The Present Situation Ch. 01


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She looked confused as she said, " really want men, strangers to see my breasts? Dressing sexy isn't enough for you?" Thinking quick, afraid of losing what progress had been made, I replied, "Hon, we are in a strange city. No one knows us here. We can do what we want and not worry about the consequences. So what if the waiter saw a little flesh. It probably was no more than a sexy bikini would have shown, right?" I knew what I thought he had seen was more, but I needed to relieve my wife's mind.

Dawn considered my words and finally convinced herself what little she thought she had shown was okay. My comments about a bikini I think helped. Though she had never worn one I had badgered her over the years to get one and Dawn knew I thought she would look great in one.

I emphasized the point by asking her to lean forward for me again. Dawn looked to see no one would pass near and slowly leaned forward. When she leaned far enough for me to see most of her breast mounds but not the nips I stopped her and asked her to look down at herself. Dawn did so and she could clearly see what I meant. Yes, a fair portion of her smooth breasts were in sight but not all of them. Her nips were tucked into the blouse material even the aureoles were hidden. Fortunately she had stopped when I told her to so all of her breasts were not on display.

Seeing how much of her breasts were exposed Dawn had to agree that a sexy bikini would show as much flesh. I was relieved. Dodged another bullet! I leaned forward taking her hands in mine, pulling her further forward, looking her in the eye and pledged my love. I then looked down and from my new vantage point could see all of her luscious tits including her slightly darker little nips standing out like pencil erasers. Was it my imagination? Or were her little nips standing further than I had ever seen them stand out before?

I heard voices of two men approaching. Dawn heard them to. She tensed and started to lean back, but I held her hands a little tighter and pulled to keep her leaning forward. Frightened, Dawn looked into my eyes. My submissive wife knew what I was wanting. She knew I wanted her to remain there, exposed for these strange men to see.

We continued staring at each other as the voices grew louder. As the men drew near Dawn closed her eyes tight not wanting to see them, perhaps she was wishing them gone by not seeing them. Color began to redden her cheeks. What a lovely sight I thought.

The guys drew near and one of them must have glanced down and caught sight of my lovely wife for he suddenly stopped talking in mid-sentence. They slowed and then I heard some whispering amongst them. I'm sure at least one, maybe both guys, got an eyeful. Hopefully, from their vantage point they saw one if not both of her smooth pale firm tits fully exposed.

Hearing them move on Dawn opened her eyes and tried to sit up. I gambled they would want a repeat performance and held her hands tight. We just stared at each other as my submissive wife remained leaning forward. Not a word was spoken. Sure enough, within a few seconds I heard footsteps approaching from the direction the men had gone. From the corner of my eye I saw the same men approach.

Dawn had heard them too. Again, she had to know what I wanted. This time she resigned herself and didn't try to pull back. She just continued to clutch my hands and stared into my eyes. When the men got close enough to see most of the way down her blouse they slowed considerably. It seemed to take several long seconds for them to move out of our immediate range.

The whole time I had smiled and shown adoring eyes to my little wife. I wanted her to know I loved her and what she was doing for me pleased me immensely. It must have worked for as the men walked away she remained forward even when I released the pressure on her hands. We talked on for a few minutes. My extolling my love for her, she responding with the same.

Finally I figured it was time to have more fun and I mentioned there is a lounge in the hotel why not go there and play out my fantasy of picking her up. Dawn hesitated and seemed to balk at the idea. She had never really been in a bar before. She said she didn't know what to do, how to act, etc.

I countered that I wanted her to go in, sit at the bar and order a Shirley Temple. I said it was a low alcohol drink with a fruity taste made for women. I also said I would wait for about 5-10 minutes before coming in so no one would put us together. Hesitantly Dawn agreed.

I looked down at her hands and spied her rings. I gently asked her to give them to me explaining that she didn't want to appear to be a wife cheating on her husband. Dawn's face took on a concerned look at that. Her rings only came off during the shower or doing dishes. I assured her it would add to the dating effect. Finally she decided to take them off and hand them to me. I placed them in my sports jacket for safe keeping.

On a whim I decided to ratchet it up further. I told Dawn that as she sat at the bar if any guy approached her and offered to buy her a drink she should accept it. I mentioned it would really please me that if invited to dance she do so. Dawn's lip quivered and I thought she would cry, but she just bowed her head and slowly nodded agreement. I then told her it would really please me if she were to flirt with any guy who showed an interest in her. Still, keeping her head bowed, my wife again, reluctantly, nodded yes.

I rose and I lifted her to her feet. I was so in love with this wonderful creature. My wife was going to help me live out a major fantasy! I held her close murmuring little love sayings in her ear. Dawn melted into my arms. Finally, I pulled back from her and said let's do it now. I motioned toward the bar and asked her to go ahead and do it. Dawn bit her lip and shook a small quiver, straightened her back and without a word turned and walked toward the bar. I watched as my sexy mini clad wife walked across the lobby and entered the darkened doors of the bar.

I sat back down not quite believing all that had transpired. This was all beyond my wildest dream. If nothing else happened tonight I would die a happy man! During the next several minutes I watched people go by. It seemed the minutes crawled. After five minutes I was ready to get up but as I rose I spied two twenty-something guys head into the bar. I decided to wait a few more minutes and sat back down.

After another five minutes had passed I figured it was time to go in. I strode across the room and walked into the bar. It was typical of any hotel bar. Dim lighting an "L" shaped bar a few booths off to one side for privacy and a small dance area.

It was quite quiet for the only patrons were the two guys sitting at a booth, the bartender slowly cleaning a glass and my wife sitting at the bar.

My wife sitting at the bar! What a sight! The bar stools were the typical high stools. In order for my wife to sit she had to hike her leg up causing the mini to ride high on her leg. I'm sure she had tried to be careful climbing on the stool and probably wasn't aware of just how much leg she was showing. Her right leg was draped down slightly with her foot resting on the rung and the skirt had ridden very high to where only a few inches of material covered her crotch. Her left leg was crossed over the right. Her left hand rested in her lap and her right was wrapped around a drink resting on the bar surface.

With my heart beating a mile a minute I walked to the end of the bar where it wrapped around. This gave me a perfect vantage spot to watch my timid wife. Dawn noticed me sit on my stool and I could see the relief flood over her. I knew she was hoping I would come to her right away and we would leave. But, that wasn't in my plans. I wanted to see if these young men would hit on her. That would be the Ultimate.

The bartender lazed over to me and I placed a drink order. I watched him as he passed my wife. Her beauty had not escaped his notice. The overweight black man casually glanced at her as he passed. She had forgotten to re-button the blouse buttons so from his vantage point he could probably see a little of the swell of my wife's tits.

I nursed the drink served me and sat there awhile waiting to see what would happen. Dawn was sipping her drink and beginning to fidget. I was ready to give up on the guys when suddenly the tall dark haired one got up and walked over to sit next to my wife. Dawn started when she felt his close presence. He murmured hello and asked if he could buy her a drink. Remembering my wishes Dawn accepted in a low voice not even looking up.

The guy must have sensed something for he next asked what was wrong. Dawn twisted her hands together and I noticed she was playing with her ring finger. Realizing the rings were gone she stopped, looked up past the guy toward me and with a shy hesitant voice slightly loud enough for me to hear, said, "I...I just broke up with my boy friend."

The guy was a smooth talker in no time he had his arm around my wife's shoulder and was pouring on the sympathy. At first Dawn had tensed when he placed his arm on her shoulder and drew her closer. But, she knew my desires and let it stay. After a few minutes of conversing she had loosened up to where she did not seem to mind any longer.

I really had to admire this guy. He knew how to talk to the ladies. Within less than ten minutes he had gotten my wife to begin warming to him and encouraged her to finish her third drink. Amazing!

As he had been hitting up on her his hands had tried to roam a bit. His right hand dropped from her shoulder and traveled up and down her side. He rubbed over the jacket several times and then tried to move under the jacket. Each time Dawn had murmured no and he had stopped.

As the alcohol began to take effect Dawn's words were beginning to slur a little. She had warmed considerably to talking with this young man and was developing a lighter mood. He knew it and began to crack little jokes and telling slightly off color stories. Each time Dawn would shyly laugh at the appropriate time.

At the conclusion of one particularly funny story Dawn giggled ferociously and grabbed his arm for balance. She lost her balance and leaned into him. The guy grabbed her tight and held her close as she giggled away. I watched him as he peered down my wife's blouse. The way it gaped I was sure he had a clear view of her tits, nipples and all! Of course with her jacket on neither I, or anyone else, was treated to the sight. He must have liked what he saw for he continued to hold her close and kept his eyes trained on her breasts. The way her body convulsed from the giggles they must have shook like two mounds of jello.

Suddenly I spied a movement. While Dawn was giggling the guy had moved his right hand around Dawn's waist, under her jacket and was appearing around her body. He held it out from her not touching and it looked like his hand was headed for the gap in her blouse straight toward her exposed left tit. I held my breath as it snaked closer and closer. I watched as the hairy hand slithered under the blouse material and disappeared.

Between giggles a low drawn out moan escaped my wife's lips and then suddenly she realized what was happening. I watched as the guy's wrist had rotated a few times before Dawn stiffened and grabbed his hand, forcing it away. The guy instantly apologized and started spinning another line to her.

Dawn looked past him at me, daggers flashing as she gave me the evil eye. I just smiled and tipped my glass to her. Dawn grabbed her glass and drank the rest of the liquid in one gulp. She then proceeded to climb off the stool and informed the guy she was going to the ladies room and needed to leave. With that she walked past me toward the restrooms slightly off balance from the drinks and wine she had consumed. As she walked past me she gave me a harsh look. I knew the fun time was over.

A few minutes later Dawn exited the bathroom and walked toward me. I rose from the booth and joined her. She asked me to take her away from there so I took her arm and without a word we passed the guys. Their mouths were hanging open as they watched the good looking older lady walk out with a supposedly complete stranger.

All the way to the room Dawn was silent. I was silent too figuring I was in for it when we got back to the room. Soon as we got back I offered her a drink from the small room bar. At first my wife declined but watching me sip mine she hesitantly asked me to make one for her.

She sat in a chair, I on the nearby sofa, neither speaking, sipping our drinks. I began thinking back to the turn-on of seeing my wife semi-exposed. Of the fact she had allowed other men to view her breasts. Perhaps she didn't know how much they had seen, but she had to know she displayed more than she had ever shown before to anyone other than me.

As I played back the evening's events my cock began to harden and soon it was tenting the front of my slacks. Apparently this had not escaped Dawn's notice for she suddenly commented that I must have found the evening quite a turn-on. The comment was made without any venom, just as a matter of fact. So, I figured why not? I would answer her honestly.

I told Dawn I did find it exciting, even more than I had thought possible. I got up and stood before her. My hard cock was directly in front of her face just inches from her perfect mouth. I asked her to release it and look at what her actions had done to me. Without a word my little wife undid my belt and pants and worked them and my underwear down to the floor. When she sat back up my cock almost slapped her in the face.

Dawn reached a little hand out encircled my cock and began to slowly pump the length of it. Closing my eyes I groaned as the feelings washed over me. I so much wanted to move forward just a few inches and have her suck my cock. But, I knew my wife and her aversion to this.

Suddenly I felt some warm moisture on the tip of my cock. Opening my eyes I looked down to see Dawn, with pursed lips, gently kissing the tip of my cockhead. Afraid to move and break the spell I stood stock still as she continued to plant little kisses around the smooth cock head.

My beautiful wife raised her head to smile up at me. She told me she wanted me to make love to her, to take her now, not to wait any longer. That was all I needed to hear. I lifted my petite wife and raced her to see who could get their clothes off first. We fell back on the bed and without any foreplay I laid upon her. Usually I always had to work a little of my cock in at a time and take several strokes before Dawn could accommodate me. This time I met no resistance as I entered her warm cunt. She was soaking wet and ready for me. We moaned as we both hurried to a crashing intense orgasm. It wasn't long before she was thrashing and moaning under me. It was clear she was experiencing the most intense orgasm of her life. I followed quickly and it seemed I pumped a double load as deeply in her as I could.

We lay in each other's arms for several minutes neither speaking. Finally Dawn stretched out and said that was the most satisfying sex she had had in years. I commented it was the best I had ever had. I asked if what she had done earlier had helped bring on such an intense feeling.

Dawn was quiet for some time. I sensed I needed to let her reply so I remained quietly waiting. Finally she said she had been very uncomfortable about showing herself but she did find it exciting. She would/could never do such on her own, but because she had felt this was something I wanted her to do she felt she had to. And because she had given the control to me she had felt safe I would not let anything happen to her.

Hearing these words surprised me. My wife had just told me she trusted me to tell her what to do. I asked her if I had understood her correctly and she, hesitantly, said I had heard right. She looked down as she said she felt powerless to resist if I were in control and she thought she could set aside some of her inhibitions if she were not responsible. I thought this over and came to the realization this was her way to justify to herself her actions and minimize the feelings of guilt.

I emphasized how much of a turn-on it had been watching her semi-exposed and with her flirting with that guy. I asked her if she would be willing to do it again...for me? Haltingly, she replied that if that was really what I wanted she would be willing to dress provocatively and maybe flirting a little, but only away from our home area. But, she also drew another line. She was not going to have sex with anyone other than me. Wheels were turning in my head. I quickly agreed, kissing her all the time and pledging my love.

I asked her how she felt in the lounge when the guys were looking at her. She responded she thought they could see part of her breasts, no more, and though embarrassed was okay with that. I asked about the guy at the bar. Again she said it was awkward but in a way exciting knowing she was doing what I wanted her to do. When pressed she admitted she knew he had seen most of her breasts, then quickly assured me he couldn't see all of her. Hah! As if I would have been jealous. That's what I had wanted!

She failed to mention his roaming hands so I asked if he tried to cop a feel. Dawn hesitated before she replied he tried but didn't get to. I knew she had told me a little lie for it sure looked like he got a good feel before she had moved his hand away. I also knew she had enjoyed the feelings generated by his roaming hands before she had realized what he was doing.

We turned the lights out and turned over to sleep. But sleep evaded me for some time as I lay there taking in all that had happened. Finding out this new subservient side of my wife's was quite a revelation. She had usually gone along with whatever I wanted like buying cars, vacations, etc. But, I never knew she would agree to my sexual desires. Early on in our marriage she told me once she would not perform oral sex on me and did not want me to perform it on her. From that point on I had figured anything other than plain sex was out. All those years! If only I had pushed back! I may have had a different wife! One that would have fulfilled all my fantasies. I now saw a ray of hope. Perhaps I could move her along to being the sexy open woman I craved. Yes, it was late before I finally slept.

To be continued...

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BigDee44BigDee4412 months ago

“ She shook her head yes…”When I see this usage of the word ‘shook’, and we see it so many times on Literotica, I have to shake my head. But when I shake my head (Side to side, right?) I come up with NO. To get a YES motion,I need to NOD. Head goes back and forth, making the face go up and down. THAT is an affirmative motion. Please. Quietened is another! I believe there is no such word. Quieted would be the usual expectation. Quiet, more quiet, less quiet, quieted. Now to the subject, and I guess I do not understand the man’s viewpoint. He want her to display herself so that others can see what “he has.” That is possessive. Does he feel he “possesses” his wife? Is she not a person, an individual human being? She gives herself to hi but he does not won her!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I love the idea of my wife being like her and other men getting excited looking at how sexy she is. Seeing the lust in their eyes and the need to fuck her getting stronger in how he tries manipulating her into a position of surrendering. How she is drawn closer and closer the fire until she waits to long and he doesn’t stop as she struggles to get away, like a butterfly in a web. Watching as she closes her eyes like a child, thinking that if she doesn’t look it’s not real, but unable to stop her moan as his thick stiff cock slides in her. Hearing her saying no as she pulls him deeper between her spread legs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story and submissive little wives are super hot. She seems to be open to pleasing and once she learns to follow directions she’ll be happy and satisfied.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
haha, the 26th troll again

what a sad sack, reading stories he doesn't like and then trashing them

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Cuck bastard wanting to make his wife a whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Write in the Present

I know my comments are probably already covered by other readers, but: I think you could have increased interest if you had 'personalized your wife' more; 'my lovely wife' and 'my wife's lovely tits' appears too much. You could have brought the object into the picture by simply referring to her tits/breasts/fleshy mounds/ beautiful mounds, etc. instead of the repetitious phrases.

Nice story though... well thought out - and you had it progress well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A weak story weakly told

To be honest, if I was Dawn, I'd be consulting a lawyer about a divorce. Staying married to a creep who gets overexcited at the thought of another man seeing his wife's tits would be out of the question. It's a good job most men don't feel that way otherwise Mediterranean beaches would be full of overexcited, ejaculating men as their wives sunbathe topless. Grow up. It reads as though it's been written by a 14-year old school kid who can't help cumming in his pants at the sight of a nipple.

"...because she had felt this was something I wanted her to do she felt she had to..." He is forcing her to do what she really does not want to do and then justifying his behaviour by saying that it appears to turn her on. What if she discovered that flogging him to within an inch of his life or cutting off his cock turned her on? Would he still be willing to pursue it?

maverick51maverick51almost 9 years ago
Erotic Realistic Story

Realistically, I could picture this happening with my lady. A shy, petite, flirt who in her late 30's realized that there is another world out there, but who is reserve and a bit reluctant to experiment. Looking forward to reading the next couple of chapters.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 9 years ago
Great story!

I didn't read it yesterday but saw Ch. 2 today so I started it. I live in the husband's shoes, but there is no way she would act this way, and she has told me so. Strict

Baptist upbringing. So fantasies are things some of us can only have. 5 *'s. Now on to Ch. 2.

Sexywife104Sexywife104about 9 years ago

This story made me wet! Please don't make us wait too long for the next chapter


jwp6199jwp6199about 9 years ago

I don't often leave comments.... but this is one of the most amazing stories I have ever read. The suspense and build up are extroardinary.... please continue. And for those haters out there, remember this is only fantasy.

impo_61impo_61about 9 years ago
To @luvtodoit...

To @luvtodoit...I didn't put any morality in it!!! I just stated that this man didn't love, even less respect his wife, the mother of their children. That he is a selfish man that looks only is pleasure!! I'm not surprised also that are a lot of men like him in the world...Some even think they have the right to beat up the wives for any reason!!!

luvtodoitluvtodoitabout 9 years ago

Why do the morality police keep reading this genre of story if they are so repulsed by it?

BTW, I loved your story. 5*. Looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Been there, done that, and loves every second. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I masturbated to it!

Chapter 2 please!

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