The Ride


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She backed towards the bed. Her back arched and her head tilted back. Her hand was moving of its own accord, rubbing and thrusting, rubbing and thrusting, hitting all the incredibly sensitive spots. As the back of her legs touched the bed, she opened her eyes to watch what was happening in the closet door mirrors. She watched herself; hand between her widely spread legs, nipples engorged and areola dark from desire. Suddenly something in her bible-belt upbringing clicked in and the view of that strange, wanton woman standing spread legged in the mirror shocked her. She was instantly transported back to reality.

"Oh my God! What am I doing?" She jerked her hand away from her throbbing pussy. She flushed brilliant red and looked away from the mirror guiltily. She laid down on the bed with her eyes closed, her back to the mirror, desperate to bring her breathing back to normal and her heart to stop pounding in her ears. What is going on today? she thought. I have got to get myself under control. I need to get to the school and take care of this coach situation, not stand here and play with myself.

She forced herself to the closet and mindlessly donned her practice outfit of a lycra leotard and short skirt. She took special care not to spend too much time on the snaps between her legs. "Stop fantasizing!" she fiercely scolded herself. She focused instead on how she was going to handle the new coach and started practicing out loud exactly what she was going to say to him.

Thinking soccer mom thoughts she drove to the high school; home of the Wolverines, and the best cheerleading squad she had seen in years. She focused on the football coach she had never met and his hijacking of the cheerleading bus. She let her mind wander to her husband and kids and what she was making for dinner. She worked very hard not to think of Tim the cable man on the ladder, or running into his hard chest. She tried not to think about handsome bikers. She for sure didn't think about being naked with both of them. She labored in vain not to think of her wet pussy and those soaked panties.

Rachelle brought her right hand up to shield her eyes from the mid-day sun blaring through the front windshield as she turned into the school. She immediately realized that, in her haste, she had not washed her hands. Her fingers smelled like her pussy, a pungent mixture of spice and subtle sweetness. She let her hand stay there a minute, breathing in the smell, remembering how she felt while she fingered herself. She shook her head, again confused at the sensual thoughts whirling around in her brain and tried to focus instead on finding a place to park near the coach's office.

When she finally found his door, she knocked and entered to the sound of a deep, male voice. "Come in." it welcomed reassuringly. Coach Jason Hardcastle was sitting at his desk staring at his computer monitor. She watched him for a moment from the door. He was a big man and looked even bigger sitting on the ridiculously small folding chair. Six feet three inches at least, she thought, and in very good shape. He obviously made use of all of the expensive gym equipment scattered behind her. His thick dark hair was just long enough to curl over his collar. It had the look of a man who doesn't comb but rather rakes his fingers through it often. No! No! Stop it Rachelle! she chided herself. Think! Cheer bus! I am here for the bus, for my girls. That's it.

She pulled herself together and walked into the room. The coach looked up from his screen, and his jaw dropped. He looked surprised. Rachelle didn't understand his reaction, but there was a lot about this day that she didn't understand. He seemed unable to say a word. Then he did the usual alpha-male quick appraisal of her long, shapely legs, flaring hips, narrow waist and ample tits. He moved his gaze to her neck, then her lips and finally their eyes met.

"You...ah .. why are you here? What can I do for you?" he finally asked, his voice a little shaky.

Rachelle again noted the coach's apparent discomfort and decided to use it to her advantage. "Coach Hardcastle," she began in her sweetest voice.

"Please, my friends call me Jason." He said, his voice deeper this time. It sounded familiar to her somehow and sent an involuntary shiver up her spine. She struggled to ignore it.

" Coach...okay, I am here to talk about the cheer bus, I'm Rachelle Bannion, the assistant cheerleading coach."

"I was expecting Vicki." He paused for just a moment. "Rachelle," he said as if tasting her name and liking the flavor.

What is it with men today? Rachelle wondered and tried to focus on why she was there. "I am here about the bus. The bus is important to our girls Coach. Now please hear me out."

"Oohhh.'s the bus thing. OK, I'll hear you out, but it's not going to do you any good. The transportation budget just doesn't have enough for me to buy another school bus Rachelle." He paused for a minute after her name and then continued "I was given carte blanche to come here to the Wolverines, I have a proven record of building championship programs, and it is my job to turn this team into a winning team. I'm sorry, but I need to do this my way..."

He paused again. Rachelle had stopped listening and had moved closer until she was standing next to him. She leaned over and pointed at his monitor behind him.


"Call me Jason."

"Okay, Jason, look there." A recent Wolverine game video was playing, and Rachelle indicated the bleachers behind the players. "That man in the green ball cap..."

"Yeah, the perv ogling your cheerleaders," he quipped. As he answered Rachelle suddenly became aware that her left tit was pressed firmly into his shoulder. She quickly took a step back and hoped that he hadn't noticed.

"No, that perv is a scout for UCLA's cheer program. Our girls are getting a lot of recognition this year, and we have a very good chance of winning Nationals. He is very interested in two of our girls."


"So, this is our year, we have to be at the games, all of the games, and we need that bus."

"Now, now Rachelle. You're not listening." his voice dripped with honey. It pissed Rachelle off that he dared to resort to charm, forgetting that she had tried the same tactic just moments before.

"No, you listen, it is good for the players and fans to have our cheerleaders there at every game, especially the away games, boosting morale and keeping the energy high." Later, she realized she should have stopped there but in her animated defense of her cheerleaders she added "Anyway, with your record this year I don't think that nationals are even an option for the Wolv..."

Jason stood quickly, and the folding chair crumpled to the floor with a clang stopping Rachelle mid-sentence. "Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about our record this year Mrs. Bannion." He spat her name and stepped closer to her. "That was not my doing. I will give this team everything it takes to become champions NEXT year, including a bus for the special equipment I have ordered. Everything I do, I do 110%." Then almost apologetic he added, "I am willing to listen to your ideas. But I am not willing to compromise the future I have planned for this team."

Rachelle backed up instinctively toward the wall. Without thinking, it was her eyes that looked him up and down this time. The combination of his rugged good looks and that voice so full of conviction had made all thoughts of buses and football flee from her mind. Suddenly the sexual tension in the room was palpable. "Uh..." she stammered "What I meant to say..."

"Yes?" he taunted

This was not going as expected. Rachelle had just wanted to reason with the man. That would be difficult now. There was something about him, something that suggested he was accustomed to getting his way. However she had to try. "Jason, if we could just..."

"Just what Rachelle?"

It was then that Rachelle looked past him and noticed the distinctive gold and black helmet and leather jacket on the shelf behind his desk. The man in the parking lot! The full lips. This was the man in the parking lot, and though she had never seen his face, she knew for certain he had seen hers. Here he was letting her stammer on about cheerleading when he knew exactly who she was. She looked at his face, and his sheepish smile confirmed that he knew the recognition was mutual.

"Rachelle," he began again, in that voice from the morning; deep, raw and something more. Was it lust?

That's when she lost control. "It's you." she growled while she felt her anger building. "You asshole, you let me walk in here and all along you knew!" She couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. She needed to leave, and she needed to do it immediately.

Rachelle started past the coach, heading for the door, and shuddered when her left nipple brushed against his arm. She wondered if he had deliberately moved to block her. She paused but then kept walking until she felt his hand on her shoulder.

"Wait, let's talk about this, I am as surprised as you are." he said as he stepped toward her back. She pivoted to confront him and suddenly found her face inches from his. They both froze instantly.

Rachelle stared intently at his face, his sensuous lips so close, his smoldering eyes meeting her own. They were both breathing hard from the exchange, and she felt the heat of the returning sexual tension. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him, to really kiss him hard and deep. Her lips parted involuntarily at the thought and then she didn't have to wonder any more.

Rachelle wasn't sure who moved first, but she didn't care as she felt his lips on hers, and her hands moved up quickly to the back of his neck to hold his head tight against her. Her fingers caught up in the dark curls as she kissed him back with more ferocity than she had ever kissed anyone. It was hot, it was passionate, it was wild and she blocked all thoughts of everyone and everything else. His hands were everywhere, in her hair, on her tits, then cupping her ass and pulling her close to him. And then abruptly he stopped.

"Wait...wait a minute!" he gasped struggling to catch his breath. "We have to stop. I need to think about this." He started to back away, but this time it was Rachelle who followed him. The entire day flashed before her eyes as she remembered the erotic events that had led up to this one moment. She could feel the leotard snaps on her pussy as she slowly moved toward the coach. She was getting wetter by the second. She could smell her moistness and that smell drove her insane. All the frustrations of the day were building. She was not going to leave this room without getting her way in every sense of those words.

"Jason," her voice now husky with desire as she moved into him and pinned him against the desk, "I want that ride now."

His eyes went wide as he reached back to brace himself. "But..."

"But what?" she raised her leg, placed her knee on the desk next to him and leaned into him hard, flattening her aroused nipples against his chest. Her soaking crotch collided and then started grinding against his. She had stopped thinking. She let lust she didn't know she could feel take over.

His eyes closed tightly as she slow-danced against his cock, and she reached up to kiss him again. It was just as hot as before but this time a little slower. She let her tongue invade his mouth and delighted when he sucked on it gently and then kissed her back.

She grabbed his hand with her own and guided it to the hot, wet apex between her thighs. She pressed his hand against her hungry pussy and helped him rub her through the thin material. She moaned when he deepened the kiss.

"Unsnap me," she breathed and he complied, pulling the snaps of the leotard and then letting his fingers explore the wet folds of her dripping cunt.

Then she backed away just enough to reach and push his sweats and underwear down in the front far enough to expose his thick cock. Now it was hers, all hers. She moaned again as she wrapped her hand around the enormous shaft and marveled at its size. If she'd been having any doubts about where this was going they vanished completely as soon as she felt the massive treat that was hers for the taking. She held his magnificent cock in her hand and stroked him slowly up and down the full length of his throbbing organ.

Rachelle couldn't resist moving her thumb across the head of his pre-cum drenched dick and then lifting that thumb to her mouth to lick it clean, all the while looking Jason in the eye. She was not surprised that those eyes were deep emerald green and now burning with a lust to match her own.

She rose to full height and pressed herself into him, forcing him to lie back on his desk. She continued to maintain eye contact while bringing her other leg into position so she was straddling him. Using one arm to brace herself, she used her other hand to guide the head of his cock to the entrance of her pussy. When it was in exactly the right place, she impaled herself in one long thrusting stroke. She drove him all the way in, so deep, so filling. She whimpered softly as her muscles tightened around him, and that drove her passion even higher. She had never felt anything like this.

"Don't move." she ordered and placed both of her hands on his chest. And then she started "the ride" she had longed for all day. She moved herself up and down on his hard shaft. With each down stroke, she bucked her hips to put pressure on her aching clit. She watched the hot lust in his eyes growing brighter as their pace started to increase.

"Keep your eyes open Jason." she demanded. His eyes blazed at her soft command, and he held her gaze. He groaned as faster and harder she slammed into him. She gladly took out all her frustrations of the day on the man who had initiated them. He seemed to grow harder and thicker still as she rode, and his hips met hers on every thrust, his hands on her ass holding her tight against him.

They found the perfect rhythm, the perfect sync, the perfect fit. Every nerve in her body tingled with desire. She needed this. She wanted this. She reached around his muscular neck and pulled herself hard and tight against him all the while continuing the rocking and stroking that was driving her insane. She knew she was going to cum hard, but she wanted him to cum too.

"Cum for me." She demanded. "Cum inside of me Jason. I want this."

He wrapped his arms tight around her waist and kissed her hard on the mouth, and he closed his eyes and moaned softly. She squeezed the muscles deep inside her pussy walls, and she felt the spasms as he exploded inside of her.

"MMMMmmmmm" he moaned louder this time. However she wasn't finished, so she kept riding, using her legs under his thighs to pull him in deeper and deeper, making sure the friction was concentrated on her throbbing clit. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as her own orgasm continued to build. He held her tight and she was surprised that his cock was still hard, not as rock hard as he had been but still hard enough to ride.

"Oh yes...yes...I'm gonna c...c...cum" she cried and rode harder to that edge, the pressure of his cock was intense and she could feel its heat.

"Rachelle," he whispered.

At the sound of her name she let go, and felt herself explode. And then she was falling slowly and swirling in wave after wave of bliss as the orgasm took over her whole body. It wouldn't stop. It continued to pulse again and again through her for what seemed like several minutes. Then she was vaguely aware that he was cumming too!

"Oh my God." he said with ragged breath "Oh my God!"

Again? she thought. So soon? Was that possible?

They were both still for several minutes. Neither could move. Neither could speak. Breathing was ragged. Hearts were pounding. He slowly softened and then slipped out of her. She started to relax along with him. Her breathing returned to a normal rate. She started to close her eyes and immerse herself in his warmth. Then she realized where they were and what they had just done. Oh, my god! What just happened? she thought.

Rachelle unhooked one leg and then the other and slid to the floor until she was standing, her knees shaky and a little weak. She leaned against Jason for support until she felt like she could handle her own weight. With trembling fingers, she reached down and snapped her leotard shut, acknowledging the wetness that was running down her thighs, but not caring.

In a move that took her by complete surprise, Jason caught her hand and brought it to his mouth. He gently kissed and suckled each fingertip, deeply breathing in the scent of their sex. She felt her heart stop. She couldn't breathe watching him. She couldn't resist reaching down and planting a soft kiss on his mouth, her lips barely touching his. Then she backed away and smoothed down her skirt. She turned carefully and started to walk toward the door making note that her nipples were still hard, still very sensitive, pressing against the lycra fabric of her leotard.

As she started for the door, she turned back and saw Jason leaning against the desk, sweat pants still pulled down, that oversized dick limp and wet against his thigh. He had a stunned and blissful expression on his smiling face.

He looked up at Rachelle and softly said "Well ma'am... that was one helluva ride."

Rachelle paused for just a moment . Then drawing from new-found confidence she smiled and answered, "I trust you'll be letting me know if you ever need to borrow the keys to our cheer bus."

Jason eyes focused and he started saying, "Wait just a minute Rachelle..." But before he could finish, Rachelle rushed back to him, placed her left arm around his neck and cupped his flaccid manhood in her right hand while she gave him a long, soft, wet kiss. As she felt him start to harden again she released him.

She broke off the kiss and placed her index finger on his lips to keep him silent. Then she softly whispered, "Now Jason, lets not argue, because that's the kind of ride a girl would like to do over and over again." Jason was completely speechless as if trying to grasp the full meaning of her promise. Rachelle raised her eyebrows and smiled over her shoulder as she turned and left without saying another word.

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CamdudeCamdude4 months ago

Trying to understand the mentality that allows some men to make heroines out of cheating sluts. Masochism?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just another married cheating slut…

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Just your basic cheating whore.

ErotFanErotFanabout 6 years ago
Great entry submission

Several of the commenters pointed out your skills and the holes/flaws in your story line, so I won't swell on that much.

Your character seems introspective enough. Perhaps a sequel could deal with the consequences of her seduction of the coach. Now that she's had her ashes hauled and the humor of off her will she feel remorse of wind of into greater sluthood. Given her out of control emotions and inability to convey them to hubby, sluthood looks to be the path she's on. Maybe Vicki will intuit something and spill the bean to the husband; accidently or on purpose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I hope the coach isin't married

Because she is going to need be more than an assistant Cheering Coach to support herself when the husband of 19 years lets her go with absolutely nothing but her underware. And what will the kids say? Oh Boo Hoo, Bye mom, have a nice life, whats left of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What's with all these comments concerning logic?

It was not a logic story, it was an erotic story! And I found it refreshingly original.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I agree with Charlie...

I thought it was a good teasing build to a nice end. As for those comments about saving her marriage. These stories are fantasies.. so really??? Of course in REAL LIFE she should do that. Not as fantasy...

Charley49erCharley49erover 10 years ago
He rejects her.\

Of course women never reject their husbands advances. What? They do. Often? Oh, then maybe men should cheat everytime a wife says no, Dear I have a headache.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Ah gee

another story where the wife rationalizes that cheating is OK because somehow Mr. boring is not fulfilling enough. Of course she does not communicate this. She just expects him to know. So she cheats and enjoys it and expects to cheat again. And of the course the female author is not going to do the follow up story where Mr. Boring catches her and divorces her. Too bad, it would have interesting to hear her excuses.

adgeonadgeonover 10 years ago
Well done and welcome

Not much of a story but it sure got me going. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice start but she should have had a talk with her husband after his rejection

Fucking the coach was hot but she ended her marriage after 19years at least she could have had a talk about his lack of interest in her . She just let her disappointment turn into adultery .

CharlieB4CharlieB4over 10 years ago
Loved it.

The slow descent into madness beautifully captured. 5*

DunaDunaover 10 years ago

Had her husband extramarital activity with other woman five years later she would forgive him?

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 10 years ago
Hot and kinky

Although she sold herself out a bit too cheaply, She should not only got the bus, but some money for uniforms for her girls, since she is probably going to be fucking the coach for a long time.

She's a woman who knows how to get what she wants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Excellent first effort

The background detail fed easilly and quickly to pull me into the dreary state of this sexually starved middle aged woman. Her arousal by the cyclist came as no surprise. Nor the continued fantasy of the cable man. All of these details of sexual arousal seemed believable and logical. The trick ending was more icing on the cake than contrived. It was her triumph. Well earned after 19 years of marriage to a turnip.

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