Three J's and an S Take a Summer Job


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Later that evening, The Three J's called Sara into the TV room. Joan's computer was set up to display on the large screen. "There is something we have to show you," said Joan softly. She put her hand on Sara's shoulder and guided her to one of the big, soft chairs that sat in front of the TV and then sat on the arm alongside her. Sara wept quietly as the video began with her entering Mr. Swanson's office and removing her clothing. She folded each piece carefully and laid it on the table next to the door. She was not wearing any underwear, but that was not unusual for her. What was unusual was that her ass cheeks were mottled with welts and old bruises.

Mr. Swanson pointed to his crotch and she walked over to his desk and knelt between his legs. Unzipping his pants, she freed his somewhat large prick, which was totally limp and flaccid. She took it into her mouth and soon it was stiff and ready. He slapped her on the top of her head and she got up and leaned over the desk and presented her ass to him.

Mr. Swanson stood up and moved between her legs. There was no sound, but her scream was obvious as he thrust suddenly and deeply into her ass and immediately began pumping. He didn't last long, but to Sara it must have seemed like an eternity. Finally he finished and withdrew his now limp prick from her ass. He reached over to his desk and pressed a button on a small remote. Suddenly there was sound in the video.

Mr. Swanson's voiced boomed out of the television. "I'll rate you a seven for today, cunt." He smiled coldly at her and then looked up and smiled at the camera. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Swanson," answered Sara. "It means three with your belt."

"Maybe you will eventually work your way up to a ten and you will be able to go back to the floor without any punishment...." He smiled again and added with a sneer, "...but I doubt that."

Sara again took her place leaning over the desk. Mr. Swanson removed the belt from his pants and doubled it in his hands. "Count them!" he barked as he brought his arm up above his head.

A tremendous "Crack!" echoed from the television speakers, followed by Sara's choked and trembling voice, "One."

Another "Crack!" was followed shortly by "Two."



"You can go back to the floor now. Remember what happens if you tell anyone about this!"

Sara slowly picked up her clothes from the table and dressed herself. Then moving carefully as if in pain, she left the office. The video ended shortly thereafter.

Joan cradled Sara in her arms as she sobbed and wept for many minutes. When her crying began to subside, Joan said softly, "Sara, we know that he used Maria's brothers to threaten her and keep her quiet. What is he using to control you?"

"He knows all about all of us.... everything... our whole lives. He has access to our college records. He has access to our credit reports. He even has access to your parent's tax records. I don't care about me, but if I don't do everything he asks, he will destroy The Three J's , and your families."

Sara stood up and faced The Three J's . "He has very powerful friends. He can change your school records. He can change your parent's tax records. He can even erase any record that you were ever born. I couldn't tell you. He said that if I did, he would call his friends and it would all be over. He also said that if anything happened to him, his very powerful friends would retaliate against you."

"The Three J's have some powerful friends, too, Sara. Tomorrow, when he calls you into his office, Maria will notify Julie and she will call Judy and me. We should be there by the time you have to go in, but if we're not, when you go into his office, just stand by the door. Don't take off your clothing, and don't say anything to him unless you absolutely have to. Let The Three J's handle this."

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The next day, shortly after lunch, Mr. Swanson walked out onto the production floor and told Sara to come to his office in fifteen minutes. He continued to watch her through the office windows after he got back to his office as she stacked some extra bags alongside the machine so Maria could take over.

What he did not notice was Maria picking up the floor phone. She pressed *19 for a plant-wide page and throughout the entire facility, a squawky message came over the speakers, "Reminder to Judy that a follow up sample is needed on A-43."

As Sara entered Mr. Swanson's office, Julie, Judy and Joan followed her in.

"What is this?" sputtered Mr. Swanson. I didn't call for you three. Go back to your jobs. If Sara has said anything to you, then you know that I have very powerful friends and am not to be messed with."

"To use an expression of my father's," began Judy, "You pissed up the wrong tree this time."

"You're the tree I will piss on," he said with a sneer, looking directly as Sara.

Julie took a small notebook from her pocket. "Dr. Henry Walcott, professor of Psychology... Dismissed for abusing female students under the guise of research into submissive behavior."

She closed the notebook. "You were very good at detecting submissive personalities and exploiting them, Dr. Walcott. The university wanted to keep everything quiet, so you pled guilty and accepted mandatory counseling and group therapy. But seven months after you started therapy, suddenly all records of your crime... and of your life disappeared... So did you. Two other members of your therapy group disappeared at the same time - two brothers who were expert hackers with a weakness for kiddie porn. Their records also disappeared with them."

Mr Swanson - Henry Walcott - picked up his phone. "I warned you not to try anything. I guess I have to let my friends know what is happening."

He punched several buttons on the phone. Nothing happened.

"You are right, Dr. Walcott," said Judy softly. "Sara is a very submissive personality." Her voice became harsher and louder as she added, "But she is our submissive... The Three J's and an S. She is our submissive! She trusts us, and we protect her! And The Three J's are NOT submissive!!!"

Henry stared at her with an expression that combined anger and contempt. Julie took over and continued where Judy had left off, "... And we have much more powerful friends than you have."

As if to punctuate her remarks, the plant-wide paging system boomed out. "This is Mrs. Harriet Walker, the plant superintendent. All workers are to leave the plant quickly and in good order. You have time to stop by the changing rooms, but do not stop to shower. We have a situation in the cooling system that could become dangerous in a few hours and are evacuating the plant before beginning repairs. All employees will be paid for the entire shift."

Henry stared out the office windows as all machines came to a halt and workers started filing to the exits. "That was my aunt," explained Julie.

Henry attempted to say something, but his mouth merely opened and closed like a fish flopping on the dock. Julie smiled and continued, "My father is CEO of the parent corporation that owns Perfect Pets."

"And my father is majority stock holder," added Judy.

"Mine is Chief Legal Officer," said Joan.

Julie stepped in front of him. "Jeff in IT back-tracked all access to your little videos. Brian and Billy got a visit from homeland security early this morning. They thought it was safe to access the plant network directly rather than through all the proxies they use for hacking. They are very good hackers. They can get into anywhere, even heavily-secured government systems. It seems that the FBI and Homeland Security have been trying for months to figure out who was hacking into the Pentagon and IRS computer systems, but the transfer paths were too well concealed. However, once they had the black net URLS and hidden IP addresses that Jeff tracked down, it all fell into place. I think Billy and Brian's new address will be an undisclosed secure prison location with no windows and no computer access - except what the Government might want them to have.'"

Judy reached over and turned Henry's chair so that he was facing her. "That foreman at Plant Number 16 in Guadalajara who was supplying information on the Hispanics working here was arrested by Mexican authorities this morning. He made the mistake of trying to run. They don't take that very well down there. He will probably live, but it will be a long time before he ever sees the sun again."

Joan spun his chair another quarter turn. "And that senatorial aide who took care of things for you in Washington... he lost control of his car on the beltway this morning and died in the resulting accident. That wasn't really part of dad's plan, but you can never tell how far politicians will go to avoid a really nasty scandal."

Sara turned his chair back so that he was facing her. "Strip!" she said.

When Mr. Swanson / Walcott didn't move, she walked over to the door and opened it. Maria and two other women walked in. They were followed by eight large, angry-looking Mexican men.

Sara spoke again, "You know Maria and Sofie and Carmen. I don't think you have met their brothers. I said, 'Strip!'"

Henry stood and fumbled with his clothing with shaking hands.

Sara walked over to Henry's desk, removed her slacks and sat down in his chair. She pointed at her crotch and said, "Let's see how good a job you can do." She then scooted down and spread her legs to expose her pussy.

Henry looked around the room and started to step towards the door, but it was blocked by the eight brothers. Defeated, he sank to his knees and nuzzled into Sara's waiting cunt. After a few moments, she began to moan softly and grabbed his head to force him tighter into her crotch. Soon she was using his hair to pull his face across her clit. Finally, she squeezed tightly with her thighs and held his head tightly between her legs with her hands. After a few moments, he began to struggle for air. A few minutes later, he began to go limp. Sara released him and he dropped to the floor gasping for breath.

Maria stepped forward. She was still fully clothed, but now had a strap-on hanging in front of her. "I think you know the position," she said in her heavily accented English.

Again Henry looked for possible escape, but again, he recognized the hopelessness of his situation. He leaned over the edge of his own desk as Maria stepped between his legs and thrust forward with the hard, plastic peg. Had there been anyone left in the plant to hear him, everyone would have heard his scream. As it was, the security guards at the gates vaguely heard something, but they had been instructed to ignore anything and everything unless they were called into the plant by someone with the right pass phrase.

Eventually, Henry's screams and cries subsided and Maria stopped her onslaught on his ass.

"I give you a zero for that," muttered Maria and she spat on his back.

"I would rate you at one-half," added Sara, so the average is still zero. "You know what that means, don't you, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is?"

Henry remained silent.

"I said, 'You know what that means, don't you?'" yelled Sara.

"It means ten swats with the belt," he answered weakly.

"That's exactly what it means," answered Sara. "But since I don't think I could swing hard enough and neither could Maria, we are going to let the brothers handle this. By the way, special exemption paperwork was filed overnight. They are all now legal with valid green cards."

Two of the large Mexican men came over and forced Henry's chest onto the desk. One of the others slipped off his belt and doubled it up in his hand.

"They've seen the videos," said Joan, "so they know how it is supposed to be done."

There was a loud "Crack!" and a scream from Henry.

Nine more cracks echoed through the room, each was followed by a long scream from the former floor supervisor. When the first brother was finished, he took the place of one of the men holding Henry down on the desk.

Ten more cracks echoed through the room. Again, each was followed by screams.

Each of the brothers took their turn with the belt. After the fourth brother, there were no more screams, just small whimpers. After the last brother was finished, the three Mexican women and their brothers left the office.

Julie lifted Henry's head from the desk and spoke directly to him. "You have 48 hours to turn yourself into the police under your own, true name. If you do not, we will find you, and we will deliver you to Maria's village in Mexico. I think they will be glad to see you."

Judy continued the instructions, "If you attempt to tell anyone what has happened to you here today, your records will be changed to indicate that you are a convicted pedophile who has escaped from prison..., and you know what will happen to you when they take you back inside."

Henry's eyes were wide with fear as Joan finished with, "Your bank accounts are empty. Your car is officially listed as stolen. Your house has been foreclosed and cleaned out. There is no place you can run that we cannot find you."

Henry rolled off the desk and lay face up on the office floor. Looking down at him, Sara suddenly had a very odd smile on her face. She stood up and walked over to where Henry lay. Standing over him with one foot on either side of his face, she let loose with a flood of urine which she swept up and down his body by rocking her pelvis back and forth. She then looked down and him and said in a slightly sing- song voice, "Who pissed on who now?"

As she picked up her slacks to dress, she turned back to face him and added, "Julie's right. You definitely pissed up the wrong tree when you took on The Three J's and an S."

Joan looked down at him and gave one final instruction. "You have five minutes to be out of the plant or the security guards will take you down as an armed and dangerous intruder. I think you know what company policy is in that circumstance."

Julie and Judy then said together, "Leave! Now! While you still can!"

Grabbing his clothing from the floor around him, he staggered slowly out of the office.

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The rest of the summer was relatively uneventful. After a lot of conversation, a lot of tender loving care and even some not-so-tender but still loving interaction with Joan, Sara was soon back to being her normal bubbly, naked self. A week after Mr Swanson / Dr Walcott turned himself into the police, there was a "family meeting" with The Three J's and their parents along with Sara and her mother.

"We weren't sure what was going on in the plant," began Julie's dad. "But we knew that something was terribly wrong. We arranged for Julie to have a master password in hopes that you might stumble across something and let us know. We really didn't expect you to handle it so well more or less on your own."

"It wasn't exactly on our own," answered Joan. "After we contacted you, you pulled a lot of strings behind the scenes to make things happen. We just dealt with Mr. Whatever-his-name- really-was."

"Someday, you will have the strings tied to you," said her father. "And Sara, you now know that you have to trust Joan and the other Js. They will help you regardless of what anyone else says or threatens. With our backing, they have the power to act... and they know how to use that power."

He set his hand on Sara's shoulder and looked directly into her eyes as he added, "Someday people will speak in awe of The Three J's and their loyal S. Just don't let it go to your head before you finish college."

Turning to face Joan, Julie and Judy, he finished with, "You all have another year of undergraduate, and there are some heavy years yet to go before you get your doctorates. I am sure you have many adventures yet to come."

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Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Great story

Love females tearing up the bad guys. Great little story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More, please



AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
three J's

Still well crafted and enjoyable; thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not familiar with your other work

So that was totally unexpected. It made me smile, good work.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 11 years ago
Have to agree

Just love your stories and the skiing trip was superb.

This was a bit short and sharp and lacked the eroticism of the previous stories.

It seemed almost to be rushed out to meet a deadline.

Please continue as you are one of my look for authors, but a bit heavier on the detail next time

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I was really excited to see a sequel, but...

...I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed. It was a very short tale with a very simple plot. Nothing like the Skiing series, which I really liked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Good to have them back!

Dazzle1Dazzle1almost 11 years ago
Gald they are back

I was hoping for more of the Three Js and an S

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