The Rivals


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How she let herself get roped into this, she still didn't quite understand. A few days ago, a group of her casual friends--including the ever-enticing Ryan and fly-in-the-ointment Nancy--were sitting around a table at the Student Union at lunch, talking about what they were going to do for the big game on Saturday, which just happened to coincide with Halloween this year. Everyone was talking about what a great team they had this season and what a great chance they had of beating their ever-superior cross-state rivals in the annual game. (Yeah, big whoop.) And despite it being late October, the weather was forecast to be unseasonably warm and completely clear.

"Perfect pool weather, at least," Lexi had commented, in what she had intended as biting commentary on the relative importance of football.

"Hey, that's a great idea!" exclaimed Ryan. "It would be awesome to combine a Halloween pool party with watching the game. It starts at 4, right? We could have a whole afternoon of splashing around before it starts."

"You should see the pool at Lexi's folks' place," piped in Julie, who was the only one at the table besides Lexi who had actually been there. "They've got a gorgeous shaded backyard with big trees and they even have an attached spa," she added enthusiastically. "And..." she was about to go on, but then saw Lexi giving her the stink eye, causing her to suddenly become very interested in the last of the sandwich on her lunch plate.

But it was too late. Trevor eagerly dived into the conversation.

"Hey Lexi, you're house sitting for your parents right now, aren't you? They're not back for a while, are they? It would be so awesome to have the party there. You don't have anything else going that weekend, do you?"

"Come on, Lexi," Ryan had urged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Your parents' place is perfect for a Halloween bash! You've shown me pictures. It's like a hidden oasis there. Please?"

"Come on, Lexi," Trevor pressed. "We couldn't find anything half as nice. It would be awesome to have it there."

Ryan and Trevor leaned in with anticipation, Julie continued studying her sandwich, and Nancy sat impassively, watching the conversation bounce around the table like you would watch a tennis match.

Lexi had sighed resignedly and caved.

"Yeah, sure, that'd be fun," she said with just enough feigned enthusiasm to avoid suspicion. "Just me and Farley there anyway. Not much excitement otherwise. A party would be good."

Ryan and Trevor had pumped their fists and bounced in their chairs. Julie looked up from the remains of her sandwich and mouthed a 'sorry' when no one else was looking.

"Hey Lexi," Trevor said excitedly. "You don't mind if I bring my girlfriend Lori, do you? And her brother Jay's a really nice guy and he'd love to see the game. I bet Julie's boyfriend would, too. Right Jules?"

"Um, yeah, I'm sure Justin would be into it. Yeah." She mouthed 'sorry" again as Trevor and Ryan exchanged speculations on the outcome of the game.

"Hey guys, guys!" Nancy had suddenly exclaimed. "You know, you all just invited yourselves and half the student body over to Lexi's place without so much as a 'thank you'. The least you could do is supply the food and drink since Lexi is so generously offering the venue."

Lexi had been surprised, maybe even close to shocked at hearing this come from Nancy. She had said hardly a word for the whole time and heaven knows she was just there to wave her tits around for Ryan's benefit. But here she was standing up for Lexi. Probably just a ruse...

"Yeah, that's right!" Julie chimed in, clearly trying to make up for her earlier faux pas. "Let's make assignments. Ryan, you know your beer, so you can take care of that. I can bring Halloween-themed cupcakes. Now Trevor..."

And so her "big" party had been set. Admittedly, the guest list had rather swelled in the intervening days, but it hadn't been too overwhelming. And she had to admit, it had thus far been quite a success, despite her anxieties about it. The weather was perfect, the season notwithstanding, everyone seemed to be getting along, and everyone brought what they promised, so there was plenty of beer and food. The only annoyance was that Nancy Nobrain actually did show up. Lexi had held out a secret hope that she would somehow just forget to come, but no, she was one of the first to knock, a large container of her homemade dip in hand.

Whatever. She had been relatively innocuous so far, so maybe it wouldn't be a big deal.

Lexi looked around for Ryan, but didn't spot him immediately. He wasn't in the pool nor lounging around it. There were several people in the spa with their backs to Lexi, but she would have recognized Ryan's tall, dark-headed frame. Then a figure exploded from the middle of the roiling waters of the spa shaking his head and gasping for air amid a chorus of exclamations and laughter.

"A minute and twelve seconds. Man, you are a wimp!" exclaimed one voice. "Remind me not to take you on any diving expeditions!"

More general laughter.

Wiping the water from his face, Ryan noticed Lexi staring at him. With a wink and slight movement of his head he invited her to join the group. Lexi walked over and sat down on the lip of the spa next to Ryan. Only then did she notice Nancy among the group there. She had to make a conscious effort to avoid frowning at the sight of her.

"Great party, Lex!" Ryan exclaimed, giving her a playful one-armed hug around her shoulders. "Aren't you glad you let us talk you into this?"

"Yeah, I guess," she replied with mock reluctance. "But I better not have to clean up after the lot of you," she chided.

"Your robot friend already has that covered. Trevor dropped a whole plate of chips and dip on the living room floor and that little thing swooped in and sucked it all up. It even stuck out this arm extension thing and squirted some cleaner on the floor and shined it all up. And when Trevor thanked it, he said..." and here Ryan drew himself up, puffed out his chest, and spoke in an exaggerated English accent, "he said, 'Think nothing of it, young master.' Can you believe that?"

Everyone broke into laughter at Ryan's comic imitation of the robot's speech.

"And what do you know, here comes Mr. Clumsy Clown himself!"

Trevor walked up with a sour expression. "Very funny. But I never would have tripped if that damn dog hadn't gotten underfoot."

Only then did he seem to notice that Lexi was among the group.

"Oh, sorry Lex! Didn't mean to dis Farley. But he really did trip me."

"Fine, fine!" Lexi laughed. "He's a troublemaker, we all know."

Trevor pointed urgently at his watch. "Hey guys, it's nearly four. The game is about to start. Lex, you sure it's ok if we watch on the big holo in your den?"

"A promise is a promise, so go for it. Just make sure your trunks are dry if you sit on the couch. And I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a selfish host and let myself enjoy this lovely warm water rather than watch young men bang their brains to mush."

Lexi slid fully into the spa while everyone else jumped out and headed toward the house. Everyone, that is, except Nancy.

Lexi positioned herself in front of a spa jet and closed her eyes, hoping that Nancy might just leave on her own. But there was no movement from Nancy's side of the spa, just a long, uncomfortable silence.

"You know," Nancy said after a while, "it was really nice of you to include me at your party."

"You're welcome," Lexi responded cooly.

"You know, I know we don't really hang out much, but I enjoy being in class with you. I think it's really neat how much you talk--in class, you know. It really helps keep it interesting when it's not just the professor."

"Um, well, thanks."

More silence.

"You really don't like me, do you?"

That finally got Lexi's attention.

"No, no, that's not true!" Lexi protested. "I like you just fine."

"You sure about that? You're sure not much of a conversationalist around me."

"No, really! We just don't, I don't know, we just don't have a lot in common to talk about, I guess."

More uncomfortable silence. Lexi really wanted to leave, but couldn't think of a graceful excuse that wouldn't sound, well, like just an excuse.

"I think what you're really worried about is that I'll steal Ryan from you."

"What?" Lexi blurted. "No, of course not! I wouldn't think that!"

"Well, if you did think that, you needn't worry. I truly have no interest in stealing Ryan, or any other boy, from you."

Lexi didn't know how to respond to Nancy's brazen assertion.

"Uh, I, uh, well..."

"Really, I just like hangin' out with all of you. That's all it is."

"Uh, ok. Um, that's fine. You can do that."

Another awkward silence.

"You know, this water's getting pretty warm, don't you think?"

Lexi considered. It was getting a bit warmer than it should be.

Nancy hiked herself up to sit on the lip of the spa and fanned herself with both hands.

"Phew! That's a little better."

Nancy looked over one shoulder, then the other.

"Hey, it's just us girls here. Okay if I cool off a little faster?"

Without waiting for a response, Nancy reached behind her back and unhooked her bikini top.

"Ah, that's better!"

Lexi stared at her in surprise for a moment, then a moment longer with a mix of admiration and jealousy. Nancy really did have the most arresting breasts. They were large without being grotesque, relaxed without being saggy, and were tipped with big pink, sensuous aureoles.

Lexi felt herself starting to blush and sank further into the spa's waters to hide it. But it really was starting to get uncomfortably warm. Maybe she'd been in too long.

"There should be a floating remote in here that can adjust the temperature and jet speed. Do you see it?"

Both girls looked and splashed their hands around the spa until Nancy came across the remote. She leaned over to hand it to Lexi, her breasts dangling provocatively in the process. Lexi felt herself blush again as she accepted the gray rectangular device from Nancy.

After pushing buttons fruitlessly for nearly a minute she tossed the thing back in the water in frustration.

"Damn thing's broken, I guess. I can't even remember where the master controls are."

Lexi climbed out of the spa and looked around her backyard. Her dad always was the one to take care of the pool and Lexi had never used anything but the remote. Most of the pool's operation was automated and the pumps were hidden underground. Through the large plate glass windows at the back of the house she could clearly see the group of friends watching the game in the den to one side of the porch and the mostly empty living room to the other. Only the small black form of Jeeves was visible next to the window on that side. But as soon as she spotted it, the robot moved off into the recesses of the house.

"I've really gotten overheated. I'm going to cool off in the pool," Lexi announced.

Lexi dove into the pool. Gliding underwater toward the deep end, she felt the brisk water radiate away the heat she had accumulated in the spa. But the water's soothing coolness couldn't quench a different heat she felt rising from within, a sensation that both annoyed and confused her. Perhaps she was just embarrassed by Nancy so directly confronting her. That was rather rude of her, she thought, although, to be fair, she had been giving Nancy the cold shoulder for many weeks now. Couldn't she just take a hint and stay away?

But there was also the ember of another feeling spreading within her, the real source of her confusion. The sight of Nancy's breasts seemed imprinted on Lexi's imagination now. She couldn't seem to expunge the image from her mind, try as she might.

Lexi surfaced at the far end of the pool and glanced anxiously towards the spa. There sat Nancy, as boldly topless as before, staring unabashedly at Lexi. Nancy wiggled her fingers and smiled in greeting.

"How does it feel?"

"Yeah, um, great. Refreshing!"

Nancy stood and strolled the few paces to the steps in the shallow end. Lexi somehow couldn't pull her eyes away from Nancy's shapely, amply rounded figure as she slowly stepped down into the pool. Once she had cleared the steps, she slowly lowered herself until the water came to her mid chest--just enough for the natural buoyancy of her breasts to float and bob slightly with the last of the waves Lexi had stirred up when she dove in.

Lexi felt her face flush. What the fuck? She dove towards the bottom of the pool, legs flailing frog-like, trying to kick out her confusion. When she resurfaced, she immediately began to swim in earnest, doing several laps back and forth and pointedly avoiding looking at Nancy.

When she reached the shallow-end steps after her fourth lap, she charged up out of the pool and with only a quick glance back at Nancy, said, "I'm going to run into the house and get some cold water. Do you want some?" She had to get away, even if just for a few minutes, to clear her mind.

"That'd be great, thanks," Nancy replied to Lexi's fleeing back.

Once in the kitchen, Lexi poured two glasses of ice water, but as she turned to go outside again, she saw that Nancy had followed her in.

"Here," Lexi said, presenting a glass to Nancy, whose torso was now covered by a light, loose-fitting t-shirt.

Both took long draws from their glasses.

"Did get rather hot and steamy out there, didn't it?" Nancy observed.

"Yeah, guess so."

Lexi suddenly couldn't seem to string many words together and, despite the ice water, felt herself flush again. And she couldn't keep from looking at Nancy's breasts, now partially hidden by the somewhat damp and clinging shirt.

Nancy's blue eyes intensely studied Lexi for a moment, but if she noticed Lexi's attentions, she didn't mention it. Instead, Nancy took another long draw on the glass and handed it back to Lexi.

"More please?"

Lexi refilled the glass and handed it back. Rather than drink from it, though, Nancy placed the glass against her neck and chest.

"Feels good, you should try it," she urged.

Lexi looked at her almost empty glass, but before she could move to refill it, Nancy stepped close and said, "Here let me help."

Nancy gently placed one hand behind Lexi's neck and with the other pressed her glass against Lexi's cheeks, neck and upper chest.

"Nice, isn't it?" Nancy prompted.

Lexi mutely nodded, as if in a fog.

Without removing her hand from behind Lexi's neck, Nancy stretched out her other hand to place her glass on the counter, then took Lexi's glass and did the same.

Lightly stroking Lexi's arm, Nancy said, "You see why it is that you don't need to worry about me stealing Ryan from you?"

She leaned forward and pressed her round lips to Lexi's thin ones.

"You've never done this before, have you?" Nancy whispered, her nose touching Lexi's while she stared intensely into her eyes.

Lexi shook her head slowly.

"Well then, clearly no one's been bold enough before."

Nancy pulled Lexi to her and kissed her deeply. Lexi at first passively accepted Nancy's kiss but soon found herself eagerly reciprocating.

Wordlessly, Nancy disengaged, took Lexi's hand and led her out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Lexi followed like a compliant puppy. They walked past the den, where the other partygoers were gathered around the holovid cheering and shouting. None seemed to notice the two walk past.

As they neared the end of the hallway, Nancy gestured toward an open doorway.

"This your bedroom?"

Lexi nodded and Nancy led her into the room, stopping in the middle. Nancy wrapped her arm around Lexi's waist and pulled her close.

"You okay with this?" she whispered into Lexi's ear.

Lexi finally found her voice. "I guess," she said timidly, looking down at her feet.

"You sure? I'm not into domination."

In response, Lexi took both of Nancy's hands and, stepping backward, pulled Nancy with her until she was stopped by the edge of her desk. Placing both hands behind Nancy's neck, she pulled her close and kissed her deeply. Nancy responded by pressing herself into Lexi's body and passionately returning Lexi's kisses.

Abruptly, Lexi broke off the kiss.

"Jeeves!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Get out of here and go scrub a toilet or something."

Nancy looked around and saw the little black robot sitting just inside the room, motionless.

"Jeeves?" Lexi repeated more forcefully. "Out!"

The robot swiveled in place and slowly began rolling out of the room.

"Oh, and shut the door on your way."

The black device swiveled and again seemed to hesitate.

"You heard me: close it! I know you can do it."

The robot suddenly surged against the open door, banging it against the wall. Then it began backing out of the room, somehow bringing the door with it.

Just before the door closed entirely, Lexi said, "Wait! One more thing. Dim the lights to half brightness, play some soft,"--a brief pause--"sensuous music, and infuse the air with... with... with jasmine!"

The robot didn't appear to respond, but after a few seconds the lights dimmed, soft jazz music began to play through concealed speakers, and a sweet floral fragrance permeated the room. The door clicked shut.

"Wow, impressive!" Nancy exclaimed, turning back to face Lexi. "But your mechanical slave seems a bit finicky."

"Hmph! Maybe. But he got the job done."

"Yeah, he did at that. And can I take it that this..." Nancy gestured with her head to vaguely indicate the room. "... means that my gambit is paying off?"

Lexi answered by pulling Nancy to her and kissing her deeply.

"Mmm," Nancy cooed. "That's the kind of answer I like. And I guess it follows that I can do this, too."

Embracing Lexi's delicate torso, Nancy reached around and unhooked the strap of her bikini top, letting it fall to the ground. Then, holding her by the shoulders, Nancy leaned back to examine Lexi's breasts.

"Oh my! I always suspected there might be more here than first meets the eye. Look at those nipples! Do they always look like that or is this a special hello?"

Lexi tried to speak, but had to clear her throat.

"Um, uh, well, they kind of stand up when I get, uh, when I'm..."

Her voice trailed off as Nancy slid her hands from Lexi's shoulders down her chest, leisurely dragging her palms across Lexi's breasts and erect nipples. Leaning down, Nancy took a nipple gently between her teeth while she tweaked the other between thumb and forefinger.

Lexi's breathing quickened and became louder.

"My god, girl!" Nancy said, placing her palm firmly against Lexi's left breast. "You're going to have a heart attack if you don't get your heartrate down! And look at your neck! Even in this light I can see how flushed you are!"

Lexi had to clear her throat.

"Happens when I, um, get... excited." She barely got the last word out.

"Shit, honey! Now you're really getting my motor running, too. God, I really had no idea you would be such a turn on!"

Nancy stepped back and raised both arms over her head. Lexi looked at her uncomprehending.

"Help me, girl, help me get this shirt off. It's no fun to undress yourself!"

Lexi stepped forward and tentatively began to lift the hem of Nancy's still damp t-shirt.

"Come on now, it won't take itself off!"

Lexi more quickly pulled the hem up over Nancy's voluptuous breasts as Nancy squirmed the rest of the way out of her shirt.

"It doesn't seem like a fair fight," Lexi observed.

"Sweetie, it's not a competition. Trust me, yours are as beautiful and sexy as they come. Believe me?"

"Really?" Lexi asked sheepishly.

"Yes, really," Nancy responded firmly. "I can hardly keep my hands off of them."

Lexi found herself staring at Nancy's Rubenesque form.

"Don't you want to touch them?" Nancy asked.

Lexi nodded, then reached out a hand and began to squeeze and fondle one of Nancy's breasts.