The Three Traditions of Pink


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Ummm...Emma? Just how much do her folks know about this mess? Her father was all friendly and stuff but if they find out I was the cause of their daughter's tarnished academic record they might start singing another tune.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tap upon her shoulder. It was none other than Dr. Williams holding a good old fashioned box of chocolates.

"Good evening there child. I trust Abigail is inside?"

"Yes professor. Her folks are in there too."

"You seem frazzled child. Tired too. Tell me what's on your mind."

"It's just they know? Her parents I mean. They might think I've messed up their daughter's career and...and well I don't want them to think badly of me."

"You've ruined no one's career my dear. Let's just duck inside and say a quick hello to Abigail and I'll explain."

The elderly gentleman turned the door handle and they entered inside. Abigail was much livelier than before; she was in a more upright position and her gaze was more focused and clear.

"Professor Williams!'m sorry for the mess I created sir."

"Nonsense Abigail. You've done nothing wrong my dear. Errr...and these should be your parents and your sister I presume?"

"Yes sir. This is Patrick, my dad, Elaine, my mother and Elizabeth my sister. This is professor Williams, head of the department and former supervisor of mine."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Abigail always speaks volumes about you. And if Abigail says something, I always take it at face value."

Someone is in a cheerful mood! It would seem as if nothing ever happened! Unless I'm much mistaken we have a teeny weeny problem with some home-made porn videos starring...(drum roll)...blonde teacher of the year and redhead sensation!

"It's an honor to finally meet you sir. Abigail has always spoken so highly about you."

"Just call me Robert. I only use the formalities to intimidate my students and my young lecturers when they get out of hand."

Aha! And now it's time for the other shoe to drop.

"I just passed by to check upon Abigail. She took a nasty fall yesterday and if it wasn't for this young lady's actions, we might not be standing here making idle chit-chat next to her."

"But all I did was to call the ambulance, nothing more. That's what anyone would have done."

"We examined the footage from our security cameras. Suffice to say that we're pressing criminal charges against the would appear that there are some interesting connections between him and...but...I'll explain that to you all at a more convenient location. If it wasn't for you, Emma, yanking Abigail towards the sidewalk, she would have been mortally struck by the car if not killed on the spot. The department shall be nominating you for a student medal of honor for your actions."

That's it! It's definitely the sleep deprivation! I must be going to cuckoo-land!

"Now, I'll leave this box of chocolates right next to your bed Abigail and I wish you the speediest of recoveries my dear. Let this be just a bad dream chased away by the light. Errr and...Patrick, Elaine, Elizabeth...if you'd follow too Emma if you would?

"I'll just say a quick goodbye to Abi and I'll be with you in a sec if that's alright with you."

"Certainly my dear."

The door closed behind them as they left and the room became quiet once more.

"How you feeling?"

"Better now that they left. I always feel better when you're with me baby girl."


The remark earned the blonde a kiss on the cheek. "Listen Abi...the professor wants me outside, I don't know for what exactly but he does seem in a fine mood. After that I'll head back to the dorm to catch some zzz and change some clothes, but I'll be back as soon as I can. Aurelia promised to stay behind in my steed."

"Umm...yeah...he did mention that they're going to nominate you for the Medal of Honor and that's a fairly rare distinction...You...You deserve it entirely baby girl. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here now."

"Yeah well...I told everyone that it was just natural. You would have done the same too. So...I'm off...I'll be back here as soon as I can."

"Take your time baby girl. My parents are will want to fuss over me too."

With another gentle kiss on the blonde's fingers, the redhead was off.

In the waiting room all eyes were on her and Emma suddenly felt bashful. The professor came to her rescue.

"Ah, there you are. I can now begin explaining. I didn't want to speak in front of your daughter as she is still recovering from her head you may all know, this young lady here and Abigail have been errr...well...romantically involved. Now this on its own would have been but a minor infraction. University regulation forbids it but personally I think it's just a fact of life. As long as there is no power abuse and favoritism, I see no problem with it. But...I'm a dying breed. Nowadays, institutions are all pure business and polished marketing. Academia means interaction between human beings. The formation of bonds between tutor and pupil are as old as Socrates but many people think otherwise.

But I digress...private material of an intimate nature has been deliberately released on the web. We've already identified the two students responsible and an external accomplish...they're already being questioned by the federal authorities. The driver who struck Abigail happens to be that external accomplish. It would appear that she and Abigail were into a relationship which was terminated rather abruptly on the perpetrator's part. The investigation is ongoing but from what I'm managed to learn, Abigail's ex had a rather sinister stalking and extortion operation going on. Abigail wasn't her only victim but we'll make sure it's her last. I'm personally going to make sure that these two students of ours who were involved will not only be expelled but they'll find it very difficult to join another program.

Patrick, have nothing to fear about your daughter's career. If these two wish to stay together we will only exempt Abigail from marking and grading any course related material and exams that this young lady partakes in. There will be of course some further nuisance in the form of questioning by the authorities but the evidence is overwhelmingly against the perpetrators. If they're smart enough they'll cut a deal with the district attorney to try to minimize their jail term. I personally don't expect this to make it to court."

So we're in the clear? This whole mess has gone away?

Everybody stood in stunned silence. Emma chose to break it first. "Um...well...that's good news to hear. Could I tell Abigail about it?"

Just then the doctor appeared in their midst dressed in his whites. "Abigail has had a rough day, you too miss by the looks of it. She's recovering from a major concussion to the head and we'd like to take it easy on her. We don't know yet what exactly she remembers and we don't want to force anything. Why don't we all get some rest for today, leave our patient to recuperate and we can all discuss further tomorrow."

Although Emma knew that made perfect sense, her heart just wanted to rush to the blonde's room and tell her the good news. A sudden spate of dizziness helped to remind her how tired she was. Calling it a day was the only option. The redhead left and wearily made it back to her dorm room.

Dragging her feet inside, she felt an overwhelming need to collapse on her bed. Chloe and the knowledge that it would be better to shower first imposed a mandatory change in her plans.

"Hey girl, you look absolutely bombed. So how did it go?"

"She woke up about a couple of hours ago. She's a bit woozy but other than that everything is in working order."


"And it's unbelievable just how many people tried to stab us in the back. Abigail's ex was the mastermind behind all of this. She was identified as the driver and apparently she also ran an extensive stalking and extortion network. A true psycho...But there were others...Professor Williams mentioned that two more students were involved. I'm ninety-nine percent certain that one of them is Anastasia. One of the videos that have been leaked is from before I came here and she was the one who shot it. As for the other one...your guess is as good as mine."

"The feds came by today. They detained a certain someone who's well known to you. You've rubbed into each other in the past..."

"Chloe, I'm brain dead. I'm actually running on fumes here..."

"Yeah I read you. It was Donovan Sherman."

"No shit!"

"Yeah shit. Rumor has it that he was going around bragging to people about how he was going to destroy you and all. He was so stupid that he actually posted pictures of you on Facebook!"

"I've made some really bad decisions in my life, but having sex with him tops the list by far. What an asshole!"

"Well that cretin is going to get what he had coming to him. But enough of that. What about Abi, did she say anything after she saw you?"

Emma felt herself blush. "Scratch that Em, it's private, you don't have to say. Go get yourself showered and I'll order some pizza. We need to celebrate!"

After about two slices of pizza, the redhead fell where she lay on her bed, towel around her wet hair and all. Chloe tucked her in and made sure the drapes were closed before she left.

When Emma next opened her eyes it was broad daylight. Only the day was different. She fell asleep on Saturday afternoon and woke up on Sunday morning.



"What time is it? The sun is still up?"

"It's Sunday Em. You slept right through."

"SHIT! Abigail! I've got to go back to her! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you needed the rest. I've texted Aurelia back, everything is under control."


"Your screen lock is a joke. All I had to do was to look at your cellphone from a certain angle. The traces of your fingers are very easy to see. You should give it a wipe from time to time you know."

Emma wanted to be angry at Chloe for not waking her up, but she knew that her roommate meant well. She felt well rested and in good mood. Abigail needed her very best in order to recover.

Back at the hospital Abigail run into Aurelia as she sat on the waiting room thumbing through her tablet.

"Hello, good morning kiddo! Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning! Yeah I did. My roommate didn't wake me up but I guess I needed the rest. So what gives?"

"She's doing excellent! She just had her breakfast this morning, she's fully mobile on her own and she's off the IV and the painkillers. The doctors are in there right now and word is that they're going to discharge her tomorrow morning."

Emma's smile could light up the whole room at that moment. Aurelia handed her a cream colored envelope with Abigail's and her name on it written in neat red ink. "What's this?"

"Oh, just a little present from me and Jeremy. You've more than earned it!"

"Can I open it here?"

"Why don't you wait until you're with'll be better that way."

Emma felt the envelope burning in her hand. She was just like a child, wanting to rip it to bits and discover the hidden contents. She could make out the contours of what appeared to be a key but she wasn't certain. There was definitely a card in there too.

Meanwhile the doctors showed up the corridor and that signaled that the coast was clear. The redhead went dashing down the hall towards her blonde girlfriend's room. Opening the door, she saw her sitting upright thumbing through her tablet.

Emma rushed in and went straight for a hug. She held Abigail in her arms and gave her small kisses allover her face. The blonde just giggled and enjoyed the attention. "It's good to see you baby girl!"

"Oh Abi-babe! I've missed you! And I see that you're off your IV. Aurelia's told me that you might be out of here tomorrow morning!"

"Yeah the docs told me as much. I'll have to lay low for a while but no permanent harm done. What's that?" said the blonde pointing towards the envelope.

"Oh yeah...Aurelia gave it to me as I was coming to see you. She said it's a present for us. She said I was to open it when I'm with you."

"So what are you waiting for?"

Emma carefully opened the sealed envelope not wanting to ruin it. Inside there was a get well card with a key taped on it. Intrigued, Emma started reading.

Dear Abigail & Emma,

To Abigail: we wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, we miss having you around!

To Emma: we thank you for saving our friend and taking such good care of her.

You both deserve all the happiness in the world. To help with that, here's the key to our mountain cabin. Abigail knows the way, go there for a weekend and forget about everything.

With lots of love,

Jer & Aurelia

The last few words where blurred from the tears. "What is it baby girl?"

"They're so kind and generous. I've never had this kind of love in my life before. This is overwhelming...I need a moment."

Abigail briefly read the card as she held the redhead snuggly in her embrace. Aurelia was a true friend, one couldn't hope for better in life. The mountain cabin was really an awesome place to stay. A weekend with just the two of them was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Chapter 20 (Abigail)

Two weeks later

Abigail was on the driver's seat, one eye on the road, the other on the GPS monitor. Emma was right next to her, blue mirror shades on her eyes, looking beautiful and mysterious. More importantly, her left hand rested gently on the blonde's right thigh.

These past few days had been pretty hectic for both of them. There had been testimonies to be given to authorities, Abigail's family who naturally wanted time with their daughter and of course, the usual academic schedule. Then, when the dust had finally settled, Abigail and Emma had gone house hunting. Despite Aurelia's over-generous hospitality, the fact was that Abigail really needed a place to stay. They had decided that Emma would finish her semester and her exams and then she'd move in with the blonde. The pile of chores on their plate, Abigail's recovering injuries, plus the fact that they couldn't get some decent alone time was making them both strain at the leash. Their kisses and their petting was as hot as ever but that can take you only so far. Aurelia's gift had come like the mana from heaven.

Now, it was Friday early in the evening, the sun was setting and they were inside Abigail's red Juke on their way to Jer's and Aurelia's mountain cabin.

"Are we there yet? Do we have any idea where we are?"

"Impatient you is so cute. Patience my young padawan. We have a whole weekend to our greedy selves. In any case, the navigator says that we should be about half a mile away."

"I've been on a diet of raw patience for two weeks now. When we're out of this car, YOU, are mine!"

"But not before I wash my hair baby girl. I'm sick and tired of wearing this beanie on my head. Yesterday they removed the stiches and the doctor said that today I could shower like a proper person. I'd like for you to do the honors."

"Fun in the shower? Why not. I like the way your mind works!"

"And...that should be our exit right here. The cabin is just off this road."

They left the paved track and entered a dirt road. The forest was quite thick in this part of the mountains and the trees cast their shadow over their car as it made its way forward. After five minutes of carefully navigating through the various cracks and fissures the forest started clearing. Right in front of them stood a traditionally built wooden cabin and beyond that, where the calm gray waters of the lake.

"It's just...beautiful!" Emma said in a breathy voice.

"Yeah...and what's more, there's no signal, no TV and nothing to connect you to the outer world. It's just the two of us and the forest!"

Emma gave the blonde a mischievous look. " know what this means, right?"

"Of course! Endless board gaming! I've brought quite a few with me! Why? What did you have in mind?"

"Well...yeah...ummmm...we could do it on a board I guess...wouldn't be as comfortable as on a bed but hey...I'm not complaining...board, table, floor, outside...who cares! As long as my mouth is latched between your legs, I'm good!"

"Not if I get between yours first!"

"Is that a threat Miss O'Donnell?"

"No, that's a promise!"

Between their playful banter, they managed to haul in their duffels and grocery supplies. Abigail unlocked the door and following Aurelia's instructions found the main power switchboard. She got the water heater going and then went to start a fire. In the meantime, Emma cleaned the fridge and stowed away their supplies. The redhead couldn't help but smile mischievously when she put the bottle of pink Moet and the strawberries in the chiller.

"All done with the groceries! How's the fire going chief?"

" about you make the bed and then we jump in the shower?"

"You're no fun at all! Work, work, work and no play. Boo-hoo!"

"Patience, Iago, patience" said the blonde in a deep mocking voice.

The redhead disappeared in the bedroom and Abigail proceeded to work on the fire.

Let's see now...Kindling check, Fire starter check, wood supply from the shed check, cup of lamp oil sprinkled over the wood check. Now...let's strike an ordinary match and...Yep! We have lift-off! Lift-off! Chimney seems to be functioning properly...we're done! Time to get naked!

Abigail proceeded to strip and fairly soon she was buck naked with just the beanie on her head.

"Abi-babe the bed sheets are all ready and...Wow!"

It was rare to catch the redhead flatfooted with no glib retort but Abigail's stark naked body seemed to have that effect. Emma was eyeing the blonde unconsciously licking her lips as she her eyes travelled up and down.

"'ve got a head-start Abi...that's not fair."

"So what's keeping you from discarding yours? Need a helping hand baby girl?"

"Some company would be nice, yes."

The distance between them evaporated. The redhead kissed the blonde with passion, her hands roaming over exposed skin. Their kisses were only interrupted by Abigail's frantic efforts to get Emma out of her clothing. Soon the redhead was clad in just her birthday suit and leaning sideways into the blonde. That allowed for Abigail to keep their tonguing going whilst a finger dipped inside her slick pussy lips.

"Seems someone is ready and rearing to go."

"Mmmmm...I love your finger there...I've been like that since the lecture started...not fun!"

"Shower then?"

"Most definitely!"

The shower cabin made for a tight intimate fit which the girls didn't seem to mind one bit. Abigail hit the water tap and ice cold water blasted on them.

"Yikes! Fuck that's freezing! Abi-baaaaabee!! That's cold!"

"Yeah but it did wonders on your nipples baby girl. Here, let me make them feel all warm again."

The blonde leaned her head and captured a hard, protruding pink nipple between her teeth. Biting down, she caused the redhead to hiss sharply. "Abiiiii...I'm so going to get you for this!"

Abigail shifted her attention to the other tit, the one with the barbell piercing. The cool metal made an interesting contrast within her mouth. Her tongue toyed around it as the blonde relished upon the different textures between warm flesh and cold metal. Meanwhile her hands, not wishing to be left out of the party, descended down the white skin. One took hold of Emma's firm ass while the other wedged itself between the redhead's pussy lips. Finding her clit had become second nature to Abigail.