The Warlord's Kitten Ch. 04


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The door creaked open, and Lin'qa closed her eyes, not looking at who it was. She wasn't sure if it was Rugana or not, but she didn't want to look. Heavy footsteps drew near, until the slight tremble in the floor Lin'qa was laying on told her they were right behind her. Strong arms circled under her, picking her up, and she felt a tiny wave of nausea as the person carrying her spun her around quickly towards the light. Lin'qa knew who it was. It smelled like Rugana. It felt like Rugana.

She laid there catatonic in her arms as they exited the airship into the cool air. It was a short trip beyond that into the din of the fortress. She tried not to pay attention but she felt like she knew the twists and turns they were taking.

"Chief. Everything—"

"Take the rest of the day off, Nissa. See you tomorrow." Rugana's voice was calm and collected. Lin'qa could just envision Nissa's confused expression, followed by a short nod and a silent exit through the door to her quarters. They descended to the floor and Rugana laid her out on the hard cold stone and cut the bindings loose. A moment later, she heard the scraping of wood across the door as Rugana dragged her chair outwards a little. The gentle creaking of her sitting in it followed right after.

"Look at me, Kitty," she commanded. There was no anger in her voice, only authority.

Lin'qa took a shuddering breath, and got her arms under her. She pushed herself up into a position where she was sitting with her legs extended towards her Momma. She raised her head slowly, as though she were pushing with all her might against an oppressive downward force. Rugana sat in her chair, a dark expression on her face, and Lin'qa felt herself crumble a little. She'd half-convinced herself to go back to her original attitude. To be angry, aloof, and demand her freedom. She knew now that that wouldn't be happening.

"Why'd you do it, Kitty?" she asked simply.

"I wanted to go home..." she whispered, fighting the tears.

"No, Kitty. I want to know why did you pick that moment. Why did you ask Smoke to help you?"

"Smoke is my sister, Felida. I wanted to see her again. I thought she'd help me." Lin'qa lowered her head a little without even realizing what she was doing. She noticed her left hand was intertwined around the length of her leash. She was fidgeting with it.

"Look at me, Kitty!" Rugana's voice was still calm, but Lin'qa had never been more frightened of her. She returned her eyes to her Momma's, and found that the Orcess was blurry. She blinked away her tears, and tried hard not to start sobbing. "So. She actually was your Sister? And she didn't help you escape at all, did she? She turned you in."

Lin'qa nodded somberly. "I think she was the one who tipped Go'a off in the first place."

"What else did she say?"

"Mother thinks I ran away. She's probably not even looking for me."

"So that's the home you want to go back to? You want a family that hates you."

The words stung. Lin'qa had spent nearly a week in isolation thinking about what she'd say to Rugana but she had no words just now.

"I... thought..."

"No, Kitty, that's just it. You didn't think. If you had just gotten over yourself and thought about it you'd have realized that they're your blood but they aren't your family. You'd have realized that you're here because I want you here. That I think you're fucking gorgeous and not a mistake." Rugana hissed out the word mistake like it burned her. Perhaps it had, in the past.

Lin'qa broke. She lowered her head and started crying and sobbing into her knees. "Aaaahhhmmm ssssoooohhhrrrreee" She wailed incomrehensibly. She was sorry, she'd never meant the words more. Felida's actions had made sense. They'd hurt, but she understood them. However, the idea, right now in this moment, that Momma wouldn't accept her anymore, was beyond incomprehensible to her. If Rugana turned her away, then she didn't know what she'd do.

Rugana was there, seemingly out of nowhere. She scooped Lin'qa up into her arms and sat down with her in her lap. Lin'qa clung to her as though her life depended upon it. She repeatedly sobbed out noises that only vaguely resembled the words 'I'm sorry.' The Chieftain didn't speak at first, she just held Lin'qa for a long time as she cried. "Kitty, I lied to you a little when I said i was never going to ransom you back. I did consider getting a few BJs, messing with you a little, and then selling you back to your parents. Bit of fun, bit of money, you know? But then whenever you talked about your family, you got the saddest look in your eyes. I saw how little you actually wanted to go back. Besides, I was having way too much fun with you. You belong here, Kitty."

Lin'qa squeezed tighter, crying and sniffling. She couldn't help but believe Rugana's words. This might not have been the life and the destiny she wanted but that was nothing new. "I'm sorry, Momma," She repeated herself. "I won't do it again."

"That's a trust you'll have to earn back, Kitty." Rugana stroked her hair gently. They were quiet for a time, Lin'qa's sobbing and crying died down gradually. She had a headache from crying too much, and it only made her feel even more worn down. "You know I'm going to have to punish you for this, Kitty."

Lin'qa just whined, and buried her head deeper into her Momma's chest. She knew there was no point in arguing or complaining. She probably deserved it, anyway.

"I don't want to have to do this. I like teasing you and making you squirm, but I'm not having fun here. I'm upset, it's going to ruin the entire mood. But I won't skip out on my commitment to you."

"I know..." Lin'qa sighed softly, her tail curling around Rugana's shin. This time she was aware of it, and didn't stop it. Her tail knew better than she did, apparently.

"Over the chair," Rugana instructed, even though she just stood up and positioned Lin'qa stomach-down over the chair herself. "Stay still." Rugana went over to one of her dressers, and withdrew a smooth wooden phallus, placing it on the top. She then went into another drawer and took out a jar of some red liquid or paste. When she pried the lid of the jar off, the scent of something spicy drifted into Lin'qa's nose. She had no idea what Rugana was doing but that scent set her on edge. Rugana dipped the dildo into the red liquid, pulled it out and rubbed it all over, getting a thin sheen over it. It must be lube or something, not that Rugana had ever used anything other than what was handy when she wanted to shove things in Lin'qa's ass. "This is going to be unpleasant, Kitty. You can scream but I want you to stay where you are. Accept the punishment for me, Kitty, it'll make you feel better."

"W-What? Momma what are you—" Rugana pushed the wooden cock into Lin'qa's ass, twisting it as she went to guide it in smoother. It wasn't that big, and it slid in easily. Lin'qa let out a small, happy sigh at first, when the cock slid against her prostate. It was a moment later, when she felt it. For a half-second, it was a sort of tingling feeling, then for another half-second it became a warm glowing sensation. After that, it started to sting and burn.

"Oooowwww! What is... What's happening? Gah!!" She gripped the legs of the chair so hard her knuckles turned white.

"Hot sauce." Rugana licked her fingers, and let out a cough. "It's pretty spicy, but I'm sure you can tell that for yourself."

Her ass was on fire. It felt like a constant searing pain, never letting up, and in fact it was spreading deeper. She felt it creep along the walls of her insides unbidden. She gritted her teeth and shook her head but that did nothing. She squeezed the walls of her boycunt around the wooden cock but that just drove the flames deeper inside.

"Momma... can't we... spank... instead?" She gasped, taking several pauses to groan and squeeze her fists around the legs of the chair.

"Nope. I won't hit you when I'm mad at you. When I hit someone I'm mad at, it's to kill them." Rugana sat on her bed, watching her with arms crossed. She sat there impassively, staring at Lin'qa. Her gaze was intense, and Lin'qa felt like she never blinked, but she herself was constantly blinking and wincing and groaning. The pain was bad, but being forced to try to remain still was nearly as bad in and of itself. Every reflex she had was screaming at her to flail, to run around screaming, to rip the dildo out, or to jump into the nearest pool of water. She laid still over the chair and suffered. She'd been told to lay still and suffer, after all

She eventually stopped struggling, and collapsed, going limp over the chair. She was exhausted, mentally and physically, and she couldn't even squirm anymore. She heard Rugana go back to her desk and start working, but she didn't even look up.

"How you doing, Kitty?" The call came several minutes later. Her ass still burned, but the edge was fading slowly - agonizingly slowly.

"Uuuurrrrrr..." She moaned weakly in response.

"Sounds about right," Without warning, the dildo was torn out of her ass, and replaced with a piece of rubber. Water flooded into her, filling her with sweet relief. She felt an additional stinging deeper in her belly when the water carried the burning concoction further into her rectum, but it went away quickly. "Bathroom," She instructed.

Lin'qa tried to stand up, but all she ended up doing was falling off the chair. Rugana caught her and stood her up. She escorted Lin'qa to the servant's bathroom quietly. They passed by the door to Nissa's quarters, which was shut for a change. She expelled the water, groaning in relief. It still stung a little, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it had been.

"You want to go to sleep? I'm not sticking my dick in there for at least a day after that shit's been in there." Rugana sounded like she wanted to tell that joke in her normal playfully mocking tone and accompany it with a snicker but she didn't. Wasn't able to, perhaps.


Rugana escorted her back to the bed, and attached the leash to the bedpost. Lin'qa slimped down onto her butt with a groan, feeling physically and emotionally drained. Rugana kneeled down in front of her, clearly not done with her just yet.

"Punishment is over, Kitty. You had five days in solitary and an hour with the hot sauce up your ass. Punishment being over means you're forgiven."

Lin'qa felt a stab of pain in her gut. Forgiven? She looked away from Rugana uncomfortably. Maybe her Momma could forgive her so easily but she—

"Hey," Rugana lifted her chin. She was frowning. "Tormenting you is my job, Kitty. You're not allowed to torment yourself so piss off with the self pity. If I say you're forgiven then that's the end of it, yeah?"

Lin'qa swallowed. Could it really be that easy? Could it really just end because her Momma said so? Maybe... She nodded to Rugana solemnly, sniffling a little. She'd try.

"Good. If you're still sad and moping around after a day or two I won't be pleased." She left her there without another word, and stepped out of the room. Lin'qa wrapped herself up in the blanket and tried to ruminate on what Rugana had said. Instead, she fell asleep almost immediately.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I desire more kitten. More p,ease?

CerteisCerteisabout 6 years agoAuthor

@Hellfiredragons sorry to disappoint but chapter 5 is going to be the conclusion of thid story. All good things must come to an end! I'm so glad you're enjoying it~ ♡

HellfiredragonsHellfiredragonsabout 6 years ago

I am so in love with these two, I’m hoping that you continue this one for quite a few chapters. I love the storyline that goes with it as well, it gives them more of a personality and it draws ones affection in multiple ways, I do hope we see more of this! <3

CerteisCerteisabout 6 years agoAuthor

@ nthusiastic rofl xD I was just being silly about the anonymous account thing dear, I love all of you no matter what. As far as Momma's reaction, well...

There's a line in this chapter about how Kitty was rehearsing what she was gonna say almost nonstop for five days and then in spite of all that prep, she had no idea how to respond like two sentences into what Momma actually said to her.

Kitty has been gaslit and emotionally abused her entire life. Because of that, she has ways of coping and defending herself from that kind of abuse (maybe not the most healthy ways of doing it lol but still). Momma knows this, or, at the very least, she's figured it out just from talking to Kitty. She knows she can't just yell or scream at Kitty and get a response out of her, which is why she's never really tried. Now, that being said, she's not entirely doing it for altruistic reasons. She doesn't abuse Kitty in this way mostly because she knows it won't work, not because she thinks it's the right thing to do or because she'd feel bad if she hurt Kitty's feelings.

*clears throat* Anyway! Glad you liked it, I'm having a ton of fun with this series! :D

nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago
Also Loving It!

Like the last Anonymous. Maybe Anonymous is like me; sometimes I'm just too lazy to log in, yet want to show my appreciation so I'll leave an anonymous comment. Usually, though, I sign my comments & take ownership of my opinions. Thank you for this chapter. I was dreading 'Momma's' reaction, expecting some over-the-top ranting & screaming, lots of whipping, etc. I'm sooooo glad you didn't opt for the typical response. I like the tenderness developing between them.

CerteisCerteisabout 6 years agoAuthor

@anonymous *giggles* sweetie for all i know since youre posting anonymously youre just one of a ~~legion~~ of commenting fans :3. Then again maybe all the anonymous commenters are the same person. Hmm. Either way, thanks so much dear <3. I write trans characters cuz I am trans and its what I know. Incidentally thats why half of my stories also have characters coping with emotionally abusive families lol ;D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Loving it

Seriously C, I know I keep posting my adoration for your work. But I am really really enjoying it and what's more having a femboy/trans protagonist is really affirming

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