The Winter of Temptation Ch. 04-05


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Checking the time, she saw that it was 5:30 and she had to get to work on finishing her research paper before 12. Opening her notes she got to work on the tedious task, of getting this paper out of her hair. Only twenty minutes later, she heard the doorbell ring. Getting up she went to the front door to peak out of the peephole. Heaving a heavy sigh she opened the door, to have Caroline's 5'5 frame slither through. "Carol." She said exasperated.

"Aw boo hoo." Caroline teased, kissing her cheek. "You know you love me. Look I brought movies, and more wine."

"Ah alright come on."

As the two conversed at the door, a slim figure eased from the closet inside of Samantha's room. Creaking to the door slowly, she creaked her head out to figure out where Samantha was. When she saw her turn as if she was about to head her way, she mustered the nerve to dart out of the room, hoping to make it to her open door without being seen. "Kris, what are you doing?" Samantha questioned. Telling Kriste that she was caught, froze mid-step at her door. "Uhm I was just seeing if you still had my Gold hoops. Have a big date tonight." She said excitedly, in a lie.

Samantha frowned as she walked closer, with Caroline following close behind. At her door she peered inside to look around not noticing anything out of place. Then she looked back at Kriste who not only looked suspicious, but also looked to have nothing in her hands. "Why we're you running to your door? I didn't even know you were here. Besides I gave you back those earrings weeks ago."

Kriste fumbled with her hands. "Right! I must have just forgot and misplaced them. Totally my bad."

She hurriedly went into her room and closed the door behind her, leaving Samantha and Caroline to look after her at the closed door. Samantha then looked at Caroline over her shoulder. "I'm definitely going to lock my room up from now on. She's acting weird as fuck." Knowing that Kriste was lying about the earrings.

"I agree, she was fidgeting too much. You sure she's not a theft? Maybe you should check your stuff.

"I'll check. Come on I'm about done with this paper only two more paragraphs.


Kriste laid on her back looking up at the ceiling, glad that she hadn't necessarily been caught rifling through Samantha's things. Getting caught slipping from the room wasn't a big deal, since she covered with a pretty good lie. She hated the fact that she didn't find anything that belonged to Ian, or anything from the night before. Making it hard for her to find something to sabotage Samantha and Ian's relationship. After last night seeing him again, and having him so close was too much for her to ignore. It brought back all the feelings she had once harbored for him. She felt determined and vowed to have him again before it was over.


"Mr. Queen this semester has gone by amazingly for you." Ian's professor stated. "For your magnificent grades, 4.0 GPA, and determination. I would like to offer you an internship here at the University this upcoming summer, after graduation.

Ian sheepishly smiled, staggered by the outstanding news that the very renowned Neuroscientist Dr. Ronald Howard was offering him a chance to work beside him in a lab. "I would really love that Dr. Howard." Ian gushed, offering his hand in thanks.

"Well son it's a plan then." He shook Ian's waiting hand. "I expect nothing but good things for you in the future."

"Thank you sir, I really appreciate this. I'll be sure to make you proud, I promise."

Ian listened as Dr. Howard congratulated him once more, before explaining all the things he was to expect. When he left the office he felt excitement bubbling over inside, so much so he wanted to shout from the roof top about his accomplishment. Yet he settled for pulling out his phone and dialing the first person to come to his mind.

"Ello?" Came the deep rumble of his father's voice.

"Hey dad."

Jacob Queen smiled and pressed the phone closer to his ear. "Son, long time no talk. How have you been?"

Ian heard the smile in his father's voice and knew he would become happier after he was informed of the news. "Yah, I know sorry dad. Just been busy with school and stuff, but I have some good news. Is mom around?"

Curious Jacob quickly called Lauren, Ian's mother, into the den. Before he pressed the speaker button. "Hello Sweetheart." Lauren said.

"Hey Mom."

"I've missed you, son. When are you coming home? I'm anxious to see you."

Ian chuckled. "I've missed you too, mom. You can expect me home Tuesday, both me and Sammy decided to bring friends. You've met Michael, and Sammy is bringing her friend Caroline."

"Does these children have families?"

"Yes but Michael doesn't really get along with his family, and Caroline's parents are a bit older and wanted to take a trip for Christmas, she's the only child."

"Oh, well of course their welcomed, we have lots of room." Came her reply.

"How's Samantha doing anyways?"" Jacob asks.

"She's doing great, dad." He replied feeling a warm tingle in the pit of his stomach thinking about his baby.

"Well tell buttercup to call from time to time, she's already in trouble."

Ian laughs "Alright, I'll be sure too."

"Son, what's the news you wanted to tell us?"

"Oh. Well you guys know I've been the assistant for my Biol professor, for a year now. Well he just offered me an opportunity to intern for him over the summer."

"Wow, honey that's so great." Lauren exclaimed.

"We're proud of you, son." Jacob added.

"Thanks mom, dad. I'm almost home now, plan to do a little celebrating."

"Now Ian don't get carried away down there." Lauren warned.

Both he and Jacob laughed. "You got it mom. I promise I won't get too crazy." He pulled up to the house. "Well I love you guys and I can't wait to see you when I get home."

"Alright son, we love you too. Be safe." Jacob said before disconnecting the call.

Ian got out of the car and walked to the door hearing music as soon as he stepped foot on the porch. Letting himself in he looked around seeing a few people lounging around the house with drinks in hand. Walking into the living room he was greeted by Michael. "What's up bro?"

"Yeah what's with that big ass grin?" Andy added, as he pulled his attention away from his girl Annabel.

"Nothing, just got offered an internship with Dr. Howard." He replied grabbing a drink from the bin cooler.

"You lucky bastard!" Michael said good-heartily.

"Happy for you, man. Here I thought you was dumb as a box of rocks." Andy joked, earning him a jab to the arm, holding his drink. As it splashed over his flannel button-up he let Ian have an ear full.

Ian laughingly apologized before heading to the kitchen. "That kid Miles, is coming by to let us hear his band. I might want to try them out, for the party."

"Where you going?" Michael called, to Ian's retreating back.

A frowning Andy scoffed. "Do ya even have to ask? Ya know he is calling Samantha."

"Damn your right, I forgot." Michael laughed.

Ian dialed Samantha and waited for what seemed like forever before he got her voicemail.Please answer.He tried her number again, right when he thought she wouldn't answer again, he heard her pick up.

Silence greeted him. "Baby? You There?"

For a second he thought he heard a light growl. "I'm not your damn baby." She answered.

Frowning he took a deep breath to calm down, not wanting to fight. "Ok Sammy, I know your Pissed but ¬¬¬¬¬─"

"Pissed is a fucking understatement." She cut in.

Clearing his throat, Ian pushed on, choosing to not argue with her. "I was wondering if you wanted to come by. I have some awesome news that I want to share with you. I also think we should talk."

There was long pause, and he knew for a fact that she would say no, but to his surprise he was wrong.

"Alright, I'll be over in 20." She hung up abruptly.

"Damn." He uttered. Slipping the phone into his pocket, he headed back into the living room to wait for her.


Samantha submitted her paper and shut her laptop, while glancing over at Caroline who was sprawled out over the freshly made bed watching a movie.

"Who was that?" Caroline asks.

"Ian." She said with irritation.

Caroline shook her head with indifference. "What does he want?"

"He wants to talk, apparently he has something to tell me."

Caroline dragged her eyes away from the screen. "You going over there?" Samantha nodded. "You want me to go with you." Again Samantha nods.

Getting up from the desk she grabbed her jacket and keys, with Caroline following they walked out the door with Samantha remembering to lock her door.


Lounging at the table Ian joined in on the card game the guys had going on, all the while trying to control the giddy feeling that came over him from the thought of seeing Samantha. He couldn't seem to control the craving he had for her. Why she sparked this feeling inside of him was lost on him. But the sound of her voice, and the sparkle in her eyes, made him want to take her to the nearest bed so he could get lost in her essences. His cock began to harden, thinking about her tight sensual body as he made love to her. But the sound of Andy's brash laughter and Michael's taunting quickly cooled his growing fire.

"Earth to Ian." Said Michael waving his hand in front of Ian's face.

"What?" Ian asked lost.

"I asked, you when do we plan on leaving?" Michael said.

"Oh, I planned for us to leave on Monday. Since all of us are done with finals and my people are anxious for us to arrive."

"That's cool, we can take my car as well as yours." Michael told Ian.

"That's cool with me." Ian turned his attention to Andy. "What do you and Annabel plan to do for the holidays?"

Andy grinned broadly as he looked over at Annabel talking animatedly to a girl in the corner. "Plan on takin her home to meet my mom and pops."

"Ah? You guys are ready to meet the folks?" Michael asks.

Andy nods. "Oh Yea, my southern bell will fit right in."

Both Michael and Ian said 'Aww' playfully, while Andy flipped them the bird.

They were goofing off, and passing jokes between each other. When Liam, another fraternity brother, came in followed by Miles and three other guys.

"Yo, Mitch." Miles slapped Ian's hand and gave him a quick hug before, doing the same to Andy and Michael. "These are my boy's, got Connor a.k.a Stitch on Guitar, Jordan on Bass, And Brandon on drums."

"Cool." Ian nodded and shook their hands. "Nice to meet you. This is Michael, and this is Andy."

"What you guys plan on playing?

"We thought we would play a bit of A day to remember, Falling in reverse, and lastly Close your eyes." Miles replied.

"That sounds good. Personally those are some of my favorite bands. "Michael put in, being the one that was on rock. "Do you guys do other types of covers?" He asks.

"Of course, we do some of our own songs, as well as throwback hits from all genres just with a rockish twist." Miles laughed. "We definitely change it up a bit"

"Let's hear it, we're ready when you are." Ian Stated.

"Ight, we'll get set up and be ready in like, 15."

They walked out to come back moments later with their equipment, setting them up quickly, Miles took his position behind the mic. "Alright we're Common Crisis, and the first song we'll play for you, is called Right back at it again."

Stitch struck a chord, on his guitar and began to strum a tune before Miles screamed. "We're coming out Swinging." Jordan, and Brandon joined in, as Miles began to sing in a raspy voice over the mic.

Ian lifted a surprised brow as he listened to Miles raw talent. Both Michael and Andy nodded along to the beat as the guys rocked out. "They sound amazing. I didn't even know miles could even sing."

"Yeah, they sound pretty good. I think they will be good for the party tomorrow." Michael added.

"Ian nodded. "I'll just tell them they got the gig after they finish their songs."

Outside Samantha and Caroline pulled up to the curb, and got out. They walked up to the door, hearing music as soon as they got to the door.

"Hmm wonder what they are up too?" Samantha heard Caroline ask.

As she knocked on the door, but with the music going she knew no one would have heard her, gripping the knob she tried it and it opened without trouble.

"Ah, how fortunate." They walk into the corridor of the house expecting to see a big party or something going on, but they only saw a few people hanging around in different areas downstairs. "Samantha? Hey babe." Liam greeted. "Hi." He said to Caroline.

"Hi, Liam, um is Ian around?"

"Yeah, he's in the living room. Do you both want something to drink?" he questioned with a charming smile.

"Nah, we're good. Not going to stay here long enough for that." She returned his smile. "But thank you, Liam."

Samantha walked into the living room with Caroline holding her hand, in support. They walked into the room to see a young guy with longish blonde hair in the midst of a passionate head bang with who she assumed to be his friends. Over at a table she saw Andy, Michael, and Ian watching the band perform, as well as Annabel who stood in the corner. Andy who was the closest to the door, and to her looked over and realized she was there. "Sammy Sweetheart. Come here girl." He gasped animatedly, as he reached his long arm out to pull her to him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he bear hugged her awkwardly to his extremely tall form. "Where you been hidin'."

Samantha blushed as she felt every pair of eyes in the room shift to her as, Andy's loud country drawl demanded attention. "Just been busy, Andy." She said apologetic, realizing now how much she had been neglecting all of the guys over the fucked up situation she had with Ian. She was in the wrong. Hugging Andy, her 'country bumpkin' again, she apologized.

Annabel smiled and walked over to her and hugged her and Caroline tightly though she didn't get to say anything besides that, for at that moment Ian walked over. "Glad you could come, Sammy." He said.

"I came to just talk, so can we just go ahead. I have to go soon."

He nodded his head in understanding. "Alright let's go somewhere quiet." He reached for her hand, but she snatched it back. Walking past him, she headed up the stairs to his room. Leaving him to follow behind her at a distance, until they reached the room. Closing the door Ian turned, and put his back against it. "You look beautiful." Remarking on how her outfit hugged her curves.

Samantha grunted. "Look I don't want any complements from you. I just came to hear what you got to say, before I deliver my news to you. So start talking." Samantha knew that her voice and demure was harsh, but she couldn't bring herself to care about his feelings at the moment. Seeing him now, was just causing her anger, and other emotions to riot within.

Ian lifted his arms in surrender, bringing them to the back of his head were he interlocked his fingers. "I just wanted to tell you that Dr. Howard has offered me an internship for the summer." His voice held a note of excitement that rubbed off on her for a second. Only for a second.

"That's great." She uttered.

The tension began to intensify between them. "I called mom and dad. They're both happy as hell." Ian tried to keep his voice light. "They asked about you by the way. Wondering when we would be heading home." He smiled, hoping it would cool her temper.

"Yeah well about that. I just can't be around you Ian, so riding along in a car with you is not ideal to me." Shifting on her feet, she nervously wiped her clammy hands down the sides of her skirt. "In fact I think we should go our own way, until I can deal with all of this shit, in my head."

Ian felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, as the words left her lips. The walls around him started to crumble, from the thought of her not being in his life. It was crushing.

"Samantha, listen I know I've been so stupid, and have went about things all wrong between us. But please don't do that to me, to us. We both know that we have something Sammy, don't throw it away before we even get started. You know how much it means to me to have you in my life."

Samantha turned her head away, unable to look into his troubled eyes. "I- I can't. I'm not going to do this with you." She said indifferent. "That's all I have to say." Reaching around Ian's body she grabbed the door knob, and twisted. When suddenly she found herself inside of his arms. The warm tingly feeling that only he could produce engulfed her, like the night before. "This isn't going to work, Ian."

He held her from the side, and pressed his face into the side of her head. "Sammy, I will prove to you that I'm worth forgiven. I want to prove to you that I'm not a bad guy, I want to escape that image once and for all. Please allow me that." He begged on a whisper.

He realized for the first time how it felt to be on the receiving end of Samantha's true anger. Whenever she became this hurt and angry, she dealt with the situation by cutting off the person who caused the pain. He had taken her for granted too many time, over the years. Now shit was hitting the fan, and karma was square dancing on his ass.

"Honestly, I don't know if I can. I don't know how I should feel about last night."

Ian turned her around to face him, placing her back against the door. "Last night was amazing. Don't deny that Sammy. We both wanted it"

Samantha finally looked him in the face, to see his eyes were rimmed red, and his thick hair was a curtain around his face as he pressed his forehead against hers. "Ian it's not up to you to decide what I want. I loved you, and as my friend I never thought you could cause this pain. It's time for me to be my own woman." She shifted to loosen his arms from around her. "Dad has been making my choices for me all my life. And just when I thought I could break away from my sheltered life at home, here at school. You up and took the reins my Father once controlled. What makes me so fucking mad at myself, is the fact that I let you, for 3 years. I'm fucking fed up with it Ian." Using her body she nudged him away far enough so she could open the door.

"Sammy." Ian called, Samantha turned to look back at him. "I'm in love with you."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Some Women!

Frustrate the heck out of me. So entwined with feminism the forget the emotional connection from human to human. He also gave Sammy the opportunity to clarify the issue when he verbalized his thought process. Stop reading this story if you don't like it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You may have rewritten a few chapters, but Ian raped her. He basically claims her biological response trumps the clear "No" coming out of her mouth. Why would she want to sit in a car with her rapist?

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 9 years ago
Dramatic flair

is something you have easily, no doubt. Feelings are real and believable between Sammy and Ian, along with Sam and her friends. Good job, although the grammar could still use work.

D3liciousD3liciousabout 10 years ago

I knew I liked this story and what really sealed the deal was this statement right here, "... karma was square dancing on his ass." I almost fell out laughing. Keep up with the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

You really NEED an editor.

Moberly1Moberly1about 10 years ago
Great job on this story!

Great advise from Tellygirl1 & black maestra! They are so right about this series! You are doing an awesome job! Can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I think you really did amazing on this chapter. In all i think your entire series so far is the best. Can't wait til you come back!!

Tallygirl1Tallygirl1over 10 years ago
Ditto to Black Maestra

I like the story so far, but try not to get so bogged with too many people and events at once. I am still trying to understand Samantha's angst; especially after she told Caroline she was fighting herself and wanted what happened AND she'd already had feelings for Ian. Don't get me wrong, her first time having sex should not have gone down the way it did. Ian needs to work on toning down his dominant nature until the time is right. However, I am going to continue reading because I really do like your style and the story.

black_maestrablack_maestraover 10 years ago
some advice

Some advice, stay focused on Sammy and Ian relationship deterioration then reconstruction. Focus on Sammy dealing with Calvin. The love triangle has started... Sammy, Ian, and Calvin. Address Kriste's Fatal Attraction to Ian and Sammy. Love triangle number 2 with Ian, Sammy, and Kriste. No more new people, then we (your audience) become skeptic to a believable ending... the kind where the ending is rushed, the dialogue is lame, and the characters begin to sound childish or weird. It happens all time in stories. I like how you orchestrated everything so far, well, there a bit more people added, but then extra people add to scenery too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

She's acting a bit childish isn't she? Hopefully the next chapter you'll have her turn that misplaced anger where it belongs- herself. Perhaps she'll even deal with her true feelings for Ian? At any rate, hope the next chapter will show some improvement to her character.

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