The Week


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“The pegs are not so painful once you get used to them. So I’m going to fantasize now and come again. I’m imagining that I’m a young maid in a Victorian household. I am summoned to the drawing room by a bell. The master of the house has a guest there. It is Chris. The master tells me that Chris will be staying the night and that I should show Chris to the spare room and make sure that he has ‘anything he wants’. I lead the way up the stairs and into the spare bedroom. I ask him if there is anything else he needs. He shuts the door and orders me to bend over the desk. The master was very explicit that I should give Chris whatever he wants so I comply. Chris lifts up the long skirts of my uniform. Then he pulls down the cotton underwear. He tells me to step out of it and to move my feet apart. I do so. I can feel my cunt getting wet, knowing that Chris’s eyes are drawn to it. His fingers open up my sex and slide between my inner lips, pushing forward underneath my body until they find my already-hard clit. He starts to stroke me. He moves so that he is reaching around my body to stroke my clit. I can feel his cock now, it is resting against the crack of my arse. I feel him slide back and feel the head of his knob nestle in the opening to my cunt. Slowly he pushes into me. My cunt is tight and resists slightly at first but I am so turned on by the situation and his finger on my clit that in no time he is in my welcoming wet depths. He starts to fuck me slowly. As he does so he puts his finger on my arsehole and as his cock fucks my cunt his finger fucks my arsehole. I’m almost coming, in real-life that is. He continues to fuck me, faster now. Oh, I’m going to come. I can feel his hips thrusting hard against my bottom as he comes inside me. Oh, I’m coming. Oh, it’s just going on and on and on.”

Toni got her breath back. “I’m going to take the pegs off my nipples now. Ouch, as the blood returns it is almost as painful as when I put them on. My nipples are tingling like wiggling a loose tooth, pain and pleasure at the same time. Now for the ones on my labia. Ouch. They are off now and it is like someone is sticking tiny needles in my cunt-lips. Oooch.

“OK, I’m going to turn off the tape-recorder now.”

Toni reached over and pushed the off button. She rewound the tape and checked that it had recorded properly. Finally, she ejected the cassette and put it into the envelope that had been provided and addressed it to Chris. He finger crept back between her legs as she imagined Chris listening to the tape, getting hard and stroking himself. In no time she was having a third orgasm, softer and gentler this time.


“Good morning Toni.

“I know you like to go cycling on Wednesdays, so today’s erotic adventure involves cycling somewhere secluded. Inside the envelope is a Polaroid camera. There is also a 10 foot long shutter release so it is easy to take photographs of yourself.

“I want you to take some photographs of yourself in the outdoors. Of course it wouldn’t be erotic if you had clothes on, so I want you to take some photographs of yourself naked. So you had better choose somewhere private for your photo-shoot. And no cheating just keeping your back to the camera. The photographs need to go all the way. I want you to take one of you standing or lying facing the camera, with your breasts visible and your shaved mound. And I want you to take at least one with you lying on your back with your legs spread wide and your knees pulled up. And I want you to take at least one on all fours with your arse pointing towards the camera and your cunt lips framed by your cyclist’s thighs, without your face in the picture. And I want you to take a close-up of your cunt, so only your closest friends would have a chance to recognize it.

“And as usual you have to send photographs to some people. This time to three people. But be careful, they won’t be anonymous unless you are careful which pictures you use.

“Happy snappy day.”

Toni got back from her class at lunchtime. She had managed to borrow a tripod from the art department. She decided to have a quick practice before she left and so she set up the camera on the tripod, put the film pack into it and attached the long shutter release cable. She put the camera on a chair pointing at the sofa in the living room. Then she sat on the sofa and took a photograph. The camera whirred and ejected a photograph. Initially it was plain white but after a couple of minutes the picture developed and there she was, sitting on the sofa. Of course she was fully clothed since she was just experimenting. The next photographs would not be so easy she realized. She put the camera and the various accessories into her pannier and cycled off.

She cycled out towards of town and soon was passing through the moorland with occasional woods at the sides of the road. She noticed a track going into one of the forests that looked in good condition so she cycled down it, taking care since she was on a road bike. Soon she found a clearing in the forest that could not be seen from any roads but which was large enough that the sunlight would make photography workable.

Toni got the camera out of the bag and set it up so it was fixed on the tripod pointing at a particular tree. She looked around suspiciously, worried that someone might suddenly come to the isolated spot. But all was quiet. She slipped off her top and her cycling shorts. She stood for a moment enjoying the feel of the sun. It felt good to be outdoors and stark naked. She tried to remember when if she had ever been out in the countryside naked before and couldn’t think of a time.

She primed the automatic timer on the camera and stood in front of the tree until it took a photograph. The white picture ejected automatically from the camera and she held it in her hand for a couple of minutes as the picture slowly came into view.

Over the next hour she took lots of photographs of herself. She aimed the camera lower and then lay on her back with her legs spread and her knees pulled up. As the picture gradually came into view she thought how it looked obscene but still sort of erotic. She had never seen herself from that angle before, a view only her boyfriends could ever have had. Then she took some photographs of her from behind, on all fours. Again, she appreciated that this was a view her boyfriends would have just before entering her when fucking in that position, a view of herself that she had never seen. She hadn’t even realized just how exposed her cunt was between her legs when bent over like that.

Finally she took some close-ups of herself masturbating, just her cunt and fingers visible in the picture, gently parting her lips and stroking her clit. Finally the film was all used up. Most of the pictures had come out quite well, especially considering that she couldn’t see herself through the viewfinder on any of them. They were either taken with the timer or else with the long shutter release cable.

She lay down on the grass for a moment, absorbing the sun. While she took the photographs she was too busy to be aroused by it, but now she found her nakedness quite arousing. She looked through the photographs deciding who she would send which photographs. Without meaning to, her mind drifted to Chris looking at the show-everything photographs she intended to send him. She imagined him getting aroused by her naked body. Her finger automatically crept into her crease and she was soon enjoying the rhythm of her orgasm as it built up and flowed over her. Soon she was clothed and cycling back into the city.

It was a challenge to send photographs to three people. First she sent a couple to her boyfriend, as much to make up one of the three people as anything else. Then she selected a set of the best photographs and put them in an envelope for Chris. Finally, she sent a photograph of her finger rolling on her clit and sent it to one of her professors at the college that she thought was fanciable. He wouldn’t be able to tell who had sent it so it amused her to think of him looking at something so intimate and enigmatic at the same time.


Thursday’s envelope just contained another packet of Polaroid film and the cassette.

“I hope you had fun being your own naked model yesterday. Today you have to take some pictures of someone having sex. It could be you and your boyfriend, or even you and someone else. Or perhaps two other people. Since the photographs will involve more than just you it is up to you what you do with them.

“Happy snapping.”

Toni was dumbfounded. She had never taken photographs of herself having sex before. But she had a camera, tripod and everything so it shouldn’t be too difficult. She walked through into the living room of the apartment holding her camera. Sallie Ann was there.

“What are you doing with that camera?” she asked.

Toni thought of something plausible quickly. “I have to take some pictures for a project for my art course.”

“What sort of pictures?”

Nothing like the truth. “It is meant to be something to do with sex.”

“Hmm,” said Sallie Ann, “what are you going to take?”

“I’m not sure. Would you like to photographed fucking?” she joked.

“That might be quite thrilling,” said Sallie Ann surprisingly.

“Really?” said Toni. “I’m not sure what I would think of being photographed having sex.”

“Well I think it would be quite a souvenir to have some photographs of myself fucking. Something to look at in my old age, even if not exactly something to show the grandchildren.”

“Well if you really want to then it would certainly solve my assignment in the most direct way possible.”

“Well I’ll have to ask my boyfriend Alan but he is always up for anything so I doubt he will say no.”

So that evening Toni found herself as official photographer of Sallie Ann and Alan fucking. They decided to put a mattress on the floor of the living room to make the photography easier. They turned the lights down so that Toni and her camera would be as unobtrusive as possible. Alan and Sallie Ann would have sex and try and ignore Toni; she could take what photographs she could. But they wouldn’t stop and pose, stop and pose since they didn’t think they would be able to keep aroused if they had to concentrate too much on photography.

They started cuddling on the mattress, fully clothed. Toni took a couple of photographs as they started to kiss, and gradually got undressed. Of course she had never seen Alan naked, although she had seen Sallie Ann getting dressed before, although never quite like this, so blatantly naked. Naked, her breasts looked even larger than when she was dressed.

Sallie Ann spread her legs wide, giving Toni a close-up view she had never seen of any woman. Soon Toni was photographing Alan’s tongue as it swirled on Sallie Ann’s clit. She could see from Alan’s hard cock that he was excited and oblivious of the camera. As Alan licked Sallie Ann he slid a finger into her cunt. Toni could see that she was really wet. When Sallie Ann had her first orgasm she knew Sallie Ann was also in her own sexual world. Toni found herself getting turned on watching the undilutedly sexual scene taking place in front of her.

Alan moved up Sallie Ann’s body. She held his cock and guided it into her opening as Toni took a photograph of the moment of penetration. After taking several photographs from various angles as they fucked, Toni’s film ran out. Tactfully she retired to her bedroom leaving the two lovers to finish off on their own.

Toni was so turned on by the personal porno movie that she had watched that the first thing that she had to do was to masturbate and have an orgasm for herself. Then, naughtily, she put a few of the photographs into an envelope to send to Chris. He knew Chris had an eye for Sallie Ann and would be turned on by photographs of her fucking. The rest of the photographs she would eventually give to Sallie Ann and Alan after a suitable delay when they were supposedly being submitted as part of her coursework. She realized that Sallie Ann was right, it would be quite a thrill later in life to have some photographs of herself fucking as student.

She went back to the living room. It seemed a bit incongruous when she politely knocked on the door since she had just shot the naked occupants fucking enthusiastically. But they had taken the mattress and were back in Sallie Ann’s bedroom. Presumably having more sex without the intrusion of Toni’s camera this time. Toni listened guiltily and could hear the giveaway rhythmic squeak of Sallie Ann’s bed as she thought of Alan’s cock sliding in and out of her aroused cunt.


Friday’s envelope seemed thin compared with the days earlier in the week. Toni opened it to find the cassette as usual, and just an ordinary letter-sized envelope.

“Hi Toni, only two more days of erotic discovery. I hope you have chosen me to receive some of the pictures and tapes. I had fun imagining you doing these naughty things when I recorded the tapes nearly a week ago.

“You have the day off today until this evening. You are even allowed to wear underwear this evening. In the envelope is a ticket to “Ricky’s Club”. On Friday’s at 9pm they have amateur night in which amateur strippers compete for prizes. You have been entered under the name Katie. You will not be on as one of the first so you will have time to see some of the other strippers first. You can choose what to wear, but it is best to look really smart. Sexy underwear. Heels if you have any. The audience is very traditional about these things. I’m afraid you are not likely to win without being tall, with long blonde hair, false tits and lots of makeup. But it isn’t the winning that counts it is the competing.

“After you strip, you will be given several photographs taken during your act by the club photographer. You can keep most of them but you must, as usual, mail one out to someone of your choice. There is no way for it to be anonymous so it had better be your boyfriend, or me, or someone you really want to think specially of you!”

Toni spent the day alternately excited by the anticipation of stripping that night and terrified of taking her clothes off in public and wondering whether she would be able to go through with it. She decided to wear one of the dresses that she had made herself over the years. She didn’t really own any especially sexy underwear but she found the laciest bra and the silkiest knickers that she owned.

She got to the club and told the doorman that she was Katie. She was shown where she could change. The competition did not start until later but the entrants were expected to be in the bar for an hour or two in the meantime, in whatever they would be wearing when they started their act. Toni had no idea how far the acts even went. Was full nudity legal? Or was it just topless? Would she take her knickers off coyly or have to spread her legs for the audience?

She sat at a table and was chatted up by a number of men. They offered to buy her drinks but Toni did not want to get drunk and so she just drank a couple of orange juices and lemonade the whole evening.

Finally the strip show started. The first woman came on. The music was turned up and the woman danced around the stage. Gradually she took off her dress to reveal the traditional stockings and suspenders, bra and knickers. She took her time unrolling her stockings. She turned her back to the audience to remove her bra, before turning around with her arms covering her breasts. Finally she moved them so that the audience could see her large breasts. Next she again turned away from the audience before slipping her knickers over the cheeks of her arse. When she turned around she had her hand over her crotch. The audience shouted for her to move her hand and she let the noise build up before she finally did so, revealing her thick black pubic hair which looked a bit incongruous since the hair on her head was bleached blonde. As the audience shouted suggestions about what she should do next she parted her legs and started to masturbate, rolling her hips forwards so that the audience had a good view of her cunt. Finally she pretended to come and the act was over.

The subsequent strippers all had minor variations on the same theme. Soon it was Toni, or rather Katie’s, turn.

Some music started up for Toni and she walked out onto the stage in her dress. She danced a little to the music, spinning around so that her skirts flew up giving flashes of her knickers. Then she undid the zip and slipped the dress off. She stepped out of the ring of material on the stage clad only in her bra and knickers.

Imitating the women that she had already seen strip, she turned her back to the audience and undid the clip on her bra, then turned back holding the cups against her breasts. The crowd started to encourage her to reveal her breasts and slowly she lowered the bra to oblige. She tweaked her nipples and made them hard, surprised to find that she was getting quite turned on exhibiting her body to all those strangers. At least she hoped they were all strangers.

Only one piece of clothing to go. She danced around a bit more, teasing the audience by pretending to take her knickers down. She pulled the back of her knickers up into the crack of her bottom so that her cheeks were bare. Finally, with her back to the audience, she turned her back and lowered her knickers, her cunt clearly visible between her legs as she bent down and stepped out of them. She turned back to face the audience, getting an increase in excitement due to her shaved cunt. She opened herself up and started to stroke her clit slowly. She was amazed just how hard it was, she hadn’t expected to get so excited. Reaching between her legs she pushed a finger inside herself, discovering that she was sopping wet. She lay down on her back on the stage, and pulled up her knees. As she continued to stroke herself she realized that she was close to coming and decided that she, Toni, would not fake it but go all the way. Soon the wave of her orgasm broke over her. She gasped loudly, trying to make more of a show of it, not sure if this made it more or less convincing.

She walked off the stage to loud applause. Later it turned out that she had been voted 3rd and won a ten pound gift certificate. As Chris’s tape had said, like all the contestants she was handed an envelope with some photographs taken during her act. “Something for my old age,” she thought, thinking back to Sallie Ann’s remarks about the photographs of her fucking Alan.

Toni changed back into her street clothes and cycled back to her apartment. Of course she was so wound up that she had to masturbate again to reduce her level of arousal before she could sleep.


“This is your last day and you actually get to have sex today. Although maybe you have had lots of sex earlier in the week too.

“You won’t have been at your boyfriend’s last night since you were at the strip-club. At lunchtime you should go to his flat. You mustn’t say a word when he lets you in. Just go into the living room and slowly take off all your clothes. Kneel down on the floor facing away from him, spread your legs and then bend forward until your shoulders are on the floor and you are offering your cunt to him. Reach back and start to masturbate. When you are close to coming and are really wet, tell him that he needs to punish you for being such a slut by fucking you roughly.

“I hope you enjoyed your erotic week. I hope you’ll at least tell me how everything went next time we meet.


Toni realized that after this week of erotic challenges that she didn’t want to do anything as prosaic as to undertake this challenge with her boyfriend. That wasn’t the Toni way. After her exciting week she wanted to present her body to Chris and see what happened.