The Treachery of the Heart


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When he dropped his hand back to the side of the bed, she lifted hers to place them over the spot he had shown her.

She began to rub the spot tentatively to gauge how much pressure to use. Her fingers pushed into the muscle in an undulating manner, and after a moment he closed his eyes as a soft breath escaped him.

Several minutes passed as she worked through the knot that had formed beneath his skin, and once she had covered every inch several times, her fingers trailed further until her fingers were rubbing the back of his neck. When they dug into the muscle there, Riley's mouth parted, and a low groan left his lips.

The sound was loud in the silence of the room, and Leah's fingers stilled upon him. When he tilted his head slightly to look at her she seemed stunned.

Their eyes held for a moment, and then Riley lifted a hand to the side of her face as he leaned in to press his mouth against hers.

Her lips were pliant beneath his, and he quickly pressed them open to slip his tongue inside. When it stroked along hers, and he leaned into her further, she broke away from him with gasp. Her hands reached up to grip his strong arms to keep him in place.

"What are you doing?" she breathed.

Riley's eyes were wide and frantic as he looked at her. "I'm sorry," he said in a stumble. "I've just wanted to do that for a really long time," he admitted.

His grey eyes delved into her stricken blue ones for an endless moment, and then he leaned in again. When his lips touched hers, she surprised him by immediately parting hers. Her tongue came out to lash against his, and then her hands lifted to hold his head in place so that she could kiss him back.

Her acquiesce to his touch made him frantic. Pressing her down to the mattress, he slid his body alongside hers so that he could take her mouth more fully.

His fingers reverently touched the side of her face, then slid down her neck, and over her body until he was gripping her breast in his palm. Squeezing it urgently, his mouth moved hungrily on top of hers.

Leah broke away again, and turned her head to the side as she panted. "Riley, stop."

Complying immediately, he removed his hand from her, and gazed down at her with his brows furrowed. "I'm sorry," he said again. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

When she turned her head back to him she looked overwhelmed. "I wanted to do it too," she whispered guiltily. Hers eyes closed, and tightened. She bit her lip to fight the overwhelming desire to cry.

Riley became panicked when he looked at her face. "No. No," he said quickly. "I won't do it again. I promise. Don't cry." His hand slipped to the side of her face once again, and his thumb brushed along her cheek.

His grey eyes darted over her in concern. "It's alright, Leah. You didn't do anything wrong. It was me. All me. Don't cry."

When her eyes opened again they were filled with agony. "Don't tell Mark, okay?" she whispered.

"I won't," he promised.


The cold spray of the water did nothing to ease his aching body, nor the turmoil that raged through his mind. Bending his head beneath the blast, he allowed the water to pelt over his hair, and cascade down his back.

He stayed in that position for several minutes, staring down at the bottom of the tub while he contemplated the cruelty of life itself.

When the sound of the bathroom door opening, then swiftly closing reached his ears, he didn't even bother to lift his head. The shower curtain was roughly snatched open, and Leah stood glaring at him as her chest rose, and fell erratically. Tilting his head slightly, he met her blue eyes impassively.

"Are you crazy?" she hissed at him. "My husband is upstairs. My child is in the next room! What the hell were you thinking!?"

Straightening slowly, Riley ran a hand over his face to wipe the water away before turning to her. His grey eyes held storm clouds as he scowled. "What do you want me to say?" he growled. "That I'm sorry? I'm not."

His jaw clenched before he continued. "Would it make you feel better to hear me say that I'm selfish? That even though you are married, and to my brother no less, that I don't care? Do you think I have no idea how wrong that is? I have tried, Leah. I've been doing it since I was sixteen years old. I can't do it anymore."

She glared up at him. "Keep your voice down," she whispered harshly.

Her blue eyes lowered momentarily, and she suddenly seemed to become aware that he was naked. Once her gaze reached the center of him, her mouth parted, and she found herself staring at his large appendage.

When he began to harden before her very eyes, a blush crept up her cheeks as she raised her eyes to meet his once more.

"That is what you do to me," he said harshly. "Every single time that I come near you."

Reaching for her suddenly, he snatched up her hand, and pressed it between his legs where he had partially thickened. When her eyes widened, and a surprised gasp escaped her, his other large hand reached out to grip onto the back of her neck to pull her roughly to his mouth.

He kissed her with anger, frustration, and raw need. His lips were brutal and demanding as they pressed against hers. When a small, helpless mewl escaped her, he quickly released her to look down into her large eyes. "What do you want from me?" he asked with a scowl.


She tapped on his door erratically. She was about to push it open in a rush when it suddenly opened in front of her, and he stood standing there looking at her curiously.

"I need you to take me to the hospital. I think the baby is coming."

His eyes widened dramatically, and he opened the door further as he looked down at her. "I'll call Mark," he told her in a panic.

Leah shook her head. "There isn't time." Doubling over, she gripped onto her stomach. Pain shot across her features as she fought for breath. "I need you to do it. You're the only one here."

Nodding in understanding, Riley ran a hand through his hair in agitation. "Everything is going to be okay," he said reassuringly.

Slipping his arm around her back, he led her away from his room to step down the hall slowly. His grey eyes passed over her in concern when halfway down it she grimaced once more, and bit her lip.

"Try to breathe," he said softly.

Her blue eyes lifted to his. They were etched with discomfort, and fear. Her fingers shook as they lifted to his chest, and then they dug into him as pain shot through her once more.

"Riley, she's coming. I can't do this," she cried out.

His large hand lifted to the side of her face, and he tilted her head back so that she was forced to look at him. His grey eyes were clear and confident. "You can," he told her sternly. "You're not alone," he reminded her.

Nodding quickly, she swallowed, and allowed him to lead her to the top of the staircase. When they reached it, he eyed the steps warily before turning to look down at her.

Her gaze was a model of concentration, and each breath that left her seemed to struggle from her slight frame.

With his heart beating rapidly in his chest, Riley made a decision. Swooping down, he lifted her in his arms, and cradled her against him before making his way down the staircase.

Once they reached the front door he had her open it, and then he was rushing down the steps until they reached his car. Setting her down beside it, he opened the door.

"It's going to be alright," he told her. "I'm here. I'm going to take care of you."

Helping her into the passenger seat, he quickly closed the door, and rounded the vehicle to get inside. He had to force himself to calm slightly before starting the car.

The three mile drive to the hospital was almost as torturous for him as it was for her. Every few minutes she would cry out in agony while clutching at her rounded stomach, and Riley had difficulty focusing on the road as he fought the desire to reach for her.

"We're almost there," he tried to soothe her. "Just keep breathing."

When they finally arrived outside of the emergency doors, he was frantic. Pulling up to the curb, he quickly parked the car, and exited the vehicle.

His lithe frame leapt the entire hood of the car, and he slid across it quickly to reach the other side. He had her door open within seconds, and then he was lifting her back into his arms.

Turning towards the doors, he strode inside when they parted in front of him. He didn't stop until he reached the front counter where a receptionist eyed him in surprise.

"I need a doctor," he told her in a rush. "She's in labor."

As if by some miraculous feat, several people arrived all at once, and then he was lowering her into a wheel chair so that they could take her through a set of double doors.

He quickly followed as a string of questions were tossed in his direction. When her chair was wheeled into a small room, his passageway was quickly barred as a nurse urged him to follow her.

He was handed a set of surgical scrubs, and was urged to put them on. Staring down at them, he nodded dumbly before looking up at the nurse. She pointed out a nearby room for him to change, and then smiled at his overwhelmed expression.

"Excited to be a father?" she asked him pleasantly.

Unsure of how to respond, Riley nodded again, and headed off in the direction of the room to don the scrubs. Once he had them on, he made his way to Leah's room, and nearly faltered when he heard her cry of excruciating pain.

"Where's Riley?" she cried out. "I want Riley!"

Slipping past another nurse, he quickly rushed to her side. He took her hand in his, and gazed down into her terrified eyes. "I'm here," he said softly.

A tremulous smile lifted her lips when she looked at him. "I can't do this by myself," she told him.

"You won't have to," he assured her. Brushing her hair back, he gazed down into her blue eyes with adoration.

When her fingers gripped his mercilessly, and she cried out once more, he turned his head to look at the nurse.

"Someone call my brother Mark!" he demanded. Turning back to her, he stroked her head again in a soothing gesture. "Just breathe, Leah."


She was panting as she looked up at him. Her blue eyes were wide as she took in his volatile expression.

"You're asking me to destroy my family," she whispered.

Riley's jaw tensed, and then he closed his eyes. When he opened them again they were pained.

"I'm asking you to just be honest. I've always done the right thing. Even at the sacrifice of my own happiness. It hit me when I looked at you. Living a lie isn't the right thing. For either of us. I want it to end."

With a shaky breath, Leah lowered her eyes before dropping her face into her hands.

Turning off the water, Riley stepped from the tub, and reached for a towel to wrap around his waist. When he was covered, he turned to her, and placed his hands gently on her upper arms.

"Leah, look at me." he entreated.

Lowering her hands to her sides, she continued to stare at the floor for a moment before tilting her head back. Her expression was guilt ridden as she met his gaze.

He searched the deep pools of her eyes endlessly, and then a harsh breath escaped him. "I love you," he breathed. "If you tell me to go, I will."

His thumb lifted to brush along her cheek. "I'll do it if that is what you want." Then his grey eyes clouded as they delved into hers. "But if you tell me to go, I'm not coming back."

Leaning down, he lightly brushed his lips against hers. He did it gently, reverently, as if she were delicate. Then his hands fell away from her as he turned to leave the bathroom.


Riley opened his bedroom door, and stepped out into the hallway. When he spotted Leah slumped near the bathroom door, he smiled.

"What are you doing?" he said with a chuckle.

Lifting her hand, she erratically waved it before shushing him. Her tired eyes scowled at him before her head slumped back against the wall.

"I finally got her to go to sleep," she said in exhaustion. "She was up every two hours last night, and Mark slept through it all."

Gazing at her in sympathy, Riley nodded in understanding. "You look exhausted. Why don't you get some sleep yourself?"

Leah smiled as she looked at him. "I don't want to risk waking her up by going back in there," she told him.

Riley's brows knitted at her response. Turning his body, he inclined his head in the direction of his room.

"That's ridiculous. Just come take a nap in here. I'm leaving anyways. You can crawl into my bed, and keep the monitor with you in case she wakes up."

Leah bit her lip in indecision. His offer was extremely tempting. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" she finally asked.

Riley smiled. "Of course not. I want you to."

Stepping forward, he reached for her hand to take the decision out of her hands. Pulling her behind him, he led her into his bedroom until he reached the side of his bed. Once they reached it, he pulled the blanket back, and turned to her expectantly.

She needed no further urging, and crawled into it. When her head touched his pillow, a soft sigh escaped her, and she closed her eyes. Riley smiled as he looked down at her.

Reaching for the edge of the blanket, he quickly covered her with it, and stood gazing down at her. She was already asleep.

Stepping from the room, he quickly made his way downstairs, and entered the kitchen. When he spotted the baby monitor resting on the table, he picked it up, and turned around to make his way back up to his bedroom. Leah hadn't moved an inch in the time it took him to retrieve it.

Setting it down on his night stand, he looked down at her sleeping form. Her cheek was pressed into his pillow, and her slight frame was tucked neatly beneath his blankets.

He knew that the next time that he got into his bed that he would be able to smell her light, airy scent on everything, and the thought almost made him groan.

Reaching out a hand, he gently brushed his fingers through her hair. "God, you're beautiful," he uttered softly. With one last lingering look, he turned, and left his bedroom.

As he passed through the doorway, and disappeared down the hallway, Leah's eyes slowly opened.


Riley rummaged around in his duffel bag until he found a pair of blue jeans. Dropping the towel, he slipped them up his long legs, and closed them.

Next, he pulled out a standard issue, green army t-shirt, and pulled it over his head. When he was dressed, he ran a hand through his hair, took a deep breath, and left his brother's small study where he had escaped to.

Crossing the living room, he entered the kitchen, and lifted his brows when he spotted his brother sitting at the table. "Morning," he said gruffly.

He had a cup of coffee sitting before him, and was already perusing the morning paper when he lifted his eyes to look at Riley. "Good morning, little brother," he said with a smile.

Entering the room, Riley took a seat across the table from him. "I'm not going to be staying long," he told him. "I was thinking I'd get a room at the motel until I figure out what I'm going to do next."

Glancing up from his paper, Mark's brows furrowed. "Don't be ridiculous. We have plenty of room right here. You're not staying in a motel," he said with a shake of his head.

Riley glanced down at the table top before looking up at his brother. He cleared his throat with some difficulty. "I don't want to intrude."

Mark let out a derisive snort without looking away from his paper. "You're family," he said absently. "Don't be stupid."

Riley nodded. "Do you mind if I grab some coffee?" When Mark shook his head, Riley began to rise from his seat, but Leah brusquely entered the room at that moment, and approached the counter.

"I'll get it," she said quietly.

Riley's eyes were drawn to her as he sat back down. Opening a cabinet, she pulled out a cup, and turned towards the coffee maker to fill it.

She added in a table spoon of sugar from a small jar, then stirred it for a moment before bringing it to him, and setting it down on the table. Their eyes met momentarily before hers skittered away.

"Thank you," Riley said as he looked at her.

When she nodded and turned back towards the counter he faced his brother again. "I was thinking I might head to Arizona. Try my luck out there."

Mark's head lifted as he frowned. "Why so far away?"

Riley shrugged. "I guess I feel like I just need to get away. Arizona seems like a good place to make a fresh start."

Mark sighed. "You know I support you no matter what."

Riley's chest tightened as he nodded.

Pushing his chair back, Mark rose from the table. "We can talk about this more tonight. I need to start getting ready for work."

Stepping through the kitchen, Mark left the room, and after a moment his footsteps could be heard ascending the staircase. The quiet that remained in the kitchen stretched out for an endless amount of time.

"Arizona?" Leah asked.

Riley pushed his chair back. "It's just a thought," he said quietly. "I'm not sure where I'll go."

Leah's face fell. "Your family needs you."

"I need you," Riley whispered fiercely. "I cannot sit here anymore, and watch you be with him. It's killing me."

Leah bit her lip before lowering her gaze. She blinked several times in an effort to control her desire to break.

Running his fingers through his hair, Riley sighed. "I'm not trying to hurt you, Leah. I'm just being honest. I can't pretend anymore."

She didn't dare raise her eyes to his. If she had to look at him in that moment she knew that the walls inside of her would crumble, and whatever control she had left would evaporate.

"You can't leave," she whispered.

"Why not?" he asked dejectedly.

"Because I need you."

Riley took a halting breath as he looked at her. "Then give me a reason to stay."


The movie came to an end, and the credits began to roll. Riley shifted in his seat at the end of the sofa, and gazed down to where Leah's head rested beside his thigh.

She had been fast asleep for the better part of half an hour, and his grey eyes swept over her face as a small smile tilted his lips.

His fingers hesitantly reached out, and he brushed them through the hair at her temple. She didn't stir at his touch, and for several moments he caressed the spot as he looked down at her.

When her eyes finally slid open, he paused with his hand upon her, but something inside of him became stubbornly defiant, and he continued the stroking motion.

As she looked up at him, his smile was still in place. "The movie is over," he told her quietly.

"Oh," was all she said. She lifted her gaze to the empty chair near the end of the sofa. Her brows knitted, and then her gaze returned to his face.

"Mark went to bed," he replied to the unasked question.

His fingers continued to slide through her hair, and for a moment she lay still allowing him the freedom. When the movie credits came to an end, and silence filled the room, she pulled away to sit up.

"We should probably do the same," she said sleepily.

Pulling her slight frame from the sofa, she stepped towards the lamp in the corner of the room as Riley stood to turn off the television.

The room became shrouded in darkness when she pulled it's switch. Turning to cross the living room, she paused when Riley's large frame blocked her path. He made no effort to move from the spot, and Leah tilted her head back as she looked up at him quizzically.

He leaned towards her so that his lips brushed her ear. "I want to kiss you," he said thickly.