Truckstop Takedown


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The last three trucks returned fire on me again with their Heavy Machine Guns, blasting worryingly large chunks out of my armour plating, as they drew a bead on my rapidly closing Valkyrie. They began to trundle forward, making for the blown open gates of Valhalla, and eager to cause mayhem and destruction inside. More importantly, I wouldn't be able to keep using these hit and run tactics on them once they were inside the tight confines of the truckstop.

My ammo was getting low, so I ignored the red symbols warning me that the Vulcans were overheating, and aimed at the next truck in line. I clamped down my fingers on the triggers, and that whirring, buzzing sound grated through the air as I unleashed a withering hail on the Skorpions. It cut the truck to bits, sawing it in half with a few hundred rounds sprayed along its length in a couple of seconds. I could see the barrels of my guns glowing red-hot with the heat, and one of them jammed with a grating squeal, making me flinch at the horrible sound.

I put my foot down on the accelerator, and saw my speed climb up to well over eighty before the Valkyrie smashed into the rear of one of the retreating trucks. There was a massive, jarring impact, which flung me about in my seat, but the Valkyrie was designed to take full-frontal impacts like this, and the Skorpion truck definitely wasn't. While I lost some speed as my diamond-edged ramp plate smashed into the back of the truck, the Skorpion vehicle flipped over, and crashed onto its side, spinning around with the colossal force of the impact. An explosion rocked the truck a moment later, blasting the wreck up into the air, and I guessed that the Recoilless Rifle shells hadn't appreciated being tossed about like that.

Unfortunately one truck managed to make it through the gates, and I grimaced as I saw it slowly take the turn, making it into the relative safety of Valhalla. Now it was inside the gates, it had gained a temporary reprieve from me and my Valkyrie. I snarled in anger, gritting my teeth in annoyance, as I raced past the big-rig and the three remaining bikers, getting ready to spend the last of my ammo on Black Stillers and his monstrous Skorpion command vehicle.

The tide of battle turned abruptly, as disaster suddenly struck. Both Autocannon turrets span in my direction, blazing away at me on full-auto, and one of them got in some lucky hits. The heavy calibre rounds tore into the side of the Valkyrie, blowing apart the right-rear tyre with a huge bang. I'd been pushing sixty when my car lurched out of control, and I hit the sloped front of one of the wrecked trikes, launching me into the air. The Valkyrie slowly rolled as I went airborne, tipping me over so I was upside down. I stared ahead of me in shock, and suddenly I was back -there- again.


I was chasing down Knox in the final match of the season; a title challenge in the Powerdrome for my tenth Asphalt Arena cup. The fight had mostly gone my way throughout, but I should have known something was up, by the suspicious way he was driving. In my thirst for a quick kill, I underestimated him, and threw caution to the wind as we went head-to-head. Barrelling down on him, Vulcan machineguns blazing, I savaged his already damaged armour plating with my armour piercing rounds. He veered to the side as my guns ripped his vehicle apart, eviscerating his engine and securing the win. Unfortunately, he'd been laying mines, and like a rookie, I ran right over his minefield.

The explosions flipped me through the air, and sent me soaring towards the unbreakable safety barrier. 'Unbreakable,' apparently didn't include stress testing the reinforced plating to check if it could withstand the impact of a four tonne vehicle, smashing into it head on at fifty miles-per-hour. My diamond-edged ramplate cleaved straight through the safety plating, and then...


The Valkyrie landed on its roof, sliding across the plain, and carved a deep, wide furrow through the dirt. We must have skidded for a good hundred yards before we ground to a halt, and I shook my head to clear the daze. I darted a frantic glance over at the passenger seat, and asked in alarm, "You OK, Katie?!"

She didn't answer, but she looked furious, and I gulped at seeing her enraged expression. I unclipped the buckles on our seats, and reached out a hand to help Katie from the Valkyrie, while hearing the thump of Autocannon rounds go sailing overhead. Katie's firm onyx body felt wonderful in my hands as I helped her up, and I glanced back at the big-rig which was slowly turning in our direction, the turrets sending heavy shells our way.

"You're fucking dead!" Black Stillers roared in triumph, bearing down on us inexorably, his voice blasting out of the speakers built into the big-rig.


Rebecca watched the cam footage through her helmet HUD with her heart in her mouth. She gasped in shock as she watched Jake's Valkyrie get flipped through the air before slamming into the ground, where it gouged a wide trench through the dirt. She saw the huge big-rig and remaining bikers turning in pursuit, so she kicked her bike into gear, and tore out of Valhalla to help him. When she saw Jake clamber out of his car, she breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the Gods of War that he was okay.

She kept checking the cam-feed as she rode out of Valhalla, and gaped in amazement when Jake suddenly hauled out the biggest, blackest, most terrifying looking hand-cannon she'd ever seen in her life. There was something written down the side of it in white, but on this camera resolution she could only make out the bigger, stylised first letters of each of the two words, "K..T........"

Staring with wide eyes, she watched as Jake stood there fearlessly, and pointed the huge weapon at the big-rig bearing down on him.


Miles overhead, in low orbit around Charon IV, the automated Frigate 'Mjolnir' fired its retro-thrusters to maintain its ever-vigilant watch over its owner. The hundred-meter-long spacecraft was coloured a bright blue, with white flashes down the side of its broad, blocky hull.

The targeting computer detected a firing solution, and it immediately began to retract the armoured plated panels that protected its hidden arsenal. The panels peeled right back, exposing the incredible firepower of the spacecraft, and the thirty-metre-long Beam Lasers throbbed as they surged with power. Zeroing in on the exact location painted by the Key-Targeting device, the computer aboard the Mjolnir opened fire. A blazing orange beam of incandescent energy lanced out, punching through the atmosphere, and burning a hole through the cloud cover as it seared into the planet's surface.


I aimed the red laser beam at the Skorpion's big-rig, keeping Katie's targeting laser firmly painted on the massive truck. I knew I only had to count to five before she'd unleash her apocalyptic fury on whatever poor bastard I was pointing her at. Sure enough, a brilliant column of energy blasted into the truck, incinerating the trailer and the hapless gangers firing the Autocannons.

The blinding orange beam throbbed for several seconds, vaporising everything it touched before it suddenly winked out, Katie's wrath evaporating as quickly as it had arrived. I placed her carefully on the ground next to the Valkyrie to have a rest, then pulled out the twins, as the last group of bikers drew closer. The Skorpion bikers had twisted in their seats, staring over their shoulders in utter disbelief at the melted crater in the ground where Black Stillers and the Big-rig used to be. I opened up with my heavy pistols, slamming high-calibre slugs into the first biker's torso, sending him tumbling off the back of the bike, to sprawl lifelessly on the ground.

The second biker turned just in time to be met with a fusillade of slugs, one of which hit him in the throat. His bike toppled over as he tipped over the side, to the musical accompaniment of ominous clicks as my heavy pistols ran dry.

The last biker realised the threat I still posed, so he focused straight ahead, opening up with his fifty-cal machine guns. I had to duck for cover as the bullets punched into the Valkyrie I was hiding behind, adding insult to her injured body. I needed to reload, but being tipped upside down in the crash had sent my spare mags flying out of my pockets. I swore loudly, and contemplated diving back into the Valkyrie to desperately search for more bullets.

A flash of blue and white froze me in place, and I could hear the angry chatter of Rebecca's machine guns as she chopped the hapless biker to pieces. I wasn't sure if he knew it, but when his decapitated body hit the ground, it marked the death of the last of the Skorpion gang.

Rebecca skidded to a stop in front of me, and flipped up the visor on her helmet, as she said with a grin, "Looks like you trashed your ride. Need a lift?"

I picked up Katie, slinging her over my shoulder, and gave Rebecca a grateful smile. Swinging my leg over the back of the bike, I tapped her gently on the shoulder to let her know I was ready. She revved up the bike playfully, but she took the corners nice and easy as she brought us back to Valhalla.

"What about that last truck?" I asked her loudly, so she could hear me over the bike, my face set in a worried frown.

She turned slightly in her seat, pointing off to the right, and said, "Mom nailed it with the Heavy Laser, and the mercs finished it off."

I looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw that right in the centre of the truckstop, a sturdy turret had popped-up from its concealed housing in the ground. Just as Rebecca had described, the long elegant barrel of a Heavy Laser poked out of that turret, and over on the far side of the truckstop it had melted a big round hole through the side of the last Skorpion truck, skewering the engine. There were several armoured merc cars parked nearby, and they had obviously been responsible for the hundreds of bullet-holes that peppered the stricken gang vehicle.

Letting out a wry chuckle I asked, "In that case, I don't suppose you've got a truck with a winch? The Valkyrie's not doing so well."


Jessica and I were up in Valhalla's lounge, and I held her in my arms as I explained that I'd be heading back to Kinsberg to repair the Valkyrie.

"Why don't you stay, Jake?" Jessica asked with heartfelt longing, entrancing me with her beautiful blue eyes.

I was truly torn, wracked with indecision as I stared at the only woman I'd ever loved. "I wouldn't want to be a burden on you and Rebecca," I replied in a faltering voice. "A man's got to earn a living."

Jessica's eyes narrowed in anger, as she snapped in frustration, "You made a fucking fortune on the Gameworlds! Then there's all the sponsorship deals I've kept going for the 'Legend of the Arena'. How'd you think I've kept your personal account topped up for the last twenty years?!"

I stared at her in shock, my hand instinctively going for my credit-stick as I pulled it out of my coat. I fumbled to press my thumb to it, and the display showed, "Available balance: 12345 credits."

I blinked rapidly as I desperately tried to process what she was telling me, but there were too many holes in my memory for it to make any sense. I struggled to remember anything particularly clearly past the old arena days, but some things were just great big blanks.

She saw my troubled expression, and reached up to tenderly stroke my face, as she whispered sympathetically, "You don't need to keep punishing yourself. I think it's amazing that you've been wandering the territory, helping everyone in sight for all these years, but you've got nothing to atone for." She paused, her face mournful as she added, "It was a freak accident, it wasn't your fault."


Suddenly I was back there again, upside down in my Valkyrie as I sailed through the air, and smashed through the safety panels protecting the crowds. My horrified eyes locked with those of a young boy, who stared up at me, too terrified to move, his hand held up as if to ward me away...


I pulled away from Jessica, hyperventilating as my senses were overwhelmed: red everywhere, the coppery scent of blood, piercing screams, wailing for the dead, and stabbing pain all engulfed my mind. "I-I can't," I stammered, staggering back a step as I clutched my hands to my throbbing head.

She let out a forlorn sigh, and stepped close so she could place a loving kiss on my cheek, as she murmured, "There'll always be a home for you here, Jake." She turned and walked away, but stopped to say, "Please say goodbye to Rebecca before you go. She's in the trophy room next to the tunnel."

I watched her leave, desperate to chase after her, but the searing agony in my head held me in check. Steadying myself against the back of one of the sofa chairs, I focused on breathing in and out, taking long slow breaths to get myself under control again. The pain gradually faded, and I walked away quietly, to go and find Rebecca, just as Jess had asked.


I passed the Valkyrie on my way to the outbuilding, her battered bodywork likely to need many hours of Bob's loving attention to get her back in shape. Rebecca and I had righted the Valkyrie a few hours ago, and we'd worked well as a team to replace the blown wheel with one of the spares I kept on my trailer.

The garage door still yawned wide open, and I could see light spilling out through a partially ajar doorway further back inside the garage. I strolled towards it, then placed my hand on the door, and gently pushed it open. Rebecca was staring at dozens of news clippings and articles on the leftmost wall, but my attention was immediately drawn to the wall directly in front of me, and the ten glittering trophies that took pride-of-place in the room.

I spotted my name etched on every one of those sparkling, Asphalt Arena cups, and with a start I realised they were all my original trophies. I smiled, feeling a sense of pride as I surveyed my legacy, then turned to look at Rebecca, who was still staring at the wall.

"You were incredible today," I told her, my voice full of admiration. I hesitated for a moment, and then added, "I know you said you lost your father before you were born. If he were around today, he'd be very proud of the amazing, heroic woman you've grown into. I never had any kids, but if I had, I would have hoped they'd turn out just like you."

Rebecca had turned to stare wide-eyed at me as I spoke, and her face crumpled as I finished praising her. She stumbled into my arms, her eyes filling with tears as she cried into my chest. I held her comfortingly, as I whispered, "You saved my life today. Thank you."

"Mom tried to explain, but I just didn't understand," she sobbed wretchedly.

I stroked her soft brown hair as I embraced her, feeling her trembling as she cried over her lost father. My heart went out to the heartbroken girl, and I wished I knew the right thing to say to make her feel better.

I glanced over at the news clippings on the wall behind her, and now that I was holding Rebecca, her body no longer concealed the framed picture in the centre of the headlines and cuttings. I smiled as I recognised the man in the picture. It was me, but back in my early twenties, fresh faced, and sporting a beaming grin after winning the Asphalt Arena cup in my rookie year.

I could see my own reflection in the carefully polished glass protecting the photograph, and my green eyes stared back at me, as I studied the changes over the years. I hadn't changed that much, except for a few extra lines here and there, but that wasn't bad for someone nearing the big five-oh. The one striking exception was the metallic plate built into my skull, sweeping back from my left temple.

Looking out at the headlines, I read each in turn, stopping to focus on a few that had marked the defining moments of my career. I smiled wistfully at the evocative memories they each provoked.

"Rookie sensation, Jacob Wagner wins Asphalt Arena heavyweight-class trophy!"

"Jake Wagner and his Valkyrie secure sponsorship deal worth millions with Tetra-Cola."

"Jake Wagner loses left hand in crash, but claims fourth consecutive Asphalt Arena cup!"

"Titanium Jake crushes all challengers, and secures record with sixth consecutive Asphalt Arena cup victory."

"Horror in the Powerdrome as Asphalt Arena freak accident claims 17 lives! Titanium Jake critically wounded..."

I shuddered as I read the last, gritting my teeth and clamping down with all my willpower not to get overwhelmed by the flashbacks. Rebecca needed me to be strong, and I couldn't fail her now, not when she was so upset. I took a deep breath and continued reading, holding Rebecca and rubbing her back comfortingly as she wept.

"Legendary arena champion, Titanium Jake, retires. Vows to restore order to chaotic homeworld."

I stared at the last headline in shock, and then quickly read through the accompanying article.

"Jacob Wagner, otherwise known as Titanium Jake, announced his retirement from the Asphalt Arena today. Famous throughout the Terran Federation for his astounding record of ten consecutive victories in the Asphalt Arena Heavyweight class, Titanium Jake was critically injured in his final season. In a statement today, given eighteen months after his accident, Titanium Jake declared that he would be using his vast personal fortune to clean up his old homeworld. Jacob Wagner was born on the anarchic frontier planet, Charon IV, bordering Trankaran Space."

There was a picture attached to the article, showing me at a press conference, with a beautiful brunette at my side, who looked to be several months pregnant. My eyes opened wide in surprise as I stared at the picture, suddenly recognising Jessica. The caption read, "Jake Wagner and wife Jessica expecting first child."

I blinked as I read the caption again, then looked down at the green-eyed girl I held in my arms. "I'm your lost father?!" I blurted, reeling from the revelation.

Rebecca looked up at me, wild hope in her tear filled eyes. She nodded hesitantly while watching carefully for my reaction. I blinked and stared at her in wonder, feeling a huge surge of happiness in my chest, and a lightness in my heart I hadn't felt in decades. Rendered speechless, I could only laugh in delight, hugging her to me fiercely and never wanting to let her go.

"I love you, Daddy," she told me, tears streaming down her cheeks, but they were happy tears now, just like my own. She stared into my eyes, and whispered, "Please don't leave."

"I'm not going anywhere," I replied, hugging her even tighter, and meaning every word.

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mfj77mfj774 months ago

WOW! That was a fun ride. Have not read any TSM yet so don't know if this is in the same universe or a completely separate story. Would like a sequel to fill in the details of the back story.


1inquiringmind1inquiringmind8 months ago

Great Mad Max/Space Opera/Wild West Hybrid ,

texlootexloo11 months ago

Hot damn! Bloody good tale!

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Good story again. Expected Rebecca was his daughter but it wasn't clear Jessica was his wife. Could be a sequel if you wished. 5⛤

sg1010sg1010about 1 year ago

Not something that I would typically be drawn to BUT once I got started, I COULDN'T WALK AWAY FROM IT ! ! !

Amazing Creativity !


PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

A bit Mad Max/Thunderdome-esque but hey, nothing wrong with tribute acts or homages, yes it was a bit signalled, but no less fun for all of the clues scattered around, got clean fun tbh and I enjoyed it! Thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz. 5⭐️

jra13jra13almost 2 years ago

A must read. Yes it was kinda obvious he was Daddy, but didn't you want to see the clues?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story...Steve Jackson's Car Wars/ Truck Stop game running thru my memories. The ending I could see coming, but only because I anticipated a happy ending. There's certainly room for a sequel here.


Casper7309Casper7309over 2 years ago

Great story. Kathie surprised me :)

Mike9947Mike9947almost 4 years ago

Nice - ending was predictable - and perfectly done.

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