Tripletit: First Encounter


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I made myself a meal and some coffee. Later the effect of Angela's lovemaking took effect. I couldn't run so I did press-ups. I started normally but changed to one-handed, doing twice as many as I had ever done at my fittest. If love-making on Tripletit continued to affect me like this I'd be the athlete I never was.

Angela returned looking tired and drawn. She sat down on the bed. I sat beside her.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Emma. I tried to cover for her but the hotel manageress found out. They know what she's done with Dave. She's in real trouble. It isn't good for our tourist trade when visitors vanish without trace."

"Can I help?"

"I don't know. No human is supposed to know what we Tripletit women can do. You know. I was hoping to persuade you to keep quiet about it."


"A few sessions of mind-blowing sex...?"

"That would be more than enough incentive but why are you doing this for Emma?"

"She's my older sister."

"Oh." What else could I say?

"I was afraid she'd do something like this. She can't hunt Tripletit men, not with her injured leg. Human males are easier and so trusting..."

"I think you had better tell me how people on Tripletit normally reproduce before I understand the situation."


Angela lifted me to her lap. She pulled my head to her shoulder.

"OK. You deserve to know if we can work out how you can help Emma. It's like this. The males here are much smaller than the women, and even smaller than you, about four feet tall and very agile. They live in the hills and forests and are very timid with good cause. Females can only get pregnant by absorbing a male's body completely. That is the end of the male. The pregnant woman usually produces either a single girl or twin boys. When the boys are eleven years old they are sent to join the other males.

The women have to trap or chase the men. The men can usually run faster but don't have the same endurance. Trapping one is easier than chasing one. Neither is easy. Once caught the male must be paralysed with milk from the centre breast. Even doing that is difficult. Adding milk to water given to a trapped male sometimes works but he is likely to suspect. Making love to a male can sometimes lull his suspicions long enough to switch him to the middle breast.

Emma had no chance of capturing a wild male. She couldn't run and she is small for our people. She would be competing with other females. We tried hunting together once or twice but unsuccessfully. She was panicking because she was getting older. Not old, she had another fifteen years of potential child bearing, but she was worrying herself sick about it.

I knew that sooner or later she would take a human male. It would be difficult for her because of her size. She couldn't manage a normal-sized human. Dave was just right. He was smaller than the average human, much smaller than you are. As soon as she saw him that was it. She had to have him."

"So Dave didn't have a chance of escape?"

"Not really. Emma could have run off with him at any time. She stalked him, perhaps even flirted with him. As soon as they were alone together she paralysed him with her middle breast. He could have struggled as hard as possible to avoid her breast but he couldn't stop her. You couldn't stop me. Once Dave was paralysed she opened her legs. You saw what happened to him."

"What do we do now, Angela? Dave has gone. How can we account for that?"

"It would be best if he seemed never to have arrived on Tripletit. Can you think of any way that could be made believable?"

"I might be accused of murdering him. There were only the two of us on the craft. How about... I know. He was injured by the space dust and died soon after arrival. That is more plausible. It needs the co-operation of the port authorities. Can that be done?"

Angela thought for a while.

"Maybe. Those living on this planet have Tripletit wives. They have a stake in the planet. I'll ask the manageress and see what she says. Meanwhile, please stay here."

"Must I?"

"Yes. You keep out of sight until we have the story straight. I'll make some coffee for us before I go."

Angela tricked me. She put some of her middle breast milk in my cup. She stripped me naked and left me helpless on the bed. She gathered up all my clothing and took it with her in a holdall.

It seemed an age before Angela rushed back in.

"Joe! We're in trouble. The police suspect what has happened to Dave. They are looking for you. They must not find you until we have all the story in place. They'll come here soon. You must hide..."

The internal phone rang. Angela answered it. I couldn't do anything. I was still paralysed in my major muscles. My eyes could move.

"Thanks. I'll do what I can," I heard Angela say.

She stripped off her waitress uniform. She pulled her panties off and threw a full kaftan over herself.

"This might work, Joe, but it is dangerous. I have no time to explain."

She pulled up her kaftan and fed my feet into her central slit. If I could, I would have struggled. Angela was much larger than Emma. My body was sucked inside her up to my hips in one swift gulp. She pushed my arms by my sides and sucked again. I sank inside her up to my elbows. She panted quickly before placing her hands on my shoulders. She groaned quietly as her body sucked and her hands pushed.

My head stayed free. The rest of me was swallowed. My body was beginning to regain its sensations. I was incredibly aroused. Her insides were slick, warm and soft. Her muscles pulsed around me, treating the whole of me as if I was a giant erection. She stood up. My head was dangling between her legs.

She opened a drawer and selected a pair of full French knickers. They slid up her legs covering my head. I could see through the sheer silk even after she dropped her dress so that its hem swept the ground.

"Listen, Joe. We have no time. If the police come in here they will search the room. There is no evidence that you were here. They may want to search me. If they do, I will suck you inside. Hold your breath. I'll push your head out as fast as I can. Got that? Hold your breath!"

A few minutes later there was a heavy knock on the door. I couldn't hear what the police said. Angela's soft inner thighs covered my ears. I felt her tense around me. I had been breathing deeply and quietly. As soon as I felt her insides begin to suck I took a deep breath. My head slid inside her. I saw red then black as her lips closed behind me. A few seconds later her lips parted. I managed to get my mouth and nose to the small opening. It parted slightly more so that I could see through the panties. Her kaftan was again brushing the floor. I breathed quietly.

I was too aroused by my exotic confinement. Angela was breathing hard and that and the rhythmic pulsation of her internal muscles were giving me an erection. She was walking around the room. I could see the carpet beneath her feet.

She tensed again. I prepared to hold my breath. This time I had just enough time to snatch a quick breath as I was sucked deep down her canal. The compression was too much for my erection. I ejaculated uncontrollably into her.

My head was spinning from holding my breath by the time she pushed my head out into the open. I couldn't control my noisy gasping. She pushed her panties down and lifted the hem of the kaftan. Her face peered at me.

"Are you OK, Joe?" Angela asked.

"I think so. I'm not sure. Can you let me out yet?"

"Yes. The police came back to check again. I thought they would but even so they nearly surprised me. I had to haul you inside as fast as I could. Did it hurt?"

"No, but..."

"But what, Joe?"

"It had an effect on me. I came inside you."

"Did you?" Angela seemed unconcerned. "That doesn't matter. I can't get pregnant that way. Out you come."

She spread herself on the bed and pushed me out. The shoulders were a strain for both of us. Once they were through I popped out like a champagne cork. I was slippery with her juices. She carried me to the shower and washed us both.

"By now," Angela said, "the manageress should have the story ready and all the pieces in place. Hang on while I check."

She picked up the internal phone. I didn't understand the conversation because it was in the local language.

Angela turned to me.

"The story is ready. You have been at the brothel again. You will leave there in half an hour and return to the hotel. On your return you will be informed, with regret, that Dave has died of his injuries. You will of course stay for the funeral. Can you arrange that with your company?"

"Yes. I think so. I'll miss my ship but the mate could probably manage."

"Now we need to get you and your clothes to the brothel without being seen..."

"Not again!" I protested. "Once inside you is enough for one day..."

"That isn't necessary. I'll hide you inside my kaftan."

She did. I was carried to the brothel and upstairs to Aliana's room. There Angela left to return to the hotel while I dressed. I gave Aliana some more money. She followed me down to the reception area and kissed me passionately, waving as I left. I think she was overacting but she had been well paid.

Emma, looking pale, greeted me with the news of Dave's death. I was suitably shocked and sent a message to company headquarters and to our destination planet. HQ approved my request to stay for the funeral, which would take place a couple of days after the post-mortem report. The planet told me that my liner would have another captain.

The post-mortem report was a wonderful piece of fiction. It said that Dave had been pierced by a piece of space dust but had written it off as a scratch. It had caused peritonitis and he had ignored that until too late. The best efforts of Tripletit's hospital (detailed) had been unable to save him. There were pictures of the original penetration (my stomach marked with a jabbed pin) and lurid pictures of the peritonitis (from the hospital files).

A couple of hours before the funeral a message came for me from my company's Headquarters. I would be retired forthwith. Could I arrange for the two-man craft to be released to a company representative who would call in a couple of weeks? I could travel with him or the company would pay for transport to any civilised planet of my choice.

The funeral was a solemn affair, too solemn for a coffin full of rocks. Afterwards there was a reception at the hotel. Apart from Angela and Emma I knew none of the mourners. I had been living with Angela and having sex every night, all night. I felt years younger and I looked it.

As we stood around drinking after the speeches Angela drew me aside.

"I'm pregnant," she hissed in my ear. "I don't know how you did it, but blood tests confirm it is yours. What are you going to do?"

I looked at her for a couple of seconds.

"Marry you?" I suggested diffidently.

"You have to ask me first," Angela replied.

I dropped to one knee before her. I had to reach up a long way to take her hand.

"Angela, will you marry me, please?"

There were gasps from the assembled company. I had used my quarterdeck voice. Everyone had heard.

"Yes, Joe, I will." Angela replied not quite so loudly.

The room erupted with clapping and cheering. Most unsuitable for a fake funeral.

I arranged for my pension to be paid on Tripletit. At the rate of exchange I was a very rich man on that planet.

Our marriage was a grand affair. Emma was a matron of honour. I saw Aliana in the congregation. She had retired from the brothel and owned a small restaurant.

Angela and I had found a way for humans to impregnate Tripletit females without killing the male. If the woman engulfs the male completely and he ejaculates while deep inside her -- she has a fifty-percent chance of becoming pregnant. Human males stopped disappearing on Tripletit except temporarily.

Emma had a daughter. So did Angela. Emma lived with us but still looked out for very small human males.

By the time our daughter became nubile it had been found that the process also worked if a Tripletit male was engulfed. If he held his breath he would survive. The males stopped being so hard to catch and the population started increasing. It will take tens of thousands of years to populate the planet even thinly.

The warning notices about Tripletit were changed. Not all men wanted to be engulfed so completely. Being wrapped in female skin is one thing. Being wholly inside a female can be frightening but enjoyable if she loves you. I love Angela. She loves me. I still sleep with Angela wrapped around me like a duvet. I may have been retired a long time but I can still make love to her all night -- every night.

When are YOU visiting Tripletit?


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TJSkywindTJSkywindabout 8 years ago
Very original

Fascinating, too, that the species is cross-fertile, though it appears that the species breeds true for the native females. Maybe they need less of the Y-portion of the chromosome, or perhaps the alkaline structure of human sperm is sufficient to induce fertilization, and the human portion is irrelevant for determining gender or even genetic coding.

And the inner anatomy questions are boggling. The left and right pussies must be normal sized, and obviously the center-one is much larger if it is able to stretch open, like a snake, to swallow a man whole. And if the male is normally swallowed and dies inside, there has to be some digestive process involved within the center sex, for after the male has suffocated, the body disappears rather than be ejected. Perhaps the process of impregnation triggers a temporary change - breaking down the matter and using the bits for the offspring, which might mean a shorter gestation period, though that's not implied.

The way the native females have sex to get pregnant effectively turns the human men into giant penises. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Great read!!!

Please write more on the planet Tripltit.

Bridget69Bridget69about 18 years ago
Tit-illating read!

A very good triple treat.

xxxecilxxxecilover 19 years ago

It had everything I like the best; extra boobs, alien sex, and a touch of sentimentality. Great job.

impressiveimpressiveover 19 years ago
Great read!

Unique and very entertaining!

pop_54pop_54almost 20 years ago
Very interesting Oggie, and nicely done

That made me laugh and cry mate... both with mirth... damn amusing tale and damn well put together... you have a very vivid imagination and a good way of translating it into a written work... Also surreal in a way that certain twisted minds think alike.

R M RoxingerR M Roxingeralmost 20 years ago
Best story ever, beyond my wildest dreams!

I have fantasized before about having sex with & being suckled by a woman 2 or 3 times my size/height, but even that wild dream can't compare to this excellent story. For that matter, neither can any other erotic story on this entire site, or the entire Net. If such a planet (& means of getting there) actually existed, I'd go there ASAP--leave our overcrowded, dying Earth behind, find a triple-breasted woman to settle down with, & have a large family.

MagicFingersMagicFingersalmost 20 years ago
Loved it!

I climbing into my Sim City, Pleasantville, tomorrow, getting on that rocket waiting at my spaceport, and going to Tripletit for a quickie!

cookiejarcookiejaralmost 20 years ago

Fatasy? Fantasy is more like it...

cookiejarcookiejaralmost 20 years ago

For the fun read Og. Every man's fatasy?

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