There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 24


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"Thank you for amending that sentence my dear, otherwise I might have had to take you inside, and give you a little corrective criticism."

"I love your corrective criticism dear. It makes me tingle all over."

"Did you to hear about the horrible thing that happened in Peru?"

"What horrible thing happened in Peru?"

"Someone assassinated their President."

"I must admit I've been so busy preparing for tomorrow. I haven't read the newspaper."

"What's going on tomorrow?"

"What does your mother do; screw all day one day, and sleep all day the next."

"That sounds about right grandpa."

"Tomorrow morning we are taking 'The Best Luck' out for a test ride. Would you like to come along?"

"Does an angel have wings? You couldn't keep me away with a shotgun at my head grandpa. I'm going to kill my mother for not telling me. I'm going to kill Dycke for not telling me. That's where I've been. I've been watching them build the stasis units. Now that they are to the point of mass production, I was not needed there any longer. Instead of going home and being alone, I decided to come here instead. It's a lucky thing I did. Would it be all right if I spent the night here?"

"Do you think you'd have any better luck now getting into your mother house?"

"My next move was to take one of the SUVs and drive through her bedroom window. That would've gotten her attention."

"Laura, you are your mother's daughter."

"Would you please explain that to me?"

"When you are slighted, you don't react, you overreact. If someone hit you with a twig, instead of hitting them with branch; you would hit them with the entire tree."

"You are correct grandpa. They would never hit me again."

"You are your mother's child."

"Mom keeps telling me I got the worst of both worlds. I got your genes, and Grandpa Bruno's temperament. When I asked her what she meant by that, she said, "I was going to live a very long time, and piss a lot of people off."

"She's wrong Laura, you are the sweetest child I've ever known. The only person I've seen you get pissed off at is your mother, and she has deserved it 20 times over. I know she struggles with issues brought on by her youth, but she should not have laid them at her children's feet."

"Let's not get into that grandpa, because every time we go down this road, your name pops up, and it hurts everyone, even mom."

"I know honey, and if I could change things I would, but at the time I couldn't without getting everyone killed."

"I'm tired; what time do we have to be there tomorrow morning?"

"We can get there at 9:45 AM. The festivities start at 10:30 AM and lift off as scheduled for noon."

"You are going to be on board aren't you grandpa?"

"I'm afraid of heights."

Jemma smacked him.

"Mister Zabo, if you are afraid of heights who was the man that seduced me in first class at 35,000 feet nearly 31 years ago?"

"Grandpa, you didn't."

"Your grandfather certainly did."

"You randy old goat you."

"I may be old now young lady, I wasn't old 31 years ago. My Jemma was ravishing, and still is to this day. I wanted her the second I saw her, and I had her as dessert, after a rather poor meal. Didn't I dear?"

"Yes he did, twice in the airplane, and four times during the evening in his room. I have not had another man since that day."

"How about you grandpa?"

"I am just like my beautiful Jemma. I have not had another man since that day."

Jemma screamed, stood up, and threatened to hit him. She couldn't because he had her hands in his, and had the biggest smile on his face she had seen in years. Her demeanor changed.

"You no good rotten bastard. You did that on purpose."

"Of course I did it on purpose, I wanted to see how you would react, and I was right. You still love me as fiercely as you did the first day we met. What did we say to each other that day Jemma? What did we promise each other? Do you remember, I do. You said it was just another piece of paper, I said it was a binding two souls together. I meant it that day, and every other day since. I have not, and will not touch another woman, sexually, for the rest of my life."

"Laura, your bedroom is down this hallway, and to the left. I have to take this ancient being upstairs, and kill him. I want to make sure he keeps his promise to me."

"Jemma, grandpa is going to outlive us all."

"I'll have a glass of wine to that."

"You will not, if you do you'll fall asleep on me."

"Falling asleep on you is one of my favorite positions."

"Grandpa, you are so bad."


Tuesday 8:30 AM

Delicious had never seen Newton this angry before. Actually she had never seen him this angry ever. He was throwing a temper tantrum.

"Why can't I go on the spaceship. Nothing's going to happen to it."

"We know that Newton, it's just a safety precaution."

"If it's a safety precaution I don't want you to go, I don't want to lose my mommy or my daddy."

"We have to go. I have to control my engines, and daddy has to extend the ears while it is in flight."

"Gordon can control the engines as well as you can. You don't have to go. There is nothing on the ears, and we both know they operate already. Daddy doesn't have to go. There is no good argument you can give me for going on this trip. It's only going to last a few minutes, so stay with me, we can watch it from the backyard."

"Teddy shut up."

"There is plenty of room on the spacecraft for everyone to go. If you go I want to go."

"Newton you're not going."

"Fine, when you come back I won't be here. You ran away from daddy, now I'm running away from you."

"Don't forget to pack your lunch."

"You forgot how smart I am mother, I'm sure I can get by. Enjoy your flight, and don't forget to tell the guards to keep a close eye on me. I wouldn't want them to be blamed for my disappearance."

"Grayson get in here."

"What's wrong baby?"

"I told Newton he cannot go on the flight with us this morning."

"That's correct."

"His response was if he can't go, he doesn't want us to go because we are not needed. Technically he's correct. However we both want to be at our stations and monitor everything that goes on during the test flight, instead of reading the printouts tomorrow. We want to see how the ship reacts as it climbs and maneuvers, but again that will be on the printouts. However, I told him we are going, and he is staying at home. He accepted that and said he would not be here when we come back. He said I ran away from you, now he's running away from me. Is there anything you want to say to your son?"

"Yes I do. Take some extra food and a change of clothes. Have a nice life."

"Thanks dad I knew you wouldn't interfere. I'm going to head to Houston. I have something I think they might be interested in."

"What might that be?"

"You know I can't tell you that. I believe it's patentable material, and although I will not get full credit for it, I will not give them the complete information until I see a private attorney at their expense. You know how they work; you used to work for them."

Gray reached for his wallet, pulled out $300 and gave it to Newton.

"I don't want you walking on the side of the road. It's too dangerous. This will get you to the train station, Houston, and the Space Center. Tell them you're my son and you take it from there. Good luck."

"Delicious take Teddy, we have to leave. I'll get the diaper bag."

Delicious had Teddy in her arms when she kissed Newton goodbye and wished him the best life he could ever imagine.

Gray shook his son's hand. "I never thought this would happen so soon. I thought we would have many more years together as father and son, to grow up together, and to learn about each other. I guess you learned a lot faster than I did. Goodbye Newton, you are great son."

"You are great dad. Maybe one day we'll see each other again."

"No, I'm leaving in December, you're staying here."

"I guess if someone has to stay, it may as well be me. Goodbye dad."


Tuesday 9:30 AM

The members of the flight crew, and the safety division began trickling in at the hangar at 9:30 AM. They went to one area of the hangar that was cordoned off specifically for them.

A second section was cordoned off for family members, and a third for special guests who had been invited.

The guests and family members would be seated in the theater, which could accommodate 70 people. The seats were equipped five point safety straps, the type you would find in a jet fighter, or the space shuttle. The reason would become obvious as soon as the ship began to take off. You didn't want to encounter G forces pounding down on your shoulders and neck while taking off. You wanted to be lying flat on your back, and have them spread out along your entire body and have that pressure ameliorated as you are pushed into the soft mattress behind it.

When Rosalynn arrived with no children in tow, she looked miserable. Rod was doing his best to make her feel better. The only thing that made her brighten up and feel human was when Delicious put Teddy in her arms. She glowed like the beacon on top of a lighthouse. As more of the younger children started gravitating to her, the happier she became.

As Even and Jennifer walked over to say hello, Even began to laugh.

Rosalynn said, "Before you say a nasty word, what's your problem mister?"

"Roz, do you remember the day I brought Delicious home, and Rod told you he was going to have a vasectomy?"


"You thanked him, because you didn't want to carry any more children. You thought he was the best husband in the world, because you would do anything to break your religious vows against contraceptives. Today you would do anything in this world to be able to have six more children."

"Even, if it wasn't true, I'd beat the shit out of you. You have no idea how I miss my kids."

"What's keeping your kids from having grandkids?"

"Three are still in graduate school three are in college and the last 1 is just finishing high school."

"Since when has that had anything to do with having children?"

"Three of them are good Catholic girls, who know if they spread their legs before marriage I would sew them closed permanently. The others are good Catholic boys, who know if they get a girl pregnant, they would get married the next day, regardless of what she looked like in the morning. That could be a deterrent to fooling around carelessly."

Delicious said, "Roz, you have to remember, when I got off that airplane Rod told you that you were never to speak to me ever. I was the devil reincarnate, and I was not to be trusted. You found out why when you got home, and he slept in his office for the next four days."

"Those with the best four nights of sleep I ever had."

"Where's Newton Delicious?"

Delicious started to tear.

Delicious where is Newton?"

"I don't know daddy, I don't know."

"Come with me."

I took her to a deserted area of the hangar, sat her down, and looked into her eyes.

"Delicious, tell me what's going on."

"No children were allowed on today's flight. When I told him he couldn't go, he had a temper tantrum. Then he used logic and said I wasn't needed on today's flight, and neither was Gray. He was right on both counts. Both Gray and I wanted to go, and we were not going to let him dictate to us what was happening in our household. When I told him I was going, he said he wouldn't be there when I got back. I told him make sure he took some extra food. I called Gray and told him what was happening. Gray told him to take some extra food, a change of clothes, and gave him $300 to get to Houston. Newton said he had something that they may be interested in, and it may be patentable. Gray wished him the best, told him to use his name when he got there, shook his hand, and we left. That's why I don't know where my son is dad, and it's killing me."

"If I'm not back take off without me."

Even got up and raced towards the security exit.

Delicious screamed, "Dad 'NO.'

Tammy ran up to Delicious and asked, "Where the hell is he going?"

"He's going to find Newton."

"Is he lost?"

"Sort of."

"Delicious, my patient just ran out of here, which he's not supposed to do. I need to know how much strain he's under. On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is it for him?"


"Fuck!" Do you have any idea or where he's going?"

"He's probably going to the train station."

"Nobody is to know about this, nobody. We don't need a panic. I going to take two security vehicles, and find your father and your son. Everything else stays normal, can you do that?"

Delicious could not answer.

Tammy smacked her. "Delicious did you hear what I said. Nobody is to know about this. I'm going two take to security vehicles with me, and we are going to find your father and your son. Everything stays normal, can you do that?"

"Yes, yes I can do that."

"Where is Gray?"

"He's in the area with the flight crew."

"Good I'll bring you to him."

Tammy yelled, "Gray, Gray, over here."

Tammy explained everything she knew to Gray, and gave him her hand.

Delicious looked at him and said, "Daddy said to take off without him if he's not back."

"Only your father would say that on his day."

Tammy said, "That's because he's crazy."


Tuesday 10:15 AM

Newton was sitting on the floor of his bedroom backing his little suitcase, trying to decide what was absolutely necessary, and what was not.

"Hi sport, can I give you a hand with that?"

"No grandpa, I've got it. I'm not going to be able to take too much."

"You can take everything you have. I've got a car outside."

"Yes but you take off at 12 o'clock today."

"I'm only an engineer, I'm not needed anymore. My job is done. Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go up in the spaceship, but my parents wouldn't let. So I'm leaving."

"I didn't ask you that, I asked you where you wanted to go."

"I told them I was going to Houston."

"So pack up and I'll take you Houston."

"I don't want to go to Houston."

"Where do you want to go Newton?

"I want to go for a ride in the spaceship."

"The rules say you can't go."

"Who made up those stupid rules?"

"I did. I did it for everyone's safety. The seatbelts that are in the spaceship now are not adjustable for children your size. That's why no children are allowed on this trip. When we leave in December and everything is the way it's supposed to be you will be on board the spacecraft, but not one day before."

"Why didn't my mommy tell me that this morning?"

"Your mommy didn't know the reason for those rules. Your mommy does her job; I do my job; your daddy does his job. It's the way things get done properly.


"Hello Doctor Luck, Newton, I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Newton you know my nurse Tammy don't you?"

"Yes we've met several times before."

"She's going to yell at me. I'm not supposed to go anyplace without her, but when your mommy didn't know where you were I had to find you in a hurry. I didn't want to worry about you too. Okay, you may take my blood pressure, and yell at me. However you will see I am fine."

"Doctor, if you're not, you're going to sleep right where you are."

"Newton, be careful. You may trip over me if something is wrong with my blood pressure. This angel behind me can put me to sleep very quickly."

"Give me your other arm Doctor; something must be wrong with this arm."

After checking both arms, Tammy said, "Doctor, you have to worry about your grandson more often; your blood pressure is 117 over 68, and your pulse rate is 66. You could not ask for anything better than this. Please keep it up. When Janice and Hannah see these numbers, they are going to think I was drinking."

The front door of the house opened in a woman's voice yelled, "NEWTON!"

Newton bounced up off the floor, and yelled, "MOMMY!"

I looked at Tammy and said, "It's beginning to look like old home week here."

"Doctor, you have to get back to your spaceship. You are running out of time."

"My grandson is more important to me than my spaceship. I had to make sure he was all right before I could think of anything else."

Delicious said, "It's okay dad, you can go, I'm going to stay with Newton."

"Absolutely not, you are needed on that ship. You have two engines that have to be monitored. I have nothing to do, except sit there like a bump on a log. You get back there young lady, and do your job. Newton and I will stay here and watch you take off. He understands why he cannot go on this trip, which is something not even you understood, because it was not spelled out in the rules."

"You are both wrong," Newton said. "You are both going on grandpa's spaceship. I will stay with the Richard and Holden, which is where I belong this time. If you try to keep me off the next time, I will break the computers."

I laughed, and picked up my grandson. Then I realized what I did, and looked at Tammy.

She shot me a frown that froze me. Then she broke into a smile that melted my heart.

"Newt, it's time that we head back to the NEST. People are going to wonder where we are, and we don't want to disappoint them do we?"

"No grandpa, we don't. Please don't let mommy drive, I would like to get there in one piece."

"NEWTON, how could you say such a nasty thing about my driving?"

"It's very easy mom. I've been in the car with you a lot, while you drive it. If grandma wasn't talking to Teddy and me at the same time, both of us would have to go to a psychiatrist with you, for scream therapy."

I immediately got between my grandson and my daughter, because there was blood in her eyes.

"Delicious, remember I've been in cars with you when you drive long distances. I remember the emblems on those trucks coming at us very clearly; too clearly."

"Dad, I only had my license for a few months back then. I've been driving for nine years now, I am a little better."

"I'm glad you used that word dear, so I didn't have to use it. You are only a 'LITTLE' better."

"Tammy, take his blood pressure. It will be the last time he will have one, because I'm going to kill him."

"You two listen to me. It's 11:15 AM. They are going to button up the ship at 11:40 AM. Regardless of what Newton said, if you two want to be on it, we have to move now."

"Newton are you absolutely sure?"

"Let's get going grandpa, I'm sure."

"Okay, let's go."

As we opened the front door to leave, there was a line of black SUVs waiting for us. Strangely, Monty was standing at the bottom of the steps waiting for us.

"Why aren't you holding my son's hand Monty?"

"That little imp of yours gave me an order for the first time in our relationship. I will get even with him later today, but for now, I will follow it. Doctor Luck, Mrs. Thyme, get your asses in the car. People are waiting for you, and that spaceship is not moving until you get there."

"I gave an order that that ship takes off at noon, regardless if I'm there are not."

"Get in the car Doctor, your son countermanded that order. Don't make me carry you, because I will if I have to."

Newton yelled, "Monty, carry him, I want to see it."


"Don't you.." I was about to say the word dare, but I was already over her shoulder, and everyone around me was laughing, including my grandson. There was no sense arguing at this point.

She put me down by the SUV that was to take me to the NEST, and like a gentleman, I thanked her for the ride. Strangely enough, Monty curtsied. Where was a camera when you needed one?

We arrived with 10 minutes to spare. There must've been 10,000 people lining the roadway to the NEST, and on the property itself. William was still at the podium, when he heard people start to applaud. He looked to his left, and saw me approaching. He said to those in attendance, "Here comes the only man in the history of the human race, who would be late for his own birthday."
