The Phillips Family Curse Ch. 01


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It wasn't just me either. Most of the family joked about it. Mine did, Kendra's did. Uncle Karl was a bit of an odd duck, anyway, so we rarely dealt with that side of the family. But they were here now, and we would have to think of ways to avoid being alone with them.

I had just turned to look back at Kendra when Mom appeared behind her.

"C'mon, Jesse. Let's go say hi to your grandma." I nodded and joined her, walking back towards the house. I looked back at Kendra as I walked away.

"We'll have to sneak out into the woods later!" she called out. I laughed and shook my head. I was certainly aware of her twisted sense of humor, but it definitely felt like a bit too much for me. The kind of humor that made me uncomfortable.

"What was that about?" Mom asked.

"Oh, don't worry about it." I replied. We moved on, passing through a throng of people. Part of me was glad to be dragged away from Kendra. Her dark sense of humor, when combined with all the other things that had happened today, had me on edge. As much as I liked and enjoyed Kendra, I didn't want to think too much on the fact that after not having seen her for, like six years, our conversation ended up centering on her massive breasts and the idea of me and her sneaking off for illicit butt-sex in the woods. Despite the fact that it was all said in good humor, it was still odd.

What was going on here?

I pulled myself from my thoughts, following Mom towards the house. We said hi to some people as we passed, and it seemed like we had a clear shot to the house, when, from nowhere...

"Hi!" Bethany and Chastity said in unison, looking at us with mischievous smiles.

"Oh!" Mom called out, jumping slightly.

"Oh, uh, hey, you two." I said, putting a smile on my face. They both giggled and whispered as they passed us, walking away for a bit before glancing back at us... at me.

"Ugh..." Mom muttered.

"They always do that!" I replied, marveling at how they always appeared out of nowhere.

"Those girls..." Mom began. "They are definitely Karl's children, I'll say that much."

We rejoined Dad and Dana, and moved towards the house. It was there that Grandma stood. She saw us as she was talking to someone else, but she stepped towards us as we approached.

Now, even though she was my grandmother, it would be a stretch to consider her a 'granny'. She wasn't some doddering old lady. She wasn't even really that old. I think she was only in her late fifties, as old as some of my friends' mothers. (Both her and my mom were young mothers.) She was a vibrant older lady, a very intelligent, well-read older woman. She refused to give in to the effects of aging, still making it a point to stay active. She even ran in a half marathon a few months back.

I always really enjoyed her. She was the fun grandma who would let us have fun and take our side when my folks got upset, even if we were in the wrong. As I got older, we formed an intellectual bond, talking about her experiences in life, or her tastes in art and culture, or her love of travel. She was a cool lady.

She was certainly still a very good-looking woman. She had a decent, healthy tanned complexion, maybe a bit weathered but nothing too severe. She had very few wrinkles, which was an impressive feat, and another indication of how well she took care of herself. She possessed the same dark playful eyes that all Phillips women seemed to share. Even though her full lips had a bit of a natural sneer to her, she was very much good-natured. She had dirty-blonde hair, cut pretty short, but not in the way many old women cut it short when they just don't want to deal with it anymore. No, her hair was still very fashionable, styled on top of her head, curling upward at the front for some slight flair. I didn't typically like shorter hair on girls, but it worked for her.

Like I said, she still kept herself in good condition. Sure, she wasn't exactly a hard-body but her active nature served her well, countering the effects of nature. I'm sure most women her age envied her frame. She was the matriarch of the family, so the common physical characteristics of the Phillips women all came from her, the same types of curves in the correct places. But she was a far cry from most of the other Phillips women. She possessed a wisdom and humility that most of her relatives lacked. I couldn't imagine her being as brazen or forward as Dana or Aunt Karen, and even Kendra, in both looks and attitude. Grandma, no doubt, would chide them for that kind of behavior, thinking it unbecoming. She was just so NOT that type of person, which made it odd that so many of her daughters and granddaughters were.

All of the other women were wearing cleavage-exposing tops, figure hugging clothes which highlighted and showed off all their best features. But Grandma was dressed elegantly, a simple chocolate colored top, and a loose, flowy white dress. Simple articles that flattered her, but wasn't over the top like some of the clothes some of the other girls wore.

"You made it!" she said, her smoky voice calling out to us. She hugged her daughter and then Dad, followed by Dana before ending with me. "Hello dear." she said, pulling me in. She stepped back a few moments later and smiled warmly at me as she looked me over.

We caught up with her a little, discussing our trip here. She talked with me a bit, talking about my flight in, and school, normal stuff. No weird vibes. No strange, hungry glances at my body. Nothing. Dana, Mom, Aunt Karen, even Kendra... all of them had had some strange interactions with me. But not Grandma. I felt nothing off or untoward. For the first time all day, I didn't get weird vibes from one of these women. I began to let myself relax ever so slightly.

"Well," Grandma said, filling a lull in the conversation, "I don't want to keep you all. Mingle. We can all catch up more later." she said, giving us all a smile.

"Go have fun."


Yeah, despite that one bright spot in the day, the rest of the day was filled with incredibly awkward encounters, each putting me more and more on edge and leaving me more confused about what the hell was going on. Because something had to be going on, cause this couldn't possibly be a coincidence.

Things started out alright, I guess. Our family stuck together at first, catching up with some of our disparate aunts and uncles and cousins, talking to some people that Mom knew that I didn't particularly recognize. I was bored pretty quick, but I didn't really have an alternative.

The gender ratio of this side of the family skewed heavily female. Grandma had five girls and one son, Stacy, Mom, Karen, Robin, Alison, and Karl. Stacy had three girls, and a boy, Mom had me and Dana, Karen had two daughters, Robin had three daughters, Alison had two girls and two boys, and Karl had three daughters and a boy. That's not counting Grandma's nieces and nephews, and some of the randoms I didn't really recognize. And of the men that were here, they were mostly either much older than me, or much younger. Karl's son, Tim, was one of the few that were in my age range, but he was maybe an even stranger person than his sisters or his dad. Just an odd dude that would rather talk to you about the intimate details of his computer processor for an hour than attempt to find any common ground on a topic they would both be interested in.

So I didn't really have any peers to hang out with that I had much in common with. I was on good terms with my older male relatives, but those kinds of bonds only go so far. Honestly, of the relatives I had that were my own age, the one I probably had the strongest bond with was Kendra, and I hadn't seen her in years. Needless to say, this was kind of an awkward experience to start.

I eventually ended up talking with Kendra for a bit. Luckily, she had noted my discomfort with her line of joking from earlier, so she kept her jokes clean of that. Not to say they were totally clean. But, anyway, we just caught up and chatted and it was admittedly pretty effortless. We had a good rapport and sank back into the smooth conversation we used to have years ago. At moments like this, I kinda wished Kendra would have been my sister. We had so much more in common than me and Dana. My home life would have been a lot more fun if Kendra was around.

The slapping of bags on wooden boards announced that a game of cornhole was being played in the yard. Me and Kendra were both competitive, so we both wandered over, eager to get into the action. Some spots opened up, so me and Kendra moved forward, she walking across to the other board. I turned as I felt someone from the other team move in next to me. And it was not who I expected.

"Dana?" I asked, surprised. In my experience, Dana didn't enjoy doing any activity that involved doing... anything. She was a major stick in the mud, and she never really did anything fun, so it was a shock to see her next to me. "What are you doing?"

"What? Can't I play?" she asked.

"This is literally the first time I have heard you offer to play anything." I told her. She just rolled her eyes as she flashed me a smile, which was also unusual.

"I know how to have fun, Jesse," she said, bending over in front of me to pick up her begs. "I have a bit of experience handling a big pair of heavy bags," she said, jutting out her chest. I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Yeah, good one." I said, grabbing my own bags.

Yeah, what was potentially going to be a pretty fun bonding experience with my cousin ended up being a torturous experience. Dana was unusually bouncy, jumping round with each successful toss, practically begging my eyes to be drawn to her bra-less chest. On top of that, whenever she picked up the bags, she would end up bending over in front of me, either putting her round butt in a very precarious position near my crotch, or forcing me to notice her purple thong rising up her waist, forming a distinct and easily visible whale-tail.

And on top of that, I had, across from me, Kendra being equally bouncy and active, my eyes drawn to her chest during every graceful toss, forcing my eyes to notice the way her bulbous breasts ballooned together, the soft flesh squishing together.

Both girls were extra giggly. And it almost seemed the competition wasn't really about the game. Why couldn't this just be about tossing little sandbags into wooden holes? It seemed like there was some sort of tension between the girls, and it seemed like I was the only one attuned to it. I looked around, and no one seemed to be taking extra notice of us. I looked around, and while people were paying attention, it was mostly side-attention, watching us while sipping beers or talking. The only thing I did notice was Grandma, standing on the big balcony outside the window of her bedroom. She was talking with a few other women, but her eyes were on us. They were focused on us three, as if something here was causing her to pay special attention.

I didn't know what to do. Either look left and look at the way my sister's top molded to her chest, and notice the cavern between her boobs, or study the thread count on her tiny thong. Or, I could look across at Kendra, and notice the way her melons bounced forward as she threw, or noticed the slight indentation of her nipples, or how low slung her jeans were. And then I had Grandma above, watching us, staring at us, studying us...

It quickly became clear that the result of the game didn't really matter. I didn't want to play anymore.


Lunch was soon being served up, and I made my way towards the line. I had just entered the line when someone came up behind me quickly.

"Oh my God! You grew up so fast!" Aunt Karen said in my ear, and before I could react, I felt her hand give my ass a very firm squeeze.

"Ow!" I called out with a jump as I felt where her nails had dug into my butt cheek. She simply laughed.

"I can't believe little Jesse became such a hunk!" Aunt Karen said, causing me to blush uncomfortably. "Let's do some catching up, since we didn't have much time for it before. So, you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied. "Her name's Sandy."

"Shame." Karen said. "A young man like you..." she began, her eyes lazily appraising me again, looking me up and down. "A young man like you should be sowing his wild oats. Nineteen is far too young to be taking things so seriously. Trust me." she finished, tittering to herself.

"I'll keep that in mind." I replied coolly, looking at the food, not wanting to face her. She no doubt sensed my skepticism.

"I've been married three times, Jesse." she began, grabbing some salad daintily. "You'll find that what seems like it matters at your age isn't really what matters, once you're a little older and wiser. You'll find that other things are far more important."

As she finished, I looked at her as she turned to face me. She wore a confident smile on her face. And, hopefully inadvertently, she was pushing out her chest at me. Her top exposed a good expanse of her upper chest, and I couldn't help but notice the thin sheen of sweat coating her creamy skin, or the single bead of sweat sliding deep into her cleavage.

"Noted." I said simply. She let a slight smirk cross her lips before continuing on behind me in the line.

Any hope of escaping her was lost when she sat directly across from me to eat. She had very good posture, sitting up straight, unconsciously showcasing her abundant breasts, putting them on display.

"So..." she began as we started eating. "Do you have a picture of this little girl who's stolen your heart?"

"Oh, uh, yeah." I said between bites of potato salad. I pulled at my phone, found a cute picture of Sandy, and passed my phone over. She gave an appraisal of my girlfriend. It was a picture of us on the beach, after a nice brisk run, her flashing her perfect pearly whites.

"She's just a little thing, isn't she?" Karen said, studying my girlfriend in her tight shorts and sports bra. "She's very pretty, though. And I bet she is one of those girls who is quite fun to be around, right?" she asked, her tone strange and unreadable. I couldn't tell if she was being serious or if this was some weird form of humor on her part. I simply responded with a nod, causing her to smile. "I figured." she muttered. Looking like she was done looking at the picture, I reached my hand out to take my phone back, but she curled her fingers around it, pulling it slightly towards herself possessively. "I think I'll hold onto this. I want your undivided attention, and I know how you teenagers are about your cell phones. Kendra is quite addicted. It's impossible to rip that phone from her hands. Don't worry, though... I'll hold onto it for safe-keeping." With that, she deftly pulled it in close and, with me watching, slid my expensive phone into her deep valley of cleavage, my expensive smart-phone nestled between her sweaty breasts. My mouth was open with surprise, but it seemed like she enjoyed my discomfort.

We talked for a little bit as we ate, not really about anything important. Despite myself, my attention kept being drawn to her cleavage, and my phone nestled in between.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back." she said coolly. "Unless it's not the phone you're staring at."

I blushed as she giggled lightly, and it was clear she took great pleasure in making me squirm.

"You see, Jesse, this is what I was saying," Aunt Karen began. "Being in a relationship at your age is difficult. Things can feel so right, but you're young and filled with hormones, and there is no possible way to prevent your eyes from wandering. It's in your nature."

I didn't know what to say, so I just sipped some root beer.

"I tell you what," Karen started. She smoothly pulled the phone from between her big boobs. She played with it, her fingers moving deftly. "You do not have my phone number, and that is a problem that needs to be solved." She paused and held the phone out, pointing it at herself with one hand, whole smoothly undoing an extra-button on her top with the other. She snapped a picture of herself, putting it onto my phone. "There. We haven't really been that close lately, but that changes starting now. You call me any day, anytime, if you have any questions, any relationship questions, questions about... anything. The type of questions you can't go to your mother about. You talk to me. OK?" She said, my phone now dangling between her fingers.

"Uhhh, sure." I answered, not sure at all.

"You might think I sound crazy, but trust me, for a guy like you, this is a gift. There is nothing you can ask that will shock me. I've seen it all. I've done everything. Well, almost everything." Aunt Karen said. At that same moment, I felt her bare foot slide against my leg. I jumped, causing her to smile. She lightly traced her toes against my legs, causing me to shiver.

"Do I make you uncomfortable, Jesse?" she asked, her voice smoky as she leaned in towards me.

"I, uh..." I began. Her toes slid lazily up my leg as she leaned forward, her top yawing open, her boobs jutting out even more brazenly, practically ready to spill from her top.

"If it will make you more comfortable, me and you can go up to my room and talk in private. Just you and me." Aunt Karen offered. I gulped, unsure what was going on here. Her eyes held mine, staring practically into my soul. My mouth opened, unsure what to say as she waited expectantly.

We were suddenly interrupted by a new presence at the table. Next to Aunt Karen sat Grandma, plate full of food.

"Hello." Grandma offered, glancing between Karen and myself, noting the awkwardness. "What's going on?"

"Hi, Mom." Karen said coolly, her face expressing her annoyance as she pulled her foot from my leg.

"Hi." I said to Grandma, thankful for her bailing me out of this terribly awkward scenario.

"Me and Jesse were just talking about his little girlfriend." Karen said, playing with my phone, handing her the phone so she could look at the picture of Sandy. Grandma took a quick look before giving me a proud smile.

"Oh... she seems lovely." Grandma said, her tone nothing but genuine.

"Thanks." I replied. Grandma handed me back my phone and I quickly grabbed it, wiping off Aunt Karen's sweat before pocketing it. Grandma and Aunt Karen talked for a little bit, and once my plate was clean, I excused myself, feeling Aunt Karen's eyes on me as I walked away. I vowed not to put myself in that position again. I couldn't afford to with how she was acting. And how I was reacting.

Despite my objections, I was hard as a brick.

I pulled out my phone, the residual sweat from Aunt Karen's boobs collecting on my fingers as I shot Sandy another text.

"I REALLY miss you."


I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know why some of the women in my family were acting the way they were. I didn't know why I was physically reacting to it, letting myself stare, letting myself react, letting myself get hard. It was just the attention I was getting, that had to be the cause. The attention of aggressive women with curvaceous bodies would cause any man to react, even if they were members of your own family. Right?

Oh, God. I'm in trouble.

I needed to cool down. I needed to wash away this awkwardness immediately. I spied that the pool was relatively unoccupied, so I thought that might be answer. Changing into my trunks, I made my way over. Finding the pool occupied solely by some distant cousin and a couple of her kids in the shallow end, I felt like this was an area I could finally breathe easy. I grabbed a towel, stashed my stuff on a pool chair, and smoothly dove into the pool. I sunk close to the bottom and stayed there, letting the muffled static of the pool erase all the other noise from my mind. I hung down there for as long as I could before my lungs began to burn, so I swam up to the surface, filling my lungs with air. As I treaded water, I wiped the wetness from my eyes. Finally, my vision cleared, and I looked towards the edge of the pool.
