All Comments on 'The Valentine's Teddy Bear'

by PostScriptor

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zed0zed0over 15 years ago
Great Story

Almost a "Flash" story, but was complete, and didn't leave you dangling.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
Very good

I liked the premise and I liked how it was acted out. Good Work Postscriptor. More work from you is needed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

short but complete. thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I loved It

She got what she deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This is exactly what I like reading when some slut whore of a wife starts talking about her lover and it just being ses while she cheats on her lawful husband...I loved it...what more can I say...NYMINUS @ YAHOO.CO)M

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 15 years ago
Excellent Story; Logical Ending

One of the most clear and concise stories on the site - not a wasted word - direct and to the point. Could have been named "Consequences - Lea," but I like the way the bear was used to burn. Like the country song says, Hank is gone... like all the good things that ain't never comin' back. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You The Man!!!

Thanks!!! It's Great!!

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Excellently done

This is kind of obvious from the beginning but moves smoothly to the end. Thanks.

fregenfregenover 15 years ago
Let me leave another 100

Concise and to the point. No wasted verbage here. No flailing about by the husband or bemoaning what he did or didn't do.<P>

Just a man taking prompt and direct action after finding out his wife didn't share his vision of love and marriage.<P>

Simply outstanding. Thanks for sharing

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 15 years ago
that was a good, short one, postscriptor

but as a masochist, I want to see the suffering extended a bit farther beyond this brief glimpse shown here. I think walking out of the office, all embarrassed temporarily is not punishment enough! <p>

for such a deviant transgression --- in which many people knew about it (including the unwitting Helen) --- I think one needs to suffer more than an afternoon of brief humiliation. it requires some extended suffering: e.g. losing friendship, trust among co-workers, possibly even her job, and a general sense of rejection.... <p>

it doesn't have to be the kind of suffering Hester Prynne in THE SCARLET LETTER had to go through,,,, because I don't believe this person/wife/character you wrote here has Hester's pride, dignity, humility, or perseverance.... at least you have not built her character to have such insight and intelligence... but the suffering should definitely be more than a few tears as she shoved her way past the other coworkers, going out the door for an afternoon... in real life would someone who walks off like that, due to the fact that she's been fucking another man, proclaiming/boasting how big a cock that guy is, compared to her ignorant husband ---- in real life wouldn't she be in real trouble at work? <p>

why don't you do some brief research on that and finish this story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You had me fooled

When the story started off I was under the impression it'd be a different kind of "surprise", one more pleasureable to wifey. I liked the twist, sounds like something I'd do if I had enough planning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
BRAVO # 55

Awesome!Great ending!You implied that you were writing another wimp coward husband story by the sublte way you introduced the story.The disdain and lack of respect that imbued the dialogue of the women toward the beleagured husband prepared the reader for a supposed final humiliation finale for the poor husband.Then you nuked the bitch!It is truly amazing how so few words can carry so much meaning.The emotional response to the ending lingers long after the end of the story.It was a positive ending that brings a smile to one's face. Ritterburg # 55

HagarTheHorribleHagarTheHorribleover 15 years ago

Very tightly written story that shows us everything we need to see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Braindead broad gets trashcanned!

Goodness she was smart. My guess her IQ is about the same number as her shoe size maybe a 7 with 100 being average.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

precise and to the point.

Leto DegeneresLeto Degeneresover 15 years ago
Wish I could say it better

but someone already called it: tight! Believeable and life-like, with a realistic cast of characters. Loved every second of it.

BriteaseBriteaseover 15 years ago
Just found this

Short and sweet and to the point

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I like

the unusual way the divorce papers were served. Original. This to the point story reminds me of the concept started by Papatoad. Stories are short, without a lot of detail, but get the point across. Well done author. No extreme negative comments here, must not be controversial enough for the negative moaners. Enough said.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
Dramatic and poignant read

The realized metaphore (the Teddy bear as a symbol of the empty lover boy) was very poignant. It was made even more so by the contrast with the innocent percpective of thr little girl. Very good read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
More emotion, please

This is a good story, but I would have liked it better if it had focused more on the emotions involved, particularly the pain the husband felt when finding out, and the pain the wife feels now due to the loss of her loving husband, children they might have had, etc. The letter seemed to be focused primarily on the financial details of the break up, rather than the pain she had caused. And hopefully the wife would be at least as concerned about the emotional loss as she was about the loss of her meal ticket. The fact that the husband seems to think only in terms of cold financial matters suggests that the relationship was not very good anyway, and reduces the impact of the story. But please keep posting.

MesterSkyggeMesterSkyggeover 14 years ago
Great read!

What started out as a romantic piece soon transformed into a deepening suspicion, and later certainty, about the purpose of the teddy bear. When reading the letter as read by the delivery man I could visualize the angry, hurt reaction of the husband as he did all he could to sever all ties with her.

If I could ask for anything more, it would be for the letter to hint more at his emotional state, such as you did in the wonderful line "Three wonderful years, ended in three awful months."

Great story!

Sultry81Sultry81almost 14 years ago

Totally unexpected. I don't agree with the while cheating thing but she got what she deserved and I was still stunned. Great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
you did well

The whole thing came in on her in one crushing blow, ruining all her

plans and desires and wishes. Hank got wifey and bob, and not lookin back. Have her friends in the office learned anything?

huedogghuedoggover 13 years ago
I have read this story atleast 4 times

and it gets better everytime, slap, smack and goal. He took down the whole group. Everyone of those ladies went home and fuck their husbands after the smack down he gave his wife.

DWornockDWornockover 13 years ago
Very creative and original!

I gave it a 5. Hank's action was harsh but not too harsh. However, Lea will be fine. She is pretty so she will find someone else and will probably have learned her lesson and not cheat so much. Perhaps cheat at times when she is ovolutating since that is the nature of women but not have a boyfriend.

tazz317tazz317about 13 years ago

To kill a 3 year relationship and marriage. Just think this all started around Turkey Day last year, through the Xmas Holidays up till Heart Day. Does PS have an encore to this story.TK U MLJ LV NV

DunaDunaabout 13 years ago

Excellent story. A newer one side wife and a smart husband story. Dwornock: what a pity for lack of obligatory DNA test after birth. If it was mandatory DNA test more women would look out during ovulating period, when the planned common children is made with the husband.

JLRemoraJLRemoraalmost 13 years ago
The Big Little Story

Well, this story, as short as it was, is a prime example of a good plot. It had the emotional ups and downs, with a clever twist, and the irony...I like good irony.

Furthermore, I now know how I'll present the divorce to the wife, if I ever have to.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Would love to see a second part with how their lives are going now. Greatstory.

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesover 12 years ago
Amazingly done with how short it was

Wanted to get what I had to say about the story done in the title do I could rip on DW a little in my comment.

DW I've noticed your idiotic tendency to justify a woman's cheating by saying it is natural yet rip on a male character that reacts violently which is also natural (establishing dominance when another male attempts to impede upon which we have marked as our own) you can't do that and be taken seriously bro/sis.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago
Justice is Served

What a way to come down from a high. Married and cheating with a stud one minute,divorced and fucking a dud the next.

Cheating whore wife got what she deserved.



AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
Quickly In & Out...No One Wins

Much like real life. I really liked this one.

cpetecpeteover 12 years ago
first-great story...

that is another tale that gets better with every reread.

DWormcock has a point about women being more open to cheating during points in their cycle. British study (now called Dads vs Cads) had ladies going for the "Bad Boys" at one point for the strong/likely to survive/head of the pack gene (Cad). Then at other points the "Alan Alda/nuturing/caregiver guy" at other points in the cycle for the stay at home/no stray/help keep the clan together (Dad).

Call it Caveman day DNA imprinting. Both men and women have developed brains to resist such urges now. But just like buying habits change depending on time of day, moods, etc-biology cam "nudge" us in one direction or another.

While this information will not be on the final exam, gotta tell you this is another one of your great story!

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago
An afternoon in February

Short and predictable. Hubby got info dumped in his lap. Sweety just got dumped. Why would Hubby move? The only surprise was the delivery guy being the process server! CUTE touch.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Second Comment

Now THAT is what you do to a cheating skank slut cunt tat wife on Valentine's Day.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Fun read. Loved the ending. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

A spouse needs to understand, there are consequences for your actions....

tae352001tae352001over 10 years ago

too bad the husband would lose in the house. If laws were enacted to protect him from adultery, he would hang a lawsuit over lovers head for quite some time. Of course, the wife would lose considerably too. not 50/50, I would hope for 70/30 Great story, I hope for a continuation, but doubt it.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
concise not terse

Precise, clear, and poignant.

The disdain with which she regarded their marriage was her undoing.

The ego of her boyfriend cost him only a brief moment of discomfort. He will soon sweet talk himself into another meaningless job and into the bed of someone else's wife. He doesn't care.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
Simple justice

Cold and hard - but reasonable -

xtchrxtchrover 9 years ago
To The Point!

Yes, he got right to the point. No talking, no asking why, no counseling, just divorce the cheater. Love it when cheaters lose and non-cheaters win. And this girl lost her loving husband. How could a woman be so stupid. Thanks for a good story.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Good story,

strong characterizations. The cheating, spoiled wife, the young girl in the office who thinks life's a hoot and the older office manager type who disapproves but knows that it's not her place to tell the husband. Add to that the "rugged, carefree" ne'er do well who hasn't a care in the world (carefree, right?) and is such fun and makes her feel apart from her humdrum life with her husband. People like that, men or women, aren't connected to you by your marriage, your debt or your kids, so yeah, they are a lot more "fun" than someone who watches you vomit when you are sick and puts up with you on your very bad and selfish days. To have that type of relationship with someone and then have everyone you work with know that you are that despicable and shallow, is very much grounds for a divorce. Then we have the husband who, since there are no kids, won't put up with that shit and leaves.

Well done. Story was a long time ago, but I hope you are still watching the comments.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Just read the comments

about the study that shows that women go for the "bad boy" at certain times of the month to get the so-called alpha male gene. I have to call bullshit on that as an excuse. Maybe and I mean "maybe" that is valid but women are supposed to be beings of higher intelligence the same as men, so if men get a bad wrap for thinking with their penis, the a cunt shouldn't be the brains of that operation either. What I'm saying is that your intelligence should over rule your hormones. But in this no accountability world I guess women just can't help themselves and they all jump a biker gang member when they get like that. No wait, very few women actually do that and I don't know any man who would buy that as an excuse, outside of England that is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I should have done it that way

My wife of 2 years decided she hadn't had enough of her big cocked high school boyfriend and asked me for a separation. Of course, I didn't know anything about her infatuation nor that she had plans, other than time apart. I was angry and couldn't understand but she said after a little time apart she would be ready for what we'd been talking about, having a baby. She wanted one desperately and I'd been putting it off.

A week after she left, presumably to move in with a coworker, a buddy of mine asked me what was going on, she'd seen my wife with her ex boyfriend and they seemed cozy. I was shocked and went on the hunt, I needed to see it for myself. Within another week I did, I saw her riding to his home in his car and watched as they kissed, walked hand in hand to his house. I snuck around when I saw a back light come on and found there was just enough room around the curtain to get a good shot with my cell phone camera. It showed him mounted up behind her, the photo showed his cock in her cunt and both their faces were visible. I had all I needed.

Over the next week I found a new place. My wife called me a few times each day but now I had a reason to make them short. At first she didn't notice my lack of enthusiasm nor the fact I didn't tell her I loved her anymore. I was moving when she called more than once and I wondered if she called me while she was actually fucking Tom. It didn't matter though. I moved everything I wanted into my new place and moved in myself, 8 days after I got the pictures.

I opened new accounts and moved 1/2 of everything and then took my name off our old accounts. I also took her off my health and car insurance policies and canceled our one credit card after paying it off. Then I put an add in our local paper saying any debts incurred by my wife had nothing to do with me. As a parting gift, I ran off 200 8"x11" photo's of their dog fucking and glued them to the walls of our apartment, everywhere. Even inside closets and the closet doors and inside the kitchen cabinet doors. Hell, the refrigerator and even the kitchen range weren't spared! Then I left.

I talked with her for a week after I moved out, making them shorter and curter. I actually hung up on her when she asked why I was being so mean to her. Fuck, how did I think she was 'the one'? She was shallow and stupid. A half dozen calls over the next two days went unanswered and I could tell by her tone she had went from angry to worried. It finally came to a head when I got her last call, wanting to meet with me because her credit card had been canceled. I called her back and asked her to meet me at the apartment after she was done with work that day so we could talk. She hemmed and hawed saying she had plans but she would try to take a few minutes.

Of course, I didn't show up, I didn't need to. Everything she needed to know was plastered all over every wall in the place! I knew when she got there and saw my parting gift, she called my phone and sounded absolutely hysterical. She screamed we needed to talk, it wasn't what I thought it was. It seems, that is a go to answer for having another cock stuck into women.

I didn't answer my phone, nor the next 62 that came in before I shut my phone off and deleted them all. What hurt her more than anything was what I did while she was trying to talk with me, I sent the photo on my phone to everyone we knew, including all of our family, except my parents. Hers weren't so lucky. I also made sure I sent it to Tom and all of his friends, I wanted to keep the love moving through cyberspace!

Jules (Juliette) didn't know where to find me, no one knew where I had moved. I continued to work normally, I work construction and no one was allowed around our equipment. She finally found out where I lived though, she had me followed from work to home by someone I didn't notice. Her calls didn't abate and I finally blocked her number.

Then she made her appearance at my house with her folks along. She banged on my door and wouldn't stop and I sure as hell wasn't going to let them in. So I took one of their fucking pictures and wrote on it, DIVORCE ME and slid it through a crack along the door. She began screaming at me after she saw it and her father began yelling too. What the hell, I figured. I opened the door and let them in. She was in tears, her parents were angry. So I asked them to have a seat in the living room and I'd get them something to drink. They went in and I went out the door, got into my car and drove away. I returned the next day after work to an empty house.

Over the next few weeks, I didn't hear anything. Then when I ran to the store I happened to run into her, she was getting out of Tom's car as I came out of the store. I gave her my most disgusted look when my eyes went from her to Tom and back to her. She was embarrassed and tried to come up to me, but I got in my truck and went home. She was no longer my problem.

Over the next six months until the snow flew, she ran a campaign to show me how wrong I was. She stopped sending friends over when I simply gave them a copy of the picture. By springtime she had given up but had not filed for divorce. I wasn't going to until I was ready to remarry, although I couldn't imagine it ever happening again.

By mid summer I met a girl. A really nice girl, one without any baggage, if that even seems possible. She was the younger sister of a coworker and we hit it off at a company picnic. I was worried about her age, she was 19 and I was 26. 7 years really wasn't that much though. When I was 85, she'd be 79! She lived with her brother, having moved into town for a job and we did everything together, even after I told her my whole sad story, which she'd already heard from her brother and others.

My wife saw us together at the city park and although I hadn't realized it, she had heard about us and had been watching. We were kissing a little and holding hands when she race up to us in a rage. Cursing, spittle spraying, she ranted and raved at Janie about being a husband thief. I got between them and just laughed at her! She broke into tears when I told her to go back to Tom, he had won her fair and square. I had moved on and it was time for her to leave me alone. She left in tears, slumped and broken seeming.

She didn't give up until one day I was waiting when she walked out first thing in the morning to her car to leave for work. I was standing next to her car and she didn't see me until I stepped around it. I held the packet of papers out and told her "You're served" and took a picture. She was horrified, not by the packet of papers, but that it was at Tom's house where I found out she was living. The divorce went through quickly and by the next spring, I was remarried to Janie. Tom refused to marry my ex and eventually moved away, he was/is a drifter/loser.

Now, 11 years later, Janie and I own our own house on 20 acres. She is a stay at home mom with her own internet business and everything is paid for. Our two boys are both now in school, 1st and 2nd grades. I'm also a part owner (5%) in the construction company and we have a very nice income. My ex? She has been married 3 more times, has never had any children and lives with a girlfriend now to split the rent. She still works at the same place, making a little over minimum wage. She no longer cries when she sees me but she goes out of her way to avoid me.

Life is good.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 9 years ago
Annony's story is good too! You should publish it dear annony.

and let us vote on your story!! :)))))

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

What did the cunt expect? "Oh, I forgive you hon. And you can continue fucking your boyfriend." Ha ha ha ha ha. Fucking stupid cheating twat. Happy Valentine's Day.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

I know I've said this before, but why do these wives always want to "explain"?

Like there could be any valid explanation, or any explanation that THEY would accept!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
nice little story

For real life story of serial cheating wife

Visit Facebook profile of

FirstBorn374FirstBorn374almost 8 years ago
Oh my...

I read this several years ago but never commented or voted. Stupid me! Here's a five, and many more to come I hope.

Jedd Clampett

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great short story, gave it 5 stars.

networkgurunetworkguruabout 7 years ago
This was good...5*

The bear should have come with a noose around its neck or a knife in the heart or back.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Said it all

Great flash story. Nothing further.needs to be said.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Perfect BTB. This is definitely a classic.

greenman440greenman440almost 5 years ago
Good, a happy ending

..... for the bear :-)

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A BJ And The Bear

I never understood the idea of sharing any details of your intimate relationship with another person with anyone else, someone is always going to be hurt. So,ladies if you happily get pregnant make sure your significant other is the first one you tell. For either sex keep your mouth shut about what the two of you do and how good or bad the other person is. In this case a little girl and a Bear were the only happy ones here, except a whole bunch of us readers. Signed: BTW

jimjam69jimjam69almost 5 years ago
Good one

Well written good story. Hey, he gave her a valentine present she won't ever forget.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Wow, fast, to the point, deadly. Excellent story.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Second reading still good

Enjoyed again


Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
shots fired

you got sniped bitch,,,,.........DEAD!

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 4 years ago
Great Story

You could have continued it to include the aftermath. How is she going to explain to her friends and family about her divorce that was caused by her cheating? A friend will have to seriously consider whether or not to set her up on any future dates, because lets face it - her reputation is now questionable and she no longer is a good candidate for marriage. Her dream of the loving husband, a house and kids just went down to drain and no good/decent guy will want her. I hope she wants to be single and to grow into that old lady with cats.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very nice

Very very nice

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Another favorite from this great author. Love her absolute nshock.

RABSTARABSTAalmost 4 years ago
Good story for the genre.

My one ppet peeve with Lit is the title of the category. "Loving wives" suggests that only wives cheat. My experience in the Coast guard as well as working in a primarily male dominated field is that men probably cheat more often than women, and most of the men that I knew of that cheated did it with single women.

I think a better title for the category would be Adulterers, Adultry, or Cheatrers to cover both men and women.

BeBopper99BeBopper99over 3 years ago

5***** Burn Baby Burn! Well Done! Write On!

servant111servant111almost 3 years ago

nice short and sweet

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

All she had to do was either keep working on him until he lost it or just say "pound me" or similar and she could have had a hard fucking. I had a girlfriend who was expert at slowly working me up until I lost it and absolutely lost it. Ladies, sometimes it is hard to know when you want to be treated like a slut and pounded. But I have learned enough to recognize it most of the time and its more often than many guys think.

Its so screwed up, women afraid to act like sluts with their husband/boyfriend and men always wanting to treat their wife like a delicate angel.

Opinionated1Opinionated1over 1 year ago

please write more LW stories! this short simple story is terrific!

kapakakapakaover 1 year ago

Did remember it from a couple years ago. good one

pukgpukgover 1 year ago

did this take up much oxygen ?

ChopinesqueChopinesqueover 1 year ago

Clever. Fuzzy but pointed.

Kernow2023Kernow20239 months ago

good funny story

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Nice read, I had a big smile as I read the end of this

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


phill1cphill1c5 months ago

Half of the stuff he did, he couldn't. And why be an actual man and confront her BEFORE doing it. Let her, and her boy toy, understand the depth of his disappointment in their acts, TO THEIR FACE. His actions can't be done and in the end are the acts of a coward anyway.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not bad. Not bad at all.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He couldn't do some of the departure moves he made, but, that said, she deserved absolutely no consideration from him. None.

No way he should be faulted for just ghosting her in totality.

Good, solid and morally supportable action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice, clean, efficient. Good riddance to the stupid slut. No need to confront her in person unless he wants more emotional pain and feels some masochistic need to hear her bullshit excuses from the Cheaters' Handbook, which I think most of us have heard more times than we care to count. I can only hope all cheaters suffer like this - or worse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

He dropped the boom and let her find out the consequences to her actions. Would only have been more complete if he had somehow found out about the little coven of her friends who knew and all (well except one) thought it was ok and fun for her to cheat and had let their boyfriends/husbands know what had happened that way they could all have a fun Valentines day explaining themselves. Cheaters get caught (sometimes) enablers very rarely get any flack. Good story. Short sweet and to the point. BardnotBard

Btrying2Btrying218 days ago

8.2.24. Short and to the point. Unfaithful wife who does not keep her month closed so all her fiends know she cheats. Interesting how she sees the boy toy she’s picked up vs her husband. Such stupidity.

Love that all the ones who were excited about her cheating slink away as her life goes to hell. Nice BTB

She deserves it all. Thanks for sharing. John.

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