Travis and Adam Ch. 06


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Adam looked around and recognized the place. It was one of those rent-by-the-hour places that kids in his high school used to brag about using when they 'scored'. He also knew it was where prostitutes took their johns, so he wasn't really happy when Albert shoved him onto the edge of the filthy bed. But he kept his mouth shut. Something told him that Albert would slip up and he could escape. He just had to keep working on the tape and he could get free soon.

Albert sat down on the bed and pulled at Adam's legs until they were both on the bed. He immediately began taping the ankles back together. He looked up and caught Adam's stare.

"I know, Adam. I don't want to hurt you, but I need to keep you from running off. You obviously have been brainwashed into thinking you and I don't belong together! I am so sorry you have to go through this." Albert sounded almost apologetic. "But, don't worry, baby, we'll soon be in our own little home and you will never have to worry about that awful man you were with."

Adam felt sick when Albert referred to Travis. He didn't want Albert to even think about Travis. Travis was too good, too smart, and too wonderful to be part of this horrendous event. Albert wasn't even good enough to talk to Travis! And he never wanted to hear that man call him baby. That was an endearment that only Travis could use. He glared at Albert.

"I see my words have not convinced you, Adam."

Still Adam was silent.

"At least say something, Adam," Albert whined.

Adam smirked. He was getting to Albert. He knew he could wear him down and escape. But he didn't like that knife still in his hand. He kept it too close. And he had seen him with a knife before. He shuddered at the memory of him attacking the security guard back at his old college. Albert was truly psychotic, so he needed to really be careful before initiating a plan. This man wouldn't hesitate to hurt or even kill him.

He watched as Albert paced the room, muttering to himself. He let himself think about Travis and all they had shared recently. It was funny how in such a short time, Travis had become his world. He knew in his heart he loved Travis. They had a journey to travel together, and there was no way he was going to let Albert destroy that. No, he wasn't going to give up. His love for Travis would get him through this.


It was getting dark and they were still at the damn gas station. More police arrived as well as detectives and several news vans. And not one person would tell him a goddamn thing. He watched as several detectives seemed to be setting up a podium and chairs... were they going to have a conference? Was that why the news vans were here?

One of the detectives approached him and stuck out his hand. "Travis? I'm Detective Akers. I think it's about time we filled you in."

Travis breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god. Maybe he knew something.


Adam wasn't sure how long they had been at the motel, but knew it was getting dark outside. Albert was in panic mode and the only time he stopped pacing was to stop at the window and pull aside the hideous orange and green drapes, checking on police.

"We need to get out of here, soon, Adam." Albert twirled around and faced his captive. "The police may find us and they may not understand our situation."

Adam finally spoke, keeping his voice as even as possible. "And just what situation would that be?"

Albert's hand came down hard on his cheek, knocking against his teeth. Pain shot through him and he tasted blood.

"Don't you lip off to me, Adam!" Albert screamed. "This is all your fault! All because you try to pretend you don't love me! After all I have done for you!"

Adam's level of fear was rising. Albert seemed to be getting more desperate and he knew when people are desperate they do impulsive, crazy things. He needed to change tactics.

"Now, Albert, you know you can fix this," he began in an effort to soothe the psychotic man. "You always know how to handle bad situations."

Albert's eyes narrowed as he searched Adam's face for a sign that he was being insincere. Adam must have done a good job of hiding it, because Albert's face relaxed and he sat down on the edge of the bed next to him.

"You're right, Adam." He sighed. "I will take care of us. I can get us out of here," he vowed as he put an arm around Adam's shoulders and pulled him close. "We're in this together, baby."

The scent of something rotting filled Adam's nostrils and he instinctively pulled away. Albert stiffened and Adam forced himself to stay in Albert's arms.

Albert stood and told him to wait a moment as he quickly darted out the motel room door. In seconds he was back with a small glass tank. Adam glanced at it and cringed when he saw at least two snakes curled up inside. He didn't know much about snakes and had no idea what kind they were or if they were even poisonous, but he cringed at the sight of them. He had never liked snakes. He watched Albert delicately set the tank on the cheap dresser against the wall. He got a whiff of the same rotten scent he had smelled on Albert and realized it was coming from the snakes. What the hell was with the snakes?

Albert was leaning over the tank and cooing to them as if they were his babies. When he reached in and picked one up, Adam gasped. What the hell was he doing?

Albert turned around to face Adam, holding the snake carefully. It made a hissing sound as he moved closer to the bed. "Did you know that snakes can sense fear?"

Adam shook his head, afraid to speak.

"They can. In fact, they are able to do so many things that we humans are unable to do." Albert slipped into his teaching mode as he began sharing his knowledge of snakes. Adam had a hard time listening with the damn snake so close.

"Yes, people used to think snakes were immortal, did you know that?" Adam shook his head slowly, still unsure where this was going. "Because they shed their skins, people used to believe they died and were reborn." He smiled. "And, did you know the Bible talks about snakes?"

Adam's eyes widened as he held the snake out closer to him.

"Once you dominate a snake, nothing bad can happen to you." He saw look on Adam's face and smiled. "It's true. It's in the Bible! That's why nothing bad can ever happen to me. I have worked with snakes for years and I am one with them, now." Albert's face was one of complete calm. For some reason, the snakes seemed to make him feel better.

Adam shuddered. He had known Albert was psychotic, but now he was seeing it first-hand and Adam knew that trying to be rational with him was not going to be work. He felt the tape at his wrists loosening, but tried to keep them still, so Albert wasn't aware that he was close to shedding them. God, he wished Travis would come and rescue him!


Travis was elated to hear the latest information. A motel clerk recognized Albert's picture from the news and called 911. Thank god the police had started flashing Albert's picture, even before the press conference that afternoon.

Police were already in route to the motel, and Travis was antsy to join them. He finally talked his way into riding with one of the detectives and they pulled out onto the highway and hit the lights and sirens. His heart felt like it was lodged in his throat and he felt like he might vomit. He had no idea if Adam was even alive. Had that psycho hurt him? Killed him? He stopped his mind from going down that road again, but Travis felt anguish that he had never known. Adam was his soulmate and he needed him. He couldn't breathe without him.

He looked out the window and tried to focus on the scenery flying by, but couldn't see anything but Adam's face. He was brought back to the present when he saw the dingy little motel. Several police cars were already in the parking lot and it appeared that they were emptying the building. He saw several men and women near the opposite end of the parking lot. Most of them looked like prostitutes and johns, to him.

When the car stopped, he jumped out and took stock of the surroundings. It appeared they were already in front of a particular motel door and he knew that must be where they thought Adam was stashed.

"Please be okay, please be okay." He whispered over and over as he fought the urge to run to the door.


Albert jumped when he heard a siren. He ran to the window and peeked out. "Damn! The police are here." He hurriedly set his snake back in the tank and pulled his knife.

Adam knew it was now or never, as he felt the tape at his wrists finally give completely. He would have to hop, if he wanted to get out. He watched Albert pace and when he reached the opposite end of the room, Adam jumped up and hopped to the dresser. He had his hands on the tank before Albert realized what had happened.

"Nooo! Sit down!" Albert screamed and lunged at him with his knife.

But Adam was ready. He picked up that tank with the two snakes and threw it at him with all his might. He heard Albert scream, but didn't waste time watching. He hopped to the door and yanked it open, just as a police officer grabbed him and ran, carrying him to safety.

Several more police officers flooded the room as Adam was set down on the top of the police car trunk. He was surprised to see so many police, but still anxiously searched the crowd for the one face he needed to see. He heard a gunshot and then another and swiveled his head to look towards the motel.

So many people were talking to each other, to him, talking into their radios; there was so much noise he couldn't think clearly. He couldn't find Travis and the idea that he had run into the motel room flashed through his mind and he felt himself panic, before he realized there was no way the police would let that happen. He wondered who had been shot. Had Albert hurt someone? Was he so deranged he would shoot a police officer in his quest to keep Adam? He shuddered at the thought and craned his neck to see past a group of officers.

The twirling red and blue lights against the dark sky made it difficult to see anything, but he kept searching for Travis. A paramedic kept asking him something, but he couldn't quite make it out. All he could hear was the thunder of his heart over the sirens. And then he thought he heard his name. It was almost a whisper it was so quiet. Then again. He turned his head and still couldn't find him.

"Travis?" he screamed out. "Travis!"

And suddenly Travis was there, his arms wrapping around him and pulling him into his chest. His warmth enveloped Adam and he felt it seep into his being. Travis was talking to him, but again, he couldn't hear over the sound of his heart. Only this time, he could make out two heart beats. While his own heart thundered in his hears, his head was pressed against Travis's chest and he could hear his heart, too. It was racing; pounding so hard his body shook.

He pulled his head back a little and looked up into Travis's eyes and he felt tears finally fall down his face. When Travis saw that, he broke. He pulled Adam tightly, his gut-wrenching sobs finally coming to the surface and shaking his soul. Neither man wanted to let go. They had each other and they would be okay now. No matter what happened, their love would see them through.

They both turned as the paramedics carried out a body bag from the motel room. A detective finally filled in the details for them. When Adam had escaped the room, Albert had been lunging after him with his knife. Instead of reaching Adam, his knife sliced an officer's arm, but it wasn't life threatening, thank goodness. As two more officers rushed him, he pulled something from his waistband and they realized it was a gun. He was waving it wildly and suddenly he shot and it ricocheted off the dresser into the ceiling. One of the police officers aimed his gun at Albert, but before he could pull the trigger, Albert had shot himself. He was dead instantly. They said he was so out of control that they weren't even sure he meant to shoot himself or the officer, but in the end it didn't matter. He was dead.

Now they were waiting on animal control to come collect the snakes. They insisted on transporting Adam to the hospital to be examined. Initially, Travis was told he would not be able to ride with them in the ambulance, but when they saw Adam clinging to him, they relented.

Travis held Adam's hand throughout the ride. Very few words were exchanged between the two, but they communicated through a look, a touch here and there, a smile of encouragement.

All Travis wanted to do was take Adam home with him. When he had seen the police carry Adam out, his heart had stopped. He couldn't tell if Adam was hurt or dead or okay. It was too much. The police had tried to hold him back, but he couldn't wait. He needed to be with Adam. When he finally had him in his arms, he let himself begin to breathe again. In that moment, he knew Adam was his life. He needed him like he needed air, food and water.

It was a long night at the hospital. Between the doctors, the police, Adam's family and co-workers that kept popping into the hospital, both men were anxious to get away and find some alone time.

It was close to midnight before they arrived back at Travis's place. Mr. Martins had told them to take the day off tomorrow and neither one argued. Adam was bone tired and still needed to process everything that happened. And Travis needed to hold him in his arms all night.

Adam insisted on a hot shower.

"I need to wash away his touch, Trav. I can't handle knowing his hands were on me."

Travis nodded. He understood. The thought that Albert had touched his lover filled him with rage. He guided Adam to the bathroom and started the shower for him, letting it warm up while he grabbed a fresh towel.

Adam slipped in and Travis stayed back. If it was any other time, he would have joined him, but after all Adam had been through, he wasn't sure what to do. He put the seat down on the toilet and sat, listening to the water raining down on Adam.

Suddenly the curtain slid open and Adam peeked out. "Aren't you joining me?" His eyebrows were raised and he looked confused. "Trav? What is it?"

Travis smiled and stood. "If you want me in there, nothing could keep me away," he said as he stripped out of his clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor. He stepped inside and they pulled the curtain closed.

He moved behind Adam and brought his arms around his waist. Adam leaned back against his chest and sighed. This what where he needed to be; in Travis's arms.

Travis pulled him close, nuzzling Adam's neck and shoulder. "Adam..." he whispered.


"I was... I was so scared today. I can't lose you." Travis's voice was cracking. He pulled Adam tighter.

"Trav, I'm not going anywhere." He turned in Travis's arms and put his hands on his lover's face, moving him so they were looking into each other's eyes. "You were what kept me going today. I knew that you were looking for me and I knew I would be safe."

Travis leaned in and brushed Adam's lips with his. "Let's get you all washed up so we can get to bed, baby."

Adam grinned. "So we can get all dirty again?"

Travis's cock came to life at that. He looked at Adam and saw the twinkle in his eye. He couldn't help himself. His heart was just too full to keep the words to himself anymore. "I love you, Adam," he whispered.

Adam's eyes filled with tears. His body trembled in Travis's arms and he smiled. He knew it was fast, but he didn't care. He had found his soulmate. "I love you, too, Travis."

Both men leaned in and kissed. It was slow; passionate. Adam had never felt so loved and he moaned into the kiss as Travis pressed his tongue against his lover's lips. He parted his mouth and Travis's tongue swept in to dance with his. It was a slow, sensual dance. Their desire simmering, rather than boiling over. Love flowed between them, settling in their hearts and minds. They were one. They were meant to be together. They would build a life together.

Travis finally pulled away and looked at his beautiful, sexy boyfriend. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and began to slowly wash Adam's hair. He wanted to take care of him for the rest of his life. He never wanted Adam to doubt or worry about his love; Adam was precious to him and he would spend his life showing him.

Adam sighed. Travis treated him like he was a treasure; something to love and take care of. He had given his whole heart to this man and in return, he had been given the gift of Travis's love. A love that was given without reservation; without compromise or caveats. Travis's love was pure. Just as his love for Travis was.

He felt Travis pull him back a little as he rinsed him off under the warm water. He smiled a little as he remembered something. He had purchased a new cowboy hat to go with his boots, as well as a red bandana. When they were through here, he was going to put his new hat and bandana on, along with his boots, and nothing else. He wondered how Travis felt about being lassoed and smiled. He was sure he could find something around the place that would work as a pretend lasso.

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Snoopysmum21Snoopysmum213 months ago

Love love love this story, one of the best I’ve ever read x

Bdog6896Bdog6896over 1 year ago

GOOD STORY I'll read it again later

PurplereignPurplereignover 7 years ago

One more chapter please...Travis and Adam-The Wedding!

curious_123curious_123about 8 years ago
Stupid Star Ratings

I am angry with myself over my star rating. I was scrolling down the page and hit 1 by accident. I cannot figure out how to change it. This was a great story and I really enjoyed reading it. Sorry for the low ball rating, it's terrible inaccurate!!

dairetodairetoover 8 years ago
Great story

Looking forward to the spin off

There is more to tell of their story

Sweet_Sarah72Sweet_Sarah72over 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the Feedback!

And I do plan on bringing the guys back in a spin-off :) - but it will be a little while. Working on some other stories right now. I appreciate all the feedback, positive and negative. I love writing, but know that I can always learn and grow as a writer. Feel free to email or post comments, suggestions, ideas! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Story feels incomplete. Loved the series and characters but agree this final installment feels rushed. Please more on these two, they deserve a proper ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I enjoyed the previous chapters. This one not at all. Instead of drama and passion you gave us melodrama.

canndcanndover 8 years ago

It felt like it was a bit rushed in the end. I think you did a great job making Albert absolutely nuts in the end. i loved the random talk about the snakes...I wanted to know where the rest of that talk was going...I wanted the rest of his theory on snakes! and what his plans for them were. I'm glad he didn't put the things in the trunk with Adam. It was really a good touch to expressing his delusions. I think you needed that step from stalker to unhinged to make it better :)

I think you did fine with the situation coming to a relatively quick ending though I would have liked Albert to be a bit more crazy sounding about why Adam let him be put into a hospital and stuff. Wouldn't he wonder who made him do that?

I think where you sped up too much was their reunion. First, dad only gave them one day off lol? Jeez. And I'd have liked them to maybe discuss where they were going further or I agree, even a proposal wouldn't have seemed off with how taken these two were with each other from minute one. I'd have expected Adam to need some comforting too. Overall, a great story. Just would have slowed the ending down a bit

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