The Sex Wrestling League Ch. 06


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"Get him out of the fucking ring! That's been ten seconds!" Jordan yelled from across the ring.

The ref was only at 7. We both pulled harder trying to get Sasha to submit, but she was tougher than we thought. We wanted a quick submission out of her, but it wasn't going to happen. Before I knew it, the ref tapped my arm. "Out of the ring!"

Sean and I looked at each other and threw Sasha up in the arm and let go of her. She hit the mat with a large thud as I stepped through the ropes and cheered on Sean.

"Don't let her up man! Keep on her!" I shouted from the side.

Jordan looked pissed from the other side of the ring. She had realized her mistake of letting Sasha start the match instead of her. "Come on Sasha! Get up!" Jordan screamed.

Sasha was just starting to move with Sean got over to her. Sean grabbed her by the back of the mask and helped her to her feet. Sean whipped Sasha into the ropes with more force than I have ever seen before. He was letting out his aggression. All the losses, all the humiliation were in that whip. Sasha hit the ropes hard and came flying back at Sean. Sean lifted her above his head and just dropped her down. Another thud. Sasha was down and moaning. She her body had to be killing her. She had just taken two major falls onto the mat.

"SASHA!!" Jordan yelled.

"SEAN, KEEP ON HER!" I yelled.

Sean stood over her while Sasha was in the fetal position. He pushed her down to her stomach and wrapped his hands under her chin. Sean pulled back with all of his might. Sasha scream out in pain as her back was now being forced to withstand a horrific camel clutch. The ref immediately dove down to see if Sasha wanted to submit.

"Sasha, just tell me. You can stop the pain" the ref asked Sasha.

Sasha's face looked as if she was about to cry. "SUBMIT TO ME BITCH!" Sean yelled as he dropped his ass onto Sasha's back. This was too much for Sasha to take. "I Submit!" She screamed out in pain.

Sean released his hold and jumped into the air. This had to be the first time he had won a fall in a long time. Sean was on cloud nine as he ran over to our corner. I was happy for him. "You did it buddy! That's one!" I screamed to him.

We had both forgotten that during that the match was continually going even after a submission. Sasha was starting to crawl over to Jordan. We were just so excited that Sean had won one fall that it was almost too late to stop the tag. "SEAN!" I yelled as I pointed to Sasha about to reach Jordan.

Sean whipped his head around and ran over trying to stop Jordan from being tagged in. Sasha dove for Jordan's hand and Sean dove for Sasha's feet to stop her.

Sasha's dive was better. Jordan was tagged in and Sean was already on the ground. Jordan jumped into the ring and dropped her knee right into Sean's stomach. There was no threat of a double team because Sasha just rolled out of the ring. Jordan didn't need it though. Jordan picked up the gasping Sean and threw him into the corner. "Now you have to deal with me you little fucker!" Jordan was pissed. She let out one of the hardest slaps I have ever seen across Sean's chest. Then another. And then one more just for good measure. Sean's chest was bright red.

Sean was holding his chest gasping for air as Jordan picked Sean up in the air and drove his body down to the mat. Jordan's shoulder pushed right into Sean's abs as he hit the mat hard. Now it was Sean's turn to be gasping for air on the mat. "FUCK, SEAN GET UP!" I screamed. I knew this was a horrible position for him to be in. Jordan wasn't fucking around. Jordan laid down on the mat next to Sean's head and wrapped her legs around his neck. She had him in a figure four head scissors. Sean was gasping for air already and Jordan was trying to cut off what was left.

"Nighty, Nighty you little piece of shit." Jordan said as she squeezed her legs across Sean's neck and head.

She wasn't trying to get him to submit, she was trying to choke him out! "Ref, She can't choke him out!" I screamed but the ref just blew me off.

Sean struggled more and more. His hands smacking against Jordan's awesome thighs, he was almost out. Sasha had regained herself as well, cheering Jordan on from the side. "That's it! Pass him out Jordan!"

I couldn't let Sean go out like this. Fuck it, I jumped into the ring and baseball slide into Jordan's hip. Sasha immediately jumped into the ring as well. Jordan let go of Sean's head and he rolled out coughing trying to suck in as much air as possible. While my choice was to help Sean out, I didn't think what it would do to me. Sasha had stormed into the ring wanting pay back. She dropped her knee right to the side of my head.

I was seeing stars. Everything was blurry. I could hear the ref trying to restore order, but Sasha was not going to listen. If I was going to jump into Jordan and Sean's fight, so was she. Sasha dropped another knee across my gut to knock the wind out of me. I was definitely in trouble. Then I felt it.

Right across my chest. Jordan had gotten up and saw that Sean was already on the mat, felt that she could go to work on me. Jordan had slammed her thick ass across my chest. My back was pinned against the mat. Sasha had gotten between my legs and was running her hand up them. She found my balls and started to rub them.

"Count ref! He's down!" Jordan screamed at the ref. The ref slide down to the ground and checked my shoulders.

"You shouldn't have jumped in, Rob!" He said as he slapped the mat.

"1" the crowd chanted. I tried to wiggle out from underneath Jordan.

"2" Then I felt it.

Sasha's mouth wrap around my penis. My cock immediately harden for her.

"3!!!!" The crowd went nuts. It was rare that they ever saw a pin fall and Jordan had given it to them. Unlike us, they didn't celebrate; they just kept working me over. Jordan smiling down at me, "We thought you'd be the last one we took out, but seems like it will be Sean who will be easy picking."

I tried to struggle out from under Jordan's amazing ass, but Sasha had me paralyzed with an amazing blowjob. Sasha didn't have to worry about keeping me down so she was working my cock and my balls with both of her hands. It was pure ecstasy.

Jordan was feeling cocky as she slid her pussy right over my mouth. "Eat me Rob. Since Sean will be that easy to take out, I might as well get to have an orgasm."

Jordan's pussy smelled great on my mouth. I figured if I was going out at least I could give Sean the best chance to win by himself. I drove my tongue as deep as I could into Jordan's pussy. Jordan let out a deep moan.

This turned Sasha on even more. "Rob, it is time for me to empty your balls." Sasha said as she buried my cock deep into her mouth. This was intense. Sasha was deepthroating my cock and squeezing my balls and Jordan was practically masturbating onto my mouth. Sasha's mouth started to vibrate and milk my cock. As hard as I was holding back, I knew it was only a matter of seconds before my balls would explode.

Sasha knew it was over too! Her mouth turned into a milking machine. I felt a wave of pleasure come over me as I started to buck under Jordan's pussy. "That's it Sasha! He's gonna cum!" Jordan screamed.

Jordan started to rub her clit hard on my face. She was panting and moaning. She arched her big tits up into the air and came hard onto my face. "OHHH FUCK! MMMM!!"

With that Sasha gave my balls a hard squeeze and my dick responded exactly how she wanted. I exploded deep into me eager mouth. Pouring out every single last drop of cum into her mouth. The crowd went nuts. This had to be one of the most erotic scenes they had ever seen. I had been pinned and had my cum milked out of my dick and Jordan had given herself her own orgasm.

The ref pulled Jordan off of me as Sasha spit my cum out to show the ref that I was now out of the match. The ref ordered me to leave the ring, but I was allowed to stay at ringside. I was pissed but realized that I was in that situation because I felt the need to help Sean instead of worrying about myself.

I rolled out of the ring not mad but disappointed in myself. I turned my attention back to the ring as the ref had gotten things back in order. At least he had forced either Sasha or Jordan to leave the ring.

Sean was back on his feet but definitely looked beaten. "Sean you got this. You can beat both of them" I yelled from the floor.

Sean was going to start the next fall against Jordan again. Since Jordan had given herself an orgasm all Sean had to do was to pin or submit her. Jordan circled Sean like a lioness stalking her prey. She knew that she could beat Sean. She dove at Sean low, trying to take his legs out.

It had to be pure reflexes because I saw Sean pull one of the most athletic moves I have ever seen by him. He leap frogged Jordan and pushed her into the ropes. Since she had dove at him low, she fell down into the roped with the middle rope going across her neck. She had choked herself.

Sean went immediately on the attack. He grabbed Jordan's ankle and lifted her leg into the air and drove her knee as hard as he could into the mat. Jordan was definitely in pain.

She had been too confident in her abilities to take Sean out. Sean had the look of a guy who was tired of being pushed around by girls in the ring. This had been his dream just as much as it had been mine. Sean wanted to take out these bitches to prove to everyone that he wasn't a failure.

Sean grabbed Jordan's leg again and slammed her knee even harder into the mat. Jordan's perfect ass was in the air as she grabbed her knee in pain. Sean licked his hand and smack Jordan's ass as hard as he could. Jordan screamed out. "I'm going to kill you mother fucker!"

Sean just looked at Jordan with a smirk, "That's fine, but I'm going to submit you first."

Sean pulled Jordan away from the ropes and wrapped grabbed Jordan's legs. As he stepped through them, I though Sean was going for the figure four, but he twisted her over into the deadly sharpshooter!

Jordan lifted her head up and screamed in pain as Sean arched her back. Jordan was finished. Her knee was killing her, her back was on fire and there was she could do about it.

Sasha looked like she wanted to jump into the ring, I ran over to her side and grabbed her ankle just before she stepped through the ropes. "Get off me you fucker! You are already out!" She screamed. There was nothing she could do about it though. I wasn't going to let go.

Jordan was pounding the mat in submission. Sean had taken her out! The ref forced Sean to break the hold and I let go of Sasha's ankle. It was down to those two. Sasha stormed the ring and speared Sean as he was releasing Jordan from his hold. Jordan rolled out of the ring holding her knee. Sean had really fucked her up.

Sasha had driven Sean down to the mat and was elbowing him in the head. Sean was trying to knock her off of him. Sasha was now the one with the fire in her eyes. She didn't want to lose either. Sean finally got a grip on Sasha's sides and threw her off of him. Sasha using her gymnast background rolled perfectly to her feet. As Sean got to his, Sasha grabbed his head and bulldogged him as hard as she could into the mat. Sean's head bounced hard against the mat.

He was definitely stunned. Jordan was now getting back to her feet at ringside, screamed for Sasha to finish him. Sean was still shaking the cobwebs when Sasha pulled her submission move. Sasha wrapped her legs around Sean's head, but instead of squeezing them, she arched her back and grabbed Sean's legs as well. It was an incredibly difficult move that only a gymnast could pull off. Sean was trapped. Sean felt his back being stretched in a way that had never been done before.

Sasha was extremely flexible. Sean was not. He screamed out the minute Sasha started to pull. The pain had to be intense. You could see the fire and aggression burning in Sasha's eyes. She wanted to make Sean pay. She wanted to hurt him. Sean did the best thing he could. "I SUBMIT!"

Sasha held the move for a second or two more, but knowing that she still had to make Sean cum, she had to let go. Sean grabbed his back as soon as Sasha released the hold.

"Fuck" I thought this was going to be the end of Sean. He was hurting and Sean would even admit he was horrible about lasting long against girls. Sean wouldn't last 2 minutes if Sasha got her mouth around Sean's dick.

I slammed my hands against the mat. "Come on Sean! You can still beat this bitch!"

Jordan followed suit, "Make that little fucker blow, Sasha!"

Sasha was on her feet, looking for an opening to attack Sean. Sean was still staggering holding his back. Sasha grabbed Sean's arm and swung him into the corner. Sean went running into the corner, but stopped himself before his back nailed the turnbuckle. Sasha had followed him into the corner trying to knee him in the stomach but was met with Sean's elbow to the jaw.

Sasha went flying to the ground. "YES!" I screamed as Jordan screamed "SASHA!"

Sean still wasn't 100% but at least was buying himself some time. He grabbed Sasha by the mask and pushed her into the corner as hard as he could. Sasha's back slammed up against the turnbuckle as she slumped into the corner. Sean had to force an orgasm out of Sasha to win, but couldn't get to her pussy.

Sean reached down to pick Sasha up again. Sasha using her instincts slapped Sean as hard as she could across his face. Sasha pulled herself up as Sean took a few steps back. Neither of them had found an advantage against the other. Sasha and Sean were both breathing hard as they squared off against each other. This was it. It had to end now, I told myself.

Jordan was screaming for Sasha to attack. I was shocked that it was Sean who followed Jordan's orders. Sean lunged at Sasha. Sasha dropped to her knees and tripped Sean to the ground. Sasha was no longer letting anything to chance. Sasha immediately went from a body scissor against Sean! Sasha wrapped her legs around Sean trying to hold him down. Sean struggled to fight against Sasha's athletic legs.

Then Sasha went for it! She grabbed Sean's cock. Sean let out a small sigh and leaned back just enough for Sasha to locked her ankles together for a killer body scissors. Sasha was working Sean's cock. Sean's dick responded to Sasha's hand. Sasha knew that she just had to get her mouth around his cock and Sean would be done!

Jordan and I both screamed from the floor! "Get him Sasha! Make him cum all over this mat again!"

Sasha tried to bend her body to get her mouth closer to Sean's dick. "SEAN! GO FOR HER PUSSY!" I screamed.

With that Sean pushed two fingers into Sasha's pussy. Sasha let out a low moan and lost focus for a minute on Sean's dick. Sean worked his finger in and out at a steady pace. He knew that he couldn't fight off Sasha for that much longer. Sean put his thumb against Sasha's clit. Sasha was in trouble. She was breathing harder and harder. She knew that she had to get her mouth around Sean's cock.

Sasha released the body scissors and drove Sean's cock into her mouth. Now it was Sean's turn to let out a moan. Sean started to slap the mat as Sasha worked his cock in her mouth. She knew he couldn't last long against her. Sean was thrashing around, fighting off the building orgasm in his balls. He had to do something or face the fact that he was going to lose.

Sasha pulled her mouth off of Sean's cock for a moment. You could see the pre-cum and spit dripping off his cock. "Deep throat that thing and finish him!" Jordan yelled from the floor. Sasha looked at me and smiled. She opened her mouth wide and started to lower herself down onto Sean's dick.

Sean had to do something quick. Without thinking, Sean pushed a finger into Sasha's ass. Sasha let out a yelp and jumped. "FUCK!" Sasha screamed as she bucked on the mat. Sean seeing his opening rolled his legs on top of Sasha's chest. He pulled his finger out of Sasha's ass and pushed two more fingers back into Sasha's pussy. He was in his own world. He was on the brink of cumming but now had Sasha in the right position.

Sean worked his fingers in as quickly as he could. He pushed his palm against Sasha's clit. "DON'T FUCKING CUM TO HIM!" Jordan screamed from the floor.

Sean was working Sasha harder and harder. Then he hit it. His fingers pushed against Sasha's G-Spot! Sasha's eyes close as she let out a long moan, "FUCK OH GOD! FUCK ME OH FUCK!" Sasha's hips buck as she squirted all over the mat!

"THAT'S AN ORGASM!" The ref screamed!

Sean had done it! He had won the match by himself! A match that I had doubted that we would even have a chance in was won by Sean! I jumped into the ring to celebrate with Sean. Clark ran down into the ring to join us! The crowd was going crazy! People were chanting for Sean. This was his moment.

I couldn't help but notice a very pissed off looking Ms. Wallace. She had wanted Sean to lose; she had wanted him out of the league! She stormed off to the back looking extremely disappointed.

Sean, Clark and I headed back to the locker room. We were greeted by an extremely happy Mr. Bartlett. "Sean, I'm sorry for ever having doubted you. That was a great win boys! Possibly the best match we have ever had here. Sean, we will keep you around for a while after seeing what you did in that ring tonight."

Sean smiled. "Mr. Bartlett, I want to let you know that I'm done. I want to retire from this league. I want to just help Rob here train to win the title. I felt horrible putting him in a situation where he would have to defend my honor. We won tonight. I want to go out on top."

I looked at Sean in disbelief. So did Clark and Mr. Bartlett. "Sean, are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yeah. This is the best I will ever do here. We need to get you better though." Sean said with a smile.

And with that, Sean was retired from wrestling in the Sex Wrestling League.

Sean and I changed into our normal clothes in probably the best moods we have been in for a while. It didn't matter that I had been taken out so early. I had been double teamed. One girl I could have handled, but two was tough. As we packed our things up, I called Lindsey to let her know that we had won.

"Rob, that's great honey! I'm so happy for the two of you!" Lindsey's voice beamed across the phone. "Don't worry about what happened to you tonight. Tag matches are really tricky if you have never been in one before."

"I know. I'm just glad I could see Sean go out on a high note." I told her.

"I'll meet you at your place to celebrate a little more with you." Lindsey said.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit." I hung up the phone.

Ms. Wallace was standing at the exit with Mr. Bartlett. "Rob, want another match next week?" Ms. Wallace said with a short forced smile.

"Sure. What do you got for me?"

"Well, that's the thing. I'll make you a deal. You are ranked #4 right now among our male competitors. If you beat this person, you'll be the #1 contender again. If you lose, you don't move." Ms. Wallace said.

"What's the catch?" This seemed a little too good to be true.

"You don't get to know who you are facing till the match starts." Ms. Wallace replied.

What did I have to lose? "Ok. On one condition. It has to be a brand new competitor. Someone I haven't faced yet."

"Deal." Ms. Wallace said.

I walked out. This was my chance to get back in the title match.

"Oh, and one last thing Rob. You have to put anal sex on the line again." Ms. Wallace yelled.

"Fine" I wanted to be champion that bad. I had already beat Kaitlyn in an ass fucking match. I knew that I could do it again.


To Fans: You get to decide who's Rob's mystery opponent will be. If you are a female reader and want the character to be based off you please leave me a message in feedback! All other suggestions will be taken. I want to create a fan character as a sign of appreciation to everyone who has read my six chapters. Hope to hear from you all soon!

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L O ReinsL O Reinsalmost 4 years ago

I hope itโ€™s Ms Wallace ๐Ÿ˜Š

art1972art1972almost 12 years ago

Coed tag team. Rob and Lindsey against Tiffany and another guy!!!!!

TConcord18TConcord18almost 12 years agoAuthor
Here it comes.....

Thank you all for waiting. Ch. 7 was just submitted. Just waiting on approval. I really hope you all enjoy the new stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Hoping Rob will loose and get what he deserves ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Go sporty

Hoping it's sporty girl...

KatieTayKatieTayalmost 12 years ago

Never gonna give you up,

never gonna let you down

never gonna run around and desert you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Im psyched about the chapter 7! Rob better keep his game up or that ass of his is gonna be in for a pounding haha

TConcord18TConcord18almost 12 years agoAuthor
Huge update!!!

Hey all!

I just wanted to update you on chapter 7. I know its feels like its been forever since a new chapter has come out and I will admit this has been the most challenging to write. I have rewritten it 4 or 5 times, wanted to quit and not write this anymore because it was unacceptable to my standard. BUT because of your feedback, I couldn't let you down! I am almost finished with ch 7. I'm writing out the match. I have a feeling that you all will either love it or hate it. Most of you will LOVE some of the surprises I have put in (There are a few twists!) and some of you will wonder why I did some of these things. I have a good idea where the story line is going. I hope pending my schedule to be finished by Sunday and have it submitted. Thanks for hanging with me everyone. Keep the feedback coming. I really love it!

Mini teaser: Rob's opponent will either be Kat (Gothic girl) or Kelly (Sporty girl). Both are small athletic types.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I second the previous comment. Thanks for your work TConcord.

We all want you to wait to post until you feel comfortable with the finished product. But we are all so excited to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Do It Right

Some of us may be getting impatient, but that's because you are putting out quality work. Write the story in your own time to get it right. While I (and, I expect, many others) anxiously await the next chapter, I think we want to see a continuation of the quality shown so far, and would rather wait than see a rushed piece of work. And we, too, want to see you continue the story to completion. Keep up the superior work.

TConcord18TConcord18almost 12 years agoAuthor
Haven't given up

I know that the next installment has taken longer than expected but that's mainly cause I've been my own critic. I've rewritten the story a few times but am not happy with it. Believe me I want to finish this series till the end. I hope you all understand and I do have a few things that are different in the next chapter just working on the wording. I still hope to have this up soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Given up?

Maybe he has given up? I was really excited to read the next installment. The tag team match was awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I second that

I second that earlier comment. But we should all remember that TConcord18 is willing to share these stories out of the kindness of his heart. I've done some writing of my own and its really difficult to rush the creative process. I can't wait for the next series either. I'm not aware of any writer who does this genre better. And he is one of the top authors on this site. I know he said he would give us the next installment in August. Hopefully we get the next series soon. But I just want to say thank you for the first six chapters. And any additional chapters we get to read will be awesome. Man, I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Cant wait!!!

CANT WAIT FOR NEXT INSTALLMENT :P keep up the great series....would love to see Rob getting womanhandled by Katie (muscular girl mentioned in chapter 6).

TConcord18TConcord18almost 12 years agoAuthor

Still working on the next chapter. One of the worst things about this series is I'm always debating the ending of the matches. I hope to have the next installment up in August. I think the next chapter will give a little more insight on other characters. Plus rob will be in a new match. Thanks for reading and keep the comments and feedback coming

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