The Slave Boy 02


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"Nay, I just got home. I wanted to see you, and ask to be released from service." I could see how tense his muscles were. The back of his neck was clenched.

Jarl sat back down. The grin on his face was still there, but smaller. "You've been in my service for ten years Haagan... You're a good man. But why do you want to give up this life now? Plenty of treasure, drink, women... Ah, I think I know why now!" His peons laughed uneasily. Haagan's face was like a stone.

"I have been in your service for ten years. I've fought so long, I'm tired of killing and looting and watching men make whores out of captured women. I just want to settle, tend to my farm before the fields go fallow."

The Jarl said nothing, he moved his head to the side slightly, peering at me. "What's that you have behind you, eh? Grown so old and unwilling to fight that you have to buy your sissies?" He laughed.

I flushed and took a step backwards. I was so angry, but at the same time I felt so helpless. I wished that I could sink into the floor. I had to fight back bitter tears.

Haagan twitched slightly. His pride was so strong, but he couldn't lash out at the Jarl like he could at an Innkeeper. Instead of answering, he just said. "I have fought for my Jarl and the Northland long enough. I want to settle."

Some of the tension melted from the room. The Jarl shrugged and took a deep drink of mead. "Have a happy retirement Haagan. It's just hard to believe that the Fierce is retiring from war and glory for cowshit and potatoes. Let's drink to the crazy bastard!"

They lifted their cups, and Haagan inclined his head slightly in a bow. "Thank you, my Jarl." He swiftly turned on his heel and then we were leaving. I had to trot to keep up.


The Warmaiden was busy, but clean and well lit. I wasn't the only southlander in here, there were serving girls, a tall bearded cook, and several of the customers had their servants with them. I looked around, and most of them looked content enough.

Branagh was with us, sitting at our table and drinking an astonishing amount of mead. I ate my meat and potatoes, I sipped hot honeyed mead from Haagan's flask, and my face hurt from smiling. I nearly fell off the bench from laughter when Branagh weaved up to a couple of Nords playing music on a drum and a lute. He did a clumsy dance, singing in a slurred voice at the top of his lungs.

I was only taking sips of the drink, but they added up. My cheeks felt hot, and I laughed easy. Haagan looked so good in the flickering candlelight. The musicians started playing a ballad, and one of them was singing in a sweet reedy tenor.

Regardless of the crowd, I scooted closer to Haagan on the bench and leaned against him. I rested my cheek against his warm shoulder and closed my eyes. He put his arm around my shoulders and hugged me close. I could hear his heartbeat.

"There Kitten... I have to get you tipsy more often, if you cuddle like this. Don't get too comfortable, we have to walk home still."

I sighed and cuddled up closer.


The ponies neighed softly in greeting. I petted Abba's soft velvet nose and slipped her a piece of carrot that I had taken from my meal at the Warmaiden. I slipped into the main house after Haagan. It was bitterly cold inside the dark walls, no fire had been lit in here since Haagan had left home.

I walked carefully down the stairs, hearing the scrape of flint and steel. I saw a bright flash of sparks in the fireplace. Then a low orange flame. Haagan lit the lamp and the high bright flame from the wick lit the room in a soft wavering bubble of light. He walked up the stairs and came down with a heavy bundle of hides. He went back up the stairs and came back with the half-bale of hay. I helped him to spread the hay on the bed frame, and then cover the cold sweet-smelling straw with some loose wool for padding and a sheepskin to cover it.

The flames were burning, but the house was still frigid. I was still wearing my warm yellow cloak. I was tucking the sheepskin to make it neater when Haagan stepped right behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his hot breath in my ear. I shivered, and I felt goosebumps raise in hard knobs all over my skin.

"Haagan..." I whispered. I closed my eyes as his hand moved down, squeezing my groin through my trousers. His cheek was rough with stubble against my neck, I could feel his soft lips there on my sensitive skin, then they parted and I whimpered as he bit my neck gently. I could smell him, the strong masculine odor of his sweat. He sucked on the side of my neck. I shivered and had to use all of my strength to stay standing. My cock was hard, throbbing. All he had to do was touch me, and I was ready for him.

His hand moved up from my groin, and slid under my shirt, up across my flat stomach, all the way up to my chest. I moaned and twitched as he pinched my nipples between his fingers. First the left, and then the right, pinching hard enough for me to feel the pain, but pleasure bloomed under his fingers. I twitched like a horse trying to shed flies. I was already short of breath, and all he had done was touch me under my shirt and bite my neck.

"This is our home now Kitten. It's just us. You don't have to worry about holding back." He pinched my nipple again, twisting slightly. My legs weakened and I let out a muffled gasp. "You can cry out Aro... I want to hear you, I want to hear you lose your inhibitions, and I want to hear you moan." He twisted the other one, and this time I let out a shaky moan. It still felt wrong to be so vocal, but he was right. No one could hear us but the ponies.

His voice. He was so dominant, but not in a cruel way. After he twisted my nipples he gently rubbed them, soothing the tiny hurt away. After biting and sucking my neck, he ran his lips down the mark with utmost gentleness.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I slid out of my cloak, letting it slide to the floor. I could feel his lips smiling against my neck. When I tried to take off my vest, he wrapped his big warm hands around my wrists, making living shackles around them.

He bit the edge of my ear before whispering. "Remember what I told you. I'm going to undress my boy personally." I nearly melted with his voice in my ear.

He stood back a step, not releasing my wrists. He stepped around until he was in front of me, shifting his grip slightly so he was holding my hands up in front of me and looking down into my eyes.

His pale ice-eyes had melted, set alight. They were like fire. I was hypnotized as he shed my vest and untied the laces of my shirt. He smiled slightly, crookedly, and ran his thumb down the line of my collarbone. At that touch I realized that I had been holding my breath, and I breathed in, closing my eyes. I felt my cock leak precome into my loincloth. How could he do this to me? He had barely touched me, but every touch made my skin feel so sensitive.

I lifted my arms and he pulled the shirt over my head. I shivered as he ran his hand down my side, resting on my hip. "Kiss me, Kitten." He murmured. I rose up on my toes and pressed my mouth against his. He teased my lips open and sucked my lower lip between his teeth, gently chewing at it until the skin felt tender and I tugged it away. I tugged at his shirt laces between us. I couldn't bear this teasing. I wanted to touch him, touch him everywhere. I wanted him inside me.

"Please Haagan." I whispered. My words were muffled, crushed against his lips. "Please."

"Please what?" He growled. I could feel his erection, strong and thick and hard, pressing against mine through layers of cloth.

My eyes stung. "Please touch me." I whispered.


I bit his lip. "Here." I took his hand from my hip and pressed it against my groin. He flattened his palm, and then squeezed, cupping my groin in his strong hand. He unclasped and tugged the cord fastened my trousers. He tugged the knot open and reached inside. I mewed and thrust my hips as he squeezed my cock, rubbing slowly, moving with the foreskin.

I trembled at the touch of his strong hand. "What do you want Kitten? Just tell me."

He tugged the laces of my trousers looser and pushed them down slightly, giving himself unrestricted access to my cock. He stroked faster, in long strokes that pulled my foreskin back from the head all the way and then pulled it forward until the swollen shiny head of my cock was hidden in a cone of soft wrinkled skin.

I couldn't help feeling embarrassed. My cheeks flushed bright red, and I had to stand on my toes and whisper it into his ear.

"Please fuck me Haagan. Like you did the first time."

He bit the other side of my neck, I whimpered as he sucked hard, making a soft grunting sound of pleasure and excitement. He loosened his grip and we stepped apart. He still had his hand resting, curled loosely around my cock. I made a motion towards the bed.

"No." He murmured, putting his hand on my shoulder. He led me to the fireplace. He had laid a bear fur rug in front of the carpet. The fur was black and coarse with all four legs and a suggestion of a head. The claws had been removed.

I could feel the pressure on my shoulder, and I obeyed it. I got onto my hands and knees on the bear fur. I felt the struggling warmth of the fire wash over my naked torso. I faced the fire, feeling the heat on my face, shivering.

Haagan knelt behind me and tugged my trousers down. He tugged them off of my legs and got rid of the loincloth with a quick yank that broke the string.

I lowered my chest to the fur, I pressed my cheek against the roughness so I could look up and back at him, and feel the heat of the fire on my back. He was stripping. I could see his long powerful torso, covered by the pelt of reddish fur. He had the flask of oil, he was uncorking it, wetting his fingers.

He stroked the small of my back with one hand, pressing slightly so I arched my back to present my ass even further. With his other hand he pressed his oily fingers between my buttocks. I gasped softly when his fingers pushed deep inside me. It hurt a little, but at least I was finally softening up.

He put his hands on my hips and I screamed into the carpet as he penetrated me. The thick slick helmet of his cock pried me open, sunk in deep. I could feel him opening me up.

He kept one hand on my hip, and the other slid down to make a fist between my shoulder blades. I spread my legs further and arched my back to try and open my ass for him. I moaned as he bumped his hips, splitting me in two.

"Please... Go slow..." I whispered. Tears were beading in my eyes. It hurt so bad, I wanted more, but he needed to slow down.

His fist opened on my back, stroking my skin. With his other hand he reached for the flask to pour more oil on his cock. "Shh... Shh..." He purred. I shuddered as he fucked me shallowly. The oil smoothed the fucking, made me feel better. I was starting to feel warm, feel the warmth down in my testes and ass and throbbing cock.

He slid all the way home with a grunt from him and a gasping cry from me. He leaned forward, curling his body over mine, so his chest was against my back and his chin hooked over my shoulder and his arms held me tight to him. I was completely full, to the point of pain.

"Breathe Kitten." Haagan whispered. He reached around and stroked my cock. The warm feeling made me shudder and relax. I started to pant.

He pulled out slightly. His hips started to pound in and out. I gasped as his cock throbbed against my sweet spot over and over. I was relaxing, I was able to let my muscles go lax, to loosen up.

He took hold of my hips and started going faster and harder. I let out a moan with every stroke.

"Don't hold back Kitten." He growled. "Cry out. You can be as loud as you need."

I screamed. I yelped my pleasure to our new house, and I heard the ponies whicker over our heads. Then I was aware of very little, I was awash in the pure throbbing sensation of pleasure. With his cock slamming into my sweet spot and his hand rubbing my cock and his teeth scraping my sensitive neck. I lost myself. I yelped and cried out over and over.

Sometime in the red haze, he thrust hard and I could feel my insides coated with his creamy semen. He turned me onto my back, and I shivered, my eyes glassy, reaching for him.

"Please Haagan." I begged, resting my hand on his shoulder. "Please... Please..."

Haagan panted, and wrapped his hand around my swollen precome-slick cock. He stroked twice and it was enough for me to come all over myself and him.

I was exhausted. I turned onto my side facing the fire, feeling my sweaty skin shiver in the cold air. The fire felt dry and warm on my face and shoulders.

Haagan got up and when he came back he had my shirt in his hands. He used my shirt to wipe us clean. To wipe the sweat and come and oil from our bodies. He gently scooped me up in his arms and set me down on the sheepskin bed.

I closed my eyes for a moment, shivering on top of the bed. He came back with a huge colorful blanket of soft woven wool. The pattern of yellow and red and black repeated in a zigzag pattern down the long thick blanket. He draped the blanket over my shivering naked body, and crawled under with me.

The blanket was thick and soft against my skin. Haagan was hard and warm and alive. He embraced me to him. I turned so I faced him, and I pressed my face against the center of his chest. I could smell his thick manly smell, his musk. His chest hair was thick and rough, like the bearskin rug.

He chuckled and ran a gentle hand up the curve of my neck into my hair, where he tangled his fingers. "You've gotten more vocal Kitten... I loved hearing your voice."

I moved closer, wrapping my arm around his side so I could press my face harder into his chest. I needed to feel his skin against my skin. I felt adrift, and he was what kept me tethered to the earth after my orgasm had rocketed me into space.

"I love you." I whispered. I felt a little sick. I was afraid of his answer. Afraid that he would tell me that I was just a slave to him.

He tangled his fingers in my hair and moved my head back so I was looking up into his eyes. "I remember finding you four years ago." He said quietly. "You were so small back then. You were very pretty, but you were so young. I didn't want to hurt someone so young. I didn't think you remembered."

I felt a fluttering sensation in my chest. "Remember what?"

"That I found you, and that I sent you to that horrible place. I figured that he would treat his slaves like we treated them. And then I came here four years later to find you rake-thin and covered in bruises and cowering from me like a frightened dog." He ran his fingers across my cheek, touching the bruise that the innkeeper had given me. "Will you ever forgive me?"

I huddled closer to him, if that was possible. My tears ran into his matted chest hair. "I don't remember much about what happened in the ship. The ship that brought me here. But I remember sometimes seeing the sun. I was very sick, but I remember someone giving me soup and protecting me from the other sailors. It didn't make sense, so I always thought that it was a dream brought on by fever."

He kissed my forehead. "I'm glad you remember. I remember going down to the hold, and I saw the skinny little kid that I had taken from the bakery. You were delirious, covered in cold sweat, and whenever I fed you, others stole your food. I took you with me to the deck and fed you."

"You saved my life." I whispered, pressing my face into his chest.

He lifted my face up so he could kiss me. "I love you Aro. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again. If you hunger, I'll feed you. If you are ill, I'll nurse you. I will protect you all of your days, and I will not part you until death takes us."

I recognized a paraphrased version of their wedding vows, and tears streamed down my face. Tears of joy. He kissed them away, tenderly. He held me close as I trembled, wordless and unable to speak.

He seemed to understand. He stroked my hair. He kissed the top of my head, and he cradled me against his chest, pressed my ear to his core, so I could hear the tha-dump, tha-dump of his heart. So I could feel the minute pressure of it against my smooth cheek.

Never before had I been so close to another human being.

As we drifted off to sleep, I was smiling. Now... Now was when my life started.

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Calico75Calico754 months ago

Very good! Love it! So well written.

Shy1oShy1oover 1 year ago

Absolutely loved it, kinda wished their was a part 3, but it was a nice end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
best D/s love story ever

the emotion. and the gesture details are priceless

PuppilullPuppilullover 10 years ago
So good!

I have read both Poor Simon and Slave boy (not much sleep last night...) and I just wanted to say that I really like your stories. I have a thing for this Master/slave dynamics and you do it so well. Oh, and I am looking forward to the next part of Onus.

icefang4436icefang4436over 11 years ago
to anon

XD I was thinking the same thing about skyrim love it :3 level 53 dark elf female and I loved the story its one of the few I've ever commented on

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

For some reason this totally reminded me of Skyrim. Video games. Sigh. But that aside, this was an amazing story. Aro's innocence was so endearing and the sex. Yum.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Sigh, so lovely!

This was so,so good. Thank you very much.

canndcanndabout 12 years ago

You always put out a great story. This one didn't disappoint. I enjoyed it alot. I was hoping as ch. 2 went on that the only thing we'd get more of was some conversation between them so we could learn more about them. I am glad you gave us a little bit at the end to know the past. The only thing that confused me once we found that he probably loved Aro from the start was that it seemed at the time that he wasn't going to take Aro with him until he asked what the cook would do to him when he went back. So, I was surprised that it may not have been his plan to go through and pick him up the whole time. Either way, it doesn't really matter. It was a great story. I love all the details you put in to make the setting feel more real. I'd be happy to see more of these characters. It was really heartwarming to see their relationship grow and esp to see Aro learn to live without fear. It was one of my favs of your stories. Keep writing!

strailinstrailinabout 12 years ago
absolutely Delicious

i love this story hope to read more like it keep up the good work

GobletHolly182GobletHolly182about 12 years ago
ecstasy and pain = delectable

great two chapters! the sex was really hot, loved the incredible detail. haagan makes a wonderful sort of anti-hero ... sure, he rapes slaves, but he makes them come! (guilty swoon.) and i liked how aro's inner monologue gave him a personality beyond 'helpless victim', especially when he was fighting back against the innkeeper.

gay viking love ftw :)

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 12 years ago
You are so talented

Again I have to agree your stories are wonderful. I loved the way you brought this story together. Such a beautiful ending too.

cliffgirl08cliffgirl08about 12 years ago
I love your stories

Sweet, soft and tender just like the love Aro and Haagan share. It would be nice to read more chapters to this story but it's perfect as is.

roughboy18roughboy18about 12 years ago
Beautiful story

Very touching. I was a bit worried when the Jarl turned out to be a jerk, but that part seems to have worked out all right anyway. Lovely ending.

jimiCjimiCabout 12 years ago
don't let this one go!

a great READ!!!! please consider adding future chapters ... you've got some great characters that have room to grow, stories to tell and love to share.

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