The Taming Of The Shrews


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I heard sirens. The bartender doubtless had the good sense to summon the police. Unfortunately, they were not close enough to save me from the advancing bull. He started to charge. I took a stutter step forward on my right and launched a left side kick into his ribcage on the left side of his body. I may have understated my skill. We practiced for sparring by learning to stop short of hitting our opponent. The better you got, the closer you got. A black belt could choose very accurately where he would focus a punch or a kick. In sparring, that would be to hit the outside edge of the cloth of the opponent's uniform. When you're trying to break a board, you would focus near the back of the board. I tried to focus my kick around two and a half inches behind his ribs. I succeeded, as was evidenced by the crunch of his ribcage splintering. He had a very surprised and pained look on his face the instant before he collapsed to the ground like a popped balloon.

Two policemen ambled through the front door. They had no way to know there was any urgency.

Duke was having trouble breathing. I think his ribs had punctured his lung.

"Call the paramedics," I shouted. I was shaking, enervated. I sank down in a chair.

Kate came over to me. "Are you all right?"

"I think so."

"I'm so sorry. This got out of hand. I've had enough. I don't want to play these games anymore. I just want to love you."

I didn't respond. My head was aching and I was dizzy. I was lucky to have lasted long enough to kick Duke. I heard conversation. I recognized Kate's voice. I think I heard the waitress. The beefy guys were speaking too. I heard more sirens. There was motion and commotion. I think they took Duke out of there. Someone was talking to me. I didn't recognize the voice. I couldn't make out the words. Someone was working at my face, cleaning up the blood. The commotion seemed to die down and I was becoming a little more aware.

I really don't know what happened but I heard Kate talking to me. "Take me home and make love to me."

"Take me to the hospital, my head's killing me."

"You told the paramedics you didn't want to go."

"I have no idea what I told anybody. Just get me to the hospital, I hurt."

"Okay. I'm so sorry. You could have been killed. You're my hero."

"I just want to be your partner. No more fighting to win."

She gave me that warm smile I had wanted to marry. There was something mischievous in her eyes.

"I place my hands below my husband's foot; in token of which duty, if he please, my hand is ready; may it do him ease."

I laughed. One of our favorites. "Why there's a wench! Come on, and kiss me, Kate."

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well this was deliciously dumb. Takes nearly getting raped and him getting killed before they stop behaving like 10-year-olds and actually embrace being married like adults. I like how "or mental illness" was mentioned a few times; surprisingly accurate I would say.

Chimo1961Chimo196112 months ago

Any cunt who would put her husband in that situation needs to be single. I matter what he said. Her need to be dominant speaks to an femi-nazi agenda. Kick the whore out before she gets you killed

Helen1899Helen1899almost 2 years ago

Different,well written, will read more by this author 4*

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 2 years ago

You write really great dialogue. Some of the best in this section, imo.

timrivtimrivalmost 2 years ago

Two adults acting like six year olds. Fight scene was unrealistic. These “adults” are they way young people are today and it’s the reason they are so screwed up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I just love to see a big tough guy get his but kicked. I have done it twice but I've seen my brother do it several times. I a couple that it seemed that the wife would flirt with some big guy and the husband would get upset get involved and before you knew it there was a fight. I never seen or heard of that little guy losing a fight.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 2 years ago

I liked it. Short and creative. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Short And fun!

A fun story, thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Toxic Relationship

I hate to make things look like Revenge of the Anons, but I agree with the comment of the Anonymous poster of 04/08/20. This couple is toxic and they should split up, admitting that they just bring out the worst in one another.

Any apparent improvements will be temporary. Their personalities aren't about to permanently change.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not just "No"

But "HELL NO!" The bitch nearly gets him killed to prove her point or win an arguement that a 5 year old wouldn't be having. Go to the hospital, go home, move out and get a divorce before she DOES kill you. A decent story completely ruined by the ridiculous ending.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The three stages of marital sex

1 House Sex. Newlyweds and young lovers, having sex all over the house

2 Bedroom Sex. Established couple, maybe with kids, having sex on a semi schedule in the bedroom with the door closed.

This pair zipped right through 1 and 2 to the third stage.

3 Hallway Sex. Older couple, empty nesters, roommates who share a bed, shouting Fuck You at each other as they pass in the hall.

Sad that so many relationships devolve to the point that this isn't really a joke.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Shakespeare must be......

....chuckling as he reads yet another story inspired by one of his most popular works. I very much enjoyed this and gave it five stars

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Strange, but interesting story. I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This type of fighting is

frequently a proxy for what the REAL disagreement is about. There's something potentially relationship altering, but one or both parties are afraid to go there, resulting in constant spats about anything and everything except what really matters. Hopefully this couple can go back to communicating and compromising.

Nicely done story


JbRobertssonJbRobertssonover 5 years ago
All too real for some...

A "funny" story, written with a very dry sense of humor. Fantastic, I loved it. For some though, this scenario is all too real. The constant bickering, slights, and ad hominem attacks accrue over time until a vanishing point for their marriage is achieved, even though they may both regret it. Pride is a dangerous thing when you give it control.

Thankfully, they were awakened and jolted from their destructive path by a shocking event. Perhaps now they can behave like lovers. Good story. Well done, Rpsuch. Thanks for posting.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 6 years ago
Story tags for this story are lame.

Completely useless. white rice? duke? half dozen?

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
Ummm... guys? And girls too.

This relationship describes mine. Fight over the tinest things (though not tiny at that immediate moment, just afterwards). Still love each other. I’m not a brown belt. And I’m just not smart as what’s his name above. I cant be introspective at the moment, it’s just “win this fight.”

So don’t think relationships just like it don’t exist. And it may seem juvenile, but it is what it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This story is a big pile of ... u see it above

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
two brainless morons

I guess in a weird way they deserve to be together, at least not to ruin any other people's lives.

Funny, but not good to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The story of two married kindergarten kids.

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