Tri-ethereal Ch. 02


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After he left I stripped down and washed off. I then debated with myself whether or not to remain naked for union with Johanna. I decided against it and got dressed. I would take my clothes off again after the buckets were picked up. Then we would have more privacy when we went through union together.

The guard picked up the buckets without incident. Johanna was still in deep transition. I wasn't worried. I knew that her sentencing really hit her hard. I let her sleep. I was about to return to my reading when . . .

"Guard, open this door." It was Count Strydamu demanding to be let into our cell.

I heard the guard object. "But Count Strydamu, Lord Kennington gave me strict orders not to disturb the prisoner."

"I don't give a damn what that weasel wants. Either you open the door or I'll have you flogged."

The guard unlocked the door and the Count barged into our cell.

"Why isn't this Trimorph chained up?" he bellowed to the guard.

"Lord Kartier has issued orders that the prisoner is not to be chained up except when going to and from the royal court. See I have posted his order on the door."

Count Strydamu tore the paper off the door and threw it on the floor.

"I want this prisoner chained up now. Lord Kartier is not in charge of this prisoner."

"Begging your pardon Count but neither are you. Lord Clyton . . ."

"Don't give me any of your back talk. Chain this prisoner up now!"

"I'll have to go get the manacles and chains Count Strydamu. They are in the chest at the end of the hall."

"Make sure you're quick about it. I haven't got all night."

The guard returned a moment later with some chains and manacles. The Count ordered me to remove my clothes. A chain was again put around our body's waist and manacles were put on our body's ankles and wrists.

I stood naked before him, chained up like a dog.

"That fool may have influence in the royal council, but he's got nothing in this prison. As long as Clyton owes me money from the races and the jousting matches, I'm in charge of this prisoner. I decide if this Trimorph will be chained up and receive comforts or not."

The guard answered Count Strydamu's ranting, "Regardless Count, I will have to report this . . ."

"You do what you must. But if I find that this prisoner has received so much as a bucket of water you'll be in the cell next to him. This prisoner is not to receive any special treatment."

The Count then had the guard remove all the extras that Lord Kennington had brought for us, including the books Lord Kennington gave to us. But he missed a blanket that had fallen onto the floor behind our cot. He also left us our chamber pot.

The Count then said to me in a belittling tone, "You can choose to be thrown into unconsciousness and paralysis to Corporeal if you wish Trimorph. But if the vote in the royal council goes against me, then I'm going to see to it that you're beheaded. Tell that to your friend Lord Kennington."

I didn't answer him. I knew that no matter what I said he would somehow twist it around and use it against me.

He looked at me in disgust. Then, "You're my ticket for a seat in the royal council Trimorph. I know that Lord Kartier and Lord Kennington care enough about you that they'll do anything to keep you from being executed. Though I don't know why they would care for a freak."

Freaks. That's how many Unamorphs and commoners referred to us Trimorphs. To them we were something to be laughed at, made jokes of and placed in circus side shows . . . and then executed.

Indeed, most Tri-etherealians had never seen a Trimorph, or at least their conception of what a Trimorph looked like. To them we were two headed monsters with three red eyes in each head. We had snakes for tongues and large venomous fangs in our mouths.

They invented all kinds of ludicrous tales about us. They told their children that if they misbehaved then a Trimorph would come and snatch them away at night, boil them in oil and eat them.

We walked around hunched-backed and lived in foul, dark caves. We would dig up the freshly buried corpses and drink the blood of unfaithful wives, slitting their throats.

If a crop failed or a pestilence attacked, if someone got sick or unexpectedly died, if the population of rats and roaches suddenly exploded or plagues hit, then it was because a Trimorph cast an evil spell. Witches and goblins were preferable company to a Trimorph.

The uneducated and intolerant Tri-etherealians couldn't see, didn't want to see that we are no different than any other Tri-etherealian.

I felt sorry for the Count and for all Tri-etherealians who were filled with ignorance and prejudice. Their blindness prevents them from enjoying life as it should be; in fact, is for those without hate in their hearts.

They actually believe that the laws they make are civilized and the goals they set for themselves are honorable objectives. But in reality their laws cause nothing but oppression for the working class and their goals do nothing but hinder progress for everyone. I could clearly see why Lord Kartier and Lord Kennington didn't want his kind on the royal council, making laws that everyone has to obey.

"You can also tell your friends that I'm well aware that they are doing their best to keep me out of the royal council. But you can also tell them that I cannot be arrested for executing a Trimorph and if they don't support my admission, then you'll be dead before the sun sets on the day the vote is taken."

He then stormed out of our cell, leaving the guard and his aides standing in the center of our cell looking sheepish. The guard ushered his aides out of our cell and locked the door. A few moments later I heard him tacking Lord Kartier's order back on the door to our cell.

What Count Strydamu didn't realize is that he unwittingly revealed to me what it is that he holds over Lord Clyton. At least, I'm pretty sure what it is. From what he said, I'm sure that Lord Clyton is in debt to Count Strydamu from his losses at the horse races and jousting contests.

Nor does the Count realize that I'm not just an ordinary commoner. I work in the library -- or rather used to work there until my arrest. Unlike most commoners, I can read and write. So, I guess you could say that I'm educated.

When the Count said that Lord Clyton owes him money most commoners wouldn't have thought twice about it. That's because they don't think any farther than their noses. They believe that Unamorphs have an inexhaustible supply of wealth. But I'm not that naive. I was able to put two and two together. Lord Clyton does the bidding of Count Strydamu in order to get out of his debt.

I couldn't stop the Count from using me and Johanna as pawns in his bid to get on the royal council. But if my hunch was correct then the next time I saw Lord Kennington . . . well things were going to get even hotter. Of that I'm sure.

I sat down on our bed. I decided that I would keep the blanket hidden under the mattress until after the last bed check of the prisoners. That was only a few minutes away. I wondered how Johanna would take to walking around in the nude again. I know she likes to do it. But then so do I.

After about an hour she came out from deep transition. At the time I was watching an ant struggle with a small piece of bread crumb and wondering how it thought it was going to get the crumb out of our cell. It was hard to see it in the dim light. I was down on my hands and knees deeply absorbed in watching it. She startled me.

"John, what are you doing and why are you naked?" she asked me.

"Oh Johanna, I didn't know you were out of deep transmission."

"I just came out. Why are you on your hands and knees and why is our body chained up and naked again?"

"I was just watching an ant carrying a bread crumb. I was . . ."

"You're watching an ant! You're weird do you know that?"

"You missed all the action. The Count came in here and took away all our luxuries." I got up and sat on our bed.

"What luxuries? What are you talking about?"

"It seems that we are two pawns in his bid to get on the royal council. He's using us as leverage to force Lord Kartier and Lord Kennington to use their influence to get him a seat on the royal council."

"He can't oppose Lord Kartier. Doesn't he realize that if he opposes Lord Kartier it's the same as opposing the king?"

"Probably not. His own egotism has blinded him. My guess is his little stunt here this evening was just an act of revenge for what they did to him this afternoon."

I then told Johanna about the extras Lord Kennington brought to us and how Count Strydamu had the guards remove all our luxuries from our cell. Next he ordered me to remove my clothes. He then demanded that our body be chained up again.

Apparently the Count is unaware that if our body is bound in any way then our union is much more ecstatic. Either that or he believes that we are ashamed to be seen naked.

Johanna said that she would enjoy going naked again. She also said she didn't mind the manacles and chains. They made her feel humble which also enhances our union. I told her I felt the same.

Lastly, I revealed The Count's threat to have our body beheaded if he is not elected onto the royal council.

This latter frightened Johanna, more than what I had anticipated. It is true that there is nothing from stopping him from just coming in here and having our body's head chopped off. There is a chopping block and axe at the end of the hall next to the chest of manacles and chains. Both are stained with blood.

But I'm sure that he wants us to give his message to Lord Kennington before he does anything drastic. I'm also sure that he won't do anything until the vote is taken. I told this to Johanna and it seemed to calm her down somewhat.

But I didn't tell her about my hunch that Lord Clyton is in debt to Count Strydamu over gambling debts. I thought that I would wait until I again saw Lord Kennington. Then I would tell her and him at the same time.

We talked for a few more minutes. I told her about the blanket and asked her to keep it hidden so that it wouldn't be taken away. Then I told her that I was tried and asked her if she would go through union with me. I wanted to go into deep transition for some much needed rest. She of course said yes. She loves to go through union.

I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I pictured Johanna's naked body in my mind's eye. Within seconds I could feel her enveloping me, enshrouding me with her love. I pictured myself penetrating her naked body.

A whisper in my ear: come, my darling, come to me. Our bed is waiting.

I felt her kissing my breasts, my neck and my ear. I wet my lips as her tongue darted into my mouth. Our tongues entwined. Her caresses mean more to me than a relaxing massage. Her lips are sweeter than honey. Her kisses are more desirable than the praises of kings.

I felt our body begin to prepare itself for metamorphosis.

She suckled my right nipple and kissed my left. She snaked her tongue down to my navel, then down farther to the fires of my hearth. Kissing and sucking, licking and kissing. I moaned. I longed for release. I am in both agony and ecstasy at her loving touch.

She pressed her body against mine; she wrapped her arms around me. Her maturity encased me. I am a prisoner of her love, a hostage to her passion. She devoured me her with kisses; I am caught in a whirlpool of her fruit juices. She moaned as she encompassed my love.

Our body began to rapture.

I surrendered to her desire. Her warmth filled me with love, with passion, with longing. I rise to taste her sweet drink. I am intoxicated with her honey. She surrounds me, swathes me, swallows me whole. My bowels were moved by her touch.

I can taste her fruit; she is the seed of my yearning. I am her fountain of youth; she is my morning glory. I stand firm and erect in her presence. I fall headlong into her hidden valley. The ardor of our love is deep. The fervor of our desire is broad. Our joining is timeless. She is my eternal agony, my never-ending ecstasy. I am her everlasting delight, her endless torment.

Our body started its metamorphosis.

Her perfume fills me with want. The smell of her sweat intoxicates me. The touch of her caress sends me to the stars. The taste of her wine nourishes me. The sound of her voice inebriates me. I am hers to use; she is the essence of my life. I rise up in her presence. I fall down in her absence. Up and down, in and out. She means more to me than precious jewels.

My lover brought me into her vestibule. She enveloped me with her adulthood. I languish in sweet, delectable pain as she encases my length. She is the guardian of my maturity; my fruit is for her pleasure. Her warmth encircles my adulthood; I fill her with my desire. I am in agony for fulfillment and suffering for conclusion. My delight is absolute.

The pulsations grew stronger.

Hold me up with your flower. Encompass me with your fruit. I languish with love. Her left hand is under my head and her right hand squeezes me tight. My dove is in the clefts of my rock and in the hollow places of my wall. Show me your face; let your voice sound in my ears, for your voice is sweet, and your face beauty itself.

Let me eat your love; let me taste its sweetness. Let me feel you touch me and hear you call my name. Show me your face and permit me to smell your aroma. Your essence surrounds me; my essence enters you. I am overcome with emotion. My beloved to me, and I to her who feeds among the roses.

Our metamorphosis is almost complete.

My lover is in my forest, hiding among the bushes. I languish for her. I am in misery for her presence. Come to me my darling. Enshroud me with your love; imprison me with your passion. You are my only desire, my only need, my eternity. Use me as you will.

Yes! Yes! I can feel you. I smell you. I see your face. Your voice is music in my ears. Your gentle touch sends me. I am yours.

Our love has brought us together. I am her and she is me. We are one.

Our metamorphosis is finished. John is in transition; I posses our body.

"Oh John I love to go through union with you. It is so wonderful."

"Yes I know you do. If you don't mind, I'm very tired. I'm going to go into deep transition."

"Sure my love, go ahead. I'll talk to you when you come out."

"Would you wake me up when Lord Kennington comes tomorrow morning? I need to tell him something important that's going to intensify the feud between him and the Count."

"Why? What's so important? You know you're not going to answer my call."

"Will you at least try? Just call my name. Maybe I'll hear you."

"OK, I'll try. But you know as well as I do that you're not going to answer me."

He didn't answer me. He went into deep transition that fast. I guess that's because he hadn't been in deep transition since before sunset yesterday evening and needed the sleep.

I sometimes have him wake me but he never answers any wakeup call from me. Well, sometimes he does but it isn't often. I'll call him tomorrow when Lord Kennington comes but I'm sure he won't wake up.

I got up from our bed. I went and stood against the opposite wall from the window in our cell. I looked up to see if I could see any stars. I couldn't. It was a cloudy night.

With nothing to read I knew it was also going to be a long night. I thought about counting the cobblestones in the floor to our cell, but decided against it. It's a stupid thing to do anyway. John did it. Three times and came up with a different number each time. He's got a weird way of occupying his mind. He's always pretending that he's a knight saving a damsel in distress from some hideous monster. Yecch!

I spent the night watching the clouds drift past the window in our cell.

About two hours after sunrise the guard brought me my breakfast, a bowl of porridge and a cup of water. About an hour later he came and picked up the empty dishes. As he started to leave I asked him about the chamber pot. He told me that Count Strydamu issued orders that I was not to receive anything extra; that I was to get only two meals a day just like the other prisoners.

I asked him if he would let me clean it out. He said that he would have to check with his superiors. After over an hour and he hadn't returned, I figured that John and I lost that privilege too.

Then Lord Kennington came to visit me.

I heard the guard apologizing to Lord Kennington about removing our luxuries before he even unlocked our cell door. He was begging Lord Kennington not to put him between his and Count Strydamu's feud.

Lord Kennington entered our cell. I stood up in respect but I didn't try to cover our naked body with the blanket; I didn't want the guard to know that John and I had it. The guard couldn't take his eyes off my pubic hair and vagina. You would have thought he had never seen a naked female.

Lord Kennington looked around our cell. Then, "Good morning Johanna. You needn't stand up for me."

I could see the anger in his face. But I remained standing.

"Were you in deep transition when the Count took away the comforts I was able to get for you and John?"

"Yes my Lord. But John told me all about it though. He's in deep transition now."

"Here." He took his cape off and handed it to me. "Cover yourself with this until I can get your clothes returned."

"Thank you my Lord," I answered him and put it around our naked body.

Then he turned to the guard. "That is my cape. It has my crest on it. Tell Count Strydamu or anyone who takes it from her that I will have them arrested for stealing my property if they so much as put their hands on it. And don't worry I do not hold you responsible for what that fool does."

"Yes my Lord. Thank you my Lord."

"Get someone to clean out the chamber pot. If anyone asks tell them that my personal servant cleaned it out."

"Yes my Lord."

Then he turned to me. "When John comes out of deep transition tell him that the Count's son stole the chess set I gave him. Sam saw him take it out of the library a couple of months ago. I'll get your things back later this morning or Edgar is going to be arrested for stealing my property."

The guard turned to leave, presumably to get someone to clean out the chamber pot but Lord Kennington stopped him.

"One moment guard, if either . . ."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Lord Kennington," I interrupted him. "John asked me to wake him up as soon as you got here. He said that he has something important to tell you and that it's going to cause things to get even hotter between you and the Count. He didn't tell me what though."

"It will just have to wait Johanna. I have to go hunt down Count Strydamu and tell him to leave you and John alone or see his son go to prison."

"But it will only take a minute my Lord. Besides, I'm sure it must be important or John would not have asked me to wake him up."

"OK. In the meantime, guard where did you put my table and chair and the other things I brought here yesterday?"

"Your things are in the next cell, my Lord. It's empty at the time being."

"I want to see it."

They left and I called John. It took me several calls but I was able to wake him up, which is unusual. When he usually asks me to wake him up he doesn't get up.

When they re-entered a few moments later I told Lord Kennington that John said that Count Strydamu slipped up. He accidently revealed that Lord Clyton is in debt to him from the horse races and jousting matches.

"Is he sure about that Johanna?"

"Tell Lord Kennington that his exact words were, 'Clyton owes me money from the races and the jousting matches.' I memorized them."

"John said to tell you that the Counts exact words were, 'Clyton owes me money from the races and the jousting matches.' He memorized them."

"Good. I can use that against him too. That's monster's bid to become a noble are through."