The Witch And The Demon


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She stared with longing at him. Her heart hammered in her ears, she couldn't think correctly. The heat rode on her emotions. She felt dizzy from the knowledge that she will be well satisfied. She smiled ruefully at the thought of a group fuck. It was the reason she left her father's protection choosing to live with her mother. Group sex was apart of the wolfen nature. Her father told her of the need to ensure a proper mate. She argued that it was another perverted answer to the wolves' domination of their female.

"I'm waiting, Jalamira," He left her side. His brother joined him. Claude eyes glowed a white light. His skin flushed red. She saw his canines protruding in his panting mouth. Oh he was turned up and on big time. What the hell she thought. Always try something new every day. She leaned over on all fours crawling to the edge of the bed. She lowered her head in an act of submission bringing her face close to the tent of his jeans. She nudged it with her fore heard, sniffing the glorious scent of his desire.

"That's it my love," Drake's voice grew more gentler. He threaded his fingers through her curls, "I'll take care of you real good, baby," He grabbed a fist of her hair bringing her head up. She was level with his face. He pressed her lips to his, caressing her mouth more than kissing it. She was taken back by his gentleness. His lips departed from her mouth trailing small heated kisses to her ear.

" Let us get you out of the clothes," He moved away waving a hand over her body. Her clothes melted away into ashes. Then his clothes followed as well as Claude's. She gasped at the sight of their perfection. Their bodies were more muscular, heavier than a male wolf's. Then before her eyes their bronze golden skin molted revealing red scaly skin. She reached out at Drake's broad chest running her hand over the slick glossy surface. The feel of his true form filled with her heart with wild excitement.

Drake sucked in his breath at the touch of her fingertips. He wanted her to explore his body. Accept him for what he was. He never allowed any woman to see his form. His sexual experience limited only to human females. He wanted take her hard and fast without inhibition. Despite her boldness, she was still very delicate and fragile. Females always were. He moved onto the bed to join her. He communicated with his brother to do the same.

The bed dipped under their added weight. He slipped an arm around the smallness of her waist his mouth returning to hers. Her skin was heat as well. He didn't know if it was from his fire or her own. He allowed a hand to trace the curve of her spine to the base of her neck. She shuddered against him. His brother moved behind her. Claude face move to hover over the high curve of her buttocks. He tongue delved between the two firm cheeks. She let a delicate scream.

Not to be over done by his brother Drake dipped his head between her breasts. His tongue licked valley between the huge sun-kissed globes. He moaned at tasting her sweet skin. He felt her hands running down his ribs to his buttocks. She threw head back letting out a growl.

"Oh yesss," she shouted. He continued the assault on her breast grabbing the coffee colored nipples between his teeth. His tongue found the metal ring that anchored from them. His hands gliding down between her legs plunging his fingers between the bald lips begging careful not to scratch with his long talons. Immediately they were coated with her gushing juices.

"Pull them," She begged. He obeyed locking his teeth onto the small gold ring. He gave it a gentle tugged. She moan squeeze his cheeks.

Claude hands came between her thighs from behind. He fingers his brothers thick fingers plunging in her as well. They pushed in her building up a constant tempo. Drake felt her hand find his cock wrapping around the thick base. He watch her free hand grab his brother's. She gasped hold, stroking them aggressively. Her ministrations caught the rhythm of their hands. Claude gave his approval. Drake joined him.

Drake pushed his pelvis forward giving her more of him. At some point, he ended on his back. Jalamira was bent over him. Her hands still pumping along his dick and now her mouth now sucked the tip. Her ass rose in the air. His brother face buried into her crotched, he heard her moan around his cock. He knew she was feeling the points of Claude canines. He smiled at remembering to attempt that as well. He loved hearing her small sounds of pain.

He raised his pelvis plunging further into her hot mouth, grabbing her silkly black curls. He growled his pleasure. Her mouth felt so good. She suckled greedily. He obliged fucking her face furiously. His teeth grind against each other. He felt himself giving away. He didn't want to end it already wanting to come with her. He roughly pulled her head from his cock. She growled in protest. He saw her canines protruding in her parted mouth. Her pupils were dilated. Her face contorted in savage arousal.

"It's time, my sweet," He gasped her upper arms. She moved to straddle him. He sulked himself into her tight wet sheath. He nodded to his brother who grasped hold of her firm cheeks parting them. Claude thrust forward. He felt his brother through the thin membrane.

She let out an animalistic growl. Her hands made a fist in the sheets beside him. They stopped allowing her to adjust to the full feeling. However she was already eager to continue grinding her hips in a circle between them. Drake was the first to continue raising his hips to push deeper into her. His brother did the same. Soon they moved into a comfortable tempo that bound their bodies together grasping for a combine savage pleasure, soaring higher until the peak of desire was reached.

Jalamira quicken her pace. Her urgency egged on the two men. Her orgasm quickly crept over her. Then suddenly burst before her eyes, waves of ecstasy throbbed through her body. She let out another scream combining with the men deeper yells. Then her body went limp. She crumpled on top of Drake heaving form, panting. Claude body pressed down on her. She felt him breath hard against the ear. She couldn't move. In truth she did not want to. She wanted to stay like this away from the confines of her world wrapped in constant love and pleasure.

"I feel Garrian's nudged," Claude muttered. He languidly lifted from her back sliding out of her buttocks. She reached around to grab a hold of his thick wrist trying to pull him back.

He chuckled leaning forward to kiss the tops of her head, "If I don't go he will come find us. Maybe join in on the fun,"

"Would you like that ma petite?" Drake smooth a large hand across her damp for head.

She reluctantly shook her head, "Do you have to go," She whispered against his chest.

He laughed smacking her left cheek hard, "You want another go," Claude laughed as well. He already went back to his human form. His clothes reappeared on his body. She straightened up to straddling Drake. He gripped her hips firmly. His member was semi-hard inside her. His form had also returned back to human.

"Maybe later we'll continue without my brother," Claude winked at his brother bringing his head to fully kiss her on the lips.

"I will only share once, brother," Drake purposely jab into her, letting her know who she really belong too.

She let out a yelp against Claude lips. She stopped kissing Claude, narrowing her eyes down at Drake's smiling face. His eyes flashing up at her in a challenge enjoying y the thought of her as his possession. The macho ass, she thought.

"I better go," Claude spoke. His face contorted in concentration. Garrian must be giving the brother a brutal lecture. The space around him distorted then he was gone.

She looked down Drake, "What about you?"

"Later," he whispered, "Garrian understands," His hand moved to her wrist. He pulled her back down on top him. Her face came inches from him. They stared at each other in silence. She felt his hips continue to writhe against her. She felt her own desire ignite, "Now we have more privacy," he rolled her over to where she now laid underneath him.

"Oh," was all she could do in response. His skin started to molt against. His eyes bored into her. He gave her a savage grin. She arched her body against him, bringing her legs around his hips. Her arms closed around his chest, "Yesss"


Garrian rubbed his free hand down the side of the stiff dark material of his pants. He held a brimming tray of chicken noodle soup, apple juice and crackers with cheese. All of a sudden felt his three hundred years. He never thought about having offspring. He felt he had time to live out his bachelor years, flitting from one female to another. Now in a few months he will be someone's father. Fate really threw him a curve ball.

"Are you going in," Claude's voice spoke behind him.

"Sure we just can't stand here all day," he composed himself. He was the leader of a powerful clan. Respected from powerful vampires and wolves. He will just tell Claris what was going to happen from now on. She will bow her head in obedience. Females needed a man to take control, his father once said.

Claude moved ahead of him opening the door, carrying a silver stand for the tray and a large pitcher of cold apple juice. Though he suspected Winston added something to it. Always trying to improve on his healing potions. He took being the clan's healer way too seriously.

"She's still sleeping," Claude whispered harshly. He leaned further over Claris prone body. She lay completely still on her back. Her hands clasp over her mid-section. He stood by his cousin watching her. She was an exquisite woman. slender and small-bone despite her tall height. She had the purest alabaster skin he had every seen. Untouched by sunspots or age. Her baby-fine hair had been pulled back in a severe bun. He longed to undo the delicate tendrils and run his hands through the softness. The night they were together he loved how it sway lightly around her slim waist.

"I'll be checking the surveillance again," Claude cleared his throat, "I doubt they'll be stupid enough to attack us,"

"Remember to change guards every four hours," He said.

"Okay," Claude left the room, but not without chuckling. He closed the door softly behind him.

Garrian set the tray on the stand, taking the time to arrange the dishes. His eyes continue to dart her way. He really hated to wake her. She needed her rest. He had to remember to maybe hire some female maids. She really shouldn't be over-extending herself. He will talk to Drake tonight.

"Food," he heard her tired voice.

He turned around to see her violet eyes looking hungrily at the tray. She slowly started to sit up. He came over grasping her waist. The physical contact sent an immediate charge through him. She seemed to have felt it too. They stared at each other with a mixture of shock and sensual excitement. She was the one to break contact looking down at his arm around her waist.

"I think I can sit up by myself," She said breathlessly.

"You need help," he insisted gently hauling her to a seated position.

She grunted softly from his efforts. He felt her hands pressing flat against his chest, feeling their delicate strength through the cotton polo shirt he wore. She seemed to be pushing him away. He looked down at her hands. Wasn't the silly girl aware she was in a delicate way? She needed his strength.

"I can manage, Garrian," Her voice was stronger now, with a slight irritation edged in it.

He backed away not wanting to upset her. He scooted to the edge of the bed towards the tray, "I brought you chicken's Francois special recipe,"

Claris watched Garrian's stiff back. His hurt emotions flowed over her. She almost wanted to apologize to him. However something held her back. She scrambled to the edge of the bed. It would be better to focus her attention on food. Food makes everything better. She reached for one of the crackers with thick chucks of cheese placed on them. She stuffed it in her mouth following with another one and another one.

"We better feed you often," he commented. His deep timbre reached her ears.

She glanced sideways at him. His black hair had been trimmed recently, revealing the severe outline of his face. He regarded her under thick eyebrows. His expression serious though with the underlining humor, "I suppose you want to talk about why." She took a gulp of the cold apple juice than laid it aside.

"Why me?"

Reluctantly she turned fully towards him, positioning herself cross legged on the bed. She inhaled thinking about how to start the conversation without upsetting or insulting him. She admitted days ago that it was insulting. She hated using anyone for any matter. Her father just pushed her so hard. Her own resolve broke down. She just really wanted to please everyone involve, "Garrian..." she started, "When I came to the red dragon that night. I had no intention on just going after you. We really needed any demon willing to have a go,"

"Oh so... you just closed your eyes and pointed," he mocked.

"Your hurt?"

"I don't get hurt...I get angry very angry," he leaned forward, "So you better start over again. The content better be to my liking,"

"We decided to breed me with a demon so a child of the union will be satisfactory to the goddess," she struggled to maintain an even, conciliator tone.

His dark brows snapped together, "That sounds sick and selfish. Start again."

She crossed her arms over her chest indignantly, "I cannot hope that you understand our traditions."

"Have you ever thought about how I would feel when I found out," He started holding up his hand when she began to interrupt, "I would have found out you can count on that."

Claris let out a shaken breath. She felt a wretchedness of mind she'd never known before. Somehow all the excuses she gave herself crumbled into a cloud of dust. She should have thought about the whole thing. She should have stood up to her father. Now she earned the disgust of a decent person. She stared in his blazing glare. She couldn't give her baby to Isis now or ever. She couldn't accept the gift of mother. This was not right. She swallowed hard and bit back tears. All of sudden her emotions overwhelm her. Her felt ready to burst.

"I forgive you," he voice grave. She saw his angry slipping away from his face. His expression was still unreadable. She only had his tempestuous emotions. They were a hit and miss at best.

"Why?" she asked

"Do you really want to know why," he gave her a rueful look.

She decided it would be best not to, "Where do we go from here?" She said it more to herself than him. It really was her decision to make. Abet a difficult one but still hers. There were a lot of people counting on her, especially the special one inside her.

"That's simple," he said suddenly, "You will stay with me. I'll handle everything,"

Her irritation renewed. Of all the high-handed, "Garrian I cannot stay with you, forever,"

"You will," he said stubbornly, "If not for yourself than for the baby's sake."

She wave a finger at him, "Don't you use my child to manipulate my decisions," her voice grew louder.

"Our child," he corrected. His handsome face set in a determined mode, "or rather my child,"

Claris scrambled out of the bed, but was caught by her wrist. She looked back at him as he hauled her against his chest. At some point, he rolled on top of her pinning her arms above her head. His body laying fully on her, however he appeared careful not to crush her, "Get off of me,"

"Promise you'll obey," he commanded.

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me.," she warned him.

"Claris..." he started but never was able to finish. Something pulled away from her flinging him off her body into the wall. She stood up from the bed. Rage boiled over her. She was sure that it was not all hers. Yet could not place where the extra anger came from. She looked down at Garrian. He lay unmoving. An indention of his body showed in the wall. She guest he hit pretty hard.

" Garrian," she rushed to his side, " I'm sorry," He didn't move.

The door to the bedroom crashed open. Her cousin ran over to her, "What happen!" She pulled her away to the other side of the room.

"Oh shit! Garrian," Drake voice shouted. He ran over to his cousin.

Claris just watched shocked. Jalamira's arms closed around her shoulders. She heard her voice kept asking what happened. She turned to her. Her eyes wide, "I threw him off me-"

"I thought your powers were null," her cousin whispered in her ear.

Claude and Drake helped Garrian up. He appeared okay though groggy. They helped him over to the bed, which her and Jalamira immediately vacated.

"I don't think I did that," she said.

"Then who did it," Drake said hearing her. He had turned around pinning her with a cold stare.

"Hey she could not possibly have done that," Jalamira interrupted, "Think about it Drake! She would have needed my help at the house,"

Drake changed his expression. He ran a hand through his long hair, "I felt Garrian being struck by a powerful force."

Claris thought about it as well. She could not have struck Garrian. She would never intentionally hurt him. No matter how much he pissed her off.

"He's waking up," Claude shouted.

Garrian slowly shook himself, "What happened,"

"You son had objection to rough handling,"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

cam31 this has the makings of an incredible series! I was hooked from paragraph 3 on. I can only imagine how this story plays out from your imagination. It would be interesting to see what happens with a hybrid demon witch mix. Clearly the infant that is growing inside already has exceptional powers that rival both of its parents. Hopefully it will be as beautiful as an angel albeit more powerful that the Goddess that would have it serve her army it was meant to be offered to. This explains a few things so far.

TandJ8598TandJ8598almost 2 years ago

As someone who doesn’t like long stories, I will say this: I need more to this story! This is actually interesting and has a decent mix of storyline and spicy scenes. There is a bit of room for improvement, but even my works aren’t perfect. 10/10 would recommend

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why is this not an actual book? I'd read the shit out of this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Can't wait for the next part

SassyKatz71SassyKatz71over 7 years ago
Thorough Enjoyment

A completely enjoyable read that absorbs you.. Though some grammar was off at times making it a bit hard to read. I still understood what you were saying. The steamy scenes could have been longer. And some more detail.

Is there more to this story?? You cannot end it like that ! 4 stars for how it was written.

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