The Tell-Tale Touch


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"I can't tell with any accuracy. You really do have to wait until tomorrow, but it looks like a moderately high number of colonies... ummm, bacteria. Each one of the colonies was started by a single bacterial cell."

"Yes, thanks. I know what colonies are. No way to tell what kind they might be?"

"No, sorry. First, you can't tell anything when the colonies are this small. Only that they're there. And second, you can't really tell what they are by the way they look anyway. There're just too many possibilities, too easy to jump to the wrong conclusion."

"OK. I'll come back tomorrow. Are you going to be here tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I work tomorrow night as well. But really, I won't be able to tell you much more than I did tonight. Just confirm the growth, maybe give you a better count of how many, and whether it's one type or more than one."

"OK. I'll come back. Is this a good time?"

"Yeah, it's usually pretty quite this time. Unless some freaky accident or emergency comes up."

"I'm not on tomorrow night, but I'll come in to see."

"You could call, you know. I can give you the lab number."

"No, thanks. It's easy enough to come in, I just live a couple of miles away, and I really want to know. It's important."


"Hey," she said, laying her hand on the sleeve of my lab coat, "thanks so much. I really appreciate it. I know you're going out of your way for me here..."

I glanced at her hand, then up into her eyes.

"No problem. My pleasure. I'm Grant, by the way."

"Yes, I know," she pointed at the embroidered name on the chest pocket of my lab coat. "I'm Lisa Thorpe."

I looked at my pocket and laughed.

"You shouldn't trust lab coats, Lisa - they lie sometimes. We sometimes pick someone else's lab coat if ours is being cleaned. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

She nodded, waved, and headed for the door. I watched her leave, admiring her shapely behind and graceful, confident bearing. Nice!Down, boy! You're taken, remember?


I'd already settled into some routines that made me feel more settled in Ann Arbor. I particularly looked forward to Sundays when I wasn't working. I started with a run, then cleaned up and headed to the Fleetwood Diner, where I grabbed breakfast and coffee while I read the Sunday paper or a book. After breakfast, I usually walked over to the farmer's market and wandered around the stalls, grabbing cheeses and fruit and good bread. This Sunday was no exception. I'd already bought some food when I noticed a woman holding a basket over her elbow and a kitten in her hands, surrounded by a several people. The basket was partly covered by a dishcloth, but I saw the dishcloth move and figured there were more kittens under the cloth.

Curiosity got the better of me - the kitten she was holding was a gray tiger-striped fuzzball, impossibly cute with huge yellow-amber eyes and perked up ears peaked with black tufts of soft fur. A young girl, maybe a tween, was oohing and aahing over the kitten, throwing meaningful looks to the forty-ish woman standing next to her.

"Mom, can we? I've wanted a kitten in forever!"

"I know, Katie. I just... are you sure? I just don't know what your dad will say," the mother replied.

"Dad loves cats. He said if you approved, I could get one. Pleeeaaase!"

The woman ventured a finger out, petted the kitten's head and drawing out loud purrs. The kitten rubbed its head against the finger, acting as if it deserved being the center of attention.

"It's a cute little thing, isn't it?"

"Oh, yea! Mom, I promise I'll take care of it! Feed it, change the litter box. Pretty pleeeaaase," the girl repeated.

During the next few minutes, the woman holding the basket and Katie's mother exchanged the information necessary for an adoption. I watched idly as the small head of another kitten peaked out from under the dishcloth, bright green eyes in a halo of soft gray-black fur. I put my own finger out to the basket, moving the tip back and forth along the edge, teasing the kitten and watching it swat with its paw at me.

"You like cats, don't you?"

The familiar voice came from behind my shoulder. I turned and saw Lisa watching me play with the kitten. She was standing just a few steps behind me, next to another woman about her age.

"Hey," I said. "Yea, love them. And this one's deadly cute! Nice to see you."

"Will you get it?"

I hadn't thought about it in those terms. I was just playing with a cute kitten. But now she'd mentioned it, I thought, "well, why not?" It would be fun to have a cat sharing my apartment, waiting for me when I got back from classes, sitting on me while I was studying. I knew the landlord allowed cats, so that wasn't a problem. There was the traveling back home, but maybe I could take the kitten with me...

"It's adorable," she said, reaching out to pet the little head. "If you don't get it, we may." She looked at her companion questioningly. "This is Jayney, by the way. Jayne, Grant. Grant, Jayney. He's the guy I told you about yesterday. In the micro lab at the hospital."

Jayne offered her hand and we shook.

"I don't know, Lise, you know I'm allergic."

Lisa's face deflated a bit.

"Yea, I know. Maybe I'll talk Grant into it. Then I can go visit. Be the step-aunt," she giggled.

She must have read a question in my glance as I followed their exchange. "Jayne's my roommate."

"Is that what I am?" Jayne asked, looking at Lisa pointedly.

"And close, close friend," Lisa added, some edginess in her voice.

"Nice to meet you, Jayney." I turned back to the kitten, thinking about it a little more.

"Unfortunately, I don't have my car with me. I walked here. Could I maybe get the kitten from you later today?" I asked the lady holding the basket.

"Oh, we can help you," Lisa piped up, not waiting for the woman's answer. "We've got a car, and you don't live far from us. We'll take you to grab some cat food and all that on the way. Is that OK, Jayney? We're pretty much done here, aren't we?"

"Sure, no problem, kiddo." A shadow passed over Jayne's face but I didn't want to over-examine that. Whatever was going on between them was none of my business.

I talked to the lady with the kittens, paid the small amount of money she asked for after convincing her I'd be a responsible cat parent and promising to neuter the little devil when he was old enough. Furry beast firmly wrapped in a towel, curious little head poking out, I followed Lisa and Jayne to their car. Lisa kept up a lighthearted banter, purposely drawing Jayne out, throwing me a question now and then about where I was from and what I was doing in Ann Arbor. When she heard I was in a graduate program in microbiology, she began to quiz me about various bacteria that caused diseases she was interested in.

"Well, I'm learning a lot of that myself. My real interest is in bacterial genetics and mobile DNA rather than infectious diseases, but I find most everything about bacteria pretty fascinating."

"We had to take medical microbiology in our first year in med school. It was cool, but hard. Lots of terms to memorize."

"I hate that. Memorization. It's why I didn't go to med school."

"You don't need to memorize stuff in grad school?"

"Not as much. A lot of stuff is basic concepts you learn to apply. It's much easier, at least for me, than just memorizing this or that part of the anatomy."

"Anatomy, gotta love it," Lisa chuckled. "If it wasn't for the study group, most of us wouldn't have made it."

I noticed Jayne's hand snake up possessively around Lisa's shoulder, and Lisa leaning into it after briefly stiffening. She must have decided I was OK to witness their intimacy.

"Jayne, what do you do?"

"I'm an artist. Performance artist and musician. Doing an MFA." I'd had friends in college who'd been artists and had gone the Master's of Fine Arts route.

"Do you like the program? What do you play?"

"Jazz flute, mostly. Some percussion, piano. The program's OK. A lot of it is about meeting people, making contacts. But also about having a peer group. People you can talk about your ideas with, people you can collaborate with. It's harder to get that on your own."

"Some friends of mine did it because they wanted to teach. Are you thinking you want to do that?"

"Don't know yet. Possibly."

"Jayne busks sometimes to make money. But she's really good. She plays flute in a jazz band. Jazz piano, too."

"Lisa exaggerates. She's too good to me. I wouldn't trust her judgement."

Lisa gave her a playful shove. "Bullshit! You're great and you know it!"

"Are you playing anywhere around here anytime soon?" I asked. I was always looking for things to do when I wasn't studying or working.

"Actually, yea, in a couple of weeks. I'm opening for another band at a bar downtown."

"I'd love to come listen."

"Cool! You can come keep me company while I listen to her. Plus, it'll keep other men from hitting on me," Lisa laughed.

"How do you know I won't hit on you?"

I wanted to take it back as soon as I'd said it. Jayne was staring daggers at me, and Lisa winced and pulled away from her.

"Jayney, I was fucking joking! Besides, he's involved with someone!"

I stared at her, open-mouthed. "How'd you know?"


Jayne smiled. "Lisa's got this theory."

"No, Jayney! Don't!"

"What?" I asked.

"It's too embarrassing!"

"She thinks that most men your age would have already hit on her if they weren't involved with someone else," Jayne offered, ignoring Lisa's protests. "Or gay. Are you? Gay, I mean?"

"No. Not that I know, anyway," I laughed, trying to keep the tone light. "I do have a long-distance girlfriend, though."

"See, Jayne? I'm safe."

Jayne looked at me through narrowly slitted eyes. "Maybe. We'll see. Not as safe as if the girlfriend was here with him."

"So what are you, Lisa? A resident?"

"Not quite. I'm a fourth year med student. Almost there. Can't wait to be done."

"What happens then? Do you know what you want to do afterwards? Where you're going?"

"I've started thinking about residencies. I'm applying to stay here, but that's hard. Applying a few other places as well. Chicago, St. Louis. A few places in California, a couple on the East Coast."

"Are you two going to try to stay together?"

"Yeah. But Jayney's not quite done. She's got another year at least. She wants to drop out and follow me, but I want her to finish her program. It's a great program. And she'd have to almost start over if she moves. It just doesn't seem worth it, throwing all her work so far out the window."

"We'll see," Jayne said closing the discussion. "Hey, here's the Kroger's. Who's staying with the kitten?"

"I will," said Lisa. "Jayne, why don't you go in with him? He may need help getting all the stuff."

"Umm, I'd rather stay with the kitten and take care of some voice mails. What should I do with it?"

"OK, here," said Lisa, settling the kitten in Jayne's lap.

"Seriously? Why in my lap? Can't we just put it on your seat next to me?"

"Come on, Jayney, it won't kill you, and it will just take us five or ten minutes to run in and back out with the stuff. In your lap is way better - your warmth will comfort the little thing - look, it's scared. It just got separated from its mother and its brothers and sisters, so it's scared and lost. In your lap is much better. Plus, if we put it on the chair and it runs under one of the seats, it will be hell to get it out."

"OK, OK, just go. And get back soon!"

"Thanks much for doing that, Jayne. I really appreciate it," I said, patting her back as I slid out of the back seat, keeping an eye on the kitten so I'd be ready to catch it if it bolted.


"Thanks, Lisa. This really shouldn't take us long."

"Have you ever had a cat of your own?"

"No, but we've had cats at home. I can use regular bowls for food and water dishes, but I need to go load up on food, cat litter, and a litter box."

"She's a beautiful little cat."

"Need to think up a name. Something good..."

They found the right aisle and loaded up a cart with the necessaries.

"So have you and Jayney been together long?"

"It's coming on a year, in April."

"That's soon. When d'you figure it out?"


"That you're gay."

"Gay? I'm not gay, Grant, I'm bisexual," she answered, her eyes laughing at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything..."

"No worries. I'm really not sensitive about it. Though Jayney is my longest lesbian relationship. Still, I don't think of myself exclusive to women."

"Ah, good to know," I answered carelessly. Still, she was an enticingly beautiful woman, with her mocha-chocolatey soft skin and large, brown eyes. Nicely shaped, too. But I had a girlfriend, and my interest was purely academic. Or more honestly, esthetic.


We pulled up to my building shortly after. I'd taken possession of the kitten and was about to hand her back to Jayne so I could unload all the stuff when she put out her hand, palm towards me.

"No, go on and hold the little bugger. I'd rather help with the stuff than get more cat dander on me than I have to."

I shrugged and looked at Lisa, who rolled her eyes so I could see her but Jayne couldn't.

"She works on being gruff," she said under her breath as Jayne was busy grabbing bags out of the trunk. "Or maybe it's the green-eyed monster," she added, even more softly, as she started to load up on bags as well.

"Whad'ya say?"

"Nothing. Here, you need to lead."

I took the steps a couple at a time to the second floor of the apartment building, then let them both into my apartment. When we were all in, I closed the door and let the fluffy critter down in the living room area of the studio. Luckily, the floor was hardwood, not carpeted, so I didn't worry much about accidents.

"Hey, just put stuff down anywhere and make yourselves at home. Want water, beer?I think I even have some wine?"

"Where are you going to put the litter box, Grant?"

"I don't know yet. The bathroom is pretty small, though it makes the most sense," I said, heading down the small corridor that led to the bathroom. The corridor had several closets lining one side and the bathroom opened onto the corridor across the closets.

"Maybe it'll work. I won't worry about it yet. I think I'll first put the box in the kitchen, just to keep an eye on it easier until she gets used to using it. Then I'll move it."

"I'd love a beer, Grant. Hey, may I use the bathroom?" Jayne said.

"K, give me a minute to put this stuff away."

"Hey, Lise, I think I may need your help for a minute...," Jayne added.

I busied myself with finding the right sized bowls, dishing out a little food and water and giving the kitten some kibbles from my palm. Then I watched the fluffy thing sniff everything in sight, moving tentatively at first, then getting more confident and more exploratory. I'd lost track of time, fascinated with the cat. Finally dragging myself out of a trance, I set out a couple of beers for myself and Jayne, and realized Lisa hadn't told me what she wanted, so I headed to the bathroom to ask her. The door was about halfway open and I got a pretty clear view of the bathroom mirror. Jayne was holding Lisa in front of her: one of Jayne's hands was holding Lisa's breast, white fingers splayed against brown skin, while the other was inside Lisa's pants, the zipper down and the flap opened wide. I could see Jayne's knuckles moving rhythmically, and it took me only a few seconds to realize she was palming Lisa's sex, I assumed rubbing her clit.

I froze, unable to move.

Lisa was looking to the left, away from the door, eyes closed, and struggling a little.

"Shhhh, Lise, quiet! I know you want this. You've been flirting with him all day, you little slut. Pushing it. Pushing me."


My eyes were riveted on Jayne's fingers, wet with Lisa's slimy fluids, as Lisa arched and pressed farther into the hand between her legs. Jayne's other hand was kneading Lisa's breast, pinching and pulling the dark brown nipple jutting out stiff between the white fingers. As I stood and stared, Jayne lifted her eyes from Lisa's head and looked into the mirror. Straight into my eyes. She locked onto me, challenging me to keep looking at her manipulating and pleasuring Lisa, while I stood frozen in place.

Lisa had started moaning, very softly, audible only because I was standing just a few steps outside the bathroom. Jayne flexed her knees and rubbed her pelvis up and down along Lisa's clothed buttocks, mouth intent and eyes now on Lisa, focused on their mutual pleasure. The fingers inside Lisa moved faster, relentlessly rubbing and pulling the labial lips, dipping into the wet vulva, coming out shiny with mucus. Soon enough Lisa broke into a soft whimper that Jayne muffled by moving her hand from Lisa's breast to her mouth. I could see Lisa's teeth wrap around the fingers in her mouth, bucking her hips forward with abandon, crescendoing to a powerful shudder as she reached her pinnacle. She paused, motionless, mouth contorted in a silent scream. As Lisa's pelvic movements subsided, her eyes still closed, Jayne slid her hand out from Lisa's groin. Pushing Lisa's torso down over the sink, she sank to her knees and pulled Lisa's pants down. She placed her hands on each of Lisa's buttocks and spread them to make more room for her tongue, licking her anus, long slow swipes alternating with faster flicks across the puckered opening I could barely make out. Lisa leaned onto her elbows, braced on either side of the sink with her head down, her softly kinked curls flopping down over the faucet.

Still tonguing Lisa's anus, Jayne snaked her right arm around Lisa's front and inserted two fingers into Lisa's vulva, spreading her lips, maneuvering in and out of her fast and furious, bringing her to another climax. Lisa shuddered again, her thigh muscles helplessly spasming. A few seconds later she threw her head back onto Jayne's shoulder, eyes closed, mouth open with the upper teeth biting down onto the lower lip.

"Ahh, fuck, Jayne...," she rasped, and I took that as my hint to retreat. I'd stood there through her two orgasms, watching without thinking or even meaning to. What had just happened, and why?

I went to the counter to grab one of the beers and went to the window, staring out at the trees surrounded by dried leaves littering the lawn surrounding the apartment complex. I was hard and hot and bothered. I'd never seen anything even remotely close to this in sensuality. None of the porn flicks I'd watched on empty evenings and nights approached the heat of this encounter. I could tell from Jayne's look that she had wanted me to watch. She was marking her territory, drawing the line and challenging me to cross it. "Mine," she'd said - screamed - without words, showing me her expert handling of Lisa's body as if she had been playing a cello or a bass.

"Is this beer for me?"

I heard Jayne sweep the second beer bottle off the counter, and saw her settle into one of the two armchairs in the room, facing the couch I was standing next to.

"How's the little fur ball getting on? Getting used to its new home?"

I cleared my throat.

"I think so," I finally said, still rasping. "I think he likes it here."

"How'd you know it's a he?"

"Actually, I'm not sure. I haven't looked that closely yet."

"Maybe you should."

"I don't think it matters much. Not until it's time to neuter or spay them. And that's about the same age for cats," I added.

It felt like I was babbling, filling aural space, saying something, anything to draw attention away from the incident I'd witnessed in the bathroom. But Jayne didn't seem embarrassed in the least, and didn't bother averting her eyes as I was trying to avoid hers.

When Lisa came out a few moments later, fully clothed again, Jayne patted her lap. "Come here, sweets," and Lisa sauntered over and settled onto Jayne's thighs as if it was the most natural thing in the entire world. She seemed completely at home, from which I deduced she hadn't seen me watching her. I was glad for that, at least for my sake if not hers.