The Teaching Ch. 03

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Lesbian Non-Consensual BDSM story.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/27/2017
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Amy began to stir. She slowly moved her head from side to side, trying to regain focus. Her head felt like it was hit by a Mack truck.

She tried opening her eyes but her eyelids felt very heavy. Eventually, she managed to open them and tried to focus. Everything was blurry. There was a single light source above her. Since her eyesight couldn't focus properly, she couldn't make out exactly what she was seeing.

Amy could feel the dampness and coolness of the floor on her arms and legs. There was a definite musty odour surrounding her as well. There was a low humming and soft clicking noises coming from her left.

Amy also wondered why her jaw was hurting. She realized that there was something in her mouth. The object didn't obstruct her airway but it was very uncomfortable. She tried to tilt her head down to see what was in her mouth but her neck was very sore. Amy put her head down again. She felt something pressing against the back of the neck. It was not tight but uncomfortable to say the least.

"What the hell is going on?" Amy thought to herself. "And where the fuck am I?"

Amy lifted her head again to see what was in her mouth. This time she managed to see a small domed-like object. She also noticed that there small straps coming out from the object.

"I've been gagged!" Amy thought, tensely.

Amy, now fully awake, tried to move her arms but to no avail. She then tried moving her legs but was met with the same results.

"I'm also strapped in! What the fuck!" Amy thought, anxiously.

Amy struggled against her restraints, trying to free herself. She quickly tired herself out and eventually, fell asleep.

Amy awoke with a start as she felt a cold sensation running down the side of her face. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, trying to peer into the dim light above her.

"Wakey! Wakey!" said the voice.

Another stream of a very cold liquid was trickling down the side of Amy's face once more.

Amy shuddered frantically as she tried to move her head to avoid the stream. This time the stream was intensified as more volume of the liquid was used.

"Shit!" Amy screamed frantically as she squirmed and struggled. She then realized that the gag was removed but not the restraints. Her arms and legs were still severely hindered.

"It's only water! Are you scared of water, Amy?" the voice replied.

"Let me go, you psycho!" Amy screamed again.

"I thought that you could use a bit of a drink! But it looks like you don't want any! What a waste of water!" the voice said. "I should have given more water to Patty instead! At least, she appreciated it!"

With the figure standing above her and blocking out the only light source, Amy couldn't even see who her tormentor was. Although it echoed, the voice was unmistakable. Amy recognized that it was Laree's voice. Laree was her tormentor. Amy also figured out that she was in a room. A pretty large room in fact.

Her fear became anger.

"What did you do? All I remember was someone placing a cloth over my mouth and nose!" Amy shouted as she struggled harder to free herself. "And when I came to, I was here! You did it!"

"Listen Amy! The more you struggle, the tighter your chains become!" Laree said. "How do you know it was me! Did you see me?"

Amy continued to struggle.

"Oh! You don't believe me!" Laree shouted.

Laree then walked into the darkness. Amy followed Laree with her eyes but all Amy could see was Laree's outline. Amy continued to yell profanities at Laree. It seemed that Laree picked up something from a table.

A whirling noise started up and slowly, all four chains began to move. The restraints around Amy's wrists and ankles began to tighten.

All four of Amy's limbs were pulled slowly and simultaneously until she was completely spreadeagled.

"Shit! That hurts!" Amy shouted at Laree. There was no response as the outline was putting something back down onto the table.

"It must be the controller." Amy thought to herself.

Amy heard Laree's footsteps again but this time, they were moving away from her.

Amy squinted into the darkness. She tried to see where Laree had walked off to but she couldn't. However, Amy could still hear Laree's heels albeit softer.

The footsteps stop and a clicking sound was heard. Buzzing and crackling noises could be heard from overhead.

One by one, the lights started to come on. Amy squinted again, trying to adjust to the lights. These lights were bright. Amy slowly turned her head from side to side to see what the room looked like.

The room was rather large. To Amy's right, there was a wooden table and metal chair. Next to the wooden table, there was a much smaller table. Then it dawned on her that these were same tables and chairs used as wrestling props. She was also able to see Laree's legs by the door.

"Shit!" Amy thought. "I'm still at the arena but in the basement! Patty must be in another room!"

"Let me go, you Bitch!" said Amy as she tugged on the restraints. "Where's Patty?"

"Patty's safe! For now!" Laree replied as she reached the chair. She re-positioned the chair next to the table and sat down.

"If you hurt one hair on Patty's head, I'll ...!" Amy screamed.

"You'll do what!" Laree interrupted. "What will you do, Amy? Tell Marie? Marie's not here to save you or Patty!"

"I'll kill you!" Amy continued.

"Kill me, eh? How is that possible? You're chained to the floor and these rooms are sound-proof!" Laree said. "Oh! By the way, I have a wonderful surprise for you soon! And I know that you'll enjoy the show!"

"Fuck off, you nutcase! When I get my hands on you, I'll ...!" Amy shouted.

"Yay! Yay! I know! You'll kill me!" Laree replied with a sinister grin. "Are you thirsty now? You weren't thirsty earlier!"

"Fuck off!" Amy shouted as she struggled against the chains again.

"Tsk! Tsk! Such manners!" Laree said. "I offer you a drink and you tell me to fuck off?"

"Yea! What are you going to do about it, Bitch?" Amy screamed.

"It's about time I taught you some manners!" Laree replied as she got up from the chair.

Laree walked to the table and turned her head towards Amy.

"What should we try? Hmmm! A flogger? Naw! She might enjoy it! A paddle? Naw! Ahhh! I've always wanted to try this one!" Laree said with a smile. "But first of all, we need to do something!"

Laree walked from the table towards Amy, all the while chuckling.

When Laree reached Amy, she squatted down by Amy's head. Laree then began stroking Amy's head and hair. Amy tried to squirm away.

"Don't you fucking touch me, you psycho!" Amy shouted.

Laree grinned and got up. She walked towards Amy's feet. When Laree reached Amy's waist, she stopped. Laree turned and stepped over Amy. She lowered herself onto Amy's pelvis area.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get off me!" Amy shouted as Laree straddled her.

Amy moved quickly from side-to-side to knock Laree off but the attempt was futile.

"What's the matter, Amy? Don't you like me?" chuckled Laree.

"Get off me, you crazy Bitch!" Amy screamed as she struggled some more.

Laree placed her hands on either side of Amy's head and lowered herself onto her elbows. Amy squirmed even more.

"Stop squirming!" Laree said as she placed her hands on either side of Amy's head. "Now! We're going to have a little fun!"

Laree bent down and kissed Amy hard.

"Mmmmmmphf!" Amy mumbled as Laree forced her tongue into Amy's mouth.

"Oh! Come on! Aren't you enjoying it?" Laree asked as she lifted her head up.

"Fuck off!" Amy screamed.

Laree forced herself onto Amy again and kissed her even harder. Laree, again, forced her tongue into Amy's mouth. She teased Amy's tongue with her own tongue.

"Mmmmmmphf!" Amy mumbled as she struggled against the chains.

Laree lifted her head up to re-position herself.

"Fuck you!" Amy said, angrily as she spat onto Laree's face. Laree quickly wiped the spit away with the back of her hand.

"Why you!" Laree shouted as she gave Amy a hard slap. Laree then grabbed Amy by the throat with both hands and started to squeeze.

Amy started to cough as she gasped for air.

"I have a better idea!" Laree said as she relaxed her grip on Amy's throat.

Amy continued to cough.

Laree released her grip and got up. She walked to the table.

"Ah! Here they are!" Laree said, excitedly. Amy's coughing started to subside.

From what Amy could see, Laree picked up something that had white wires. Laree turned around and walked back to Amy.

She proceeded to squat down and then she placed the device next to Amy.

Laree got up and stepped over Amy. She lowered herself onto Amy's pelvis. But this time she landed hard on Amy.

"Ahhhh!" Amy screamed. "That hurts, you Bitch!"

"It's supposed to!" Laree screamed back. "Ready for more fun?"

"Fuck you!" Amy screamed.

"No Sweetheart! I think that it's going to be the other way around! I'm gonna fuck you!" Laree shouted as she leaned in and grabbed Amy's t-shirt with both hands. With one swift motion, Laree ripped open Amy's shirt.

"You Bitch!" Amy screamed.

Laree, ignoring Amy's screams, continued to roughly remove the shirt. She threw the shirt aside. Laree then reached around her back and brought out a switchblade.

Amy saw the blade and started to panic.

"What are you going to do with that?" Amy stammered.

"You'll see!" Laree said as she flicked the blade open. "Don't struggle! Something bad might just happen! Like a cut!"

Laree leaned in again and proceeded to place the blade next to Amy's neck. She traced the blade down Amy's neck and along her collar bone to the bra strap.

"That's a good girl!" Laree commented as Amy was stiff as a board. Beads of sweat began to appear on Amy's forehead.

Laree slipped the blade underneath the strap and with one swift move, the strap was cut. All the while, Laree was smiling. She was definitely enjoying herself.

Amy gasped.

Laree then traced the blade from the cut strap, along the top of Amy's chest to the other bra strap. Again, Laree slipped the blade underneath the strap and cut it cleanly.

Amy gasped once more.

"Are you done?" Amy stammered.

"Done? We're just beginning!" Laree said, laughing.

Laree then slipped the blade underneath the front of Amy's bra and cut it cleanly into 2 pieces. She folded the blade back into its holder and slipped it back into the back of her pants.

Laree grabbed the 2 pieces of the bra and moved them to the side.

Amy could feel the coolness of the damp room caressing her exposed breasts.

"Beautiful!" Laree said as she gazed at Amy's firm breasts. Instantly, she reached for them. "Very nice!"

Laree began to fondle Amy's breasts. "Very nice, indeed!" she said.

Laree began to squeeze Amy's breasts and Amy started to squirm.

"Stop!" Amy shouted as Laree squeezed harder and harder. "Fuck that hurts!"

"If you stop squirming and start to enjoy it, I'll stop squeezing!" Laree added. Amy continued to squirm, even more.

"I said stop squirming!" Laree shouted as she reared back and slapped Amy's right breast.

"Owwww!" Amy shouted as her breast started to sting. Laree laughed.

"Let's see how sensitive your nipples are!" Laree exclaimed as she pinched one of Amy's nipples firmly.

"That fucking hurts!" Amy yelled as she winced in pain.

"Hurts, eh? You haven't felt anything yet!" Laree replied.

Laree then reached down and picked up the device with the white wires. At the end of each wire, there was a metal clamp.

"What the fuck is that?" Amy stammered.

"You'll see!" Laree smirked.

Laree began to attach a clamp to Amy's right nipple. Amy started to struggle and the clamp fell off.

"Will you stop squirming?" Amy shouted as she gave Amy's right breast a hard slap.

"Owwww!" Amy yelled.

Laree attempted to reattach the clamp to Amy's right nipple and this time, she was successful. The teeth of the clamp were very sharp and if Amy moved, the teeth would scrape the nipple causing more pain.

"Now, that's a good girl!" Laree remarked. "There's less pain if you don't move!"

Amy decided to stay still. What choice did she have. None.

While Laree was attaching the clamp to her left nipple, Amy closed her eyes and starting thinking about Patty. Maybe thinking about someone else will help alleviate the pain of these goddamn clamps.

"Where was she?' Amy thought. "I hope that she's okay."

A jolt of pain brought Amy back to reality.

"Ahhhhhh!" Amy exclaimed, painfully.

She swung her head over and saw that Laree was playing with small controller. From the controller, wires led to the clamps on her nipples.

Laree was subjecting her to some sort of electro-shock device.

"Now, that was the lowest setting! Want to try a higher setting?" Laree laughed.

"You're nuts, lady!" Amy shouted as Laree turned up the setting and gave Amy another jolt.

"Fuck!" Amy screamed. Her nipples felt like they were on fire. "Why are you doing this?"

"You know why. Patty now knows why as well!" Laree yelled.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Amy demanded.

Laree gave Amy another jolt. Amy winced and struggled against the restraints. Laree proceeded to give Amy another 3 more jolts. All the while, Laree was laughing hysterically as Amy screamed and winced in pain.

"Please stop! I beg you! Please!" Amy begged.

"Why should I?" Laree shouted. "You and Patty never showed me any respect! Why should I give you any?"

The thought of being disrespected infuriated Laree even more as she turned the dial on the controller to its maximum setting.

"Take it, Bitch!" Laree shouted, gleefully, as she gave Amy another jolt.

Amy opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. She was in too much pain. Her entire chest was on fire. She writhed in pain. She started to sob. As Amy's body continued to twitch, tears started to stream down her face.

"Please stop." Amy said quietly as she continued to sobbed. "I'll do anything. Please don't hurt me anymore."

"Anything, eh? That's what Patty said and now, she obedient! Can you be like Patty?" Laree asked.

"I can." Amy said quietly. "Please don't zap me again!"

"I wanna fuck!" exclaimed Laree.

"You wanna fuck?" asked Amy. "Who?'

"You of course! Laree said as she got up.

Laree turned and walked back to the table. She scanned the table.

"Here it is!" Laree exclaimed as she picked a harness. "I like this one!"

Laree lifted up a huge black dildo. She turned and smiled at Amy.

"More playtime!" Laree said as she started to attach the dildo to the harness.

"Hmmm! Wait one minute. I've changed my mind." Laree replied. "I wanna see Patty fuck you!"

Laree had a huge grin on her face.

"What?" Amy questioned. "Come on now! Leave her alone!"

Ignoring Amy's pleas, Laree put down the strap-on and walked to the end of the larger table. All the while, Amy was watching her. Laree then picked up the smaller table and walked back to Amy. After placing the smaller table down next to Amy, Laree walked back to the larger table and picked up the restraint controller. She pressed one of the buttons and a whirling noise was heard. Amy's leg chains were being loosened but not her arm chains.

"Ahhhhh!" Amy said.

Amy was finally able to move her legs much to her relief. Because her legs were stretched out for so long, her legs were cramping up and Amy couldn't move them that easily.

The whirling noise stopped as Laree put down the controller and picked up a flogger. She turned and noticed that Amy was observing her actions. Laree walked back to Amy, put down the flogger, grabbed the small table and positioned it next to Amy's pelvic region.

Laree then stepped over Amy and squatted down. Laree then slipped both hands underneath Amy's waist and lifted her up. Once Amy's lower half was off the ground and using her right foot, Laree pushed the small table underneath Amy's buttocks.

Laree walked back to the larger table, picked up the controller and pressed one of the buttons. Amy's leg restraints began to tighten again.

"Shit! That hurts!" Amy shouted as she could feel her back being stretched. She was still spread-eagle but her butt was now off the ground.

Since indicating that she wanted to fuck Amy and then changing her mind, Laree had been very quiet and expressionless, almost robot-like. Going about her business with dogged-determination.

Laree walked back to Amy and examined her project. She smiled approvingly.

"It's time! It's time!" Laree said, excitedly. "Are you ready?"

"Oops! I forgot ... Nevermind! I'll get her to do it!" Laree chirped in before Amy could reply.

"I'll be right back!" Laree said as she walked excitedly to the door. She took out a key from her shirt, inserted it into the lock, turned the key and proceeded to open the door. She looked back at Amy, smiled, and exited the room. Laree closed the door behind her.

Amy closed her eyes and tried to think positively.

"Patty and I have been kidnapped and are being tortured by a psycho!" Amy thought. "How the fuck can we get out? And we still in the arena but in the basement!"

As soon as she finished her thought, Amy heard the door being unlocked and the door swung open.

"Did you miss me?" Laree asked.

Laree walked into the room, smiling. Because of the arch in her back, Amy couldn't turn her head far enough to her right to see what was really happening.

She heard Laree's heels plus a strange shuffling sound. As Laree came closer, the strange shuffling sound became two. Amy strained her neck and saw another pair of feet plus a chain that dragged along the ground. The sounds stopped at the large wooden table.

"Patty? Is that you?" Amy shouted. But there was no reply.

Amy repeated herself. Again, no reply.

"She can't answer you, Amy." Laree said. "Because she doesn't have permission! Isn't that right, Patty?"

"You may answer." Laree said.

"Yes. It's me." Patty answered, weakly.

"What did you do to her, you Bitch!" Amy shouted.

"The same thing I'm going to do to you!" Laree shouted back.

"Let me see her!" Amy shouted. "Let me see her, you nutcase! Psycho!"

"You want to see her?" Laree said. "Sure. Why not?"

The sound of Laree's footsteps, the shuffling of Patty's feet and the dragging chain started up again. This time Amy didn't have to strain her neck to see.

"Oh my God! What did you do to her?" Amy said.

Patty looked like she's been tortured. She was totally naked, disheveled and dirty. She wasn't wearing her shoes. She had been physically and mentally beaten down. A chain hung around her neck. Her head hung low, her eyes were transfixed to the ground and her arms behind her back.

"You Bitch!" Amy shouted angrily at Laree. "When, and not if! When I'm free, I will hurt you so bad! Not just once but twice! You hear me!"

Amy struggled against her restraints but she had forgotten that the nipple clamps were still attached.

"Shit!" Amy muttered as she winced.

"Is that so?" Laree taunted Amy.

Laree tugged on the chain and turned her head towards Patty.

"Turn around and show your friend what will happen if you don't obey me!" Laree shouted at Patty.

Patty didn't move. Laree tugged on the chain harder almost causing Patty to almost lose her balance.

"I said turn around!" Laree screamed at Patty again. "I don't want to have to repeat myself!"

Patty started to sob as she slowly turned around. What Amy say made her gasp in shock.

Patty's buttocks showed evidence of a caning and paddling.

"Thank you, Patty. Now turn back and face your friend." Laree commanded. "Stop your crying!"

Patty turned around but her sobbing continued.

"I said stop your crying!" Laree shouted as she raised her hand.

Patty couldn't stop sobbing. Laree gave Patty a sharp slap on her buttocks. This made Patty winced and sob louder.

"Stop it!" Amy screamed. "Please stop! I'll do anything! Please don't hurt her anymore!"