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Tim was never one to keep a date waiting. Hey, was this a date? He figured so. At 6pm precisely he walked through the pub door. Sally was just ordering her drink. "I'll get that," he said, though his bank balance was already awaiting his next grant cheque. Mom or dad - "daddy" his sister insisted - would help, he was sure.

"Thanks," smiled Sally. She too knew the financial worth of the gesture and Tim, collecting his half pint, ushered her towards a near table. "It's been a long day," she added as they sat and reached over to touch hands.

"Me too, even working through my lunch, sandwich in one hand, coffee in the other."

Sally smiled again, "Well, let's see if we can make the day better."

They chatted, making just the one drink last through their conversation. "Are you OK for an hour or two, " she enquired, finishing her drink and scooping up her jacket from the seat beside her.

"Sure," answered Tim, finishing his drink. "What do you have in mind?"

"My parents are away for a few days and it will give us a chance to talk in private."


"Tim, can I ask you something very personal?"

"Go on."

"When you're talking, telling me to relax, you hypnotise me, don't you?"

Despite telling her otherwise during trance ... to forget she'd been hypnotised ... somehow Sally had realised. "Yes, I do."

Sally smiled, I'm glad you answered honestly. Now do you ever get an erection, like as if your body wants you to do more?"

"I think you know that already. How did you work it out."

"Every time you help me I'm horny as hell afterwards." She tugged his arm. "The bus leaves soon, come."


Katie's time of euphoria was short lived. The bitch had cornered Tim's attention. He was smitten, she was smitten - of course! The smile and the kiss in the common room. It was there right from the start. Tim had mind fucked the bitch then done it for real.

She changed again. Two shots, make it three, of daddy's single malt then the local pub. Katie was on the pull. Fuck the cost. If she played it right then the evening would be free.


All the way from the bus stop Sally talked and talked hardly pausing for breath.

Her house - or rather her daddy's house - was a posh affair. Everything might not have been exactly Feng-shui but it was certainly co-ordinated. Everything exuded taste. Daddy supplied the cash and mom supplied the know-how.

Once inside the door Tim had to pull away to catch his breath. God, this woman could kiss. "That's just for starters," said Sally, "I would have thanked you earlier but ..."

She drew him to her, kissed again, pressed herself against his hardness, pushed him against the wall. Instinctively Tim put his hands on her butt, then as a second thought moved them down and under her short skirt. Sally pulled away and he let go. "No," she said bluntly, then as an afterthought, "Not yet."

Tim looked bewildered, "All this is so sudden ... what?... why?"

"What exactly did you say when you had me ... under?"

"Got any pains at the moment?"

"No, I'm mid cycle. Why do you ask?"

Sally sat, cross-legged at first on a leather armchair. Tim sat opposite, "I could explain what I said," he continued, "If it helps."

"I was telling some friends about how being really relaxed could ease and even stop pains. One insisted that I'd been hypnotised."

"OK. So?"

"I still couldn't understand why I felt so bloody horny afterwards."

"So you didn't like that?" Tim looked confused.

"Well yes, I mean sometimes it was damned inconvenient but yes, it was good." Sally thought for a few moments. "But I couldn't understand HOW I felt like that. Except that sometimes ... hmmm I don't really know how to explain." She stopped, a quizzical look on her face. "Sometimes," she began, still uncertain whether it was a stupid notion, "Sometimes when I'm in bed, asleep, I dream that one of my ex boyfriends is beside me. I'm in a very comfortable armchair, naked, and he is by my side. He has like a feather tickling me - you know where is feels all so god-damn good. Then I wake up and he's not there."

"It's just a matter of getting you to imagine certain things. In hypnosis your imagination works a lot better."

It was as if a light bulb above her head just lit up. "That's why! So when you're talking to me it's like I'm dreaming. But as often happens, I can't remember the dream afterwards. But why a boyfriend - that one turned out to be a three-timer? Why don't you get me to imagine, you're doing it?"

"Hey, don't get so serious. I'm helping you, not abusing you. And just now ... "

"You were rushing me." She went to the fridge, brought back 2 cans. Neither spoke as they drained their beers.

"So why did you invite me here?" Tim broke the silence.

It was a while before Sally answered. She sat awkwardly, her short skirt promising to display her panties. To Tim's dismay it didn't. "OK. I'll admit it," she said finally while, fetching two more cans. "I've been asking around a lot. Some other girls I know went to a nightclub while they were in Ibiza. They had an x-rated hypnotist there and one of them videoed most of the show." She reached for her bag and she pulled out a small USB stick. "Upstairs!" she instructed, taking his hand. "We'll watch it together."

Sally's room was any girl's dream. Fitted units, top-notch laptop on (Tom thought) a solid pine workstation. She lifted the lid, pressed a key and the laptop booted into life. Carefully Sally inserted the USB stick, clicked and the video began. At first the camera showed an unsteady picture. It must have been a late thought to film it, for the hypnotist was already going through the quick test of peoples' susceptibility. He chose 12 of the many volunteers - no doubt picking the easiest to hypnotise.

"I can remember something like this when you first agreed to help me," said Sally.

"Yes, the quick test. You passed it easily," Tim answered.

Sally was sat on the comfortable office chair. Plush padded leather, Tim thought. He sat on the edge of her bed, easily able to see the large screen. Before beginning the hypnotist explained that, as could be easily determined from the posters and flyers, this was an "adult" show. No-one left the stage.

Although the girl filming the action on her phone had a somewhat unsteady hand, both could hear the hypnotist's induction, along with seeing the more and more relaxed poses of his volunteers. Most, Tim thought, looked out for the count. The hypnotist tapped one guy on the shoulder, speaking rapidly into his ear.

"You sir,' said Tony, the hypnotist, "Sit just here." His assistant had placed a chair in front of the others, near the edge of the stage. He repeated his actions, "And you, lady, sit just here." Another chair was placed opposite, face to face but several meters apart. He then gave the lady a long slim balloon - the kind that kids entertainers shape into dogs and swans - easily identifiable as a male member.

'Wow, I wouldn't mind that," said one of the girls, off camera.

'Nah, wouldn't touch the sides," said another, bursting into a raucous laugh.

The hypnotist touched the lady on her shoulder and spoke again into her ear. She nodded. He then went and did the same to the man. Without any prompting the lady began to stroke the balloon, much to the pleasure of the man. He must have been well blessed because the stirring in his pants was increasingly hard to ignore. Not to be satisfied, the lady, obviously also aroused and shifting in her seat, lovingly tongued the end of the balloon before sliding it as much as she could into her mouth.

"Oh my god,"exclaimed one of the girls, "If she keeps that up, he's gonna cum." The girl with the phone zoomed on to the man's lap, then his face, then his lap. "Not gonna miss this," she said. This continued for a few minutes, the man obviously now on the verge. The hypnotist quickly burst the balloon with a pin before the man flooded his underpants with goo. "Spoilsport," muttered the girl with the phone.

Both returned, somewhat bewildered, to their place on the row of chairs. Sally pointed to the humongous bulge in the man's crotch, something not missed by the phone girl. The camera rather wobbled, going temporarily out of focus, before encapturing forever the moment that could well have been a sticky uncomfortable evening for the helpless man.

Tim noticed Sally's eyes not missing one second of the recorded action. One of her hands was sliding along her inner thigh, the other hand cupping under a breast. Then she became suddenly aware of her actions. She turned to Tim, himself aroused by what he'd seen. "This is what I asked you here for, then I could show the video to you, uninterrupted." She paused the video. She grinned, "You seem to like it too," her gaze resting on his tented pants. She stood, motioning him to sit on the broad leather chair, gently settling herself on his lap. Tim hoped the office chair would stand their combined weight. Sally settled herself carefully, her butt nestled against Tim's pride and restarted the video.

"Chance would be a fine thing," he said.


"Turns me on watching, but only imagining it."

Sally said nothing, though pondering what he'd said. It was fun watching the instructed volunteers simulating their favourite parts of the Kama Sutra. Of course, like the standard 'speaking Martian language' that stage hypnotists favour, few had read the Kama Sutra but each had their own take on what they imagined it to be. By now Tim's hand was slowly sliding back and forth along Sally's thigh as each watched the hypnotist's skills ... and listened to the x-rated comments of the three friends.

"Just imagine if you could do that," Sally commented.

"You mean act like a prat in front of a half-drunk crowd? No way."

"No, stupid. I mean if you could get people to do stuff like that."

"Me? No way. I mean I'm OK with what I do for you, but who on earth would want me to make them cum."

Sally turned, carefully, as every move might just make Tim cum. She kissed him, moving his hand to cup and stroke one breast as they kissed. Now he WAS hard, rock hard. "Don't you see why I've asked you?"

"I don't know. To watch this?"

"To learn what you've watched." She kissed him again, a kiss he wished would never end. It did, both needing breath. "And to try it out on me."

He looked at her quizzically and laughed, "Really? Why?"

"Because so far it's been good. I want it to be really good. I really want you to try ... and when you succeed you can fuck me." Tim went quiet, too quiet for Sally. "You don't want to?" she asked. "Surely ... " The look on Tim's face puzzled her then the truth dawned. "You're ... you've ... you haven't ... have you? " Tim shook his head. "Oh you sweet darling."

The video continued. By now the show had almost completed and the hypnotist turned his attention to the lady who'd had the balloon. "You, my dear," he said, "You've been the star. And now I want to give you a special treat." Tapping the lady's forehead he went through a whole routine of placing her deeper and deeper in trance. "When you awake," he said at last, "Whenever I shake your hand you will feel the most wonderful pleasure inside you."

"She's just faking it," the girls decided. Eventually the woman appeared to cum, but like the mock Martian - was it just an act?

"So," said Sally, shutting the laptop lid. "That's just the puzzle. You prove it and you get your reward."

Tim had a distant look in his eyes. "You're serious? You really want me to try."

"It's up to you," Sally answered.

"I'd better go," said Tim, "They'll wonder where I am."

"Just before you go, something you said earlier." Tim felt his zipper go down.


"So, have you been with the bitch again?" asked his twin, out of earshot of daddy and mom.

"Nothing to do with you," he snapped back.

"We're not friends then? We used to share everything Timmy boy."

"Chill sis," he snapped. He hated being called that.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Katie answered gruffly.

"You wish." Tom stormed to his room. Katie left him alone.

His pride now limp and still leaking a tiny bit of cum that Sally hadn't sucked out of him Tim lay, reflecting on the evening. He mused the thoughts swishing through his mind. This girl, Sally, he'd known by name only 3 months or so. She had sought him out at the college and all he knew was she was a friend of someone who knew Brad. He'd helped her relax, picturing in her head a warm hot water bottle with a secret local anaesthetic seeping through the rubber. It had numbed her pain, then it had caused a tickling inside her, a naughty tickling that had spread to her breasts, her thighs, her secret places. He hadn't at first recognised it as hypnosis - he'd just learned some words on a typed-up sheet of paper. Now Sally was his girlfriend and she wanted him to make her cum just to prove that the videoed lady wasn't just acting. It was gone 3am before he finally slept.


Sally had to admit her jaw ached. She'd sucked off several cocks for fun or as a payment in kind but Tim ... Oh Tim was bigger both in length and width. She'd learned not to gag but to give the best pleasure to her temporary mate. Poor Tim - she'd swallowed a huge amount of cum. Didn't he wank? He had a sister. Didn't he seek out her scented panties? He seemed to have shot a month's worth of cum down her throat. How much better would it be shot inside her cunt.


"Sorry," said Katie at breakfast, kissing him lightly on his cheek, "I guess I'm a bit jealous."

Tim nodded, still annoyed, "OK." Conversation over.

Sally was waiting by the usual stop, hoping Tim wouldn't have his sister in tow. Anticipating Tim's agreement to her plan, Sally passed him copy of the video. They talked, but only on the way to the college entrance. Not wanting to push him, Sally kept out of his way.


Perhaps it was a real stupid thing to watch the video while his twin was in the house. Totally absorbed and trying to understand what the hypnotist was saying, over the buzz of voices in the nightclub, Tim didn't hear her come into the room.

"What the fuck are you watching?" Katie bellowed, stood behind him. Several minutes had played, more specifically several minutes with a lady licking and sucking the end of a modelling balloon.

Tim decided to come clean. "It was taken by one of Sally's friends at a nightclub on holiday."

"And she let you watch it?"

"She thought I might be able to tell if they were just acting, or really hypnotised."

"Is that where you were yesterday?"

"Well yes, but we talked through much of it - hence this copy for me to watch on my own."

"Can I watch?"

"Sure. From the start?" Katie nodded.

For once, Katie was quiet. No comments, no fidgeting, Katie was watching and listening to every word the hypnotist said. "You're with your partner, you're all alone in complete privacy, in your own special world. Caress them, love them, feel their hands all over your body."

Tim, inches away from his twin sister suddenly realised what was happening. Katie was in a trance and because of the noise around and the laughter of the audience she was staying hypnotised. She couldn't hear the countdown "3,2,1 wide awake." He may have been concerned had Katie not started to caress her own body, to slide her fingers teasingly up her thighs, raising her skirt and, no, touching herself through her panties? He felt his own pleasure rising as he watched her and in the end felt forced to turn away.

Tim left the video running. He quietly closed his bedroom door and went downstairs.

It was a while afterwards that he heard a shout, "Tim!" Nothing unusual if Katie was needing help with something, so it wasn't a call of alarm.

"I'm really sorry, Tim," she said. "You were good enough to show me the video but I must have been tired and fallen asleep. Anyway we can watch it tomorrow." She hooked her arms around his neck. "And I'm sorry I got annoyed with you. I need a hug."

"That's OK," said Tim and he put his arms around Katie's waist.

"This is for being shitty to you," she continued, pressing her lips against his, gently persuading him to react and open his mouth a little. She pushed her hips against him and he, in turn, held her closer. Her lips parted more and Tim could not remember her lips being so soft, so plump, so delicious. "Mmmm," she murmured.

Tim broke away. "Katie?" he asked, "Why? ..."

"As I say, I've been a real shit. I want to make it up to you."

"But you're my sister."

"Just cut the bullshit. I need comfort and I need to make it up to you." She pulled Tim close. This time he didn't resist. Soon they were locked in a passionate kiss. Lucky boyfriends thought Tim. The kiss went on and on as Katie ground herself against Tim's growing hardness.

Whether it was so unexpected or his twin's head-reeling kiss, or her insistent grinding, all at once Tim's volcano erupted. "Oh shit," he almost screamed as the pulses of cum came one after another - a waking wet dream. "Now look what you've done," said Tim, angrily. There was nothing he could do, it was as if he'd been asleep in bed with a wet dream. By the time he'd sensed his cock had hit the point if no return it was just too late.

"Come here, I'll help you," offered Katie. Her eagerness to unbuckle and unzip his pants bewildered him. Luckily that was where it stopped - his y fronts were full but had not let cum through the tight fabric. She yanked them down as if she'd practised many times. He lifted one foot then the other. Katie mopped the loose cum delicately from where it still clung to his skin. "Hell man, did you ever measure this?" she asked. "How do you manage to pack it all away?" She bunched the underpants and used the remaining dry material to stroke his swollen weapon. It bounced comically at the end of each slow stroke. He took in a short breath of air as the fabric tickled the delicate bulbous tip.

"Careful," he said, the tender end normally covered by foreskin. She dropped the polycotton bunched fabric on the carpet and used her tongue to clean off the last remains of cum. He shivered with delight.

"I think," she said, "That will suffice as an apology. Don't worry, I'll wash them out. You're too trigger happy."

For a second night, Tim found it hard to sleep. It was, he thought, as if his twin sister had been affected by something she'd seen or heard in the video. But she wasn't there at the hypno show, she wasn't a volunteer, she hadn't been chosen by the hypnotist. And then suddenly she'd backed off - helped him clean up and then wandered back into her own room. And 'trigger happy' - what did that mean? He was determined to spend the following morning off; no lectures, no discussions, no presentations gave him 4 hours spare to try to make sense.

As soon as the rest of the family had breakfasted and gone their various ways, Tim opened up his laptop. He played the video through - most of it was OK but difficult to see or hear clearly in several places. Katie had only watched part, but then even 'asleep' if that was the term, she could hear.

It didn't take long to discover that hypnotic inductions were banned from TV. After the volunteers were 'programmed' then the show could be broadcast. Tim also read that it wasn't uncommon for audience members to be affected by the hypnotist's words. So, he thought, Katie may well have been lulled into some kind of trance but come out of it later. Tim's research led him to videos and sample scripts, explanations of how the subconscious mind worked and, on some websites, how to get the subject into a state of sexual arousal.

Tim looked at his watch and was alarmed that he needed to get his butt shifted. Where the time had gone he did not know, so fascinating was the information he'd gathered. He printed some of it off, had a quick coffee and set off to college. Around 2.30 his phone buzzed a text from Sally.