The Pandora Effect Ch. 03


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Kevin looked over at Carl. When the large black male shrugged his shoulders, Kevin pulled his Sig Sauer P226 out and slowly approached the door. Carl on the other hand, dropped down to one knee and produced an equally deadly .45 caliber Colt and pointed it at the center of the door.

Kevin stepped to one side just in case rounds started flying through the wood door. "Can I help you?" he asked as he pulled the hammer of the weapon back.

"Kevin, is that you honey? It's me, Laura."

Kevin couldn't take any chances even though it sounded like her. "What happened last night after we left the Officer's club?"

"What the hell are you talking about? We weren't at the O-club and you perfectly well know what happened afterwards," she said in a stern voice.

"Answer the question or this door is about to become Swiss cheese."

"Why are you so upset baby? We were at Jackie's and when we got home we had – you know – s-e-x."

Kevin quickly opened the door and pointed his weapon in Laura's face. The second he realized it was her and she was alone, he pulled her in quickly and slammed the door shut. Laura was startled by the quick actions of her soul mate. She jumped back against the closed door when she saw Carl lowering his weapon.

"Jesus Christ Laura what the hell are you doing here? You almost got yourself killed," Kevin said with distinct anger in his voice.

"Don't be mad Kevin, Kristine called and said it would be okay to come up." Laura looked back and forth between the two SEALs as they stuffed their weapons back under their shirts.

When Kevin walked back towards the center of the room, Laura followed meekly behind him. When she looked at Carl, he gave her a large smile to try to calm her down. He knew she was still frightened about almost being shot.

"Nice to see you again Laura. We got some cold beer in the ice box," Carl said happily.

"Um – yeah – thanks Carl."

When he handed her a beer, she took a long drink to settle her nerves. She pulled the can away and took a deep breath, then looked at Kevin with pleading eyes. Kevin saw that look before, the same one every time she becomes scared of losing him.

"So how's my little muffin today?" he asked as he let a smile cross his face.

Laura darted towards her love with lighting speed. As her body slammed into his, they toppled back onto the soft bed. With his superior strength, Kevin easily sat back up and grabbed the can of beer before she spilled it.

"Easy there little lady, I gotta sleep in this tonight. I don't need it soaked in beer so bad to where I have to sleep on the floor."

"I'm sorry Kevin, I just wanted to see you. I didn't mean to..."

"I'm not mad at you Laura, it just took me by surprise I guess. What's really strange is I should have known it was you."

"I could tell it was her Kevin. I'd know that squeaky little voice anywhere," Carl said as he sipped his beer.

"Does anyone know you're here besides Kristine?"

"I didn't tell a soul sweetie, I promise."

"What do you think Carl? Is she telling the truth, or should we interrogate her for information?" Kevin said with a wink.

Carl's face became very serious. "I doubt we can trust her Kevin. With those looks, she was probably sent by her handler to get close to us and then take us out." Laura looked puzzled as she went back and forth between them.

"What are you two talking about? I don't have a handler, Kristine called me and said I should come up."

"You're probably right Carl. I bet she'd talk if we started pulling her fingernails out one by one."

"My fingernails? Kevin I..."

"I think we'd get a lot farther if we just use our knives," Kevin said as he quickly grabbed her arms.

"What – Kevin – what are you doing? It's me, Laura!" The two SEALs started laughing at the struggling woman. Kevin released her as Carl came over and patted her shoulder.

"Oh calm down Laura, we were just having some fun. All work and no play make SEALs grouchy. Are you staying the night?"

"I was hoping to, but if you guys don't think it's a good idea I'll head back to Little Creek," she said in a shy voice.

"I tell you what Kev, I'll call Bob up and head to his room for the night. I'll explain the situation when I get there. Why don't you two catch up on family matters alone, because I'm not staying up all night listening to other people moan when I can't get any," Carl said as he picked up the phone.


Kristine stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her shapely body. With it securely in place, she began to run another towel through her wet hair. Adam walked into the bathroom with two glasses of wine and set one on the sink.

"I called the front desk, they said a woman asked for Kevin's room."

"Thanks for the wine dear. I just thought that with what we're going against, Laura should be with Kevin if it was possible."

"What – we're – up against? Can we just get back to the conversation of when this became – your – team again?"


Laura lay back on the soft mattress. There were two pillows under her head, which propped her up slightly. As she gazed into her lovers eyes, she never knew more peace than she felt at this very moment.

"I – I wish I could tell you how much I love you Kevin."

Kevin ran his fingers across her cheek as he looked at the burn scars on the top of her head. She wore her wig to cover her pain, but Kevin loved her for who she was on the inside. She accepted the fact he was a werewolf, capable of killing a human within seconds. He fell in love with her, because in some ways, they were the same.

He never asked for this gift, as his father Luka always called it. There were times in his life when he wished he were just like every other kid in town. Laura was the same way, always self-conscious about who she was and how she looked. She too wanted to be just another girl who had a life filled with joy.

"I think I know just how much you love me sweetheart. I don't think I could ever live my life without you," Kevin said as he softly kissed her lips.

When she felt his lips upon hers, she placed a hand on the back of his head and returned the kiss. It wasn't a kiss of need or want, it was a kiss of unwavering love. The kind of kiss that happens when two souls join together as one entity, then swirl around like a beacon of hope for humanity. Kevin rose up slightly, breaking the bond between them. The look of unconditional love filled her eyes, as she peered back up at him.

"I know I could die happy in your arms Kevin."

"Oh Laura, you're gonna grow old and leave this world happy, and I can only ask one favor of you."

"I – I would do anything for you my love."

"Promise me when this is all over, you and I will grow old together and watch sunsets forever."

"I swear on my life," she said as she pulled him down and kissed him deeply.

As the two kissed, Kevin moved his hand to her pert breast. While he toyed with her hard nipple, she moaned her approval onto his pressing lips. Kevin moved his hand from her throbbing nub and slowly caressed her supple body as it inched downward. When Laura felt his gentle touch move lower, she opened her legs slightly.

Kevin softly nuzzled her neck as he moved his hand lower across her body. Laura allowed him access to her moist opening and moaned even louder as she pulled him closer. His tongue danced against her skin as he gently slid two fingers inside his lover's body. As she felt her lips stretch apart, she whimpered softly with the need to feel her soul mate inside her.

Laura tried to get her sense of urgency across to Kevin by arching her hips up. Kevin smiled inside but continued to slowly build her climax. He wasn't in the mood for hard sex, but instead, a soft loving union between two people who cared deeply for one another.

"I love you Laura," he said as he nibbled her ear.

"I – I love you so – oh God what are you doing to me?" she replied as she felt his thumb flick her extended clit.

"I think they call if foreplay." Kevin slid down her writhing form and captured one of her nipples between his lips.

"This isn't foreplay, it's some form of sexual torture."

Kevin continued lower, taking his time to place soft kisses as he went. Laura's body quivered as she felt his warm breath against her skin. She moved her hands downward, then ran her fingers through his trimmed hair. Kevin felt the pressure she applied but resisted the temptation to move quicker.

Kevin soon reached her pussy, but he dipped his head lower and ran his moist tongue along the inside of her milky thigh. Laura scooted her body lower, trying to place his mouth where she needed it. When she realized she couldn't because of his probing fingers, she whimpered her displeasure.

"Kevin, if you truly love me then don't make me wait."

Kevin looked up and made eye contact with his soul mate. Her bottom lip was quivering in anticipation and she had a pleading look on her face. As he pulled his finger free of her dripping entrance, he methodically moved up her body. His eyes remained locked with hers, watching them fill with unconditional love.

He was half way up, when he used his superior strength to twist around and place her on top of his chiseled body. During the switch, the two lovers never blinked and continued to gaze upon one another. No words were spoken, no wants revealed, just a realization of the love they shared.

Kevin placed his hands on her slender hips, guiding her down. When she felt his thick cock slid between them, she allowed her saturated lips to glide across it while massaging her sensitive clit. Laura moved back and forth, effectively lubricating the hard shaft and head. Kevin allowed her to work her body as she saw fit. He wanted to give her the opportunity to set the pace.

When she moved her hips up, she went further this time and moved just above the leaking tip. Slowly, she reached around and moved him slightly up. With the tip just starting to separate her lips, she released it and inched down. Kevin moved his hands and intertwined his fingers with hers. While looking into his loving eyes, she moved down and allowed a quarter of the thick pole to penetrate deeper.

Since the very first time they shared each other, Laura was never able to take every inch of him inside her. It wasn't because she didn't want to, it was due to the extreme girth at the base. She never thought he was deformed it was just who he was, a loving werewolf who just wanted to be loved in return. When she leaned up, Kevin knew what she was preparing to do.

"Laura, you don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you sweetheart."

"Oh my darling, I wish I could find the words to tell you how I feel. The amount of love in your eyes could fill every lonely heart in the world. I want to take it all, every thick inch of your cock."

Her deep blue eyes stared into his as she lowered her body. There was a slight twinge of pain as her body accepted him and she had to pause for a moment. Kevin could feel the heat coming off her body as her slick, glove-like pussy engulfed him. He was about to stop her when she bit her lower lip, but she tightened her fingers around his and continued her decent. When she had three quarters of his cock inside her, she knew she would soon pass into uncharted feelings.

"I love you Kevin Dvorska," she whispered as she allowed her body to fall down.

Even though he was enormous, she took him inside her willing body despite the pain she felt. When Laura finally had him fully embedded within her, the undying love she felt in her heart washed away any pain she felt between her shaking legs.

Kevin stared at her with astonishment at the large task his lover had accomplished. In all his life, in all his travels, he had never known such contentment as he did when he was with her. As she started to rock back, he felt the tip of his cock brush up against her cervix. He realized that being that close to the entrance of her womb she could bear his child. The world seemed to fade away as his mate brought them closer to edge, and he secretly hoped that one day soon he could bounce his child on his knee.

"Oh my God, I did it Kevin! I took your cock all the way in!" she moaned aloud.

Laura raised herself up to where the tip was just inside her now stretched pussy. After taking a deep breath, she lowered herself down faster this time. As she felt the head of his cock nudge her cervix, she shuddered with ecstasy. She quickly pulled up and smiled at Kevin, who was staring at her with astonishment.

"You better be careful there gorgeous, we wouldn't want anything to happen to where you have to see a doctor."

"Like if I do this?" Laura jammed her pussy down quickly then pumped her hips back and forth.

Kevin started breathing hard as his lover used his cock as a battering ram. Sweat was starting to drip off her forehead, as she assaulted him, and her breathing was becoming labored as well. She wanted to cum, and cum hard for her lover. Laura fought with all her might not to cum too quickly, but the battle soon became a lost cause.

Within moments, the pressure of her tightness began to take its toll on the two lovers. When Laura looked down, she saw her reflection within Kevin's moist eyes. At first, she wondered if she did something wrong, then understood that the tears forming in his soft brown eyes were of love.

As Kevin watched her push past the pinnacle of her climax, he never broke eye contact with her. Her elfin body vibrated slightly as the hot liquid flowed from deep inside her. The soft glove feeling soon turned into a vise like grip, effectively milking him over the edge. When the first blast coated her cervix, a single tear rolled down the side of his tanned cheek.

Laura's orgasm intensified when she saw the single droplet of moisture slide down. Even if heaven had granted her the power, she couldn't control the same tears that fell from her loving eyes and landed on Kevin's chest. When the world stopped spinning, she moved her body down and nestled herself against him.

"I – I don't know – I don't..."

Kevin stroked her hair softly as he held her close. "You don't have to know anything my love. You just have to believe that if two people were meant to be in love, you and I are those two people."

Laura moved closer to his ear and kissed him softly. "Promise you'll never leave me Kevin. Promise I'll die happy in your arms."

"My job, the things I have to..."

"Please, I just need to hear them. I need you to tell me you'll always be there for me."

Kevin knew it was a SEALs worst nightmare to have to make a promise like that. One screw up, one false step, one missed detail and the promise would never be kept. He wondered how many SEALs had come before him and had been asked to make the same promise, a promise that no Navy SEAL could keep.

"I swear on my trident, I will never leave your side," he told her as he pulled in closer to him.

It had been some time, since Kevin gave her the comforting sleep she so longed for. As she began to drift off to the land of dreams, he transformed into his true and only self. When his human body faded to that of a large brown werewolf, he shifted and placed a large powerful paw across her body.

Laura smiled as she felt his soft fur caress her silky skin. Now with her head slightly raised from the increased mass of his arm, she moved her hand to his protruding muzzle. As she ran it lovingly across him, his long wet tongue reached out to lick her. As the two soul mates drifted off, they each wondered if the other knew just how lucky they were to have found each other.

For those of you that made it through the lab rat scene, thanks for reading. Chapter 4 will be out soon, but I have a feeling I'm gonna upset some of you. Please don't forget to vote and leave me a note to let me know how I did.

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superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago


SwtBBW_WFLSwtBBW_WFLalmost 11 years ago
such love....

The way you write Laura and Kevin and even Kristine and Adam with such love and respect and playfulness. it never gets boring and you cant help but feel the emotions. with tears running down my cheeks, I absolutely adore Kevin and Laura's relationship, so powerful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Trash can! Where's the damn trash can!

Loved it. What a awesomely nasty bunch of things to battle. Kristine was never a pushover and having the backing of this group of guys would help grow balls on any woman. I like Kevin and Laura are sweet and a nice counter balance to the nasties and uber testosterone all over.

DoctimeDoctimeover 11 years ago

Good job. Building up to a kickass ending! I suspect some of the good guys may die?????

MizTMizTover 11 years ago
The Ladies

The team seems in good hands even if they are CIA hands. I have to question why Doc has become GQ? Or am I questioning him because you keep bringing it up? As for the ladies, first lets start w/Kristen. I don't remember her being so commanding before. I like her more and more w/each chapter. I am really surprised that she called Laura though. As for Laura, it's nice to see her coming more and more out of her so called shell. If you mess w/Kevin and Laura I'll be coming to kick your ass. I mean why would you bring Laura back if not to use her for something?????

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago
Oh my

That was a little difficult to get through. But Kevin and Laura are so cute together

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenover 11 years ago

I was mildly disappointed in this chapter.

The love between Kevin and Laura felt a little juvenile. There are better ways to show true love than constantly saying that they love each other and that they look into each others eyes a lot. Good sex doesn't prove anything either.

Also, uh, what was that about her possibly bearing his child just because he was at the entrance to her womb? Do werewolves have relatively immobile sperm or something, so he has to deliver up close in order to get her pregnant?

And I hear bad things from women about bumping against the cervix. Sort of the opposite of causing bliss...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Enjoying the story

Well researched and well written, please keep it up.

Thanks for writing.


M/61/Louisiana, USA

Rustyman65Rustyman65over 11 years ago
A simple WOW! will do.

I followed "They Walk Amoung Us" and this one is even better. I live in Virginia and am glade you seem to have done your research on VA strip clubs. Please keep the chapters comming.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 11 years ago
Just Saw This

Running out the door, but I just saw Chapter 3 is up. I know it's awesome, and will read it before today is over,. I just wanted to thank yoiu for writing this fantastic fantasy and keeping me enthralled. Voting 5 stars becasue I know it will be awesome.

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