The Plan


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"Yes. This served as your revenge and his punishment. This was all a setup. The Plan".

"Okay, I understand now why you've fucked me."

"Oh no, Tom, I've really enjoyed this. Boy, did I need it badly. That part was the only upside, the rest of "The Plan" was just hard and sometimes disgusting work. After we were caught, I've hated Mercer almost as much as I've hated myself. He almost never got sex during our marriage and I had to fight not to puke whenever it was unavoidable. In contrast to you, he always had to use condoms. The whole thing was necessary for "The Plan", so I forced myself to do it. Of course, you can have sex any time you let me. I would be overjoyed."

"One moment. I still don't get it. So you wanted me to cuckold him?"


"To do to him exactly what he did to me?"


"How long have you planned this?" I'm getting a weird feeling about this.

"Since you've left me. I came up with it right after our last phone call."

"What? So you..." I can't believe it. She has worked for two years on giving me this small revenge?

"Yes. "The Plan" was to marry him only to bring him into a position where he could be emotionally hurt. The goal was to punish him and give you the opportunity to have a proper revenge."

"I... Sorry... You what?" I'm at a loss for words. Laura meanwhile is quite calm. She's obviously well prepared for this talk.

"Yes. I hated him enough for forcing me to have sex with him to do this. And I hated myself enough for giving in to him and for being ambitious enough to endanger our marriage. So suffering through this fake marriage with a man I hate was just the punishment I needed. Every day his presence reminded me of what I have lost by being an idiot."

"You endured two years of a marriage to a man you hate just to punish yourself and to enable me to get back at him?"

"Right, that was "The Plan". You might think that he had a good time for at least two years, but he didn't, far from it. I constantly tortured him mentally. You know, he really loves me, the poor sap. I used this to keep him slowly burning in his private hell. But the real purpose was to destroy him when it all comes crushing down. The photos really hurt him, but they were only the first step. I know that it changes nothing between you and me though. With my help he was able to destroy something precious, his punishment deserved a little effort."

"What a weird plan. But it sounds you had a not too bad time for two years."

"Oh, no, Tom, don't you ever think that. It was pure hell for me as well. The man I love was gone and he was replaced by someone I hated meanwhile. I hated myself as well. I was despaired, depressive and I had only myself to blame. But I couldn't let anyone see my real state of mind. It was a terrible effort and it nearly tore me apart. I'm glad the charade is finally over, I never want to lie again in my whole life."

I have to laugh at that. "Laura, you're a lawyer. You would be a disgrace for your trade."

"Right." She giggles a little. "Okay, so let me rephrase that. I never want to lie to anyone I care for again, not even by omission. This whole Plan sounded good, but it was terribly difficult to pull through. To prevent me going insane I decided to dye my hair black. That way it felt like I wasn't giving him my real me. It sounds crazy, but it felt better, more bearable because it seemed that all he got was a cloaked version, not the real Laura. It felt like I could hide my real personality behind the changed looks. And what was most important, I needed it to remind me of the Plan. Every time I looked into the mirror I was reminded of what I was doing and why. It kept me determined to pull this through. Sounds crazy, doesn't it?"

"Wow. So that's what happens when a calculating, planning and creative mind gets desperate. I don't think I've ever heard something like that. What happens now?"

"He's furious and humiliated, partly because he's been cuckolded. He, the big macho man that only did this to other men. And partly because I did so many things he always wanted but never got from me. He's really mad and broken at the same time. Of course, he's threatening to divorce me. He's suddenly quite intolerant when it comes to cheating, now that he's on the receiving end. It will be interesting to see if he really files. I'm afraid he won't because he can't let me go." She actually chuckles a little.

"That's no problem for you - if he divorces you?"

"Not in the least. This was part of "The Plan" all along. I'm just happy how everything has worked out. I think I'll string him along for a while if he doesn't file and then I'll do it. Maybe I can twist the knife a little. We have made a lot of money with his company recently and we don't have a prenup. I think he needs to be separated from a big chunk of it."

"Well... I'm a little surprised. You really did this... why?"

"Justice. You are innocent, still you have paid. I was guilty and have paid. Mercer was guilty and came out of this scot free. So I gave his wife a few hints about our affair. He assumed they came from you. Anyway, it caused her to divorce him and keep their children from him. This really hurt him, but I wanted more. I wanted to enable you to get proper revenge. If that meant that I had to suffer through a loveless marriage, so be it."

"So you bitched around with him for two years?"

"Yeah, you know how good I can be at that."

"Oh, yeah." The general mood of this talk is still surprisingly light. Actually, we were only joking. She never was bitchy towards me, but I knew exactly how good she was at it when she dealt with others.

"He was totally in love with me nonetheless. Seeing the photos was really a hard blow for him."

I just nod and remain silent.

"Tom, I'd do anything to ease the pain I've caused."

"Laura, I appreciate what you've done. You've helped me a lot."

"Great. Take care. If you need anything, just let me know."


"Whatever it is. Bye."

Wow, she didn't even ask if she can see me again? She has no further goal, just to enable me to have this rather small revenge? Nothing for herself? Quite impressive, this Plan she has followed.


To my surprise, she doesn't contact me at all for several weeks. I have to admit that I'm a little curious and wouldn't mind if she calls me, just to keep me updated. The things she's told me have shaken me a little. The lengths she has gone to give me some satisfaction - her actions are quite impressive. Too bad she wasn't as strong when it came to fend off Mercer's advances while we were married. Sure, she had been ambitious, but she should have been stronger. In the end she has been strong enough to sacrifice her career just to make me feel better. What a weird woman. Maybe she has got her priorities sorted out meanwhile. However, none of this is my business any more...


It turns out that this whole sordid affair is not over yet. A few weeks later I'm surprised to find my nemesis waiting at my door. Ted Mercer, aka asshole.



I'm briefly afraid that he plans to attack me, even though I'm younger, bigger and more muscular than him. But on closer inspection he seems weak and almost broken. His usual arrogant stance seems to be gone. In short - he looks like shit. Unkempt hair, unshaven, wrinkled clothes.

"Tom, may I talk to you briefly?"

Even his voice has changed. I can detect no trace of the old arrogance any more. Needless to say, I like the new Mercer incarnation. Her Plan is working quite nicely, that much is obvious.

"How have you found me?"

"What?" He seems absent-minded. "Friends... police."

Now, that isn't the assertive and eloquent lawyer I've hated for so long.

"What do you want?"

"Ah, can we go inside? Maybe?"

"No. Why should I invite you in?"

"Please? This might be important for you too."

"Hmm, okay."

Wanting to appear confident, I even I hand him a beer and he takes it, but he seems too absent-minded to actually drink it.

"Tom, I understand why you've done what you've done."

I remain silent, not wanting to make this easy for him.

"I don't want to be too much of a hypocrite. So I think I have no right to be angry."

I have lots of time and I feel no need to help him. This is quite interesting, he obviously thinks that I have seduced Laura and he's unaware that this was her plan all along. This has the potential to be quite entertaining. If I'm honest, I'm enjoying his misery and confusion.

"Tom, I love her."

"So did I. And it didn't stop you."

"What? Oh... yes... yes, you're probably right." He looks like he's going to cry any time. Seeing him suffering is okay, but crying would be a little too much. I really hope he will spare us that embarrassment.

"Tom, I'm afraid she's thinking about leaving me. She's been so strange recently. We're meant to be together, but she's just so confused right now. A divorce would force me to harm her financially and I don't want that. I'm the best lawyer around, you know? But I don't want to harm her. I think it won't be necessary anyway, I know that she loves me deep inside. I'm just afraid that your influence might confuse her further. She's just not really herself right now. You know what I mean?"

Boy, what a pile on nonsense. He's doing his best to ignore the true nature of their marriage and protect his image of Laura. If he wasn't such an asshole, I would pity him.

"What do you want, Mercer?"

"You know... Laura and I, we are meant to be together. We're soul-mates."

Yeah, dream on, asshole. His attempt to deny the truth is almost a comedy.


"Don't make her leave me. Don't take her away from me. Please." He's pleading now and the situation turns from entertaining to embarrassing fast.

"What are you talking about? That's none of my business. I'm not to decide what Laura does. Why should I help you anyway?"

"Tom, don't be mad at me. Your marriage obviously wasn't as strong as it could have been. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to interfere."

Should I tell him that he was talking pure bullshit? That our marriage had been happy until he had forced her into an affair she hadn't wanted, using her ambition? And if her cheating marks our marriage as weak, why should his own be regarded as stronger? But I realize that persuading him to get over her makes no sense. He would be off the hook, it would set him free and end his suffering. So I decide to be an asshole too.

"Maybe you're right. Ted, I think she still has some feelings for you. I have pushed her into cheating on you. And to be honest, I feel bad about it and I think so does she." Complete horseshit, but I do my best to sound like I'm giving him an honest advice.

"You think so? She doesn't seem to care if I divorce her." I can watch his expression change as he picks up hope. I just hope that such an easily manipulated guy will never represent me in court.

"Ted, she's a weak woman and she's confused." What a pure load of crap, Laura is far from being weak. If he can't tell, he doesn't know her at all. "Women want to be convinced by men that take action. Who knows this better than you?" Boy, this is entertaining. This is soo crappy, still he seems to believe it. Which proves again that people will believe almost everything they want to hear anyway.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. You should give it a try. Woo her, convince her, but in a nice, discrete way."

"What should I do?"

"Make her a present. Show her you still want her, that you've forgiven her." Boy, he really has it bad for her. This is more fun than I had expected. The emotions are displayed on his face like an open book.

"A holiday maybe?"

Dream on, asshole. A holiday with Laura would be a present for yourself.

"No, too obtrusive. Something valuable, but with no strings attached. By the way, it might have been a mistake to fire her."

He looks shocked. "I haven't, I never would, I love her too much. I value every minute I spend with her. She has quit."

"Ah, I see." Wow, interesting. She has really quit her precious job.

"So what kind of present?"

"A glowing recommendation for another job. To show her you genuinely care for her."

"Oh, yeah. That's good."

"Some valuable jewelry maybe? A nice car? You'll find something, Ted. Just avoid to appear thrifty."

"Yes!" He jumps up, suddenly full of energy. Money is surely something he can handle, buying people is something he is used to. "Thanks, man." And off he is. I still sit on my sofa, smiling and shaking my head. This was fun, but I'm still unsure about my role in this small drama. Was it really worth it? No, I'd prefer if none of this had happened in the first place. But as the cheating had happened anyway, this form of compensation was probably the best Laura could achieve. I have to admire her ingenuity. Does it compensate for my pain? No, nowhere near enough. But she did what she could to make me feel better.

A few minutes later I decide to call Laura, my partner in crime regarding the ongoing torture of Mercer.

"Oh, hi Tom. To what do I owe the honor?" And she sounds sincere, this obviously isn't meant ironic.

"I just had a visit from your ex."

"Oh, he's finally found you. You like what you saw?"

"Yeah, it gave me some satisfaction, to be honest."

I quickly relay the events that just have taken place in a good mood. This whole thing has become like some interactive play for me. I realize that the whole betrayal aspect has faded away a little this way, some of the bitterness is gone. She has also proven some kind of loyalty towards me.

"So you've decided to join my little "Plan"? Tom, you're evil," she giggles. "But I have to agree, this is good. Let's string him along a little more."

"What are you going to do afterwards? After you've gotten your recommendation and your presents?"

"Well, divorce him, of course. That was the point of all of this. Take a big chunk of his money. Let him suffer a bit. Take some of his clients away. I've dealt with most of them anyway, he was so unbelievably trusting towards me. This phase of the Plan is fun, but I'll be glad when I finally can leave the asshole behind."

I really don't know if I should detest or admire her toughness. This always was an aspect of her personality that I had difficulties with. I'm just glad not to be on the receiving end. I've never been, come to think about it. In her business relationship with Mercer I've just been collateral damage.

"Isn't that process going to be hard for you? The second divorce in such a short time. All this hassle?" Why am I even asking? Does it matter again how she feels?

"Seriously? No, it's going to be sooo much fun. I'm going to sue the hell out of him. Forcing me into this shitty affair is really going to cost him big time. No, divorcing you was hard for me. It almost killed me, you know? Divorcing him is part of my revenge. I'm going to laugh my ass off meanwhile."

"Wow, you're really tough now, aren't you?"

"I've always been, Tom, just not with you, at least not intentionally. I always did what needed to be done. But that doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes. Letting him press me into this affair seemed like the thing to do to protect the life we had. And, tough as I am, I pulled it through, although I detested him. Bad mistake, Tom. Really bad mistake."

"I see. Good luck with the divorce."

"Good luck to you, Tom. If you need anything, just let me know. Whatever it is. Any time."


"I love you," is what I faintly hear while I hang up the phone. Don't do this, Laura. Don't make this harder than it has to be.


Six months later I'm sitting in my apartment with a glass of Scotch in my shaking hand. I've just told my girlfriend Anna that I don't see a long-term future for us and have just made my way through the verbal battering that inevitably had to follow. I knew that she has a temper and that she wouldn't receive this well. Why have I even started something serious with her? Because she's hot, that's why, almost as hot as Laura. But she's also a tough cookie, like Laura. No, unlike Laura. Laura was soft and caring towards me, at least before her affair had started. She was just tough towards others. Anna is always tough.

"I'm really sorry, Anna. But I think it's best for both of us."

"You asshole!" Yes, that's exactly the reason why I've decided to leave her. I have no problem with confident women. What I don't want to spend my life with is a bitch. But that seems exactly the type of woman I tend to attract. Maybe I'm too soft, not assertive enough? Tom, the milk toast? Attracting strong female predators that are looking for easy prey?

I still sit in pensive silence, the door has long been slammed shut from the outside. I'm free again, but full of doubts about my abilities to keep a healthy relationship. And it's ugly sibling is accompanying freedom: loneliness. Anna is barely gone and I already feel alone. Right now I need someone to talk to, some real friend. I take my phone and idly browse the contact list. On a sudden whim I choose one of the names and dial.


"Hi, this is Tom."

"I know, Tom. I'm glad you called. How can I help you?"

"You think I need help?"

"I don't know. But that's what I offered you the last time we talked, didn't I?"

"Laura, I don't know... yeah, maybe I need help. I seem to have no luck with women."

"I see. You want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, maybe. But not on the phone. Can we meet?"

"A date?" She chuckles. "Won't some girlfriend object?"

"We have just split up. That's part of my problem. What about you?"

"No problem here. I'm still unattached."

Damn, why do I feel so good about hearing that?

"Why? You're a beautiful woman."

"Let's talk about that later. Tomorrow at seven?"


So it turns out she has been waiting for me since she dumped Mercer, not dating even once. Quite impressive. She's as beautiful as ever and surely had plenty of opportunities. She's practically destroying me with her hugs and the ferocity of her kisses and she seems overwhelmed with emotion all the time. I really don't know how to handle this. To avoid being crushed, I decide to escape her grasp for a while by eating her pussy. She's reluctant to let me escape, but forgets all resistance soon as I gently caress her with my tongue. "Oh, Tom. Oh, Tom. Oh, Tom," she says over and over again. I see tears forming in her eyes again as she watches me tenderly. This is a woman in love, that much is obvious and the thought makes me feel good. I finally move from her lips to her clit, using the lightest contact possible. I still know exactly how she likes it and the result is overwhelming. I briefly think that I'm in danger of getting drowned as her body bucks in violent spasms.

After she has relaxed a little, she takes charge by pushing me to my back and immediately starts to swallow my dick. I'm familiar with her new abilities by now and can enjoy them in a relaxed way. Before I cum, I stop her and insist that we calm down. I've missed the gentle and tender way we used to make love and I don't need her almost frantic urge to please me. I want an equal partner in my bed, not some over-motivated sex slave. She quickly understands and we soon click together perfectly like we always did.



Yes, yes, yes. It has happened. This is what I've dreamed about for more than two years. And now I have it. I have my Tom back. We've had the greatest sex imaginable and I'm lying where I belong, on his broad shoulder. Never, never again will I do anything to jeopardize this. A wave of contentedness pours through me.

"Thank you, Tom."

He just smiles. I can't believe how much I love this man.



Right now she's sleeping on my shoulder and her emotional rollercoaster has finally come to a halt. The question is - where do I go from here? She has already told me that she would be happy with any part of me she can get. She has already transferred a big chunk of the money she has sued from Mercer, regardless of my decision. I don't really want to have it, but she has insisted, saying it is some form of repentance she needs to make. And of course, she has impressed me with her whole Plan anyway. She has really paid for her stupidity. She hasn't pleaded for forgiveness or babbled the usual cheater nonsense. She has just taken action in the usual Laura style and has done what she could to make things right. She has impressed me, I can't deny it.