This Mother's Solution Ch. 03


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"Are you OK?" David asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said, coughing, "It went down the wrong way is all. . . Jeeeze David, I must be a real mess."

He reached over my head and gave me the kitchen towel lying behind me on the counter. I wiped myself off as best I could. He sank down beside me and helped me with the towel, wiping off places I had missed and giving me little kisses on the side of my head at the same time. Remembering David's stamina, I knew this was only the beginning.

"Would you like to come up to my room?" I asked.


"Well, pull up your pants then," and as we stood up, he did, fastening only the top button.

I took him by the hand and led him up the stairs. As we reached the top, David reached around my arm and clasped my breast through my blouse. I turned around to face him and we kissed. We kissed very passionately with our lips all over each other, with our mouths open and the tips of our tongues dancing together. We were making love.

As soon as I closed the door to my bedroom, we frantically undressed ourselves. He took off everything he was wearing and I took off everything but my slip and my panties. I knelt in front of him, intending to take him in my mouth again, the same as I had downstairs, but he moved away, grabbed the covers on my bed and with a sweep of his arm, pulled them off on the floor, leaving nothing but the bottom sheet. I remember that I felt a wave of panic sweep over me because I was afraid that he was intending for us to have sex and I was feeling helpless to stop him.

He took my arm and pulled us down on the bed together. I ended up on my back with David beside me and for a long time we kissed, bringing our lips together briefly and then separating a few inches, looking into each other's eyes as we did. After we repeated this many times, David pulled away and got up on his knees.

"I know what you want, mom," he said and slid his hand under my slip as he said it.

He slipped his fingers between my legs and ever so slowly moved his hand higher, lightly squeezing my thigh along the way. I wanted to stop him but at the same time I wanted him to continue. The way our eyes were locked together made words impossible. He got closer and closer and closer and then he was there.

"You're very wet, " he said.

He glided his hand lightly over the fabric of my panties for a while and then started pressing with his fingers. He definitely knew what he was doing. Even with material in the way, he went right to the magic spot. Resisting him was out of the question. He moved his fingers against me repeatedly and I could feel the first stirrings, making my thigh muscles and groin muscles tense towards each other and then relax, tense and relax, over and over. My anticipation was enormous.

"Does that feel good, mom?"

I closed my eyes half way, clamped my teeth over my lower lip and nodded.

"I can't believe you're doing this," I said.

There was no turning back. I raised my knees, placed my feet flat on the bed and spread my legs apart. I was totally open to him. His fingers continued their rhythm, pressing against me.

"You want me to do it to you, don't you," he said and I nodded again, more enthusiastically this time.

"Tell me."

"Please David. . . make me cum. . . I want you to. . . I've wanted you to for so long."

I raised my hips higher, uncontrollably flexing them back and forth against his hand. I was getting closer and closer.

"That's it. . . that's it. . . aaaaah. . . OOOOOH," and I was cumming.

He kept it going for a short period of time then stopped moving his fingers. Just like that it was over. It was like a splash of cold water in the face. I had wanted it to go on and on.

He lay down beside me. His head was resting on his hand, the length of his forearm off the bed, and his face was no more than a few inches from mine.

"David. . . pleeeeese honey. . ."

His other hand had never left my panties and thankfully he started rubbing me again, just the way he had been before he stopped. I was sooooo happy.

I closed my eyes as my consciousness drifted off and I waited for it to happen again. He had just gotten started and in one rapid motion he raised his hand above the waistband of my panties and slip and slid his fingers underneath. Before I could react, his fingers were inside of me. I opened my eyes and started to say something but he put his other hand over my mouth, signaling me not to. He moved his fingers faster and more forcefully this time and in no time at all, it happened again. My orgasm was explosive.


I arched my back and I could see his hand under my panties, stretching them outward. Their wetness made his knuckles and the back of his hand transparently visible.

"Do you like that mother?"

"Oh yeeeesssss son. . ."

He started alternating between rubbing my clitoris and entering me with several fingers bunched together. Somehow he was touching a second magic spot, deep inside. I'd never felt anything like it before. It was transcendent. His timing, changing from one way to the other, couldn't have been better. I had climax after climax, each one more intense than the last. Finally, I couldn't take any more.

"OOOOOH, that's it. . . stop. . . STOP. . .," I begged, my voice making a high pitched, almost crying sound.

As David took his hand away, I was quietly whimpering.

"UMMMMM. . . UMMmmm. . . ummmmm. . . "

I lay there for a while just breathing, trying to catch my breath. As I came to my senses, I looked over at David and one by one, he was putting the ends of his wet fingers in his mouth and pulling them out through his lips.

I was almost afraid to hear the answer but I asked, "do you like how I taste?"

"Of course I do. . . I love everything about you. . . You taste like my mother."

David could say the most wonderful things sometimes. That's one I'll remember always. Word for word.

"It's never happened to me like this before," I said, running my fingers through his hair, "You've given me the best sex I've ever had," and it was true. I wasn't exaggerating.

"I've never been this hot before either. . . you make me crazy, mom. . . Do you know how many times I've wanted to rip off your clothes and spread your legs and put my thing inside of you? Looking at your tight little ass makes me nuts. . . that's all I can think about when I see you.

"Remember years ago when you used to come kiss me goodnight after I went to bed? You'd kiss me on top of my head?. . . sometimes I'd pretend to be asleep but I wasn't. You never had anything on under your nightgown. When you bent over to kiss me, I looked down the neck and I could see everything. . . your tits, your pussy. . . everything."

"Oh my. . . I didn't know I was doing that. . . honest I didn't."

"You got me so I'd jerk off every night. The very first time I did it I was thinking about you. The first time ever."

"Gosh David, I don't know what to say."

There was a long break in the conversation while David leaned over and kissed my breasts and sucked on my nipples. Sex was obviously still on the front burner for him. Eventually he licked his way up my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Do you want me to take off your panties?"

Even though he didn't say it explicitly, I knew immediately this was David's polite way of saying that he wanted to fuck me and at the same time asking my permission. To this day I can't believe I had the will power to give him the answer I did.

"No, no. . . don't. "

The one thing that made this answer even possible was that a few minutes before he had given me the best orgasm I'd ever had. Nothing we could have done could possibly have been better. Nevertheless, without even asking, he could have pulled down my panties, knelt between my legs and entered me and I wouldn't have done one single thing to stop him. To get him away from what he was thinking, I turned the tables.

"Your thing looks like it needs attention. . . do you want me to kiss it again?" I asked.

He nodded in the affirmative, "Uh huh."

"Turn towards me a little."

I was so grateful I would have given him anything he wanted so I got on my knees, stroked the lower half of his cock and moved my head up and down on the top half. My hair hung down and covered what I was doing. Immediately he brushed some off to each side so he could watch. Amazingly, it didn't take long to happen, evidently because he was still as excited as I was. As I felt his spurts hit the back of my throat, once again transcendence was my reward. I felt a kind of ecstasy that's impossible to describe.

The second he was done, David grabbed my head, pulled me to him and kissed me. My mouth was still wet with his cum because I had only swallowed part of it. This happened so fast that before I could focus, we were kissing with open mouths. I'm sure his cum got mixed with our saliva and passed back and forth between us. I had never done anything like that with anyone.

When we finally broke apart, I swiveled around, snuggled my back into his arms and we cuddled like spoons. He reached his arm around my waist and gently held my breast. As I stared off into space, my mind a total blank, I could feel his erection slowly soften as it rested against my backside. Even though it was the middle of the afternoon, in a matter of minutes I fell asleep. He got out of bed sometime later but I was oblivious. When I awoke, he was gone. He had put the blankets over me and lying by my head there was a flower he had taken from an arrangement in the living room.

Of everything that happened, the most amazing thing to me is that I got more pleasure from David's hand than I ever had from full fledged sex with other men, including his dad. WAY more. Obviously, David being my son has something to do with it but I think the main reason is that sometime after his first experiences with his girlfriend Kristy, somewhere David learned a lot about how to please a woman. As the reader will recall, the first time David touched Kristy, he didn't have a clue. I have no idea how he learned what he did and I never asked. I doubt if it was from one of his girlfriends or from Jessica because most likely they were just as inexperienced as he was. Maybe it was because of another one of those countless wonders of the web. Regardless of how he figured it out, having a lover who knows what David knows is something that most women would 'kill for'.

As this is being written, it's roughly eight months after the momentous encounter I've just described. In the intervening time, nothing similar has transpired. Perhaps the reason for that can best be explained by my recollection of the phone conversation I had with David the next day. He placed the call and I recognized his cell phone number on the ID as I answered.


"Hi mom, it's me."

"Hello David. How are you sweetheart?"

"Oh, not too bad," he said and for several minutes we talked about problems he was having with a new job that he had started the month before. After a while, however, the subject switched to the inevitable. He was the first to dip his toe in the water.

"You were amazing yesterday," he said.

"You were pretty amazing yourself."

"I can't stop thinking about what we did. . . I want to see you again as soon as we can," he went on.

"Listen, honey, you know you can see me anytime you want. . . but not that way."

"What'd ya mean?"

"I mean we can't do that anymore. . . we have to bring it to a stop."

"WHAT??? What are you talking about?. . . I thought you had a good time."

"Oh, I did sweetheart. . . that's the best it's ever been for me. . . I'm serious. . . but that's not it. You know as well as I do, if we get together like that again. . . what's going to happen."

"We didn't do it yesterday, did we?" he replied, "I was good. I didn't try to force you or anything."

"No you didn't and I appreciate that more than you'll ever know but the problem is I just can't resist you anymore." There was a long pause. I waited for David to say something but he didn't, so I continued.

"Let me ask you something. If we ever. . . you know. . . went all the way, would that bother you?"

"Of course not. . . why would it bother me?"

"That's what I thought. I knew that's how you'd feel. See, you and me think about this differently. I want to have sex with you as much as you do, probably more. . . but we just can't. It wouldn't be right. If we did it once, we'd be doing it all the time and some day, some how, someone would find out and then where would we be? It just can't happen."

"But mom, maybe it's not a good idea for most people but everyone's not the same."

"That doesn't make any difference. Among other things, it's against the law. People think it's. . . I don't know. . . evil. Listen, David, you've got to promise me something. Ken and I are going to be getting married pretty soon. I couldn't marry him if we were doing that. It just wouldn't be right. Also, it's not that long since you and Jessica got married." There was a long pause. The silence, as they say, was deafening.

"I'm not saying that there's no possibility it will ever happen," I continued, "anything's possible. . . but for now you've got to promise me that if we're ever alone together, you won't try to get me to. . ."

"I don't want to promise you that, mom."

"David, I'm not kidding. . . you HAVE to promise, you absolutely have to. . . or else I've got to stay away from you when you're. . . you know, by yourself," I pleaded.

"OK, OK. If that's the way you feel about it. . . I promise."

"Thank you, sweetheart. That means a lot to me."

There was a long pause and then he went on, "There is one problem, though, and I can't do anything about it."

"What'd ya mean?" I asked.

"Well, right now… all I'm doing is talking to you on the phone. . . and I've got this monstrous hard-on," he said and we both laughed.

"Oh, my. . . I sure hope you're not where anyone can see you."

"Nawwwww. . . I'm in my car. . . on the freeway," and we laughed again.

"OK, sweetie, I gotta run. Ken's coming over for dinner and I've got stuff on the stove. Oh, and thanks for the flower. . . that was sooooo romantic."

"That's because I love you. . . bye-bye mom."

"I love you too, David. Bye." and we hung up.

Not only do I love David as my son but, as inappropriate as it is, I also love him romantically. Letting him do whatever he wants with my "tight little ass", as he puts it, would be heavenly. It would also be heavenly if that's all there was to it. Sadly, that's not the case. If I ever get sexually involved with him again, I'm certain it will involve intercourse. Maybe we've crossed the line already, so doing that wouldn't make any difference. Or maybe it would. I just don't know. I think about it several times every single day.

I'm hoping that writing this for all you good readers will clear my mind so I can spend my time thinking about other things. So far, the writing part hasn't done that. Maybe having it published here and knowing that people are reading it, will. I hope that's what happens. Time will tell.

I'm sure many of you are irritated that my involvement with David didn't result in us sleeping together, sexually speaking. Writing about that, had it happened, would have undoubtedly made this account more entertaining. All I can say is, life doesn't always work out the way you think it's going to.

As a final note let me say that writing this confession has been a real pleasure for me, both literally and figuratively. Truth be told, while working on it I developed a new skill: I became quite proficient at typing with one hand while my other hand was otherwise occupied, if you get my drift. (lol)



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AkpervertAkpervert23 days ago

With a story as erotically and sexually well written as this, you've created a mesterpiece - yep, it made a mess when I sexploded while reading it.

I see another chapter and hope it leads to more wonderfully sexperiences.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Your epilogue tells you are close to having intercourse with your son. If he was to perform oral sex on you, I thin’ you would give in to his advances.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is one of the most erotic things I have ever read! Not at all sleezy like most of the stuff you find on line. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Another great chapter

Champaign aside, this was another great chapter. I can't get over how good you are at your craft. I just wish you had not stopped writing. I would think that everyone who reads these chapters as time goes on will feel the same. And I think the person who commented about use of Champaign was just a little too picky. Should of just kept quiet.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
you have rto write one more chapter aned this time give in and let your son have you and fuill your hole with his cum. Once he does you'll be his lover forever. Let it happen mom!

Let it happen and enjoy the sex and the thrill of his huge cock. let him fuck you hard and long and it will be sooooooooo good for both of you!! I sent you an email today and told you how I'd love to be your son!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Finesse !

Hi ! After reading all the comments....this one word ( used first by another appreciative writer) hits the mark, EXACTLY !

I did notice the bubbly error, but it did not distract me for long. Poof, gone !

You have crafted a great story. The oral scene in Chapter 3 was masterfully done.

Thanks Don

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Envy you!

Ellen really loved your stories. I have many

Fantasies of Mom, aunts and cousins. I would

Love to share with you, someone that understands.

Mike Semperfidelis7781@yahoo

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Erotica vs. Porn

This is an excellent example of the former, and the reason I frequent this site. Porn is easy and simple, erotica takes more finesse.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 12 years ago
So close but he didn't get what he really wants

I would take a stronger man than most to not fuck his mother given the chance he has had.

Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Thank you

Very beautiful, you made me smile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I Must Agree

All of the comments left by others echo the sentiments felt by myself when reading through your MS. You have managed to post a prime example of intense erotica: real characters, real circumstances, real storylines. I applaud you. I only found one typo that I’m aware of as in chapter 3 you wrote: “To liven things up, a few days before, on my way back from work, I stopped at the store and bought us a bottle of Champaign.”

Champaign: Noun / metropolitan area in Illinois / city in Illinois.

Champagne: Noun / a sparkling white wine from the Champagne district of France

Since I highly doubt you purchased a City in Illinois, I’ll assume that was a typo. :)

Other than that, the writing was excellent. Again, very well done. Congratulations.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

update? this wait is killing me ;p

imharmless69imharmless69about 16 years ago

Beautifully erotic from beginning to...end? From the update in your profile, it seems we'll be hearing more from you - and I can't wait!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

excellent story, I couldn't stop reeding (one handed) until the end. write more please, it don't need to be true story, just write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Loved It

I liked the love expressed, respect, and the lust they felt for each other. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
You vs Society

As we get older, there comes a realization that our lives are all too short, and that we now wish that we had availed ourselves of opportunities, including many of those which "society" decries. We live primarily for ourselves and not for "society" whose norms are set by an ever changing and often perverse code. If all benefit, can any action be wrong ?

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