The Story of Alan Wintersbee

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My written account of my quiet life and my slutty wife.
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**After extensive complaining that people believe this is a cuckolding story, I wanted to clarify my intentions. This story may take one of several directions. I most expect it to go down a forced sex or BDSM path. It started out as such. It is based on an old story I wrote where the wife is abducted as part of a forced sex fantasy. If it does go down one of those paths, I will start labeling it as so. It is possible that it will go down a cuckolding path but, if it does, it will be light, will not include humiliation, and the control will certainly come from the husband. I've labeled it as "loving wives" because I currently intend for the couple to go no further than sharing and swinging.

**Please also be aware that this story is purposefully written in a dry, matter-of-fact tone. I have read many comments complaining of this and realize I should have originally disclosed it here. This is an introduction and future stories will have far less in narrative and far more in action.


My name is Alan Wintersbee. I am tall and thin and always have been. You could call me lanky but it wouldn't be entirely true. I run and have a personal trainer who keeps me quite fit and toned. I am pale and have always been that way as well. Tall, thin, and pale may not be the trendy look in Hollywood but, with my blue eyes, I think I have a look of gentlemanly appearance. Such a look meets my needs just fine. I keep my hair short and sometimes wear glasses. I rarely smile. It's not that I am unhappy. I feel as though smiling is to appease the person you are smiling at and I just figure not bother with such pleasantries.

I have been married to Vanessa for almost twelve years. We live in the US, in Boston. Vanessa works at a very well-to-do bank, as a teller. She is smart and has a degree yet has been unable to climb the ladder and she blames this on the fact that her boss is a real shmuck. She says he hires only pretty tellers and promotes only those who keep him company, if you know what I mean. He apparently is able to do so while keeping his tracks clean. When she told me, I thought that sounded like an enjoyable arrangement and impressive ass covering, but I didn't say so.

I have a small accounting firm. It's yet to make me lavishly rich but I have had some exceptionally profitable years. Recently my firm has begun managing the assets of executives at a national corporation. It is always concerning to see a room full of executive managers seeking investment advice on buying stocks besides their company's stock. I invest my money in the same things I invest my company's money into. Why don't they? I never so much as grin during those meetings. I find myself having to avert my eyes to avoid glaring at them. Are their investments legal? Yes, they are. But are they admirable... no. I've been considering dropping them as clients for years and not doing so is certainly a failing of my own character.

Until I cut the cord, they will continue to net me a great profit. I've had to hire a few new bodies to keep up with all the paperwork but it's still very lucrative. For now I smile in the morning when I get my coffee, sit in the conference room, and check my bank account and investments. I doubt Carl Icahn is looking over his shoulder though. That is okay. Millions are practical. Billions are for show.

That's enough about that though. I'm writing to share with you a story, a true story, that I think many of you will find interesting. You see, my wife and I live a very intriguing life that, if I had not lived it, I would not have imagined possible. Prior to meeting my wife I had just taken certain things as inevitable sufferances. Mainly, how dull life was on a day to day basis. I'd read about people quitting their 9-5 and moving to a tropical climate and that's just not for me. I enjoy first world amenities and am not so crazy as to throw them aside and fly into the stone age just because it may be more stimulating. Getting chased by bulls is stimulating but you won't see me signing up for it.

Nonetheless, the first world can be a damn bore. I don't like shopping, I prefer not to waste away in front of a television, I drive a luxury car but it hardly makes me feel alive, and most of my friends are as boring as I am. This was where I was at when I met Vanessa: bored.

Vanessa graduated with honors from a prestigious university. She's sharp as they come and understands quite a bit of my business. When it comes to fixed rate investments, like bonds, she knows more actually. I've offered her positions at my firm but she doesn't like the idea of working together. She says my office sounds terribly boring. She's likely right. She wouldn't fit in.

I tend to hire very dry personalities who don't need encouragement or praise. If they all turned out to be robots from the future, I wouldn't be surprised. Vanessa's a breath of fresh air, which I quite enjoy in my down time, but during the workday I prefer my robots. I ignore them when I walk through the office, I speak to them rarely, I never praise them, and none of them seems the least bit offended. As far as I'm concerned, I've got the best employees money can buy. I read about Google and the bean bags and the gourmet cafeteria and the bicycles for getting about campus... what a bunch of nuts.

Also, another conflict is that my wife is good looking and I exclusively hire uglies. Distractions are just that, distractions. I certainly do not need such things. Even more, put a pretty girl among a bunch of uglies and you've got a bomb in the making. I prefer dry, boring girls who smile as rarely as I do. Pleasantries really are just a nuance. Vanessa would disagree and I am sure we'd be fighting within days if we worked together. Me and the uglies would probably exile her then go back to our quiet, unfriendly ways.

Our personality overlap obviously was not the attracting force when we originally met. Our backgrounds in finance were what initially brought us together. We met at a bankers association conference. She is a stunning brunette with very long, thick hair. Few woman look more feminine than my wife. Her body is the very pinnacle of the female body. She has a behind that is truly something to marvel at, even when wrapped up in a formal skirt or business suit. It's not all that large but is certainly well shaped and not subtle enough to cover up. She has a large B and always chooses to wear low cut shirts that show the inner curves of her breasts. She wears a bra that is a size too small but it gives her extra cleavage. When she first sat next to me at the conference, she was wearing a full business suit yet her breasts were still clearly visible. I remember it quite clearly. I didn't hear a single word the speaker said after she sat down. I felt as though I was in grade school again.

That loose attitude, that inclination for scandalous sexual adventure, is where we truly fused together and is also what has since kept us together. Sitting there, when we first met, I never dreamed that the stunning woman next to me not only aroused every sexual fantasy a man could dream up, but fulfilled them too. Who looks at a woman in a business suit and thinks slut? I mean, honestly? If you ever sit next to my wife, that would be a reasonable thing to think though... if you knew her.

This sexual overlap is where our passion for one another lies. Our passion is far from our educations, jobs, or family backgrounds. On the contrary, we both dislike each other's families. She has her mother's wit, but the rest of them are a pack of wild animals. In addition to her family, her career frustrates me to no end. She works, year after year, without advancing and without resigning. She has her excuses but they do not relieve my frustrations.

She makes up for this in other ways, that relieve me and then some. The first time we met, we both grew bored with the conference, skipped the pre-arranged conference dinner, and found a quiet Mexican restaurant. By the time we walked in we already had each other's eyes and she sat on the same side of the booth we were escorted to. By the time she ordered her margarita she had scooted closer. By the time we ordered an appetizer, her hand was on my crotch. Over the next half hour, she hardly left my cock unattended to. After we finished our appetizer she apologized for teasing me for so long and asked me to her room so she could finish what she started.

Twenty minutes later she led me to the edge of her bed, sat me down, put a pillow beneath her knees, unzipped my zipper, pulled my cock through, opened her mouth, lowered her head, and began the longest, most amazing blowjob I had ever received. She did not rush. She was slow and firm, not timid. She took her time and when I would approach orgasm she would slide my cock from my mouth and softly ask me if I wanted to cum. Many times, I shook my head no, not willing to let it end. She smiled, as though that was the answer she'd hoped for, and went back to my hard cock.

She kept me so hard, for so long, that I felt like I was in high school again. When I finally did nod yes, she put my hand down her shirt, onto her breast. They were large and natural. She sucked harder and deeper and pushed up behind my balls with her fingers. I pumped cum into her mouth to an extent that I can only imagine to have been exhaustive for her. I felt embarrassed and guilty as I felt the enormous convulsions of cum leaving my cock into her mouth. But she swallowed without issue and I knew she was clearly experienced at oral sex. Later she would reveal just how much experience she had and my most promiscuous expectations were far surpassed. That's the woman I married.

If you ask another woman if a woman like my wife should be able to sexually satisfy a man for all his life, I believe most would answer yes. I would not fault them for this but, in my opinion, it is wrong. It is wrong by a mile. If you ask a man, and they were to answer honestly, I believe most would say that such a woman could not be expected to satisfy a man for all his life. I am an accountant, not a psychologist, so I cannot fully explain or support my belief. It is simply a belief and nothing more. But, you see, my belief is that men are chemically engineered to avoid monogamy. Our brains eventually recognize and grow accustomed to the same naked body and the thrill is lost. Our hormones, however, do not subside. They simply yearn for a different beautiful ass, a different beautiful pair of breasts, really... a different and new thrill.

This is why I say our accounting backgrounds brought us together but did not keep us together. It was not our hobbies or families. Nor have I said that Vanessa's amazing body or sexual talents kept us together. They didn't. Her sexual attitude complimenting my own is the thing that keeps the attraction and relieves the tensions.

She is hardly a housewife. She is hardly obedient. Yet when it comes to my daily urges she enjoys satisfying them. She doesn't crave sex and I don't mean to mislead you into believing that her hormonal urges are like mine. I would say she is best described as someone who enjoys a varied, secretive, and somewhat taboo lifestyle. She was raised in a strict Catholic household and one of her most defining characteristics is that she prefers to rebel, sin as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and do as she pleases.

Vanessa also seems to have an affinity for dressing up in slutty clothing. She loves shopping for it, putting it on, and walking out into the store to show me in front of the other browsing patrons. She loves putting together a slutty outfit and puts hours into preparing for every night out. Indeed, a few years ago we had part of a large guest room turned into a secret closet with a floor to ceiling bookcase door.

Leather and latex are hardly our thing, although she has a few of both. Her closet is filled with many varying degrees of revealing tops and bottoms. The sluttiest of the bunch she's only acquired in the last couple of years. Some are totally sheer, some with deep v cleavage cuts, some that fit so tight that without a bra that they leave nothing to the imagination. She has heels, hoop earrings, endless sparkling necklaces and bracelets, hair extensions, and enough slutty lingerie to outfit a pornographic fashion show.

Her sluttiest outfits would get us kicked out of any half decent bar and so they are reserved just for dance and sex clubs but on most nights out we prefer to go to the bars and Vanessa is an expert at flirting with the line of acceptable bar outfits. Seeing every man in the bar giving her glances always gets us both quite heated. In bars where we can get away with it, we sneak off to the bathroom where I fuck her with skirt hiked up and tits pulled from her top. In a few of our more aroused moments, I've screwed her in shared bathrooms. Once midnight has past, few patrons are sober enough to worry all that much and the real concern is a drunken gentlemen trying to join in!

Before Vanessa, I had never banged a girl in a public bathroom. It's quite a thrill and now I recommend it to every bloke I know. We've grown kinkier over the years. At first she'd just give me a speedy blowjob. Then we started fucking and got a thrill from heading back to the bar, flushed and accompanied by the odor of heated sex. This was enough for her. It was thrilling and fun for me, but I grew bored.

Realize that years do terrible things to a marriage. We are both in our late thirties and neither of us are particularly excited about approaching forty. Over time, you see, things lost their thrill. This is when the key to our relationship showed itself. Vanessa never condemned my boredom. She saw it for what it was and took it on as a challenge to keep me interested. Other women would say to do so would be demeaning. She never has said such words.

Years back things escalated quite a lot. I remember one night I had her bent over the sink, her g-string pushed to the side, and I came in her. It was no small amount. After, she went to clean off and I asked her not to. She gave me a look, I nodded I was sure, and we walked out. When the cum began dripping down her leg as we stood at the bar, she gave me another look, I nodded again that I was sure and she just smiled and went back to choosing some tapas. I saw several people notice the several streaks of cum drip down her leg but Vanessa never appeared to give it another thought. Those sort of things don't phase her. At the time, I had been struggling to fuck her twice in one night but that night, twenty minutes later, I fucked her in the parking lot.

We escalated gradually. We never plan the increments, they just come naturally. A longtime ago, I often thought about asking her to do something crazy, like a gangbang. But I had recognized the nature of my boredom issue and was afraid of the day when we couldn't think of what to escalate to next. So every few months, when my erections would loose steam, I would push us a bit further and she would oblige.

Please don't misunderstand us and think that all that matters to us is sex. We aren't total barbaric animals who can only rip our clothes off and hump. That's our Friday night treat. Our relationship is hardly only sex. We often go to dinner with friends, go to sports games, or even just head to bars to get drunk together. We try to avoid TV yet we have a few shows we enjoy watching together. We have had quite a lot of fun going out over the years but we've always agreed that good sex seems to keep our relationship less stressful. I might understate its effect. Without a doubt, it keeps me invested and motivated to put in effort when things get tough.

Over the months following her cum dripping voyeurism, we decided to do some new things which neither of us realized the consequences of at the time. We went out to a club which was getting great reviews and we knew would be packed. The day before, we met during our lunch hour and picked out a sheer top. It was very, very classy but... sheer. In the dark, you couldn't see her breasts but as soon as light hit her top, it was transparent and her tits were on full display. Over the years her breasts had only sagged a little. They still held a perfect shape and her nipples were beautiful. Her face was, unaided and unaltered, still quite pretty. She was truly a sight to behold.

I honestly believe every guy in the club was checking her out. Maybe some prefer blondes and some dislike curves... but when a stunningly pretty woman shows a well shaped, perky pair of breasts in a club, few men ignore it. I quickly found out that many men took it as an invitation to flirt with or even grab her. We were fighting guys off left and right.

I was oddly aroused when men grabbed her tits and ass. I certainly didn't erupt with anger as I'd have expected and, instead, I found myself leaning back and watching her get groped until she looked to me for help. A dark, dirty part of me wanted them to have their way and to bend her over and fuck her. I love her and wouldn't let her be raped... but the urge was there and I cannot lie and say it was not.

Twice during the night I got so hard from watching men slip their hands beneath her clothing that I had to take her to the bathroom and fuck her. I fucked her like we hadn't fucked in years. It was an uncontrollable, hard fuck and my passion and desire for her body made her as heated as I was. I made her cum more intensely than she had in quite a long while.

In retrospect, you could say that night is when we crossed an invisible line into a world of sex that few people dare cross into but many dream of. The Internet is filled with voyeurism, swinging, wife sharing, gang bangs, and even cuckolding. In practice, I can tell you almost no one acts on these desires. Even most of the people at the clubs spend a great deal of time flirting with the line before so much as dabbing a toe in.

Like drugs or adrenaline sports, a dirty sex life becomes a way of life. Quitting it would mean to cut from your life the thing that most intensely engages your every sense. So we do not quit it. We indulge. Call it an addiction. Call it a sin. I have fucked my wife, face to face, while another man's cock is up her ass. It was beyond erotic. Most people don't dare break social norms and I can only shake my head at those mindless fools. Leave the robots to their timid lives and regretful deathbeds.

This is our story, if you care to hear it...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
So Many Gay Stories So little time

This belongs in the gay section.

Rex_ChadRex_Chadover 9 years ago
Keep Going

Great start - Keep going

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
I'm Sorry

I re-read the last like and see he is a cuckold. Damn. I thought there was a slight chance but you already went to the dark side. Too bad.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

I read this tale because of your last comment author. I had to see for myself why the outrage. Now I have an idea.

As one of the BTB brigade I see where some would be pissed over what the future holds. It hasn't happened yet. Just a little teasing. This will go one of two ways:

If you hold true to the premise over half the people will denounce you and the tale and call you all kinds of names. The other little less than half will praise you saying that is what the LW category is for, cheating wives, cuckolding and husbands who encourage it.

Some advice. Have a thinner skin and take what's handed out. Good or bad.

By the way, I probably won't be reading

no rating

TimRailingTimRailingover 9 years agoAuthor
Note from the Author

Re the comments calling me arrogant and full of shit when I defended myself when called a cuckold. I am truly tall, built, and hung. And you know what? Truth is, I do like cuckolding porn, but I enjoy the dominant side. I love the idea of fucking horny wives. Big god damn deal. Quit acting so pissy about the whole genre. You're on an erotic fiction site morons. Sorry this dirty story offended you. What a bunch of weird, incredibly particular, erotic fiction readers.

I'm going to ignore the comments stating how boring this is. At this point, I've acknowledged it is dry and even added a note that prefaces the story.

Someone said cuckolding and swinging goes into non-erotic category. First of all, I've stated this most likely will go down a swinging storyline, but maybe domination. Second, how is swinging non-erotic? Anyone else have input on that?

Thanks for those who have voiced support. More to come in the next few weeks.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 9 years ago
OK start.

I found the prose pretty dull and overdone. Also, finding out that this is "part 1" was irritating. I am hoping things will improve now that the set up is mostly done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stick with sci-fi

loving wives is going to be your downfall. Swinging/willing cuckolds are non-erotic and not appreciated in this category. Should have known that except guys like you want to push the boundary. Must be into humiliation and cuckoldry to even write crap like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good job . . .

describing empty people and a pointless marriage. Nice short story about a sad relationship. But the characters you created are too depressing, even obnoxious, to enjoy reading about for any length of time. Maybe that is your challenge and your goal, to rescue the story from its malaise? Gook luck to you and future writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
From the Author Just my two cents as the author. I am not a cuckold, into domination, and am closer to the opposite. I am handsome, tall, and well hung. So you were wrong there.

If you say so.... Like you'd really own it if you were tiny..... and all that posturing you just did, that is classic for a little guy talking himself up, I haven't read the story so won't comment on it, but tempted to 1 bomb it just for your arrogant comment.

TimRailingTimRailingover 9 years agoAuthor
From the Author

Just my two cents as the author. I am not a cuckold, into domination, and am closer to the opposite. I am handsome, tall, and well hung. So you were wrong there.

This story started out as BDSM/forced sex and will likely not be a cuckolding story. It will most likely actually become a story about swinging and is meant to show the sexual lives of a couple looking to keep their sex life alive and interesting. It was based on an old story I wrote where the husband arranges for the wife to be abducted as part of a domination/slut fantasy but I wanted to re-publish it with more introduction.

I do agree, it is a slow start and a bit boring. It is, however, meant to be written by a very plain and matter of fact man. It was a writing style I wanted to try out. I have submitted a revised version to explain all this at the start of the story, so readers who do not wish to read such a story do not have to.

Thanks to anyone who gave constructive criticism. Fuck you to every single asshole who called me a cuckold. I am sure if we met you wouldn't dare say a single fucking word to me.

Best and thanks again to all who gave constructive criticism.

FreedomBaseFreedomBaseover 9 years ago

This is a new style to me. I really like the analysis and background thrown is as the story goes along. It all makes sense, is readable, thoughtful, loving . . . intense understanding of the down side of long-term marriage. This story probably explains why there are so many short-term marriages!!

Five stars, well done, and a sincere Thank You for writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
re:re:re: anonymous-below

And what did you just do asshole. Didn't you just do what you bitched about. fuck you. this story sucks big time and you know it. Stop being so fucking political correct. Trash is trash so call it out you ignorant fuck.

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 9 years ago

There must be more to this story than you have written here. Tell us the rest please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
re: re: anonymous below

Newsflash: you're both morons, unable to post your own opinion, unable to rebut someone else, without slamming them for daring to have a different opinion.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
too bad, so sad,

the last strain of STD's was fatal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
re: anonymous below

Read the story again dumb ass before you throw stones.This was a mindless story, written badly with short choppy sentences. Another swinging/willing cuckold tale in the making. Non-erotic as all hell. It blows my mind how anybody in their right mind could call this story erotic. But then this is loving wives, the dumping ground for anything. No vote, scores are meaningless in this category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

to the asshole who called him a cuck ,you are wrong nothing was said about that 5 stars

thebuffalothebuffaloover 9 years ago

Good read. Well written and very hot. The length suited the dry telling of the story. I think, had it been longer, the telling of the tale would have began to bore.

Five stars for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Pervert crowd here!

Loved the laconic dry style. More please.

I would post under my handle if everyone else was - a Lit glitch. Thus the sad sexless faggots spewing.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

leaves nothing to any imagination, TK U MLJ LV NV

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