The Werewolf's Sabbat Ch. 04


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Melissa smiled, raising her eyebrow. "It's amazing what a nice rack will get you, isn't it."

"You're disgusting." Janette laughed. She eyed her friend, taking in the girl's outfit. Melissa was wearing a pair of tight fitting, low rider jeans along with a tight, black leather halter top that bared her midriff showing off her sparkling belly button ring. She had her blonde curls loosely falling to the middle of her back. Janette suddenly felt like the ugly duckling in her plain Jane, hunter green dress.

They both walked to the bar where Melissa ordered two rum and cokes. Janette had never had rum before but took it from her friend anyway. She took a small sip, expecting the worse, but found that it wasn't too bad. In fact, she kind of liked it. She sat at the bar sipping her drink and watching her friend on the dance floor, under the flashing strobe lights, dancing quite provocatively with one guy and then another.

It was then that Janette noticed a man standing next to her leaning on the bar. She started to feel uneasy as he just stared at her for the longest time. He stood at about 5 ft 8 inches or so, had long straight blond hair and the lightest blue, almost violet eyes. They were the strangest eyes she had ever seen. The man stepped closer to her and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Dane."

"Janette." She nodded politely before taking another sip of her drink.

"Why aren't you out there dancing with your friend?" He nodded to the dance floor where Melissa was gyrating against yet another guy.

"Sorry, I don't dance."

"Well maybe you should." He said, moving even closer to her. He put his lips to her ear and whispered, "Dance with me."

"I don't think so." Janette said with a blush, taking a step back.

Janette downed the rest of her drink and motioned to the bar tender for another. The guy behind the bar noticed her look of distress and handed her another rum and coke. "Miss, is everything ok over here?" He eyed the pale blond man standing next to her with a fiery look of warning in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said taking the drink from his hand and giving him money. She turned to the man next to her. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested." She said flatly. Janette didn't mean to come across so rudely. She didn't know what had come over her just then but red flags of warning were going off in her head making her heart race. The man called Dane raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I get it. You don't have to be a bitch about it." He glared at her and stomped away leaving her in shock. She hadn't done anything to deserve that kind of treatment.

She turned towards the bar and away from the dance floor. "I'm Jack." The bartender offered his hand and she shook it introducing herself. He nodded in the direction of the offending man. "If that guy over there gives you anymore trouble just let me know and I'll take care of it."

"Thanks." She smiled. Janette took another gulp of her rum and set the glass on the bar. She had only been there about 45 minutes but was already starting to feel lightheaded from the alcohol. "Excuse me, um, Jack?" She stood and grabbed her purse. "Where's the ladies room?" Jack pointed down the hall at the end of the bar and gave her a smile.

Janette nodded her head in thanks and took off down the hall in the direction he had pointed. She didn't really need to use the toilet but had an uneasy feeling sweep over her and had to calm her nerves. She reached out to push the bathroom door open when she heard what sounded like a scream coming from further down the hall. She couldn't be sure what the sound was over the loud thumping music in the club. She proceeded in the direction of the perceived scream and peaked around the corner into what looked like a small store room. Janette quickly put her hand over her mouth to stifle the gasp that escaped her. There was the strange, rude blond man with the weird eyes. He stood there with his arm wrapped tightly around a small red head. The girl had her head thrown back with her eyes closed and he was sucking greedily at her neck. Janette's eyes widened in shock and a deep blush rushed up her face when she looked down and seen the man had pulled the girl's skirt up to her waist and his hand was moving back and forth forcefully inside her panties. At first, Janette was going to turn around and leave. It wasn't any of her business if two consenting adults wanted to make out in the back of a club. But then she noticed what seemed to be a trickle of blood trailing down the girl's neck and she looked into her slack, pale face and realized she was unconscious.

You have to do something! Janet thought to herself in a panic. This girl is being raped! You can't just stand by and allow it to happen. She turned and rushed back down the hall to the bartender. She didn't know him well, but she didn't know who else to turn to.

Jack's expression turned to worry when he seen Janette running back to the bar. "What's going on?" He asked.

"It's that man that was bugging me earlier." Janette said in a shaky voice, barely able to catch her breath. "I saw him in the back, past the restrooms. He has a girl back there. I think he's raping her."

Jack mumbled something into his coworker's ear before leaping over the bar. He grabbed Janette by the shoulders and gave her a stern look. "Stay here. I'll take care of it." He then motioned to a rather large blond man wearing a tight shirt that read 'Security' on the back of it in bold black letters, and they both took off down the hall.

Janette just stood there with her jaw hanging open. She didn't know what to think about everything that was happening. All she knew was that if this was an example of what normally happens at clubs then she most certainly wouldn't be coming back any time soon. She sat there for what seemed to be twenty minutes, taking several big swallows from her glass in and effort to calm her nerves. Suddenly, the blonde security guy came through the hall carrying the unconscious girl in his arms. He disappeared through a door that read 'Employees Only' and Jack came back around the bar as though nothing had happened.

"Um, what just happened?" Janette asked cautiously.

"Don't worry about it. He didn't get far with her. She just drank too much, that's all." Jack smiled reassuringly.

Janette wasn't buying what the bartender had told her but figured it was none of her business. So long as that girl was okay, that's all that mattered to her. She sat at the bar for a good 30 minutes more before Melissa finally stopped dancing and returned to the bar for another drink.

"Melissa, can we please go now? It's almost midnight, you're drunk, I'm not far behind and I'm exhausted." Janette wasn't too tired; she just wanted to get away from the music that was making her head throb. If she had even one more drink she probably wouldn't be able to drive herself home.

Melissa looked at Janette with bloodshot eyes. "Aww, come on. Aren't you having fun? I know I am."

Janette stood to leave, with or without her friend when Melissa roughly grabbed her arm. "Oh my God! There he is!"


"Mitch, wake up!" Liam carefully woke his brother. "Come with me to the club. We have some issues to settle."

Mitch awoke in a state of distress, hating his brother for not letting him sleep. "What the fu...?"

Liam smirked at him. "This is what it's like to own a club. We are on call until closing. Get use to it." He began rummaging through Mitch's closet in search of something appropriate to wear. "It seems a vamp felt it fitting to come into our club and start some trouble. So get dressed, Now!!! You're coming with me." Liam tossed the clothes he picked out to his brother, who was still groggy with sleep.

Mitch got up reluctantly, put his clothes on and hurried out the front door and into the jeep his brother was waiting in. He could have been just as happy sleeping the night away but here he was, going to the club at eleven o'clock at night.

Liam pulled into the parking slot reserved for the club owner, got out of the jeep and pushed a button on his key ring setting the car alarm. He and Mitch bought Club Luna four years ago thinking it would be a good investment. So far, they have been right. They already owned two restaurants along with another night club on the opposite side of town. However, Club Luna was the most lucrative of the four pack owned businesses, always bursting at the seams on the weekends with a long line of eager party goers awaiting entrance.

Liam and Mitch walked down the alley towards the back entrance leading to the office when they saw Thor with his big hand around a young vampire's throat holding him against the brick wall several feet off the ground. His name wasn't really Thor, it was actually Mike, but with his big overbearing stature, square jaw and long curly blond hair he had reminded Liam of what he imagined the Norse God might have looked like. All he was missing was a big square hammer in his hand. He had jokingly called him Thor one day and the name just stuck with him.

Liam watched the skinny blond vampire struggling under Thor's grasp and couldn't help but laugh. "Thor, you seem to have things under control. What exactly happened that we needed to be called down here?"

Not taking his angry glare from the loathsome creature, Thor emanated a low growl from deep within his chest. "I found this blood sucker feeding off of one of our human patrons." He sneered. "If I hadn't gotten there when I did, she would be dead right now."

"Where's the girl now?" Mitch asked

"She's inside. She's suffering from blood loss but is resting on the sofa in your office. I've already made the call to Alexander."

The vampire suddenly stopped struggling under Thor's grasp. His eyes went wide with terror when he saw the two regal figures walking elegantly down the alley towards them.

Liam noticed the direction the trouble maker was looking and turned around to see two men stalking towards them. "Alexander. Jude." He nodded a greeting to them both. Alexander was one of the oldest vampires in the country with his brother Jude following not far behind. They were both clad in black from head to toe, complete with black leather trench coats, and they shared piercing, almost transparent sea green eyes. The long jet black hair that flowed loosely down their backs just made their complexions seem even paler than they already were. The two ancients exuded power wherever they went and weren't ones to be crossed. The few that did cross them, found themselves quickly and ruthlessly beheaded.

Alexander gazed menacingly at the vampire being held by the tall blond man. "Dane, Dane, Dane." He said shaking his head. "I hear you have been a very, very bad boy." He said with a smirk, his fangs elongating. "Give him to me." He commanded.

Thor growled in frustration and swiftly threw the smaller man in the direction of the ancients. Dane grunted and was momentarily air born before Jude reached up and caught him effortlessly by the back of his neck, holding him up like he was some kind of rag doll.

"I would like to apologize for my youngling and the trouble he has caused." Alexander said smoothly, not taking his sinister gaze from the man dangling helplessly from Jude's grasp. "It seems that he has yet to learn his place, which is something we will have to remedy very soon."

Mitch turned his head, suddenly realizing what was about to happen. He flinched when he heard an agonizing groan followed by what sounded like gurgling noises, as Jude fiercely ripped Dane's still beating heart from his chest. Mitch knew that the vampire world held a stricter set of rules and weren't ones to grant second chances, especially if you were sired by one of the ancients. He just didn't understand why they had to be so goddamn dramatic about everything.

"I can guarantee you that he won't cause any further trouble here." Jude said with a chuckle, carelessly dropping the limp body to the ground with a hard thud.

"We made an agreement, Liam, and you know me well." Alexander said. "I'm not one to go back on my word."

Wolves and vampires hadn't always gotten along; in fact, many of them still didn't as the blood suckers always held themselves higher than anyone else, especially when it came to werewolves. The arrogant bastards couldn't help it. It was in their nature. However, they had eventually agreed to disagree. 'Live and let live' was their new motto. Liam had made an agreement with Alexander that his kind were welcome in his club so long as they minded their manners. If a vampire stepped out of line, Alexander and Jude were to handle it immediately. However, it did happen on occasion that a young, newly turned vampire, still riding high on some kind of power trip, would come along and start trouble.

"Take me to the girl." Alexander told Liam. "I need to assess what damage has been done." He glanced down at the bloody body at his feet, lifeless eyes still wide with shock, staring at nothing. "Jude, clean this mess up and wait here for me. I will return shortly."

"My pleasure, Alex." His brother said, before bending over to pick up Dane's body from the pavement. Liam and Mitch led Alexander through the club to the office in the back where he found the red headed female still unconscious on the sofa. Alexander noticed how pale the girl was and placed two fingers to her neck barely feeling a pulse. He knew she wasn't far from death's door and he had to take action right away. Lifting the girl up, he sat himself behind her, resting her back against his chest. Alexander then brought his wrist to his mouth and sank his fangs in allowing a healthy amount of blood to seep out. He held his wrist to the girl's mouth and urged her to drink. "Come on, little one. You need to drink right away." He said softly. She began sucking gently at his wrist, taking a few good gulps of his ancient blood before collapsing back against him once more.

Mitch looked at the scene before him in awe. "So how does this work?" He said "Will she become a vampire now?"

Alexander laughed. "No, no. I only gave her enough of my blood to speed her healing. The blood in her body will now replenish itself faster."

"So she's out of the woods?" Liam asked relieved.

"Yes." Alexander couldn't take his eyes from the red head in his lap. "She is no longer in any danger. In fact, she won't remember any of this, will you little one."

Liam and Mitch exchanged a curious look with one another. They had known the ancient one for a very long time, but have never seen him act so gentle with anyone before. They found it quite strange to say the least.

"Mitch, if you want to go back to the club, I will stay and watch over the girl." Liam said, dismissing his brother.

"No!" Alexander almost shouted. "I will stay with her. I promise she will be safe with me."

"Okay." Liam said cocking one eyebrow at the ancient man. "Whatever you say, Alexander." He motioned to his brother and they headed out of the room.

The girl woke, slowly blinking her eyes in confusion as she stared up at the pale man who was holding her tenderly. "What happened? Where am I?" She said, flustered. She tried to sit up only to feel her head start to throb painfully. She laid a hand across her forehead with a moan and lay back against the stranger behind her.

"Someone spiked your drink. I found you passed out in the back of the club." He lied. "Lay down, little one. A bit of rest will make it all better." Alexander said while slowly stroking the girl's hair. "What's your name?"

She looked up at him, again on the verge of unconsciousness. "Mia." She said, her eyes growing heavy. "Mia Stephenson."

Mitch and Liam headed back to the main room of the club, back into the flashing strobe lights and blaring, thumping music. "Wow, that was intense, huh? I need a drink." Liam stepped up to the bar. "Jack! Two beers please?"


"There he is!" Melissa shouted. "See? I told you he was a Greek God!" She exclaimed.

Janette looked in the direction of her friend's gaze and found herself staring straight at Mitch Evans. Oh my God! She thought. She hadn't been expecting to see him! What if he sees me? What will I say? Just then, his gaze met hers and a tingle rushed through her body. She couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at seeing him again so soon.

"Well didn't I tell you he was a hottie?" Melissa jabbed Janette in the ribs.

She briefly looked at the man standing next to Mitch. "Yeah, he's ok." She said absently before returning her eyes to Mitch's. Melissa had said that her guy was bringing a friend but she had no idea that this friend would be Mitch Evans. Her heart sped up and she found that she couldn't think straight. She was definitely glad that she decided to come out tonight.

Melissa grabbed her hand, pulling her forward. "Come on, let me introduce you!" They reached the two men standing at the end of the bar. "This is my friend I was telling you about!" She exclaimed. Melissa stepped up and wrapped her arms around Mitch's waist and boldly planted a heated kiss on his lips. "Janette, this is Mitch... my Greek God." She said drunkenly.

It took Liam a moment or two to recognize who it was standing in front of him. He noticed the distraught look on his brother's face before turning to catch the smile slowly leave Janette's face only to be replaced by a sudden look of hurt in her eyes. He could almost hear her heart breaking at that very moment. "Oh, fuck." He sighed under his breath.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Loving the story. Especially the fact Mitch unknowingly protected his mate for 8yrs.

But my 2nd complaint is the use of isle instead of aisle. I have no problem overlooking most typos, for some reason it jumped out at me ch1 & I keep noticing it.

Now off to the next ch. Benefit of joining the party late, no wait for the newest ch just yet.


polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago
Well Well Well

Ain't luv grand (lol) You just gotta luv the irony of this chapter.... I luv the story, so keep on writting and I'll keep on reading.

catman71catman71over 12 years ago

i smashing end, so we have a vamp about to go mental for a mate, a were that just got kissed in front of his mate, and a drunk hottie and a wise ass brother, this should be fun

River_willow76River_willow76over 12 years agoAuthor

There have been numerous comments on some things that I have overlooked. So, I edited the first 2 chapters. They should be posted in the next couple of days. Some have pointed out my misspellings and such. If you want to volunteer as an editor, that would be great. I know I could definitely use the help. And, no, Mia is not related to the witch family in any way. It turns out I have a liking to her last name. I didn't even realize that I had given her and Marie the same last name. My bad! Although, if I think about it, I could probably create a great twist with that. You never know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

arduous but crucial...crossroads.Being protective of Janette is one sign of his mating pull. I chose my wife b'cz i wanted to grow old with her.Mitch has to make thru this one choice on his own for his own reasons.No one,even Emily & Liam cant tell him whom to mate. True mates come only once then Mitch should have the right one even if he has to break a mountain to get his mate.


bronzebeauty34bronzebeauty34over 12 years ago
I luvvvv it!

I'm loving this story, it's original and I'm HOOKED! I seriously doubt mia is the unborn baby because if you remember marie was only two months pregnant and the twins checked her pulse & there was none. Leonard or whatever was flipping out at the crash site because marie was dead. I find it impossible. I just wish we could get a little background on ol' crazy leonard n what he was and will he discover j is still alive and go after her making mitch have to kick his ass????

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

his bad! How is Mitch going to handle this little oops moment with Janette. Her best friend Melissa has been talking about "her" Greek God and it turns out to be the same Greek God she just made a date with.

Can't wait to see what happens next. I think this is going to be a fun story to read and I so look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Mia and Alexander?

Are you going to be making another story about them then??....or is their romance goign to be included in this one?....That could make a very good story. But anyway love the Story and you are an excellent writer I'm so excited for the next chapter!! =D

wildsoulwildsoulover 12 years ago

wow, he's in deep water. Even if he successfully break up with the blonde girl, she's not just gonna be running to him. The blonde girl is her friend, that's means he has to convince her that he's not a player but of course, (I have a feeling, as that she seems like a good person) that she won't date him again to spare her friendship. Dating friend's ex are never to good. Plus, he did hurt her pretty bad.

Patrolin_AusPatrolin_Ausover 12 years ago
Loving This

Really great story so far. Looking forward to the many different directions that this story is possible to go. Hopefully some of the other characters will get their own stories told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Are we all thinking the same?????

So is Mia the unborn baby I'm assuming like me we all thought passed with her parents?

ChurosChurosover 12 years ago

Uh-oh. I knew it. So this is the first conflict apart from a much larger conflict which involved the death of her parents. I find it sweet though that "he had been 'wooing' her since she was ten."

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ugly Duckling? Plain Jane?

Not sure I enjoy that Jannette is somewhat regularly referred to as plain...for me it detracts from the story in that it highlights a traditionally negative belief about beauty. Not all of us are models, but we're all uniquely beautiful inside & out.

Also thinking that maybe they're not very well-suited as friends (overly flighty versus overly serious)- I'm seeing the possibility of jealousy and superficiality on the other girl's part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Cliffhangers.Owww. Im hanging on by my nails. Mitch has his balls in a tight spot.Ugly Ducking or Sex Goddess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Catch 22 situation.Mitch Stuck between two girls. What happens next?

somalunasomalunaover 12 years ago

I think you have a great story! I especially like how you took the time to take the reader back in time so weget to know the characters better. I am excited for the next chapter! The one thing that detracts from the strength of your story though is the spelling and grammar. One in particular is 'seen'. I.e. Mitch saw Janette riding on his property... Not seen her riding. If you are going to use seen you have to add in have...'I have seen her'. Sorry... Not trying to give a grammar lesson, but I see and hear a lot of people make this mistake and tbh... It makes them sound less intelligent. Can't wait to see what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
My Gawd

LOL you have such a twisted mind, I love it. I see a daffy duck moment duck, dodge, spin, thrust, parry. ROFLOL

EllieLavenEllieLavenover 12 years ago
Really good!

Original beginning (chapters 1 & 2) which I really enjoyed. Please keep writing. Can't wait to see what happens next!

huntersangelhuntersangelover 12 years ago
ooohhhh my goodness!

witches, werewolves, and vampires. oh my! do i have to say it? this story is so lovely! i had the hardest time reading it tho, it seemed that everytime i would start chapter 1 i would only get so far before being interrupted, so i would have to start it again the next time and try it again. but finally, after posting 4 chapters i was able to read all of them in one night and i'm so glad that i stuck with it! i'm wondering how the heck mitch and janette are going to get together now, melissa seems pretty stuck on her "greek god". and i'm wondering about alex and mia, that seems like a good story too!

Curiously_LookingCuriously_Lookingover 12 years ago
One Question

There are plenty of things that I'm waiting to find out about but, I just have one real question at the moment. Why is Mia's last name the same as Marie's from chapter 1? It sounded like it was an assumed name in the first place. Is this just a coincidence, or does it foretell something about Mia?

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