Trapped in a Game Pt. 04


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"Serra," I muttered, half-smiling to myself.

I'd never thought I'd be this happy to see anyone except Kelly, but the situation was as dire as it could possibly be.

On either side of her, there were shadow monsters, and she seemed to be just barely holding her ground with a combination of shield spells and light-based disabling magic.

I picked up the pace, pulling Dana with me, and as we rounded the last corner a thunderclap exploded down the hall.

Figures. Of course she'd figure out their weakness already.

She was Serra after all!

I tore down the corridor and as she came into sight I ran to her side, smiling stupidly, but to my dismay she didn't seem happy, or even in the least bit surprised.

Instead she grasped me roughly by the nape of my shirt and shot me an angry look as she yelled:

"Jesus Christ, Josh. What the fuck took you so long?!"

A spiky protrusion shot out at us, and Serra and I leapt away from each other as it passed dangerously between us.

"Dana!" I called, and as she nodded, I reached towards Serra who instinctively gripped the handle of her hammer tightly.

"Thunderclap!" Dana yelled, and as soon as the echo of sound erupted from the ground at her feet, I steadied my aim at the nearest monster, and as soon as his form wavered into sight, I launched my attack:

"Catapult!" I chanted, launching Serra towards the monster, and a brilliant explosion of light erupted as her hammer crashed full on into the beast, shattering it into a million little shadowy pieces.

Another monster to Serra's right quickly took a swipe at her, and I fired a sonic disruption in its direction as she rolled out of the way then charged at it with a smite empowered swing.

She landed three quick hits, and as Dana continued to back us up with thunderclap, and Serra and I quickly struck at it in harmonious tandem. Another monster or two began to steadily fire shadowy spiked rods at us from the wall to our right, but we were able to dispatch of the monster in front of us as it made a subdued attempt to retreat to the safety of the wall.

"How many were there?" I asked.

"Four," came her immediate reply.

"What's the plan? How do we get out?"

"Get out? What're you talking about?" she muttered derisively, as Dana quickly moved over to join us. "Now that I'm here we just need to get rid of this 'plus one,' then we can live out our days happily in the peace and quiet of this wonderful realm," she continued, waving a hand merrily with her trademark flourish.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Dana muttered through gritted teeth, but I merely rolled my eyes as I waved off the comment.

"She's kidding," I responded dismissively, "come on, what's the plan?"

"Aww... couldn't you let me fuck with her just a little?" she whined with a pout, but Dana didn't seem to be entertained in the least.

"Is she always like this?" Dana asked, and I nodded:

"At least now someone knows what I've had to put up with- ugh, hey!" I complained as Serra quickly nudged me much harder than I'd considered playful, before pulling me in close:

"Could you not flirt with everything that has breasts?" Serra muttered, and a quick blush appeared on my cheeks with the sudden unexpected accusation.

"It's really not like that," I muttered, but her glare didn't waver as she let me go.

"Some thanks I get for saving your ass," she mumbled angrily, "and even when I told you not to do anything stup-!"

I cut her off as I wrapped my arms about her in an exaggerated show of appreciation.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you," but even as she shrugged me off, I noted a little indistinct smile appear on her face as she glanced once more at the wall where the shadow monsters had been, before turning her gaze upwards.

"Did they run off?" Dana asked.

"Dunno," Serra muttered distractedly, as she began going through her inventory. "Ah, here it is!" she announced, as she withdrew a scroll from her inventory and held it up proudly.

"Scroll of sending," she chanted, and the scroll dissolved in her hand as she activated the item.


It was a spell which allowed a player to send a message to anyone anywhere, even if that person was on another elemental plane or even in an altogether different dimension, and a few moments after the spell was activated, a swirling vortex of energy began to open in front of us.

"Get ready to run," she ordered, but as Dana stepped towards it, Serra raised a hand to stop her.

"Hold on," she muttered, and as we took a few steps back, a huge smile appeared on my face as Kelly stepped out of the portal, immediately followed by a timid looking guy with red hair and square rimmed glasses.

I immediately took a step towards Kelly, but she had scarcely looked at me when she muttered, "you grab Josh, I'll get the other priest."

"Will do," the man muttered, quickly grabbing my hand and taking off for the passage to our rear.

As I followed along with the stranger, I glanced back at Kelly, trying to figure what was up, and as I did I saw a momentary glint of sadness in her eyes.

What the hell was that?

I barely had time to process the thought when we ran head first into another swirling vortex of light, and I gasped as I suddenly felt myself being pulled through a tunnel like vortex, only to be thrown unceremoniously back into the familiar stone walls of the underground vampire lair.

I gasped, my breath caught at the suddenness of the change of surroundings, but as I looked around I saw the familiar faces of Kelly's party and Mackenzie's scouts, and just a moment later, Kelly appeared, with Dana and Serra in tow.

"Rescue complete!" Serra announced, and Pete, Karn and David immediately moved to Dana's side, obviously quite happy to see their comrade return unhurt.

"Your group really cares about you," the man at beside me noted, and I nodded uneasily at him as I once more realized that not only had Kelly not immediately come to my side, but she was altogether avoiding my eyes.

I moved to begin walking over to her, but just as I did, she moved into the midst of her party and joined them in welcoming Dana back.

Dana shot me a questioning glance, and I did my best to stifle my unease as I shot her a quick reassuring smile before slumping to rest on a bit of rocky rubble next to the strange man.

"So you're the infamous gloom stalker, eh?" the man asked, and I rubbed my head bashfully at the mention.

"I- uh, yeah... I guess I am," I muttered bashfully, and he chuckled in response before adding:

"You're nothing like the ruthless daredevil I expected."

I blushed a little, and rubbed my head uncomfortably again.

"I didn't get your name," I muttered, offering my hand and he quickly dusted off his hands before getting to his feet in a huff.

"Oh my, where are my manners? My name's Diego. I'm a contact and friend of Mackenzie's... although I haven't really done anything in the field like this before. Wouldn't have agreed to come out for just anyone, but hell- when the twilight princess messages you personally, it's difficult to say no."

"Oh, I see," I muttered thoughtfully.

"She really cares about you, huh? To be honest, no-one ever expected to see her teaming up with anyone after... well, you probably know..." he added suggestively.

"Uh- yeah, I guess..." I muttered, trying to hide my confusion.

There was so much about Serra that I didn't know.

"She offered to pay me quite a bit. But I refused. I think it's high time we banded together to stand up to these cheats. No-one is safe as long as they keep using their cheat items and murdering players, hiding behind their anonymity."

I guess Serra knows about the cloaks now too, I thought, but as I glanced over at her I suddenly noticed that she was casting furtive glances at Kelly as she disinterestedly chewed on a piece of bread.

Did something happen between those two?

Earlier, there had definitely been a kind of rivalry growing between them, but this was different.

It was a kind of coldness that I'd not seen coming at all.

The matter was weighing heavily on mind, but as I returned my glance to Serra I noticed that Mackenzie had walked over to her and was speaking into her ear in a hushed whisper.

I was contemplating walking over to see what was up when Serra's eyes went wide, and the piece of bread that she had been picking at slipped from her hand and fell to the floor.

She immediately looked around until she spotted me, then dashed to me in a hurry, taking my hand and pulling me with her:

"I need you to leave."


"There's a passage that exits on the Eastern side of Karach. I'll message you the directions on how to get to it. It's guarded by a Minotaur but you can avoid him if you're careful."

"Serra what're you-"

"Josh! If you don't listen to me ever again, I won't mind, but just this once, I need you to listen to me."

Her tone was serious and pleading.

I'd never seen Serra talk like this before.

"Just tell me what's going on."

"Look, Josh, there's no time. Just take Kelly and leave right now. No-one will take this route because it's inconveniently long, it exits in the middle of nowhere, and the Minotaur is basically a mini-boss. Get out, find yourself a safe zone, then message me and I'll meet up with you when I can."

I glanced over Serra's shoulder where everyone seemed to be moving about in an agitated way.

Mackenzie was directing her scouts to various firing positions about the chamber, and even David and Pete were switching over to full battle armor.

They're preparing for an attack.

But that didn't make sense.

If they were going to fight, then shouldn't I be here to fight too?

Why was Serra sending me away?

"Get Kelly and go! Now!"

"No. You're being ridiculous. Just let me-"

"Josh, just this once? Please!" she pleaded, and I stared at her in shock.

What the hell could possibly make Serra get this spooked?

I was still trying to process the absurdity of it when an explosion erupted from one of the upper chambers to our left.

"Shit," Serra cursed, and as I looked around I noticed that astral prisons were slowly appearing over every exit from the main chamber room.

"Stay with Kelly!" Serra barked, before moving to the fore to stand beside David and Mackenzie.

Diego shot me a nervous look, and we quickly moved to join Dana and Kelly, who were standing in a position of relative safety, a few feet behind the rest of the group.

Mackenzie's scouts were standing about the room with crossbows drawn and ready to attack, and as soon as I got into position I noted that Serra had sent me a quick message, but as I opened it up expecting some instructions or a plan of attack, the note simply read:

"Stay away from me."

Another explosion sounded, and this time a huge chuck of stone came crumbling to the floor from the upper chamber, and a sizeable hole appeared in the upper chamber wall.

I stared up at the wall as a tall man with jet black hair, and wearing brilliant white armor, stepped into view.

"Serrana Mayer," his voice called wickedly, as he looked down at Serra with a devilish gaze, "never in my life have I been happier to see you."

He brushed his hair arrogantly out of his face, and I followed his gaze to Serra, who was staring back at him intently with pure, seething hatred.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic Story Your Writing is the Best !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm years late, but I took a shower thinking about this story and couldn't stop laughing at one bit.

The cloaks that are supposed to mask your identity in game and in real life are basically going to ensure that all these PKers are caught with solid evidence. And it's the exact kind of thing that gamers would absolutely think works, but obviously wouldn't if you know how these systems work. Because it's literally the kind of thing that happens, and people get caught for it all the time.

First, lets just assume that this world has to follow at least the basic rules of computing and can't do anything possible. That means three things need to be kept track of, and these are things that would be logged.

Every player's inventory, including a log of changes. MMO's keep track of when you gain, lose, or equip items. That probably won't change.

Player locations. The game server has to know where you are in order to let other people know where you are. This includes unknown players current disguising who they are. If player A suddenly disappears, and an unknown player suddenly appears, anyone could put two and two together. And because the timing servers run on, we're talking about fractions of a second so small that you could almost always put 2 and 2 together.

And also, it has to keep track of who you are lol

It's literally impossible for an MMO that to have an item that masks all your information from both the players (which is doable) but also the server itself. Because otherwise you could never take it off. The server wouldn't know who you are once you took it off, so the masking would be a permanent change. Plus if you actually masked your player ID from the servers, you'd immediately lose everything associated with your PC. Like, your inventory, including, you know, the cloak itself.

If that cloak functioned in a way that would actually do its job, it would have to literally reset you back to game's baseline minimal functional player character.

So it doesn't. The cloak has to obey the rules of computing. Which means every single person involved is 100%, absolutely going to get caught.

Plus items in MMO's are unique and their locations need to be tracked. It'd be pretty obvious is cheater A spawned in a scroll-of-fucking-murder-someone. It'd be really obvious when they gave it to PKingAssholeB. And when suddenly UnknownPlayer69420 uses that uniquely identified IT to kill RandoNoName, well, we know who had that unique item. So we now know who killed that player.

I haven't ready past this chapter, but if the Author ends the series with all those people getting locked up because they're fucking stupid I'm going to love it.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

bokentoebokentoeabout 4 years ago

I decided to read the first chapter of your story cause it had multiple parts and i thought it could be an interesting read. Now i'm about to start the fifth chapter and i find i can't put it down. i have to keep reading it and find out what else happens to the characters.

I wish Josh would stop making it all about his sister though and do something with Serra. I mean, they both know about each other, so i would like to see josh have a normal relationship with Serra while Kelly can join them or something along those lines.

The story is so far set out well that it could go on for quite a long time. Looking forward to the next chapter!

KousakacomplexKousakacomplexabout 6 years agoAuthor
Part 5 is up

In case you missed it, it's up, but in the SciFi/Fantasy category.

captmuleridercaptmuleriderabout 6 years ago
Great Story

We are patiently waiting on the next episode. Keep up the great work!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Genuinely Impressed beyond words!

I wont lie, I came to your literotica profile from your first posted story on literotica for smut. Even back then in early 2017 your story had well "a good story" which even though I was there for smut, I genuinely appreciated the lengths you went to for storybuilding. However after binge reading everything you've posted on literotica over the past 7 hours I've honestly given less shits about the smut than the story (well, at least in the trapped in a game series). I'm genuinely impressed with your writing skills and i can't wait for more installments in this and any other stories you might publish here. And once I've gotten a stable job again, I think I might become a Patreon member.

Keep up the amazing work Mate!



KousakacomplexKousakacomplexabout 6 years agoAuthor
Next release

@Allumealu The next one will be soon. If you're interested in updates by the way, check out my patreon page (link in my bio), I'm posting weekly status updates on the writing progress there and the updates are public so you won't need to pledge to see them.

AllumealluAllumealluabout 6 years ago
Next Part

Awesome series....Please continue. When will the next part be available?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Awesome story

Can’t wait to see where this goes!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Definetly one of the best stories I've read. I just stumbled across this series last night and now can't wait for the next chapter. : )

AzuremaneAzuremaneover 6 years ago
Simply amazing and well written!

I love your writing style. It is fluid and has all the dramatical effect that keeps readers hanging on to the edge of the seats and always begging for more. I love SAO and really wanted them to delve deeper in to that brother/sister (*spoiler alert* cousins) romance that was building, albeit on one side, but they could have done more with it.

Please do not rush your work. I enthusiastically await the next part like so many but it does show in the work when you are rushing a little bit more. Small grammatical errors pop up when on some of the others there were virtually none. As a writer myself I often see this when I am feeling a bit rushed to complete something or if I am stressed. Please keep up with your awesome work and if you ever need a sounding board or someone for ideas then let me know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I've read sci-fi since I was a kid, and I would definitely buy a book you wrote just because you wrote it. You are extremely talented as a writer, and I look forward to reading more from you

KousakacomplexKousakacomplexover 6 years agoAuthor
Status update

Hey all, thanks for all the comments and feedback. I am working on Part 5 whenever I can, but my free time has been limited since January. Part 5 is also a bit more difficult to write, because a lot of it is being told from other perspectives, and its a bit more work getting into voices that aren't Josh's. It's about halfway finished, but don't expect anything before April. I am also now pretty sure that the series will be finished by part 7 or 8.

On another note, I'm releasing a new story that I also wrote since January, probably by this weekend. It's a full length short story (about 60 pages word doc length) that will be entered in the April's fool contest, so please do drop by and check it out. :)

AllumealluAllumealluover 6 years ago
Brilliant writing!

Next part's been weeks since last part

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is by far, the best story here. I don’t mind waiting months for each chapter, but, please don’t abandon it.

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 6 years ago
Come on Dude!

Please get on with it! I need my next fix of grown up SAO as soon as possible. Love this series.

Zenai69Zenai69over 6 years ago
Great Story

Love the story. One of the best story lines I have read. I would think it would be great addition to Hall of fame. My only feedback is to try and improve on time between stories.

DaCozDaCozover 6 years ago

I came for the porn, I stayed for the brilliant story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The only problem I have with this story is that a cliffhanger when you're going to be waiting for months for the next chapter is painful. I realize, however, that stories sometimes take even their authors in their own direction and they may have preferred otherwise. So the narrative may have warranted it but I'll necessarily be patient.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great Read!

One of the best stories I’ve ever read! Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here

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