The Stuff of Legend Ch. 02


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Rita had been upstairs in her 'public' office. She was doing the books, as it was the end of the month, and it was a quiet night. She was just finishing when one of her upstairs 'legit' bartenders came to the door.

"Ma'am," said the young man, "six black cars and one silver car pulling into the parking lot, all of them full. More black cars crossed the County Line from Nextdoor County, but are parked down the road. The tags are assigned to SBI vehicles.

"What. the. fuck." Rita said. "On a Monday night? Really?" Still, she pressed the beeper button alarm to warn the private party downstairs, and knew they were being evacuated. In addition, the doors to the basement from these upstairs rooms were like bank safes, with metal rods inside the doors that would slide 'Tab A into Slot B' style into the door jambs, making them virtually impossible to open without massive explosives.

Another security man came up. "They're all just sitting there. Two persons got out of the silver car. One of them is SBI Chaplain Steven Ikea."

"Keep him out." said Rita. But it was already too late. Ikea and his one bodyguard were already inside, and sauntering up to the bar.

"We don't serve your kind here." said the bartender, a woman in Goth attire and a freaky hairstyle that Mary Mahoney Milton would've been forbidden, as Ikea came up to the bar.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Ikea, who was wearing his clerical collar and a dark blue shirt, brown sportscoat and pants. "Preacher can't have a drink?"

"She means the SBI." said a voice from the doorway to the private back bar area. It was Rita. "Where is your warrant? Pig."

"Don't need one." said Ikea haughtily. "Just a citizen getting a drink tonight."

"Like the bartender said," Rita shot back, "we don't serve your kind here. Now get out... unless you'd like the Iron Crowbar to come over and have another one-way chat with you. He's only beaten your ass down twice. Three strikes, and you're worse than 'out'."

"Very funny." said Ikea. "Before you get rash, why don't you hear what I have to say."

"Start talking." said Rita, who had come to the end of the bar. Security people were all around, and Ikea knew that every one of them was heavily armed.

"I mean in private. Like in your office." said Ikea.

"There is no way in hell I'm going to be in a room alone with you. Pig." said Rita. "Especially after what you did to Jeanine Burke and the Iron Crowbar's mother. You try to beat up women because you don't have a shot in hell against a real man... as the Iron Crowbar demonstrated to you. You're lucky to be alive; if you'd hit my mother like you did his, they'd be burying your worthless body two days later." (Author's note: 'Trilogy: Twilight's Last Gleaming'.)

"Look," said Ikea, "we can do this the easy way or the hard way. What I have to discuss might be very profitable to you. But not talking to me could be painful to you, if not dangerous. That's not a threat, just the facts."

Rita walked around behind the bar, keeping it between her and Ikea. "Keep your hands on the bar where we can see 'em. Pig." she said. She then waved the others away, then said quietly "Okay, what do you want?"

"You know that woman that was shot dead when they tried to kill the Governor?" asked Ikea. (Author's note: 'Agents and Angels', Ch. 03.) Rita nodded, and Ikea said "Seems she might've been targeted. I have word that she had something on someone, and she put it away in an encrypted file. Here's the deal: you or your people find the file, turn it over to me without trying to find out what's in it, and you'll be ten million dollars richer."

"That's a lot of money." said Rita. "If I do find it, it will fetch more if I auction it to the highest bidder."

"That will get you killed in ten minutes flat." warned Ikea. "Remember what happened to Queenie... remember what happened to Tanya Perlman, and Julie Newton. Don't play around. I'm offering you the chance to make a lot of money, here. But play the wrong way, and you'll end up dead."

"The answer is 'no'." said Rita. "I don't want to play your game. I'm not interested in your filthy SBI money. I'm not interested in helping you do what you and the SBI can't do by yourselves. Show yourself out, Ikea."

"I don't think you understood me---" Ikea started, but stopped as Rita got out her cellphone and speed-dialed a number. It is possible that the number was of the personal cellphone of Your Iron Crowbar.

"Put me on speaker." I said as I answered, having been texted by her security people already.. Rita did so.

"I smell a stench in my County." I said out loud into the phone. "It smells like the stench of a pile of dog shit named 'Ikea'. I'll have the SWAT Team at your place in five minutes." I disconnected.

Rita looked at Ikea. "The clock is ticking, asshole. Now one last time: get out."

"We'll talk again." said Ikea, getting off the barstool. He walked to the exit, followed by his wary bodyguard. At the door he turned and said "Oh yeah... remember what happened to Chief Griswold's son, Charlie. You remember that, don't you?"

He grinned at the look of vicious anger that had appeared on Rita's beautiful face. And with that, he exited the building and went to his car, got in, and all the cars pulled out of the parking lot, headed east.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was in my Police SUV at the Junction Station Depot. Cindy was in the shotgun seat, and we were watching the transmission of a drone that was fifty yards west of the parking lot in front of 'Lashes and Lace'.

"Are we going to go after them?" Cindy said. "The SWAT Team is ready."

"They don't seem to be raiding the place." I said. "Oh, there they go. Ikea is coming out... now they're pulling out and leaving."

"Still, we can go after them." said Cindy, who was obviously eager to do so.

"Let me ask you this question, ma cousine." I replied. "We've seen dogs chase cars before. Just running after those cars, barking up a storm. I've always wondered... what would that dog do if he actually caught the car?"

Cindy laughed. "It'd probably hurt." she said.

"True," I replied, "but I'm thinking more philosophically about it. The dog has no idea what he's going to do when he catches the car. We could go after Ikea now, but what are we going to do with him when we catch him? Besides get Police Boxing Matches practice?"

"Yeah, I get it." Cindy said. "He hasn't broken the law... yet"

"He would've if they'd raided Rita's place with or without a warrant, if they hadn't notified the TCPD first." I said. "But they didn't do that. Soooooo... let's just you and me go over and talk with Rita..."

Part 7 - May Day Coffee Klatch

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the lovely redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Tuesday, May 1st. "As the Workers of the World celebrate May Day, the Town & County Police, Fire, and Sheriff Departments will celebrate their Promotions and Awards Ceremonies today!"

"The Police ceremonies will be well-attended today," said Bettina, "as Damien Thompson becomes the first Person of Color to be promoted to full Captain in Town or County Police history. Congratulations are pouring in, including from the legendary rapper T-Square, who is out of Town and will be unable to attend. T-Square's press release congratulates Captain Thompson, and says that Captain Sean Moynahan and Commander Donald Troy are also to be acknowledged for helping Captain Thompson break down social barriers in our Police Forces..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"T-Square better be careful." said Detective Theo Washington in MCD as everyone drank coffee and watched the Bettina broadcast. "Comments like that will get the Haters out and after him. It's not politically correct to say good things about the Police, especially white Police Officers like the Chief and Commander Troy."

"T-Square is way ahead in his vision." said Cindy Ross, who was known to have great 'vision' herself. "And if the truth were told, which with the Press it is not, then the secret that T-Square has a great deal of respect for Commander Troy would get out."

"The Press would go bonkers." said Micah Rudistan jovially.

"They're going bonkers today, anyway." said Teresa Croyle, who was in charge of security around those parts. "Over two hundred requests for press credentials."

"We don't give out press credentials." said Cindy disbelievingly.

"They didn't realize that." replied Teresa. "They think this is some kind of sporting event, I guess. Anyhoo, I just replied to come on over, but stay out of the Commander's way."

"Speaking of the Commander," asked Cindy, "where is he?"

"Right here." I said, coming into the room with a box in my hand. "All the MCD and Vice Detectives here? And their leadership?"

"Yes sir." someone said.

"Good." I said, putting the box on a desk. I took out the first set of plastic sleeves. Everyone knew that I was about to give out badges and rank insignia. This was the informal but real promotions announcements.

"First,"I said, "I want to say that this is something of a bittersweet day... the coffee klatches here in MCD will never be the same again. I am going to miss the humor and the carefree attitude that belies the the true abilities of this man." I held up the sleeves and said loudly: "Rudistan to Lieutenant! Second Precinct Lieutenant!"

Everyone broke out clapping as I handed Rudistan his new insignia. He was actually blushing. "Aw, thanks sir!" he said. "But I'll drop in every once in a while... to make sure the coffee is being made right!" Everyone laughed as I shook Rudistan's hand.

"Okay, next." I said, taking out another set of plastic sleeves. "No surprise here: the Vice Squad needs adult supervision, and we found better than that. Mary Milton to Lieutenant! Vice Lieutenant!" Everyone cheered as Mary came forward and received her insignia. For the record her hair was dyed solid black for this occasion; she could look tastefully Goth when she wanted to, and today was a most very good day to do so.

"Next." I said. "Myron and Theo and I know that at home our wives are our bosses. I hope Seth Warner knows that, too."

"Oh he does, sir!" Joanne Warner said brightly, to laughter.

I smiled, then said "However... at this Police Headquarters, I'm not sure it's such a good idea for Mary to outrank her husband. Therefore..." I said, extending the sleeves to Myron, "Myron Milton to Lieutenant! Chief Information Officer! Leader of the I.T. group... all of it!"

There were exclamations of surprise as well as congratulations and cheering. "By the way, Myron," I said, "when I first came to the TCPD, it was as the I.T. Chief... so you better do a good job!" There was much laughter. I then said "This also solves any nepotism issues between you and Mary, as her chain of command goes through me, and yours through the Deputy Chief."

"Uh, sir..." said Teresa loudly, and right on cue as pre-planned, "... we don't have a Deputy Chief."

"We will in a couple of hours." I said, taking out another set of sleeves. The emotion began to hit me despite my every effort, and my voice quietened in the sudden stillness of the room. "This one... it's like that Southeastern Conference football commercial... this one 'just means more'."

"I love all you guys," I said, "but this Officer has been right beside me the whole way, though the best and the worst of all that's happened. I'm honored to have her as a friend, and blessed to have her as my blood kin." I held up the plastic sleeves and said softly and solemnly: "Ross to Commander. Deputy Chief."

Cindy came up to receive her insignia as the room broke into applause. A handshake was obviously not enough, we hugged warmly for a long moment. There were tears in our eyes, and maybe a few other Clan Troy members, as well.

"What are those last sleeves?" asked Rudistan, observing the box, which had four more sets of sleeves.

"One is for Captain Thompson." I said. "The second is for our new Second Precinct Captain, who will provide Lieutenant Rudistan with adult supervision, and the third is for First Precinct Captain. And the last..." I took those sleeves and put them into my pocket, then said "Well, we'll just keep that as a surprise."

"Captain of De-tec-tives..." said Rudistan as if he were trying to keep me from hearing it but informing everyone else. I just arched my eyebrows.

"Hey guys!" called out Chief Emeritus Griswold as he came in through the side door. "Look who I found in the hallway!" Coming in after him were Claire Michaels and Lorena Rose, both wearing their formal LAPD uniforms. There was much banter. Jerome Davis poured coffee and then made more.

"So which one of you is going to change uniforms and become Chief of Detectives here?" asked Joanne brightly.

"We don't know." said Claire with an enigmatic smile. "Only the shadow of the Iron Crowbar knows."

"You guys came all the way from L.A. just to visit?" asked Mary Milton. "Come ahhhhn... someone's scheduling a moving van."

"No doubt." I said, then added: "I'm sure the TCPD is going to pick up the bill for moving expenses for our next Chief of Detectives."

"I think the Iron Crowbar is enjoying this." growled a scratchy voice from behind us. It was Chief Moynahan, who came in with boxes of doughnuts... which disappeared immediately. "Creating a mystery instead of solving them."

"Yes, Chief. Yes I am." I said with a grin.

"Heh heh heh heh." said Moynahan. "Congratulations to you who are being promoted. Commander... that being Commander Troy... can I see you in my office, please? And Chief Griswold, would you come with us, also?"

"Yes sir." I said. As I moved towards the door, I said "Okay, Ms. Ross and Mr. Milton, and possibly others... changes into the proper uniforms will be necessary." More 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' over that.

Cindy would be entitled and required to wear the uniform of the Command Group: double light blue 'piping' down the sides of her pants, and a large light blue 'piping' stripe on the wrists of her jacket. Lieutenants and Captains had that thick piping down the sides of their pants and one thin stripe of piping on their jacket wrists. Mary was already in her Lieutenant's uniform (being a Supervisor already), but Myron and Rudistan were not... yet.

"Oh... Captain Croyle, do you have that Auxiliary Uniform ready?" I asked.

"Yes sir." said Teresa. "I'll handle that myself."

I left the room as everyone else tried to get Lorena and Claire to admit which one of them was going to be our Captain of Detectives, but not even the bribery of extra doughnuts could elicit that information from them...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"It is going to be a crush." said Chief Moynahan. "The Press is already arriving and setting up. We've roped off the bleachers where the Officers and children and Senior Citizens will sit. There is one problem, though... Reginald B.F. Lewis, Eldrick X. Weaver, and the Reverend Joseph E. Williams all want to speak before Captain Thompson's pro-mohhhh-shun. Today is your show, Commander. What do you want to do?"

"Tell them 'no'." I said. "And tell them it was Commander Troy that said 'no'. They can give their interviews to the Press. We will acknowledge Captain Thompson history-making promotion, but we're not going to make a spectacle of it. This is about Police Blue, not black and white."

"Har!" growled Chief Griswold, who was sitting next to me. "They are not going to like that."

"They'll survive." I said. "This is the Police Force's day, not the politicians' day to make speeches. That extends to anyone currently running for Sheriff, by the way." I continued, teasing Chief Griswold, who was running for Sheriff.

"That's fine with me, Crowbar." growled the old Chief, his mustaches twitching merrily. "I am very happy with the three jobs I have today. I can't wait..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back in my own office, which still smelled like fresh paint and new carpet, Teresa and I watched as Cindy brought out the items from her box of 'bling'.

"The Star of Gallantry." she said, opening the flat medal box and showing us. It was a five-pointed 'antique'-style Star medal. A circle in the middle had the Public Safety Department logo, and over it was the word 'Gallantry'. The Police award had the word in blue, the Fire Department had the word in red, and the Public Safety award's lettering was black.

It hung beneath a drape of red, with three white-bordered blue stripes down the middle, and blue edges denoting it as a Police award. The Fire Department's Star had black stripes and red edges, and the Public Safety Star had gray stripes and gray edges.

"Very nice." I said. "What else?"

"Two Purple Orders." Cindy replied. "Both necklaces. First time, and hopefully last-time, awards for these two." She showed us the medals, the five-pointed purple star superimposed on a silver circle, the edges a silver wreath, and hanging beneath the purple and silver ribbon.

"Three Police Medals." Cindy said. "Captain Briscoe, now with the Campus Police, is getting one of them as he retires from the TCPD." She showed his medal to us. The Police Medal was a silver Police shield that looked like a U.S. Highway sign, with the Public Safety logo in the middle and a wreath around the bottom half. The drape was solid light green with the blue edges separated by a thin white stripe.

"There are Commendation Medals and Achievement Medals, and Certificates of Achievement, as well. Mary is getting a ribbon with gold lamp device, for graduating first in her class at Advanced Course. And at the Commander's request, an Auxiliary Police badge." Police Officers's badges are gold; elected officials in the County are gold stars but with silver wreaths; Auxiliary Police and Fire badges are all silver.

"Cool beans." I said. "Let's go give all this candy away."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Jack Muscone, followed by his entire team of FBI Special Agents... Nash, Speer, Linares, Jefferson, and Crenshaw... came in.

"Wow, new office smell." said Nash, looking around.

"The office next door smells even better." I said. "You can visit Commander Ross in that office after our ceremonies."

"That's why we're here!" said Sandra Speer. They all began congratulating Cindy.

Part 8 - Honours

The bleachers behind Police Headquarters are against the back fence, which borders the Fairgrounds. We'd brought in extra temporary bleachers, loaned to us by Town High School, but it was still not enough. There was a crush of people.

U.S. Congressman Gerald A. Condor was here, as was State Senator Katherine Woodburn, State Representatives Billy Williams and Peter Long Cox, celebrity rapper T. Square (and his 'Regiment'), his sister Paulina Patterson, all the Council Members, Judges Folsom, Watts, and Nance, all in suits and ties but no robes, and various personages that claimed to represent the 'black community' in our area. Not present: State Senator Maxine Watts, though she'd been sent a written invitation by a certain local Police Commander.

The podium was facing the bleachers, with the back of Headquarters behind it (the podium). As one stood at the podium, to the right the gymnasium extended from the Headquarters building to nearly the back fence. A side door to the gym was there, with a sidewalk to it from the concrete of this 'parade grounds' area. It was the door some of the University Band had used to come into the gym when Cindy had them serenade me after the Bulldogs beat the Wildcats the Autumn before. There was also fencing to separate this area from the other side of the gym, which was the prisoner exercise area, and was heavily fenced.

The gym had been closed off; everyone had to come from around the other side, that of the gated employees' parking lot. This helped control the rabid Press, who were forced to park their vehicles on the Fairgrounds and come through the back gate. The dignitaries, such as they were, were allowed to park in the gated parking lot.