The Schooling of the Spell Caster


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"But you, Amber. You failed him the worst of all. I don't know if he will ever forgive you. I don't think I can if I'm being honest. That can never happen again. You are fighting this circle and I don't know why. This goes beyond hating men into some crazy bullshit. You need to tell us what the fuck is happening so we can figure this out. Together. We are a circle within a circle and honey, your heart is dying.

"Today Daniel was attacked in the open in the school. No one cared. This place is all sorts of fucked up. But Daniel suffered because he couldn't access his magic. His handicap is massive. He needs to be sexually aroused to do magic. When an attack can come at any time, how do we counter that? This is important, girls. We need to solve this, and quickly. How do we keep Daniel sexually aroused all the time? And is it even possible?"

Jasmine sat quietly, still stroking Amber's back, and watched Bitty cross the room and head into the kitchen.

Amber said nothing and swiped at the snot and tears on her face. They sat in silence until Bitty emerged with four cups of steaming tea on a tray. She set it down on the coffee table and handed each of them a cup of chamomile. She then pulled Amy onto the couch and sat beside her, held her hand, and sipped her tea.

Jasmine smiled at her. She admired the spunky gnome and her brilliant mind. Her skills in the bedroom were unmatched. Jasmine just knew she was holding back in the sex department. She was excited to explore that further with her.

Jasmine sipped her tea and sighed. "Back on the farm, Daniel charmed some toys for me. My dildo, for example. It became an automated little thing. Daniel used it to pleasure me for hours. It was really amazing. The poor little dildo grew little arms and legs and seriously fucked me hard. And it vibrated! I was worried it would suffocate, and Daniel laughed at me." Jasmine giggled and saw Bitty listening to her with interest. "I guess I'm wondering if we could do something similar for Daniel."

"Sure you can," said Bitty, simply and matter-of-factly. She sipped her tea.

Jasmine gawked at the gnome. "We can? How?"

"Years ago, the gnomes invented a penis exciter. The men called it a pocket pussy. It's a tube, made to feel like the inside of a vagina. The male puts his penis in it and then moves the whole thing up and down. With our males, it failed to produce erections. It was shelved, but the concept remains."

Jasmine clapped her hands. "That sound perfect!"

"You would need lubrication. The inside would need to be well lubricated to function. I assume this would be in constant use?"

Jasmine, and now Amy, nodded.

"You will need lubrication that lasts."

Jasmine pondered this for a long moment. "I don't have any solutions. Perhaps an apothecarist?"

Bitty shook her head. "No. They do not specialise in those kinds of things."

"How do you know?"

Bitty smiled. "There is little gnomes do not know. One of the side benefits of our slavery was that we were the forgotten race. Standing plainly in a room full of strangers while they revealed their secrets. We were the unseen, unwanted help. Plus, gnomes have studied everything about sexuality, trying to break the curse. Before we were scientists and mechanics and engineers. Now, we are sex experts."

The loud sound of snoring came from Daniel's bedroom. Amy and Jasmine looked fondly toward the door while Amber rolled her eyes.

A knock sounded at their door. They all looked at one another.

"Allow me," said Bitty, and rose and went over to the front door. She opened it and saw Jennifer standing there, shuffling from foot to foot.

"Can I come in?"

"Certainly. Please enter," replied Bitty, and brought Jennifer over to the couches.

They all said hello and Bitty went to fetch another cup of tea.

Jennifer sat when offered and shared the couch with Amy and Bitty.

They spoke of small things until Bitty returned with a cup of tea for Jennifer. She sipped it and hid a grimace. She set the cup down.

She stared at Bitty for a long moment. "You are a gnome."


"And yet you are sitting here drinking tea with the others like an equal."

Bitty held up a hand when Amy and Jasmine growled. "Please. Let me." She focused on Jennifer. "Yes, but now we are all free. I am no longer enslaved."

Jennifer stared at Bitty, her mouth opening and closing before she finally spoke. "I had heard, obviously. Forgive my manners. You are the first gnome I have encountered since you were freed. How did this happen?"

"I can't tell you. At least not right now. It just is."

"My Goddess has not released me from her calling regarding Daniel and the others here. I sense you are somehow included in it. My Goddess is very interested in you, specifically. Do you know why?"

Bitty looked a little worried and shook her head.

"In time, it will be revealed. Please allow me to say that I am pleased you are free. Forced servitude is something my goddess frowns on. She believes in safe words and consent."

Bitty looked surprised and then smiled, nodding her head. "I understand."

Jennifer didn't look like she believed Bitty, but she nodded and looked at the others. "I should inform you Headmaster Cuirass was not pleased with me," she said.

Amy scowled. "Not pleased with you? Why?"

"He said my involvement was not the paladin way. He said we help the unfortunate, but that does not include witches. And their spell casters."

"But you did anyway. I'd say that makes you the better paladin," said Jasmine.

Jennifer smiled and again her white teeth shone from her perfectly tanned complexion. "My Goddess would agree with you."

"Who is your Goddess?" asked Amy.

"The headmaster has forbidden me to say. I am required to wear this gambeson at all times to hide the mark of my goddess on my armour."

"Can we see it? After all, we aren't even tested yet. We are just visitors really at this point." Jasmine smiled at her words.

Jennifer nodded. "I see the logic. It would please me to show you. I am not accustomed to hiding it and it shames me."

Jennifer undid the clasps at the sides of the gambeson and pulled it off.

The women all gasped.

First, because they had never seen plate mail with such large cups for a woman's breasts. If she was filling those cups her tits were even larger than Amy's. Second, a rather large and crude drawing in white of a penis covered the front of the plate mail. Jennifer smiled and pulled out an amulet, which was also shaped like a penis.

Jasmine gawked and then chuckled. And then laughed out loud. "You're a paladin of Syn?"

Jennifer smiled. "I am used to laughter. This is fine."

Jasmine held up a hand but kept laughing.

Amy frowned. "Jasmine, really. That's rude."

Jasmine finally controlled herself and her breathing. "No. I love that she's a paladin of Syn! Don't you see? The presence we all felt during the ritual? How Daniel uses magic? It's all her. It's all Syn! It has to be! Why else would a paladin of Syn suddenly show an interest in us? She had a calling, remember? To lay hands on you and Daniel? It's all connected. Ladies, we need to confide in Jennifer here. I can sense it. Surely you can, too?"

Jennifer looked complexed but Amy nodded, and finally, reluctantly, Amber did too.

Jasmine scooted forward on the couch. "You aren't going to believe this..."

The tea was replaced by an expensive single malt whiskey from the Bag of Holding. By the time the ladies had explained to Jennifer and Bitty what had happened up until now, they had each downed a few stiff drinks and were happily a little drunk.

Jennifer was laughing so hard she had had to run to the bathroom. Then they heard a clatter and cursing and ran in to help. Peeing as a woman in plate mail was next to impossible. Finally relieved, they sat back on the couches. Only Amber remained slightly apart from them, and Jasmine frowned at her.

Jennifer snorted. "So you guys are going to have a terrible time passing the tests. You do realise that, right?"

"Grace said it would work. And she wouldn't miss it."

"Grace de Moroingi. She is a legend in her own lifetime. I envy you meeting her. I met the cleric in her adventurer group by happenstance. Brian. A dwarf. Very devote. He and I worshiped our goddess together many times. We were very devout."

"By worship you mean..."

"We copulated. Syn was very pleased. His partner, Jason, joined us. There is great joy in a double penetration. I had a good time."

"By the Gods, I don't understand any of this," muttered Amber.

"That's because you need a good copulation. But your way," stated Jennifer.

Amber and the girls stared at Jennifer.

Jennifer finally noticed their stares. "Oh, right. You have no idea what my powers are. All paladins have unique powers gifted to us by our gods or goddesses. Quinten can detect lies. Useless really because it is so easy to say things and not exactly lie. Like Gwydion did. Me? My powers are knowing exactly what sex a person needs or requires. How they get off. You'd be surprised what turns people on these days. Shoes. Ice cream. Peanut butter. A sharp stick in the ass. Never ceases to amaze me. It's wonderful."

Amy and Jasmine looked at one another for a long time and then looked at Amber. "And what does Amber need?"

Jennifer, a little drunk, hiccupped and answered right away. "Oh, that's easy. She just needs someone tied up in front of her for her amusement. Preferably Daniel. Really, that's all she thinks about. It's driving her crazy."

The room went quiet, and then they all turned to look at Amber. Amber looked mortified and rose and ran from the room to the garden.

Jennifer finished her glass. "And now she needs to go play with her toys. She fantasises about using him all the time. She loves control and Daniel is her prey."

This led to Jennifer telling them all what they wanted sexually. Amy was the tame one. She wanted Daniel to love her forever. And fill all her holes repeatedly and fill them with as much cum as he could. She went red in the face but nodded in agreement. Bitty wanted as many cocks in her holes as possible at the same time. Bitty grinned and nodded. Jasmine waited and Jennifer watched her.

"Jasmine wants Daniel to never stop making love to her. Slowly. Lovingly. She wants him to impregnate her over and over again. She wants little girls and boys to raise. It will happen, Jasmine. For all of you. Syn demands it."

Jasmine cried softly for a time and Amy went over and held her.

Amy spoke after a bit. "What does Syn want, exactly?"

Jennifer beamed another smile. "A special circle. It's almost there now. Something is holding you back. Syn sent me to help. I'm not sure how."

Jasmine looked up. "We were just discussing how to make a lubricant that could be used to make a pocket pussy work for Daniel."

After it was explained to her, Jennifer's eye popped open wide. "A pocket pussy? How ingenious! Oh! Well, that's easy. I come from an Eastern coastal port. We harvest a seaweed there. A thick red seaweed called carrageenan with amazing lubrication properties. It's used for many things that need quick greasing. It's not nearly as good as grease but works in a pinch. The apothecarists sell it in town. Cheap, too. I bet what would work."

Bitty was rubbing her hands together. "Oh, yes, that will surely work!"

The next morning, a staff member came by to tell them that all their curricular activity would be curtailed for a couple of days. The attack on Daniel was being scrutinised. It was not every day that spell casters openly attack a person who had not even conducted their testing. There were arguments being made that the attack was criminal in nature and that the attacks were essentially on private citizens. Quinten ordered them all to their rooms until the dust settled.

Daniel was still not himself. He kept insisting he needed to go see Gwydion. They finally convinced him to stay and sat him down and kept watch on him. They would catch him heading for the door occasionally.

Bitty slipped out and headed into the city to gather the items they needed to perfect a pocket pussy. She had drawn up designs in intricate detail. Jasmine couldn't get enough of Bitty and spent all her time with her. Amy would see them hugging and touching each other all the time and smiled.

When Bitty returned, Jasmine and she ran out back to work. Jennifer had explained the seaweed needed to be boiled to extract the lubricant and that it smelled horrible when boiling it.

"After that, it's tasteless and odourless," Jennifer explained. "It's water-based, so all you need to do is add more water to keep it slick. Or spit. A little goes a long way. It's really spectacular for anal sex, too. Daniel will be able to literally bang the shit out of you all day long if he has the stamina."

An excited chorus of "he has the stamina" was her response.

Amy tried to make lunch. She figured after having eaten everything on the menu at the restaurant in Acron that she could make the same things. In the end, they had salad with charred salmon on top. Amy and Amber would stop by Jasmine and Bitty to watch their progress. To Amy, it seemed it was more than just a pocket pussy, but they kept telling her to leave them.

Eventually Amy just went over to Daniel, lowered his pants, got him hard in her mouth and sat on his cock and amused herself. She frowned every time Daniel called her Gwydion but brought him to two orgasms and herself to five. Jennifer watched them openly, and this somehow excited Amy, so she kept at it.

She finally got off his lap, cum dripping from her pussy, when Jasmine and Bitty came in holding a tray covered with a cloth.

"Oops, sorry. I was bored," said Amy by way of an apology.

Jasmine grinned and Jennifer rose and sauntered over to Amy. Amy held her breath, and then sucked in air when Jennifer brazenly reached between her legs and scooped up Daniel's cum. She didn't even hesitate. She kept looking Amy in the eye and then sucked the cum off her fingers. Her eyes went round, and she looked at her hand and the cum on it.

"By Syn, that's amazing!"

Amy nodded. Her lids were lowered a little. She moved slowly forward and took Jennifer into her arms and then kissed her on the mouth. Tongues danced and Jennifer moaned.

"By Syn, you're good. I know all of you are. I feel like I'm in a church dedicated to Syn. Can you not feel it? The bliss and harmony? Syn teaches love. Respect. Admiration. It's everywhere here. I've never been so happy as I am here with you."

Jasmine joined them. "And how do you feel about witches?"

Jennifer grinned at her. "Feeling better and better."

Jasmine gave her a little kiss. "Look at Daniel's cock. It's still hard."

Jennifer did look down at it and Jasmine could see her soaking up all the details of it.

"It's clearly a superior cock," murmured Jennifer.

"Let's try out the pocket pussy on it. He's ready."

Daniel looked around. He was clearly still all sorts of fucked up.

Jasmine pulled the cloth off the tray and revealed a pocket pussy and three balls. "Ta da!" she exclaimed with a flourish. "May I present the original Pocket Pussy and Pussy Balls!"

Amy cheered and Amber came out of a bedroom to join them. Bitty was grinning from ear to ear. Gnomes were a little elastic and her smile literally went from one ear to the other, freaking out Jasmine a little.

Amy picked up the pocket pussy. "How does it work?"

Jasmine grabbed it from her. "See the opening here? Shaped kind of like pussy lips? That's only aesthetics. Inside it is made from a soft spongy material. Bitty knew how to make it, and it's ridged like inside a vagina. You take this..." she grabbed the little vial of clear liquid "and pour in a couple of teaspoons. This stuff is magic. Except it's actually mundane. Super slippery, though. Then you take the pocket pussy and insert a penis. Oh look! Here's one now! And it's still hard from Amy."

Jasmine sat next to Daniel and then lined up his cock head and pushed the pocket pussy down and around his penis. Daniel made an appreciative sound. Jasmine then started jerking him off with it. She kept up her narrative.

"So I figure if Daniel can cast Servant on this thing, it will continue to pleasure him. He doesn't even need to really concentrate on maintaining it, we know that. This will keep him in a constant state of arousal. Edging, as he calls it. This will hopefully mean Daniel will be able to access his magic. Like all the time. What do you think?"

Daniel was making more happy noises and Jasmine continued to stroke him.

Amy got closer and then took over from Jasmine. She stroked Daniel up and down and watched his face. "Oh, he really likes this..."

"Wait till you see what else we made..." Jasmine rose and picked up one of the little balls from the tray. A wire ran from the ball. Amy could hear something rattle inside the ball. "Inside the ball is a small weight. The wire is for removal. You push the ball inside your vagina and that's it! Walking around will make the weight move around and cause little vibrations. I imagine Daniel could animate it and make it better. This way, we will all have sexual energy we can share with Daniel. Together, we should be able to pass the tests!"

Amy wiped the sweat from Daniel's brow. He was focused on the pocket pussy fucking his cock. "Daniel? Honey? Can you cast Servant on this? Automate it?"

Daniel nodded and cast the spell in a heartbeat, stunning all of them. His control was getting seriously good. "Yes, it's easy when I'm excited."

Amy let go of the pocket pussy as it sprouted little tendrils. The tendrils reached out and grasped Daniel around the hips. In moments, the pocket pussy was jerking him off on its own. Jasmine clapped and then grabbed a vial with a little hose on it. She crouched down and connected the hose to a tiny spigot on the pocket pussy. The hose led to the vial.

"Daniel need only squeeze the vial and more lube will enter the pocket pussy. And now, the balls. Ladies, who wants to be first?"

Surprising everyone, Amber insisted she be first. She shucked off her pants and sat on the couch and spread her legs. Jennifer stared at her pussy. Amber took an offered ball and pushed it into her pussy. The wire ran out between her pussy lips to a small metal ring on the end. Everyone could see she was wet already, and they looked from her to Daniel next to her, getting his cock pumped.

Amber stood up and walked around. "Oh! It tingles. Not a lot, but pleasant!"

Amy looked at Daniel. "Can you automate the ball inside, Amber?"

Daniel nodded and spoke the spell, and Amber jumped about three feet off the ground.

"Oh, my Gods! It vibrated! Not a lot, but enough. Oh Gods!" Amber sank to her knees and pressed a hand to her pussy. "That's amazing!"

Amy squealed with joy. "Daniel, can you link it to your pocket pussy? When you need more magic, you make yours work faster, and the balls too? That way, we'll know if you need more magic!"

Daniel moaned as his pocket pussy sped up a little. He waved his hand and Amber moaned.

"Oh Gods, it sped up!"

Amy didn't hesitate. She grabbed the next ball on the tray and jammed into her pussy. Daniel cast Servant and Amy moaned and collapsed on the couch next to Daniel. Jasmine was next and soon all three girls were moaning with Daniel. Magic grew thick in the air.

Jennifer looked ecstatic. "Goddess Syn! Bless this circle! Feel the sexual energy!"

Bitty looked around the room. Three women were moaning, just lying around. A pocket pussy was pumping madly away at Daniel's cock. She grinned. "Fuck, I need one of those!"

Jennifer nodded her head. "Me too."

Suddenly, the presence returned, and Jennifer fell to her knees. Daniel grunted and then threw his head back and cried out in orgasmic bliss. All three witches came simultaneously with him, and their cries joined his in a beautiful harmony.
