I bet it does." She touched it some more, just lightly, I think with a fingernail, causing me to flinch and wriggle my butt a bit, in response. "Oh my gaaahd. So, what, he's... he's not supposed to cum, ever?"

"Nope. Not allowed for bitch boy."

"Hahaha!! Wowwww. That's great, oh my god. Did you learn your lesson, bitch boy?"

"I... I hope so, ma'am."

"Oh my god. Well, I kinda hope not. I wanna be there next time. Oh my god, I wish I'd been with you guys tonight. I would LOVE to have seen that. So tomorrow, he's gonna be with us, and... what, he's like our slave? He'll just do whatever we say?"

"Yep," said Derek.

"Wow. Swwwweet! Haha. Look at him. He's still bent over with his butt showing."

"You can pull up your pants now, bitch boy," Derek said.

"Thank you, sir."

Megan said, "See what I mean? Okay, g'night you guys. We'll see you tomorrow."

As I backed out of the driveway, Derek said, "Well, how 'bout that, bitch boy. Looks like maybe Ashley kinda likes you after all." I thought, Well, that depends on one's definition of "like", and what she might like *about* me. One thing was for certain, though: It was the first time I'd ever seen her smile or laugh.

Back at the house, Derek went inside first to make sure my parents were not in the living room and we could make it to the stairs without them seeing my cummy face. Upstairs, he had me naked and kneeling in the middle of my bedroom, sucking his dick. I was amazed that he apparently intended to cum for the third time that night, but he said seeing his cum all over my face and hair was turning him on. He added to it when he reached orgasm, pulling out of my mouth and giving me a second coating. Then he told me to lie down; it was bedtime, and he wanted me to sleep with his cum on my face all night.

The next day, Saturday, we drove in my car to pick up Megan, then proceeded to Ashley's. Ashley came around the front of my car, but then surprised me by passing up the front passenger door and opening the back instead. "Scoot over, I'm gonna sit back here with you guys." So the three of them sat together in back, with Megan in the middle. Ashley never said a word to me as the three of them began chatting. I drove north toward Rippenburg.

Along the way, I pulled into a gas station, whereupon Derek said, "We need gas, bitch boy?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, good, you can go in there and get us some drinks, too. What do you guys want?" They told him, then Derek repeated the completed order of three drinks - "Nothin' for you, bitch boy", which made Ashley laugh. There was hot food available at this gas station, too, so Ashley said, "Get me some fries, too, bitch boy, I haven't eaten anything yet."

"Yes, ma'am."

Derek said, "Go in and get those first before you pump the gas."

"Yes, sir."

After we pulled back out on the road, and the three of them enjoyed their drinks in back, Ashley, noticing that no one had contributed to the expenses, said, "So bitch boy pays for everything, too?"

"Yep," said Derek.

"Haha, sweet." A few minutes later, she said, "Bitch boy, you want one of the fries you paid for?"

"Yes, ma'am, thank you."

"Haha. Too bad. They're gone." Then she tossed the empty bag to the front, where it landed on the floorboard. "You can throw that away for me later."

"Yes, ma'am."

Megan said, "Awww. Haha. Poor bitch boy."

Our next stop was at a double-wide trailer alongside one of the channels feeding into Rippen Lake. It was a humble-looking place, but there were flower pots around, and a pretty nice wooden deck built onto the back. We all went inside, and were received by Derek's cousin, and his wife, who lived there, and two other male cousins, who had come over from their houses in Rippenburg to join us for the day's outing. (The three men were all brothers.) Derek introduced everyone, saving me for last, when he said, "And this is bitch boy."

Other than Ashley's laughter, silence followed, and Derek continued, "He's our bitch boy. He does what we say, so you don't really need to worry about him, unless you need somethin'. He'll do it. Isn't that right, bitch boy?"

"Yes, sir."

At that point the three brothers all went, "Ohhhhh!" and they laughed. The woman, whose name was Kelly, said, "Bitch boy... ohhh-kay. This is a new one."

Since no one knew my name except the three who were no longer using it, no one talked to me much, or even acknowledged my presence. Being labeled "bitch boy" tends to make people treat you like part of the background, which is exactly what happened for the rest of the day, whenever Derek or Ashley weren't ordering me about. It was mostly Derek, because Ashley still kind of kept her distance.

However, as we all prepared to go out on the boat, everyone went into various rooms to put on their swimsuits (except me, because Derek had told me I wasn't going to get to swim). As I waited, standing in a hallway where Derek had ordered, Ashley emerged from a room, wearing a bikini. She came close to me and said, "Don't you be staring at me today, bitch boy. If I see you ONCE tryin' to check me out, I'll make Derek give you a beating, 'cause I would LOVE to see that. Don't think you'll enjoy it, either, because I'd make sure he makes your ass a LOT redder than it was last night. So you better fuckin' behave yourself."

"Yes, ma'am", I answered, and felt my dick twitch as she continued down the hallway, and I struggled not to watch.

On the back deck, Derek told everyone, "Just put all your stuff here, and bitch boy will carry it all out to the boat." So they did, and they all walked toward the pier, everyone in swimsuits except for me, who was fully clothed.

On the boat, there were seats enough for all eight of us, but Derek had me on hands and knees, just staring at a cooler, and said I wasn't allowed to enjoy looking at the lake like the rest of them. After his cousin drove the boat around the lake, giving everyone (but me) a tour, he stopped at a swimming spot and anchored. They all sunbathed, or swam, at their leisure, and I remained on hands and knees until someone said, "Hey bitch boy, reach in the cooler and get me a ___ [whatever they requested]. Bring it here." So apart from saying "yes ma'am" and "yes sir", I didn't speak.

Afterward, back at the trailer, we had a cookout, with burgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and slaw. Derek didn't allow me to eat until everyone else had, and he set aside one plate to put leftovers on. "Anything you have left," Derek told everyone, "you can just dump on this plate here, so bitch boy can eat when we're done." When it was time, Derek picked up the plate, and started to set it down in a corner of the deck, but Ashley said, "Hold on a sec. I wanna add something to it." She walked over and took the plate from Derek, held it in front of her with both hands, and spit in it a couple times, then laughed.

Megan sympathetically said, "Ohhhh, Ashley. Come onnnn."

"Come on, what?" she said. "Look at all that food. That's more than any of us ate." Then she spit twice more, put the plate down, and said, "Get down here, bitch boy. Wait, don't eat yet. That's a big pile of food there, lemme just mash that down for you." Then she took off one of her flip-flops, pressed it into the food, flattening the pile and mashing everything together. Spitting twice more, she put the flip-flop up to my face and said, "Now my shoe's all dirty, clean that shit up. Lick that off there."

I heard numerous voices laughing behind me, and only Megan was saying, "Awww." Kelly wasn't laughing, but she wasn't objecting, either. I heard her say, "This is some weeeeird shit."

"Now, eat!" Ashley said, taking a moment to whack my behind once with the flip-flop before putting it back on and walking away. Megan said, "Aww, come on, take it eeeasy on him. He's been a good little bitch boy." She walked over to me and patted me on the back as I ate, and said, "Poor bitch boy. You're a good boy."

Derek said, "Is there a bowl we can give him for water?" to which Ashley added, "Yeah, you guys have a dog bowl? Hahaha!" I heard Derek's cousin, Kelly's husband, get up from his chair, saying, "Yeah I think we do, actually."

His wife said, "Aw come on! Hey, don't get him a- Get back- ohhh, Jesus. I apologize, bitch boy. Just so you know, *I* do not approve. I apologize for my husband."

"Oh, you don't need to apologize," said Derek. "Believe me, bitch boy has endured much worse than this, isn't that right, bitch boy?"

"Yes, sir."

When Kelly's husband returned with the dog bowl of water, Ashley made sure to intercept it so she could bring it over to me. She set it down and said, "Hold on, bitch boy, I need to clean my flip-flop that you got food all over." At that point Megan charged over and said, "Ashleyyyy! Stop it", but Derek pulled her back, and I could hear him whispering to her as he pulled her away. Some distance behind me, I heard them having a discussion; I couldn't make out any details, but Derek seemed to be trying to convince her of something, as she protested somewhat.

After rinsing her shoe in my water, she spit in it a few times, then said, "Have a drink." She grabbed me by the hair to push my face into the dirty water so I could lap it.

My erection raged in my jeans, and I half-hoped I would accidentally cum in my pants.

When we got back to Bellewood, we dropped Ashley off at her house, and when I saw her go in the front door, I felt my heart drop a little. On the way to Megan's house, Derek said, "I think Ashley really likes you, bitch boy."

Megan responded first: "What!?? Likes *him*?? Um... I think she actually liked Tyler."

"Well, yeah, him too, but I mean in a different way."

"Liked being *terrible* to him! Gahhhd. I'm sorry again, Dav- bitch boy."

"She *wasn't* terrible; he liked it. And so did she. You like how she treats you, don't you, bitch boy."

"Yes, sir," I answered, to which Megan said, "Really? Are you just saying that, bitch boy, because you think you're supposed to?"

"No, ma'am."

"You *really* like that??"

"Yes, ma'am, I do."

"So... OK... again, tell me *honestly*... Next time you see Ashley, are you going to be excited, and glad to see her? Or are you gonna be like... scared, or... like, dreading what she's gonna do to you?"

"I'll be excited, ma'am."

"See?" said Derek.

Then I added, "I might be a *little* scared."

Derek laughed, then said, "I'm finding something out about bitch boy here. He really likes being mistreated. It turns him on. Doesn't it, bitch boy?"

"Um... Yes, sir."

"What's the 'um' for?"

"Well.. um... It depends on who's doing it... and what they're doing. But..."

"Ohhh. So not just any kind of mistreatment from anyone."

"Right. Sir."

"But you did like everything Ashley did."

"Yes, sir."

"See?" said Derek to Megan.

"OK," she said. "I'm learning a lot about all this stuff. I just... I just don't want her to go too far, you know? Like.. should I talk to her and tell her to tone it down a little?"

"Well... let's see what bitch boy thinks. We want your honest opinion again. Do you want Ashley to- well, if you had a choice, though you don't, would you want Ashley to tone it down a bit?"

I thought for a moment, then said, "No, sir." Later that night, as I lay on the floor of my bedroom staring at the ceiling, I reflected on why I answered the way I did. Ashley did intimidate me quite strongly, and she seemed to have a very capricious cruel streak that would make it impossible to anticipate what she might do. But if I had said Yes, that I wanted her to "tone it down", then what would have presumably happened? Megan would have talked with Ashley; probably Ashley would not have been receptive to having to stifle her impulses, and possibly she'd have simply opted out of any further outings with us that would involve me.

And that would mean... I might not see her again. But I wanted to see her again. Which meant I had to accept her as she was.

And being willing to accept her as she was... might mean... that I loved her.

Incidentally, all these reflections came after Derek left my house that night to take Megan home in his car. Before that, the three of us had come back to my house, slipped upstairs quietly, to my bedroom, where I prepared Megan's pussy by licking it, as she sucked Derek's dick. Then he fucked her on my bed; she tried very hard not to make much noise, and afterward I licked Derek's cum out of her pussy.

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