The Sins of the Fathers Ch. 15


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"Try to remember. It's confusing, mixing love, hate, and sex but try to see it in your head again." Try hard, this is important!

Mac shut her eyes, trying to actually see the event clearly again. "He made you suck him, while he pretended it was me. And, when you were too good at it, he said you knew too much to be his daughter. That you couldn't know that because he hadn't taught you that yet."

"What made him believe it was you, like he was pretending?" Tammy prompted. He believed it when it really was you!

"It was when I put my mouth on his cock. When I licked the end of it." He really believed it when it was really me! The pretending became real because it was real!

Tammy watched Mac's eyes come alive with a flicker of understanding, a spark of passion, a daughter's love, a secret and forbidden kind of knowing. She knows! Almost!

"What did he do, when he felt your lips on him?"

Mac suddenly smiled. "Yeah, he went totally crazy. He thought he was grabbing my head, but he actually grabbed your head and pushed it down hard on his dick. He called you 'MacKenzie' as he fucked your mouth. He ate you, and he came in your mouth but he was saying, 'Oh fuck, MacKenzie, yeah baby. Just like that!' " Daddy did say that! When his cum was blasting out of the end of his cock, he was thinking about me. At the moment he came, my dad was thinking about my mouth. Mine!

Well, Tammy concluded, that's not it exactly; but, for right now, it's close enough. "In your dad's mind at that moment in time, he didn't cum in my mouth; he came in yours. He didn't fuck my throat; he fucked yours. And, he didn't eat my little smoothe pussy; he was eating yours. I've never seen him cum like that. We made it so real for, he nearly choked me to death." Not that I am complaining!

"Mac, don't you understand? Spence won't let himself think about you like that because, like all good dads, he's afraid, that he won't be able to separate the fantasy you from the real you. He wants you so bad, it scares him; and, he'd never do anything that might scare you or affect how you feel about him."

Tammy could see the small wheels, turning in MacKenzie's mind. That's right, think it thru lawyer's daughter!

"So, Mac, if you can trust me just a little longer, I'm going to ask you a question. Tell me the truth. That's all you have to do, okay? What were you guys really doing? You and Nikki?" Tammy didn't let go of Mac's hands. "I'll never tell your dad. I promise."

Mac hesitated.

"Come on, Mac. I never told your dad you were in that room with us. I never told him that you know how he feels. So, what really happened in your room tonight?"

Mac looked down, but she spoke the truth. "Nikki and I were just trying to figure out all this sex stuff: boys, men, our dads, our feelings. Nikki was pretending to be a boy. We had a 'date'. Things got kinda carried away." She reached down and held up 'Little Nick'.

"Can you say what you just said to me to your dad?" Tammy asked. How much do you trust your father?

Long pause. The question hung there asked, but unanswered.

Tammy paused, tilting her head slightly, listening. "Well, you better decide soon, because he just drove up."

Then, she gave Mac a hug and stood up, moving away. "Listen, Mac, things are about to get weird. I may not get another chance to say this so...please hear me. I'm not the enemy. We both love the same man. We both want to fuck him. He wants us both; but, in the long run, he'll always choose you. I can accept that. If something happens today that prevents us from talking for a while, just understand I do care about you. If you ever need to talk, call me. Anytime, day, night or weekends, I'll come to get you if I have to. I want to be your friend, maybe even a good friend." I'm already a better friend than you can possibly know.

Tammy kissed her almost like Nikki would have. She touched MacKenzie's forehead. "Now, think and get ready in your head."

MacKenzie held up the 'evidence', known as Little Nick, and looked around. I'm running outta time. He can't find this here.

"Tammy, I don't know what to do ...?" Please God, make her help me. Just this once.

Tammy looked back at Mac and knew that she was totally lost. There just wasn't time left to think it through for her. She turned and walked back to the bed and held her hand out. Give!

MacKenzie almost started crying; she handed the 'evidence' to Tammy. "You'll hide it for me?"

"No", Tammy shook her head, "but I'll put it back where I found it. That way, if you decide to trust your dad, where it's at will fit your story. If you decide not to trust him, then maybe he won't notice it. He didn't last night, so maybe your luck will hold."

Tammy knelt down and carefully replaced the toy, along with the boxer shorts, just under the edge of the bed and out of sight. I haven't disturbed the 'crime scene'. I put everything back the way it was. Fucking lawyers! Why do they always end up making things so fucking complex?

She went to the door of MacKenzie's room and waited, leaning against the door frame.

Spencer got to his front door a few minutes ahead of Jack. Dragging Nikki into the house by her arm, he took her straight back to Mac's room.

"Sit!" He pointed at the bed.

Mac hadn't moved an inch. Nikki crawled up onto the bed, wrapping her arms around her.

Everyone heard Jack's Wrangler pull up. The front door opened. Jack walked down the hall. He knew where Mac's room was.

When he entered the room, several things were apparent at a glance. Mac was naked. Nikki was with her on the bed. Nikki was now wearing the little black dress and boots. There were clothes strewn all over the floor. He recognized the clothes.

"Daddy!" Nikki blurted out. Jack just raised a finger and silence fell.

Jack had made good use of his time on the drive over; he gotten his act back together. His cool clinical self was in-charge once more. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Jack is Back!

He took one look at his deranged partner and strategically placed himself between Spencer and the girls. "Spence, we need to talk first. Away from them. You're angry. Mistakes get made when we act in anger."

"Daddy, can I say something?" Mac asked.

"No, young lady, you may not 'say something'," Spencer tore into to her. "When I want to hear you 'say something', I'll ask you a fucking question! Do you understand me?"

MacKenzie wilted under his stare. "Yes, sir."

Tammy stepped up to Spencer, putting her finger to his lips. "Spencer, you may want to hear what she has to say."

"Tammy, I'm not sure this concerns you." His voice was cold and hot at once, definitely on the edge of lethal.

Her finger still on his lips, she leaned in and whispered something just for him to hear. "If you don't want to lose her, you better listen. I know you don't want to hurt her. Trust her to do the right thing." She poked his chest for emphasis. "If you love her, believe in her." And, fuck you asshole, I'm outta here!

She looked at Jack, wondering how he could be so calm while Spencer had clearly lost his mind.

"Well, well, well..." She gave Spencer a wistful little smile. "And with that, boys and girls, my job on Planet Earth is done; I'll just beam out of here."

She brushed past Jack, stopping long enough to say, "You certainly seem to be taking all of this better than Spence. You're not even looking at my tits. Hmmm...curiouser and curiouser!"

Spencer turned to say something to her, but she was already gone. Too late!

"Daddy, may I please say something?" It was odd that everybody heard her, even though she only whispered it.

Attention focused on the young woman sitting naked on her bed. Mac never lifted her head, but she looked up. Nikki saw 'fierce'. Jack saw that faraway focus. Spencer just saw tears. It broke him.

He nodded his head, Yes, unable to speak, afraid his voice would give away how much he hurt. How embarrassed he was, how terrified he was that his life would never be okay again. For the life of him, he couldn't see a way out of the place his anger had taken them all. I think I'm in the middle of totally fucking this up. And, I can't see a way to stop!

Mac dropped her head and her voice, but no one had any difficulty understanding her words. They came from somewhere deep and still; they were simple, direct, honest, and powerful.

"Daddy, Nikki and I want to know about boys. NO, that's not right! We want to know about men. Nikki pretended to be a young man named 'Nick', so we could have a date to learn 'dating things'. On the date, everything kinda got confused and crazy. There was never any boy."

Spencer thought. He thought some more. "Can I ask you some questions?"

Mac lifted her head, looking directly at him; her eyes did not waiver. "Tammy said you would."

"All those clothes: jeans, boots, shirts, and the John Deere cap?"

"Nick's. No, they're Nikki's," she quickly corrected.

Jack started to confirm that, but he thought better of the idea. Let them talk this out. Let them work it out themselves. No sense being a friendly-fire casualty!

"The window, last night?" Spencer asked.

"The wind." It blew closed just as you walked in.

"And the scream? Mac, I heard you. It sounded like you were having an orgas ...?"

"I was. I did," she added before he could finish the question. Her hand found Nikki's, squeezing it for strength and comfort.

"With just you and Nikki in here?" he challenged.

"She kissed me." Mac watched her father's eyes, waiting for some glimmer of comprehension.

He wiped genuine sweat from his brow. He looked at her. "That must have been one hell of a kiss!"

Her eyes turned molten, but she didn't look away. "It was! I told you, things kind of got carried away."

Jack saw Spencer swallow hard once, then ask the single question any dad might ask, "So, are you ... I mean, are you girls lesbians?"

Immediately, both of their heads shook, No. Both were so genuine and emphatic that even Spencer didn't doubt their truth.

Jack raised his hand.

Spencer glared at him. 'What the fuck, Jack?' "Oh, sure! You gotta put your two cents in! What the hell, the more the merrier. Yeah, you better get in on this, too. Nikki's your problem. Mac's mine. But, don't fucking raise your hand. If you have something to say, spit it the fuck-out!"

"I think I can help sort this." Jack smiled. "Girls, get dressed like you were for the date last night. Like you were dressed, when I dropped you off to get Mac's car."

Spencer was on Jack in a heartbeat. "You fucking knew about this?!"

Jack raised both his hands. "Nope, not until I saw the jeans on the floor about ten minutes ago." He nodded to the girls and Spencer watched, sucking in a deep breath. Jesus, there's a lot of naked, teenage ass and titties in this room. Look at them.

Mac was still naked. Nikki pulled the little black dress back off over her head, tossing it to MacKenzie. Mac slipped on the black dress. No panties, Spence noted. Swapping clothes, Nikki put the cowboy boots and jeans on; MacKenzie slipped the knee-high slouch boots back on. Nicole donned the tee shirt and denim and buckled her belt. Jack watched as Spencer took it all in. Then, Nicole added the jacket, John Deere ball cap, and aviator glasses. She tucked her hair under the ball cap and turned back around as 'Nick'.

Spencer shrugged, trying to picture how this whole charade was relevant. "How does this all add up to learning about a man? I mean, even if Nikki is 'Nick', she's still a girl."

Nikki turned back to the bed. With the toe of her boot, she kicked something from underneath its edge.

It lay there on the floor, erect, still sticking out of the boy-style briefs. Boys will be boys!

Spencer balked, "That wasn't here last night; there's no way I'd have missed that." It's a dildo. There's a goddamn dildo under my teenage daughter's bed! I'm too fucking old for this shit.

Nikki blurted out, "It fell under the bed when I took it off, just before you broke into the room."

"Why'd you take it off?"

Nicole looked up at Spencer. "MacKenzie said I looked ridiculous with my pants down around my ankles and that sticking out in front of me while I tried to walk to the bed."

"Well, she did look ridiculous!" Mac butted in, "You should see her with that thing on!"

"Oh no!" Spence howled, waving his hands wildly. "Not no, but hell no! Not now, not ever!" That is not a image I ever want in my head. Ever!

Suddenly, the absurdity of entire situation struck Jack and he burst out laughing. "Let me get this straight! Our trespasser, 'Little Nick', was simply hiding under Mac's bed, while you were waking up the entire neighborhood shouting that you'd kill him if you ever found him." Oh, this is just too good. "Spencer, old buddy, I think you ought to press charges!"

"Not another fucking word, Jack Grant!" Spencer growled.

He looked at Mac; she was just devastating in that outfit. He looked at 'Nick', who looked like some redneck farm boy. Her date.

His next question was measured, "Is there anything else you two want to tell me?" Now would be the fucking time, young ladies.

Two heads shaking, No.

He looked at Jack. Anything? Jack held his hands up in surrender.

Spencer took a deep breath, held it for just a second, and then slowly breathed out. The room relaxed. Everyone waited. He looked around. "Okay then. No one's grounded, no one's in trouble. Nikki, 'Nick', Nicole, what ever the fuck I'm supposed to call you, now, I'm sorry I yelled at you and maybe threatened to kill you. You can 'date' my daughter."

"Mac, honey?" He crossed to her and took her in his arms. "I love you and I trust your judgment." Glancing across the room he spotted 'Little Nick', perpetually ready for action. Spence just shook his head in wonder, adding, "Even in men."

Crisis over, exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks. "Jack, I really need some coffee."

"I'll make it."

Ten minutes later, Spencer walked into the kitchen. The coffee was already in cups and piping hot.

"The girls?" Jack asked, matter-of-factly.

"They're going to sleep late." Spencer chuckled, wearily. "Some things never change."

Humbled by all that had transpired, Jack picked up his cup, sighing, "I wish, Spencer. I wish."

Spencer cleared his throat. "When this all settles, I think maybe it's time to get away. Just you, me, and the girls. I don't know about you; but, this fucking case has me stressed out. I don't have enough time for MacKenzie. Now, it's affecting me and Tammy. I already know you've had issues between you and Nicole. We need time to talk, all of us. No phones, no girlfriends, no distractions. Maybe it'd do us all good to get away."

"I can't argue with that."

"Could we all spend a weekend on the boat? Just the girls and the ocean. Maybe, even take the boat upriver for a whole weekend like the old days?" Spencer looked hopefully at Jack.

'The girls'???!!! Christ, Spencer, did you even see what I saw sitting on that bed naked? They're not our little girls anymore. They're a train wreck waiting to happen. The old days are definitely gone forever!

Instead, Jack merely looked up from his coffee and nodded. "I think that's great. I really can't find anything wrong with that idea." Shit, shit, shit. Sure, just two dads and their daughters and a sailboat. You know, just a good old-fashioned, wholesome weekend-getaway from all the family sexual tensions while sailing. Gets us all out of our daughters' bedrooms. After all, it worked so damn well the last time I tried it. Dads and daughters go sailing Version 2.0.

I can't even say,'Look, Spencer, the last time I took Nikki to the boat I damn-near fucked her'.

Let me list the pros and cons. Pros? NONE! Cons? INCALCULABLE! Beer, wine, great food, moonlight, only two real beds, tiny little swimsuits. Oh, and best of all! Two absolutely devastatingly beautiful teenagers! Just them and us.

What could possibly go wrong?

***** CHAPTER END NOTE: Vote and/or comment! Please!

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DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

Did Spencer mend that fence, or, is he still sitting on it ? I hope Tammy is not wreckage.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 4 years ago

Nuff said.

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69almost 8 years ago
What a great story!

I find your story very well written and a pleasure to read. I can't wait to read the upcoming chapters!

FatherlyneedFatherlyneedalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Pace of Posting (writer's Note)

In response to a very good question. Why not post the entire story at once. Editing!

It is taking about a week per chapter to edit for language (repeating), spelling, punctuation, story continuity, and content.

When I first finished the story, I thought I would just 'post' it. Hubris. Editing is freaking hard work (and editors are unsung heroes).

Then, there is "life" itself. I'm retired (if that word has any actual meaning). There are days/weeks where living on a boat in a foreign country requires hard work and oodles of time. I have never worked as hard in my life as I have since I retired.

Finally, a couple of chapters have been added based on feedback, so the story has changed/evolved a little based on a couple of very insightful comments.

TediTedialmost 8 years ago
More... Please!

Thank you for sharing your creativity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

my question would be ..........why don't you post the whole story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Keep It Up

Great story! I love it, a little slow on the move but should make for a bang of a grand finale.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowalmost 8 years ago
Me - I LOVE the pace ...

Just right ... keep it going, please.

Prolonged_Debut10Prolonged_Debut10almost 8 years ago
RE: Authors' Notes

I keep hoping this story will get better, but you keep it at a mediocre level with your poor writing style. Your characters, and the way you developed them are excellent, but you don't use them well, you scatter them like seeds hoping one day they will develop; so do I. I just finished reading your author's notes. It was another exercise in futility. You write in a circular fashion starting with with a flourish, and then immediately there after fall off a cliff to tell us if you believe there are a specific number of ways to commit incest. I don't believe anyone is interested in knowing that a fourth cousin, twice removed is still culpable of having incest with a family member. It is still incest. Get back to the story, and make it work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Make them come all together and move on already. You just love the idea of playing. Not them actually releasing all of that sexual tension. Make Nikki have sex with Mack's daddy and then have the daddy's release their daughters together. You are stringing and stressing me out.

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