The Witch And The Demon


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Jalamira placed a hand over her mouth. She knew going with Drake was a mistake. At first she did not think meeting him for a cup of coffee. Actually if she got lucky they end up sweaty and smiling at some nearby hotel. She mentally cursed again. Her heat cycle got her mind in a jumble. Under thick black lashes she watch his face twist into a thoughtful expression. Just her luck he actually had a brain. She caressed her arms rubbing them swiftly underneath the long sleeve silk blouse she wore. Despite the Florida heat and the absence of air conditioner at the café. She was freezing.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"You want to get out of here?" She spit out. She connected her shoe with his leg running the tip of the toe up his jeans.

He grabbed her foot, firmly setting it down, "Not really," he said firmly.

She groaned inwardly. Drake was a little too smart for his own good, "That's okay," She muttered leaning back. She felt edgy. His rejection took a blow at her ego.

He reached over the table grabbing her hand, "Doesn't mean that I will never want to,"

She brought her eyes to met his silvery blue ones. He's long black hair flowed loosely around his tanned golden face. She was glad he didn't wear the ridiculous amounts of gel like the night they met. The soft loose dark locks soften his hawk like features and hard mouth.

Suddenly she heard the familiar heavy metal ring tone. She automatically slipped her hand out of his, reaching for the small red cell phone in her purse, "I'm sorry I'm on call." She apologized turning the phone over to take a glance at the caller -id. Her heart slammed into her chest when she saw Claris number appeared. Why is she calling me now? She wondered.

"That's okay," He said.

Jalamira sent him another apologetic smile, rising the phone quickly to her ear, "Hello," She spoke softly turning her head to face the wall.

" need to come now...Valena is here..." Claris strained voice practically shouted through the phone.

"What the hell is she there for?" She growled. The bitch had no reason to be near Claris.

"I didn't let her in she has guys with her. They broke down the door," Claris spoke again.

"Stay there. I' ll be right over," She turned the phone off, rising quickly out her seat.

"That didn't sound right," Drake rose with her, "She seems upset,"

"I have to go," She hurried to the entrance. She heard his heavy steps behind her. He may have heard Claris and the urgency in her voice. She didn't know whether to let him come along or blow him off. Could he even handle Valena's so-call private guard? She doubted even her ability to handle them.

"I'm coming with you," He told her in a determine tone once they got outside.

"Really Drake you don't need to come..."

"We'll take my car," He grabbed her wrist before she could reject. He dragged her over back over to the bank parking lot. They headed to his large black navigator. He ordered her to get in. Again Jalamira decided to explain to him that he was not needed. He barked at her again to get in.

"Fuck, Fuck," Jalamira continue to curse running around to the passenger side. She didn't have time to waste. Valena had not been happy about the final judgment of the council. Rumors had been going around that she started to amass an alarming number of dangerous allies.

Once she closed the door. She turned to Drake, "Do you have weapons?"

He gave her an alarmed look, "Uh yeah in the glove department," he started the engine. The SUV hummed smoothly to life. He threw in reverse then back into drive, "Where does she live,"

"You know where 50 and winter haven is," She pulled the large glossy black pistol from it's hiding place. She checked the chambers to see if it were loaded, it wasn't, "It's not loaded," She shrieked.

"Of course it's not." He sped out of the parking lot, "The bullets are in the back in one of the small cardboard boxes."

"Enter the address in the GPS," He indicated the keyboard.

"Alright," she hesitatingly typed in the address. Automatically the screen lit up with a dark blue line drawn from their departure point to the large estate Claris lived on.

"At granger rd turn right," the mechanical female voice spoke. She rolled her eyes heavenward. He chuckled despite the urgency of the matter.

Her phone rang again. She quickly answered it knowing instantly who it was, "Where are you?" Claris spoke in hush tones, "They're in the house."

"I'm on my way, honeybee, just hold on. Did you try to contact your parents," She asked. At the same time reaching her arm around the back, feeling for the box of bullets.

"I tried to get a hold of them but no one is answering. I keep getting a busy signal," Claris let out an exasperated sign, "I didn't think she would be that angry,"

"Missing out on a chance to be top dog. I'd believe it," Jalamira let out a shout when she found the box. She quickly grabbed it, pouring the contents on her lap.

"What the hell are you doing?" Claris asked her.

"Coming to rescue you," She pulled open the chamber then quickly started placing the gold and silver bullets in. She heard Claris gasp.

"What is it?" She asked

"Hurry...bye," Claris ended the call quickly.

"Bye" Jalamira dropped the phone in her lap.

"So you've done this before," Drake finally said. He had been listening quietly all along.

"I like guns," She continued to load the chamber until it was completely full.

"Tell me something," He started, " Why doesn't she just blink out of there?"

"She can't just blink out of there if she's pregnant," Jalamira froze. What the hell did he know about teleportation? That was a secret maintain by higher witches in the coven. She slowly turned her head to see his face set in a grim expression.

"Pregnant?" he repeated with a wooden tone.

"Look, Drake I'll explain everything later," She said.

"I better call Garrian."


Claris huddled behind the locked master bedroom door. Valena and her men forced their way through the thick oak doors front door. She immediately grabbed her father's rifle from the cabinet along with a hand full of bullets. Then ran up to the master bedroom bolting inside. She couldn't understand why the wards fell so easily. Her father assured her they were solid.

"Claris darling where are you?" Valena false sweet voice echoed through the second floor.

She grasp as another rippling pain hit her stomach. Her baby seemed to be very agitated. He felt vulnerable in her womb. She couldn't gather the slightest bit of juice to transport to safety. Outside the door, the house thundered with the heavy footsteps. She heard furniture crashing and fabric tearing. They were getting closer by the moment. Where the hell was Jalamira?

"Claris, could you be that predictable," Valena's sickly sweet voice spoke outside the door, "Why boys I believe she is in the master bedroom with the rifle,"

Claris swallowed hard. She backed away from the door, aiming the barrel of the shotgun. Her finger firmly planted on the trigger, "Come on Bitch, make your move," She whisper. Sweat on her forehead beaded profusely. She ached to wipe it away, but she had to concentrate.

"Claris, lovely," Valena voice spoke through the door now, "I really don't want to hurt you."

She remained silent. Valena tended to get off knowing someone is suffering. She's the one her father sent to dispense their enemies. Her military training came in handy many times for the coven. Unfortunately it backfired on them.

Claris steadied the weapon, willing herself to stay calm. Hopefully, Jalamira will get here in time. Why the hell her cousin chose to attend work today? Claris' father owned the damn company. She exhaled.

"The baby is an abomination," Valena continued to taunt her, "Imagine breeding with a fire demon. Why what will your child look like?"

"He'll look like his father," Claris shouted. It almost took all the energy she had. She felt herself waver.

"A beast," Valena giggle uncontrollably, "A scaly, slimy beast," She stopped then spoke again this time softly, "Is that what you want to present to our goddess?"

"She didn't seem to have a problem with it before," Claris spoke again.

"That's because she is thinking what everyone else is," Valena continue her verbal assault, apparently acting like she had all the time in the world, "Beautiful, blond Claris will produce a beautiful, blond child."

There was silence after that. Then she heard noise downstairs. The estate sirens s went off. Valena's men started shouted at the top of their lungs, almost sounding like beast themselves. Shots rang out. Valena screeched loudly. Claris sense her presence leave the mansion. She scrambled to the door wrenching it open.

"Claris!" Jalamira shouted. She heard her hurried steps coming up the stairs.

"Jala," Claris shouted then followed with a scream. She doubled over in pain. Her vision blurred and her body crumbled to the floor.

"Claris," Jalamira ran to her cousin side, "Drake!"

Drake ran up the steps to the second floor balcony. He looked down at Claris' writhing form then up at her. He came forward kneeling down beside them, "What do we do?" He yelled above Claris loud moans.

"We have to get her to the temple," She stood up, "Madame Elaine will help her!"

"Temple?" He reach over, cradling the helpless Claris. He rose slowly lifting her, "She's having a demon baby. She needs to go to Winston,"

"Winston," Jalamira shouted, "Who the hell was Winston?" she continued," Elaine knows more about her pregnancy," she passed him in the hall.

"Winston has been delivering demon babies for over a thousand years," He argue, "It would be better to get him to look at her,"

She rolled her eyes rounding the corner proceeding Drake to the landing of the stairs when a suffocating heat hit her face. She stepped back clutching her throat. Her eyes scanned in the bottom floor. The doors hung limp on their hinges. The whole bottom floor had been traipse through. Suddenly a tall dark form marched through the dilapidated entrance. Her eyes widen at the familiar face. Of course he called his cousin, she mussed, but how? She didn't see him use a phone.

"Come quickly, Drake," he held up an upturn hand, "I told Winston to expect us,"

She turned sideways to Drake, "But."

Drake gave her an apologetic look, "Winston will be good for her," He hurriedly carried her cousin down to the waiting Garrian. She exhaled following them. Maybe she could hide out in Alaska. Uncle Calen hated the cold weather.

Garrian lifted the weak sweating Claris from Drake's arms. He looked down at her. She seemed smaller than when they last met. His eyes drifted lovingly over her limp form. Her face now a scarlet red and damp from the sweating. Her eyes closed and her mouth open. Then her head rolled limply towards him. She opened her watery slanted violet-blue eyes, "Garrian," She whispered.

"Later," he commanded. He sensed her need to start explaining to him. However he had no idea if those creatures roaming her mansion will return. He hugged her close carrying her out of the front door, down the wide concrete steps to his waiting car. Some of the clan members that came with him roaming around the front yard near the large black SUV's. They sent him a mental message telling him that the mansion had cleared. Drake had hurried forward opening the passenger door. He lowered her in the leather seat trying to situate her comfortably. He closed the door behind her.

He stood up quickly looking around, "Where the hell is her family?,"

"Right here," a female voice responded behind him.

He turned completely around to face the tall dark hair woman. Oh Drake's little crush. He thought. He pierce with a frozen glare, "Where the members of her family?"

She huffed, "New York," her eyes went to Claris, "We had no idea this would happen?"

"You should have took precautions," He stated with a harsh tone then he nodded to Drake sending him a message to bring her along. He jogged around to the driver's seat, starting the engine throwing the car into drive. He sped around the large circular driveway an out the gate.

"I'm sorry," he heard her whisper softly. He should be angry. He knew that much. He had basically been made a fool of. Almost denied the knowing of his son. He should have nothing to do with her after the birth. However something pulled at him. He found he couldn't leave her.

He reached to cover her hand with his larger one. He squeeze it gently, "Don't try to speak," He said, "Winston will help you,"


Claris opened her eyes at the cool touch of the hand. Her eyes glanced around the cavernous red and black room. It reminded her of Garrian's room at the Red dragon, but decorated in a much older European style. She attempted to rise but slender hands held her down gently. She looked up. Jalamira loomed over her. Her cousin appeared haggard. She felt a pang of guilt for putting the woman through this.

"I'm still pregnant," She smiled weakly, caressing her expose flat tummy.

"That's what Winston said," Jalamira brushed stray dark hairs from her smooth forehead, "He gave you something to make the pain go away,"

She frowned at that, "Is that safe?"

"He said it was," Jalamira said almost helplessly, "They didn't really ask my opinion on the subject."

"Do you think Valena will try again?," She asked.

"I don't know, but we need to beef up security now," Jalamira rose from her seat, " Your father is not going to like this,"

"Were you able to get in contact with him and the others?"

Jalamira shook her head, "No" She looked thoughtful, "It's odd. No one answered. The phone's just went to voicemail,"

"Father told me that he will call tomorrow," Claris supplied, "Maybe they are having a emergence ceremony commencing the start of the council."

"Yeah...let's hope that what it is," Jalamira stroll over to one the narrow rectangle floor length windows. The sun burst through sheer white curtains. She could just make out the tops of trees. They seemed to stretch out for miles into the horizon.

"Where are we?"

"Palestos estate," Jalamira turned from the window, "It appears we are in the middle of no where,"

Her eyes drifted back to her stomach, "Did you tell him why?"

"He didn't ask ...yet" Jalamira approached the bed again. She still wore her dowdy office wear. She looked damn uncomfortable. Her cousin rapidly rubbed her arms making the thin silken material of the blouse wrinkle.

"What's wrong,"

"Nothing, Nothing," Jalamira gave her a nervous smile, " Just wondered when he will start the interrogation, "

Claris knew it would be soon. Was he waiting for the baby to arrive? What will he do? Her own knowledge about demons stemmed from what her father taught her. His lessons about their nature were from a harsh prejudice. He scared her with harrowing tales of their savagery, but she had yet to experience any of what he mention since being around Garrian.

"Do you feel anymore pain?" Jalamira lean against a thick oak column at the bottom of the bed. It held up the thick red canopy about her.

"Oddly enough no," Claris smirked. However she did feel extremely tired. Her stomach ached from the emptiness. She recalled only eating a fruit salad and some toast. The previous day taught her a lesson about stuffing herself so early in the morning. She spent the afternoon and evening bent over her toilet, "I am hungry," She admitted

"Garrian said he'll have a plate sent up soon," Jalamira rushed forward, "Do you feel cold, too" She grabbed a nearby blanket yanking it out and draping it over her legs, "They keep it freezing in here,"

Actually Claris felt a bit heated but did not want to voice her opinion. Her cousin appeared to be out of sorts for the moment. Being part wolf gave her some unpredictable moments, "Thanks, Jala," She muttered. She felt her eyes getting a little heavy. She feared that her going to sleep, she would miss talking with Garrian. They had a lot to speak about. Maybe talking about her marketing plans for Halbourt solutions will keep her awake, "Sit tell me about how your ideas for reconstructing of the marketing department went,"

Chapter Three:

Jalamira softly closed the door behind her. Claris had unceremoniously fell asleep in the midst of their conversation. She signed. Claris needed her rest. Jalamira needed a man. Her heat cycle intensified with the closeness of so much testosterone. Drake did nothing to alleviate her aching. He avoided her at every turn. Not even looking her way. Damn him. He was not the only meat around.

She headed down the wide dimly lit corridor. The estate was more like a castle than a house, set back in the Florida wilderness. So there will be no quick ride into town. She saw almost nothing during the ride in. She cursed again. Damn him.

"Hello, Ms Castairs," a polite baritone greeted her. She smiled at the broad shoulder brown haired demon, Claude coming towards her. She saw him at the club that night. He only treated her with politeness. Maybe he thought she was with Drake.

"Hello...Claude is it," She swayed closer to him, her head thrust forward.

" Garrian sent me to...check on Lady Claris and yourself," He backed away from her.

She crowed him against a nearby wall. She leaned into him allowing her body to press into his. His silvery blue eyes ignited at the contact, but she still felt his hesitation, "She's sleep and ...I'm horny," She blow a cool breath over his lips. She placed her hands on the wall on both sides of his head, bringing her face closer. His eyes widen.

"Now what do we do about it?" She grabbed his bottom lip between her teeth biting down as she grinded her pelvis into his.

"You take a cold shower," Drake spoke behind her.

Jalamira turned around she smiled. She slowly back into Claude's stiff muscled form, watching the enrage expression on Drake's face. "Hello Drake," She reached down, grabbing Claude's limp hands hanging at his sides, covering her aching breasts with them.

"What are you doing?" Drake stomped forward. His stormy gaze taking in the scene.

"Drake...she came on to me... I sorry man," Claude tried to remove his hands from her breast, "I would never take your woman,"

Drake stepped back regarding her. His face still red with anger, "You don't have to explain. Apparently someone can't wait when she's told too,"

"I wait for no one," She continue grind her buttocks on Claude cock, gasping when it started pointing at her. She needed to get off now. Drake won't stop her.

"You'll wait for me," Drake growled. He grabbed her wrist pulling her roughly, almost violently, to him. Her body slammed against his. She gave him a expectant look. He looked over her shoulder at Claude, "Why don't we give her what she needs, brother,"

"I don't fuck in groups," She spat out, twisting in his arms and arching her body, she sought to break free.

"You will learn when I say wait, you will wait," He pressed her snug against him. His thick arms like steel around her.

"I'm not a dog for you to command,"

"Enough of your back talk" He grounded out a snarl in her ear. She felt a suffocating wave of heat hit her face. The space around them blurred, she found herself dump unceremoniously in the middle of a large round bed with black silk sheets. She scooted to her knees looking around. She realized it was a round bed place in the middle of a barren room. The walls appeared to be painted in black fur. Small lips were sprinkled throughout the room. The windows virtually absent.

Drake moved into her eyesight. A sensuous smile on his lips, his silvery blue eyes flashing. He came forward, his long strong fingers, grasping at the collar of her blouse, "Now you have a choice to either to be the obedient little slave or a naughty child who will be spanked. "