To Lunambra Pt. 02


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"No," Baeden said, his face growing slightly more serious. "Agreements made with ambassadors have failed before, there is still a chance of an attack. They will stay in there until the catapults are out of sight of the city."

"Aye, as you say," the guard agreed.


Chapter Eight - Treasury


Marina jogged down the stone steps that led to the treasury. It took her a long time to get there, as she had only been through these halls once, and she lost her way a couple of times. A guard had pushed past her a minute ago, and she was following his lead. The guard showed up again just then, ascending the steps with Queen Jenara in tow. She gave Marina a quick nod and continued after the guard. Marina made it down the steps and saw another guardsman standing outside of the treasury door, and he unlocked it to let her through. She sat against the wall next to the door, and she waited for a long, long time.


Five hours passed since the catapult had fired, but there had been no sounds from outside after that. There was certainly no war raging above her. So why am I still trapped down here? She looked around the room at all the other women and girls, all nobles, servants, and wealthy civilians. As Baeden described three days before, everyone in the room was shifting about, squirming, and some were even holding themselves under their dresses. Marina was very full too, having missed her morning relief. But unlike many of these women, she was good at holding it in, and it did not bring her displeasure. She knew that the Prince and city were safe, and that let her focus on her surroundings. She slid her left hand into her burlap pants and pressed a finger along her flower, putting pressure on it. After all this time down here, the water barrel was nearly empty. It was only a matter of time, now.

Twenty more minutes passed before the first victim showed herself. A young noble girl with long, jet-black hair and wearing an ornate gold dress grasped the arm of the woman next to her. "Mother, I truly cannot wait anymore. I am in such pain, and I...leak, with every breath I take."

"It is alright, Alyssa," said the noblewoman. "I've been down here before, chances are that everybody here will have made water before we are released. How do you want to do it?"

"I...I don't want people to see me down there," the girl whimpered. Her mother just nodded and grasped the front of her dress, raising it slightly off the stone floor. Tears formed in the girl's eyes as a loud hissing started from between her legs, and a large puddle spread under her. She moaned her relief and leaned back against the wall.

After that, the noblewoman started shaking her head. "Why bother," she whispered. She reached under her long dress and tore her underclothes off, stuffing them down into her breasts. She hiked up the dress and squatted down, spraying her surprising supply of urine into the stone.

"You are both disgusting," another noblewoman said, staring at her with her nose crinkled.

"Yes, and let us see how long you last in here, whore," the girl's mother snapped.

Ten minutes passed quietly, when Marina heard a soft cry beside her. She turned her head and saw a serving girl who tended to the kitchens, by the name of Layla. She had short blonde hair that was splayed against the stone, and bright green eyes that shone in the torchlight. Marina had met her before, but they had barely spoken beyond simple introductions. She was laying on her back with her feet against the wall and her spine arched with both hands on her belly. Marina shifted over and gently placed a hand on the desperate girl's leg. "Are you alright?" Marina whispered. Now that she was closer, she could see a very small wet patch on the crotch of Layla's pants.

"Mmno," she gasped out. "I have never been half this full, what am I going to do?"

Marina tried hard not to smile. She knew exactly how the girl felt. "Would you like me to help you?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you've never weed outside of a chamberpot before, I can help set you up so you do not get any of it on you," Marina answered.

Layla's face went bright red. "I can't do that here, what is wrong with you?"

Marina laughed out loud. "Two nobles just did it. Everyone else in here is going to, no matter if they want to or not. Trust me, when it's going to come out, there's nothing you can do to stop it. So you're better off letting go on your own terms and staying dry."

The girl began shaking her head. Marina sighed, reaching for Layla's waistband. She let out a quiet shriek and started to protest, and Marina saw the wet patch grow wider. With that, the serving girl bit her lip and leaned back again. Marina pulled Layla's pants down to about three inches below her womanhood, and then held the girl's knees, lifting them up and placing her feet right next to her rear. "Spread your legs," Marina whispered. Layla was crying now, but she did as she was told. "Now listen to me, you're going to want to let it burst out, but you can't do that. You have to release it slowly or it will splash back and hit you, and make a puddle. You need to let it spray gently against the wall, and it will drip between the cracks and make no mess. Start to let it out."

Marina saw Layla's hard belly start to move about, but nothing came out of her. "I can't do it, I'm so embarrassed," she said, pressing her hands between her legs.

Marina grasped those hands and pulled them away, holding them tightly. "Just relax...close your eyes and imagine you are in your own room." Ten seconds later, Marina saw a small stream start leaking out. She released Layla's hands and placed her own hands on the girl's belly, pressing down gently. The stream increased slightly, and soon hit the wall, dripping down through the cracks just as Marina thought it would. Looking around, Marina noticed that many of the trapped women had their eyes on the scene. A minute later, Layla was empty and had her pants back on. She was still beet-red and breathing heavily, but there was a smile on her face that could only follow such relief. Marina moved over and leaned back on her wall, squeezing her thighs together. To her amusement, over the next half hour, six women and girls had used her method to relieve themselves. One of them couldn't control it well enough, and she ended up laying in a puddle.

Marina stood up. The weight of her bladder immediately pressed down on her, and she crossed her legs and leaned forwards. After it settled, she moved slowly around the room to stretch her legs. All the way in the back of the treasury, the crates that contained the city's gold and gems were stacked up a few feet away from the wall, leaving a gap large enough for a number of people. None of the other women seemed to have noticed it, they were all sitting near the door, hoping for escape. At least I might be able to piss myself in privacy, she thought. Marina looked around to ensure nobody was watching her, and she stepped behind the wooden crates. And then she froze. There was already a woman back here, her long cloth skirt pulled up over her breasts and both hands going to town between her legs. Marina's mouth fell open as she watched the unknown person getting herself off. Feeling bold, Marina stepped in and collapsed to the ground next to the girl. It took her a moment to realize she had company, but her eyes quickly went wide and she immediately pulled her hands to her sides. She was biting down on a strap of cloth to stifle any involuntary moaning, and the piece of fabric fell to the ground. Looking at her face, Marina recognized her as the stable girl that often rode with Queen Jenara, though she didn't know her name.

"She told everyone to stay away from here," the stable girl whimpered, her face reddening.

"Who is 'she', I wonder?" Marina asked calmly. Putting herself in the girl's shoes, she knew that she wouldn't want a scene to be caused if she was caught doing that thing.

"Nothing. Nobody. Who are you, anyway?"

"My name is Marina. I'm a servant for Queen Jenara and Prince Baeden. I know you are a stable girl, but I fear I am unfamiliar with your name."

"It's Mary," she said softly. "Thank you...for not shouting, I mean."

"It's no problem," Marina offered. "I understand it."

"You do?" Mary asked.

"Aye, suppose there's no point in hiding it since it's obvious you have the same, er, interests, as I do. All these women, soaking themselves and going freely. My interest is in men, but I will not judge you for enjoying otherwise." Marina looked to the crates of gold. Two of them had been adjusted in such a way so people inside the small area could look out and get full view of the other women, but nobody could see in. "I hope you don't mind if I stay here. Seeing the other women lose control makes it harder for me to hold on."

Mary smiled. "That's alright with me-"

"Marina?" Both of the secluded women started and sat up, seeing another standing over them. Marina recognized her quickly as Sabina, the woman that she and Baeden rescued from Olsha Fortress months ago, and who also carried a striking resemblance to Queen Jenara.

"You're back," Mary gasped. "Wait, no," she sputtered, blinking up at Sabina. "What in the- Who are you?"

Marina squinted at Mary. Could it be possible that she was shacked up back here with the Queen before she passed her on the stairs? That's not even worth thinking about," Marina thought, shaking the mental image out of her head. "She's Sabina," Marina answered for her. "She was held along with Queen Jenara at Olsha Fortress. The bandits mistook her for the understandable mistake, obviously."

Sabina just nodded, and she spread out next to Marina. "We have a bit of a crowd back here, huh? The Queen told everyone to stay away from here or be banished, but I saw you come back here, and I'm an adventurer anyway. I love my home here, but I never planned to stay forever. Banishment would just move me on my way."

So it is true, Marina thought. The Queen is having relations with this stable girl. And I'm worried about spending time with Baeden?

"What are you looking so mad about?" Sabina asked, staring into Marina's face. "Want me to get out of here?"

Marina blinked and shook herself out of it. "No, please stay. I have more incentive to hold my water if there's people back here. I was just thinking of a bit of injustice I'm facing outside of this room, it is no matter."

"So you're desperate too," Sabina sighed. "I knew that it might be a problem down here, but I wasn't expecting to feel like this so fast."

"Did you get to relieve yourself this morning?" Marina asked. "I did not, and I'm sure very few, if any, of the women here did either. Everyone was likely still sleeping when the catapult went off and the order to come down here was issued."

"I did not," Sabina confirmed. "I'm good at holding it, I often had to travel with men in my past and that made it hard to find privacy. But this is a bad spot." Sabina looked to Mary. "What about you? Are you full too?"

Mary nodded, her face growing red again. "Bursting," Mary said. "I'm glad you two are here, this is not something a girl should have to face alone."

Marina and Sabina both grunted in agreement. The three of them were pressed against each other in the small makeshift room, and Marina could feel the squirming of the two other women, and she was sure they could feel her's. I've never had any interest in women this way, and I'm not weeing myself quite yet, Marina thought, so why am I getting so wet down there? She reached between her legs and felt it, the sticky liquid that only resulted from excitement. enjoyment of holding it is not only limited to men. I know that I never wanted to lay with a woman, but their desperation is definitely turning me on. I know Mary is queer, but what of Sabina? Marina never planned on telling Sabina this. But if there was ever a proper moment, it was now. Marina rolled to her right and held her mouth close to Sabina's ear. "I know," Marina whispered. "A few days ago, in the garden."

Sabina tensed up instantly, her face growing stoney. "You did not tell anyone?"

"I did not," Marina said. "Baeden was too distracted by me to notice you, but I spotted your hair inside that bush, and I saw what you were doing. Don't play coy, tell me the truth. Do you get off to the sight of women weeing?"

Marina could feel Sabina's skin growing warm from embarrassment. "I never have before," she whispered. "But seeing you riding the Prince like that, and then letting go over his hands...I had never seen anything like it, and it would be a lie to say that I did not love it."

Marina smiled and rolled onto her back again. "So that's it then" she announced to both of them. "All three of us are freaks. All three of us are desperate for a piss. And all three of us love it. I say there is no point in trying to remain proper. There is nothing at all to do for fun down here, and God knows how long we must remain. I vote we let go of what little shame we've got left, and we have some bloody fun."


Chapter Nine - Contest


As soon as she finished her speech, she felt Mary's warm hand on her thigh. "That sounds good to me," she whispered.

"I don't have anything better to do," Sabina said with a chuckle. "What are we going to do?"

Mary lifted her head up from Marina's other side. "How about we have a contest? The last one to pee wins."

Marina smiled. "I like that idea. What shall the prize be?"

"I think it would be fun if instead of a reward for winning, the losers get a penalty," Mary said. If I start losing control, I'll step outside of the hidden area here, hike up my dress, and piss on the floor in front of everyone. If Sabina loses, since she's wearing leather pants and it wouldn't show either way, the winner gets to pee on her. If Marina loses, she has to stand and go through her pants so everyone on her way back to the servant's chambers can see what she did."

The two others thought for a while, before nodding in agreement. "What of other rules?" Sabina asked. "Are we allowed to hold ourselves? Can we touch each other?"

"We can do whatever we need to in order to hold longer," Marina said. "And touching is allowed, it will only add to the challenge and the fun. We are allowed do whatever we can to make the others lose control first."

"Aye," Mary agreed. "I guess we're ready then..."

Mary took no time in turning on her side and placing her left hand on Marina's chest. She rubbed her breast through the burlap, but Marina swatted her hand away quickly and tore the shirt off, placing it on one of the crates of coin. Mary leaned over and began licking at Marina's hardened nipple, pressing it into her breast with her tongue. Marina pressed up between her legs with her right hand, letting her left wander to the front of Mary's dress. She pulled the fabric up and felt her way to the girl's flower, gently rubbing her middle finger along the tight slit. Mary's legs slammed shut, but Marina simply maneuvered her finger to enter Mary, and she pressed against the rough spot two inches inside. "Oh God," Mary moaned, rubbing her thighs over Marina's hand.

Seconds later, Marina felt her right hand getting pulled from its spot. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, and felt Sabina slide her own hand under Marina's drawstring and into her burlap pants. Sabina tickled at the tip of her womanhood, flicking it with her thumb and rubbing the outside of Marina's vagina with her pointer finger. Marina returned the favor, pulling Sabina's drawstring loose and forcing the leather pants farther down her legs. Soon, all three of them were feeling the pleasure, and all thee of them were feeling their mounting desperation. Mary had her face pressed into Marina's breasts to stifle her sounds, and Sabina was biting down on a chunk of her shirt. Marina needed no crutch, as bedding the Prince had forced her to develop the ability to keep quiet no matter how much pleasure she felt.

Marina smiled down at Mary. The younger girl was writhing about, her protruding belly visible under her blouse. Marina gently slid her finger out of Mary and moved her hand up, pressing lightly on the girl's solid bladder. She bit her lip and scrunched up her face, but did nothing to stop Marina as she poked and prodded. Sabina saw what was going on, and took the opportunity to hold herself while Marina was distracted. Mary's eyes suddenly went wide, and she grasped Marina's arm. "Stopstopstopstop-"

Marina grinned wickedly and pushed through Mary's grip with her superior strength, turning onto her side to embrace the stable girl. With one hand on Mary's left breast and the other on her belly, Marina pulled in and held her there, kissing the side of Mary's neck. Marina heard Mary release a strained moan, and she felt a hard burst of wetness spray against her leg. "She's losing it," Marina whispered to Sabina. "You made the rules Mary, get out there." Marina stumbled to her feet, clamping her legs shut, and helped Mary up.

"I don't want to," Mary pleaded. "I thought I could last long-" Sabina stepped forwards and pushed Mary's shoulder, and the girl stumbled out from behind the crates with a yelp. She shoved her hands and the front of her dress between her legs and bounced in place, looking helplessly to the two other women who blocked the way back into privacy. All the other women in the room had turned towards her. "I can't hold it in," Mary whimpered seconds later. She opened her legs and pulled her dress up, and the flood found its way through her underclothes and splattered onto the stone floor. She exhaled in pure ecstasy and leaned on the wall as she felt the warm liquid surge out of her small body, spreading down her legs and heating her cold feet. The attention that Marina had given her, combined with the sudden relief, was too much for Mary's body to handle. The pulses started in the pit of her stomach, and she had to shove her hand over her mouth as she came where she stood. She managed to effectively disguise it as crying, and she barely made it back behind the crates before her legs gave out and she fell back next to Marina.

Sabina smiled at Mary, reaching past Marina and stroking her hair. Mary was sleepily kissing Marina's chest, but now that she had her relief, Marina had lost interest in the girl. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, Marina allowed Mary to continue handling her body as she looked over to Sabina. "It's just you and me now," she mouthed. "How do you feel?"

The older woman smiled. "I feel like I am about to give birth to a lake. My cunt is quivering and throbbing, and each breath I take is a battering ram besieging my womanly gate."

Marina would have laughed, if she didn't know it would spell defeat for her. "Very poetic," she said mockingly.

"How do you feel, then?" Sabina asked.

"It's hard to describe," Marina whispered. "It's as though I've gone beyond regular desperation. The throbbing pain is gone, the pressure no longer comes in waves. Holding myself doesn't help anymore, and neither does shutting my legs. It's just a constant, overwhelming fullness that has taken over my whole body and mind. My muscles are the only thing keeping it in at this point."

Sabina had started pleasuring herself half way through Marina's description. "Where did a servant girl learn how to hold her pee that well? I always thought you castle-dwellers had no worry of this."

"You saw me with Baeden," Marina said. "We've been engaging in this sort of fun since our little adventure at Olsha. Every few days he makes me hold on until I burst in my dress. Usually I just sort of...decide to let go, before the pain gets too great. But it seems to have strengthened me down there. Would you like to feel it?"