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Yes why?

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Sally was waiting when he got there. "Did you have chance to read up on stuff?"

"Well a little, but I was trying hard to hear what that hypnotist was saying over the noise of the audience."

"So did you learn from it?"

"I think Katie heard more than me." Tim then went on to describe what had happened, including the kiss.

"Wow, she must have been really horny. Can you try the same with me?"

Tim just shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, maybe."

The street where Sally lived was perhaps the brightest and tidiest Tim had ever seen. Every garden was manicured to perfection. Of the cars parked on driveways Tim noticed every single one was a Jag or a Merc or a Beamer - except where there were two, the second no doubt being a top model hatchback for mummy to ferry their spoiled children around. But Sally wasn't a spoiled brat by any means - although her clothes and shoes most certainly were not budget brands made in Eastern Europe sweatshops.

They walked along slowly, hand in hand, from the bus stop to where Sally lived. She sought out the key from her purse, opened the door then swiftly keyed the intruder alarm code.

Willow the cat peeked at them from the top stair, turned and went back to where she had been sleeping. "She's just curious," said Sally, "Wants to know all that's happening. She'll just go back to sleeping on daddy's pillow. He complains all the time about odd cat hairs tickling his face." She smiled, "Willow takes no notice."

Sally immediately took two cans from the fridge, "It's OK. Daddy will have plenty more in the garage."

"He doesn't mind?" asked Tim.

"Let's just say he gets treats from me," said Sally, with a wink. "I make sure my panties are always where he can find them."

"Aren't they too small for him?" Tim asked, furrowing his brows.

"Are you totally thick, or what?" asked his very bemused friend. "Don't tell me you haven't sniffed your sister's panties from the dirty linen basket?" Tim looked blankly at her. "Oh come on, they're nature's best aphrodisiac.

"Maybe once or twice," he lied," But your father sniffs yours? I mean, it's not the sort of thing he should do."

"And you're going to tell me next I shouldn't walk around in just bra and panties when mum's not around?"

Tim smiled. "That's OK. Katie sometimes does that. She says it's only the same as a bikini." Tim omitted to say Katie quite often skipped the bra, though always wearing a tee-shirt or a thin blouse.

Sally turned, hugged Tim and the next few minutes were a blur. Did the record books hold details of the most erotic kiss in history? Maybe not, but if they did then this girl was going to make the top entry. He was hard, very hard and very big. "Well?" asked Sally, finally. "Does that qualify me for a hypno-cum attempt?"

The very comfortable recliner armchair seemed perfect. The induction was easy, Sally just watching Tim's finger moving closer to her nose. Before it touched, her eyes had closed. "Deeper, deeper down to your secret place." There was no pain today just a need for ... "Every breath making you more comfortable, more secure, happier, feeling every tiny sensation in your body. And then those delightful angel feathers, touching, teasing. Every touch making you more relaxed, more aroused, feeling more and more pleasure."

Tim took his time, for there was no rush. He watched every little smile, every little murmur, every time her hips moved closer to the invisible fingers tracing along the insides of her thighs. As she slid forwards in the chair, her thighs opening in anticipation, her skirt rucked up, offering Tim the sight of her pale yellow thong.

"Sally, I'm just going to touch the back of your hand, like this." With fingertips he lightly touched. "Every time I touch the back the back of your hand your pleasure will double, an intense sexual pleasure. Nod if you understand." Sally nodded, then smiled. "Such wonderful, sexual pleasure (he emphasised the words) that you've never, ever experienced before. And with every touch you will feel more and more relaxed, more and more at ease as each wave of pleasure comes. You're in your own secret place, you deserve this pleasure." Sally nodded again.

Each time Tim gave even the slightest touch, Sally edged a little further forward, the friction against the chair allowing her skirt to ruck. Her legs slowly parted and the darkening yellow patch become very damp with her juices. Tim slowed the touches allowing Sally's pleasure to gradually intensify. Time was never his concern for he was fascinated by her movements, her wetness and obvious show of pleasure. Finally her breathing deepened, her hips rose and Tim knew the time was right

"Cum for me Sally, cum, cum hard, cum fast." He touched her hand rapidly now. "Let it happen, let your body give in." He rapidly urged her on. Her breathing came fast, her hips rose and trusted and finally the pleasant ripples of orgasmic bliss flooded through her, time after time until after what seemed an age they slowed, her hips dropped and her breathing returned to normal.

Tim left her there for a few minutes before counting her back to normal, this time allowing her to remember everything.

She yawned and stretched then suddenly realised how high her skirt had risen. "Have you been looking at my panties?" she said, smiling, tugging her skirt back down. "Never mind," she continued, "I'm totally wrecked. How the hell did you manage all that? That was INTENSE."

"Well," said Tim, with a cheeky grin, "Most of it is here." He turned to show her the words he'd been speaking, copied from some adult hypno site. "All I did was read."

"My god, I'm soaked," said Sally, her skirt pulled up again. She tugged her thong down, examined it, smelled it. "And I haven't pissed myself either. What do you think?" She passed the small item to him.

"Definitely not piss," he smiled, "But intoxicating." He inhaled the pheromone enriched scent deeply, immediately feeling himself firming to a steely hardness, his pants tenting. He passed the lace patterned panties back to her.

"Keep them," she said, "You deserve them." Sally had left her skirt hitched up, her legs slightly apart. Tim seemed mesmerised by the complete smoothness of her most intimate part.

"Have you ever licked a girl out?" she asked, doubting he ever had. Tim looked rather sheepish. "No? Well now is your chance to learn." She parted the most perfect split peach. Tim felt unnerved at first. This was the first time ever that he'd seen a girl's secret place so close, so open and showing Sally's pleasure nerve centre. "You can start by just kissing," she moved her fingers away from separating her gash, allowing him to see how perfect she was, "Here." Three manicured fingers stroked her mound. "I like that. I'm very sensitive there, especially just now." Tim followed her instructions, watched her shiver. "Now poke my lips apart gently with your tongue and lightly lick my clit. Not too hard or too fast just yet."

Tim's tongue ventured in. Hesitantly he tasted her. Immediately Sally shivered again, a bolt of pure pleasure streaking through her.

"Yes, just there," she confirmed. And as his tongue worked his magic, "Yes, yes, oh yes. So horny. Faster." Both the taste and the scent of her heightened sex blew Tim's mind. He shifted awkwardly, his steely hardness becoming uncomfortable. He couldn't remember ever feeling as full as this. Sally noticed, "Sorry. I'll take care of that as soon as I ... " Her words faded as his tongue began its work again. "Oh my god, don't stop," she screamed, "More, faster, I'm going to ..." In one moment her body convulsed from head to toe, the rhythms of her climax making her almost pass out.


"Have you been to bitch's house?"

He looked at his watch. It was a quarter after nine. "We were talking and drinking her dad's beer."

"You fucked her, didn't you?" Katie spat out angrily. Tim looked blankly.

"I didn't, never have," was his equally angry reply. He looked bewildered. His sister wouldn't take 'No' as an answer.

"No-one? Ever?" Tim continued his blank look. Katie's voice lowered - of course Tim wasn't as pushy as she. "Oh Tim," continued Katie, "Why?"

"Dunno," Tim began, hesitantly. He felt his face flush with embarrassment. "I ... ddd-on't know www-hat to do, " he stammered, his voice trailed off, "How to begin, and I don't want to hurt any girl by doing it wrong."

Katie's voice softened. She gently kissed her twin. "Oh Tim. If only ..." Her face told it all. Should she help? Could she help? She changed tack. "Could we please watch that video again?" Tim noticed the memory stick was already plugged into her laptop.

"Sure, but you've been watching it already?"

"I've tried, but somehow I always fall asleep. I thought you could maybe nudge me if it happens again."

"But why? I mean if you're tired ..."

"Because ..." she paused, a long awkward pause. "Because," she finally went on, "Because I feel so relaxed after I wake up. It's a great feeling and I'm always so horny. Does the video have some sex in it?"

"I can show you what the hypnotist said, I've written most of it down."

The gears in Katie's brain whirred silently. "You sure you've never fucked Sally? You've written the words down, hypnotised her, told her what the stage hypnotist said and made her horny she wants to f ..."

Tim cut her short. "For god's sake, how many times have I told you? OK, yes I did hypnotise her, yes I did use some of what the stage hypnotist said, yes I touched her leg and yes, I made her cum. But with words, not my dick. And before you ask, my fingers didn't go anywhere near her cunt." That was the truth. He had touched her leg, maybe higher than was expected but only his mouth had touched her 'cunt, a word he rarely used. He made to leave and was just about to slam her bedroom door when she caught his hand, pulled him back.

"Come here," she said softly, "I'm sorry." And with that she drew him close, kissed him, and by the end of the kiss he knew for certain his twin meant what she'd said. He was hard again.

"Tim," she asked, "Do you think that guy on the video hypnotised me? You know, like accidentally? I mean I was trying to make out what he was saying, then it all became a blur ... I remember my eyelids getting heavy and needing to shut ... and then I woke up ..." Katie seemed to struggle admitting she was always horny, so damned horny after watching the video. In fact she admitted that was the reason she watched the video again.

"Yes, sure it's possible. You're probably one of the people who easily goes into hypnosis. Like, for example, you're daydreaming on a bus and you find the long journey has taken next to no time."

Katie nodded "Yes, that's happened."

"OK," said Tim, "I'll tell you why I'm so late back." And he explained everything. Copying, more or less, what the stage hypnotist had said. Looking it up on the Internet and adapting it. And then Sally's insistence about taking her pain relief hypno much further. "So you see, tonight, I told her she could feel only pleasure, like her nipples being sucked, and her intimate parts being lightly caressed."

"And in the end she had a cum. Without you touching? Right?"

"Well no. I told her each time I touched her leg it would feel better and better."

"And you did that until she just couldn't stop cumming?"

"Right. In the end she pushed my hand away. She just couldn't take any more."

Katie had wanted Tim to try it out on her but he was tired, drained. "Watch the video again, on your own, and we'll see tomorrow," he offered, but no - Katie stood her ground. Finally Tim agreed to try to hypnotise her, but it would just be something simple. The following day they would have all the all the time. Mom and daddy would be out at the local pub quiz night and they never missed. Tim and his willing twin would have all evening.

"Just watch my finger and think of relaxing ... deeper ... "

"But it didn't work," she said - some 15 minutes later, "It was just like the video. I just dropped off to sleep. I must admit though, like Sally, whatever you've been saying ..." Just a tap on his twin's forehead, a fast patter of words compelling her to relax much deeper than before. Katie was far easier to hypnotise than when Tim had first learned his new skill on Janet, Brad's sister.

That night Katie dreamt about Tim, naked.


Morning came, and as usual breakfast was a quick coffee and toast before Tim rushed to catch the bus into town. Sally wasn't there, though it stuck in Tim's mind she had the day off to study. Perhaps that was good - time for him to think about the evening before. He sneezed and pulled what he thought was a paper handkerchief from his pocket. It was Sally's expensive but minimalistic pussy covering. He inhaled deeply.

'OK 4 2nite' texted Sally.

'Sorry - imposs 2nite'

'Yr loss - cya'

And that was the only contact he had with Sally. It would wait for the weekend. He wasn't Sally's property.


Tim had barely stepped through the door when Katie grabbed his arm. "Give me chance," he pleaded.

"I've totally stuffed up my laptop and I can't get my college work back. Please."

"OK, I'll be right up," replied her twin. He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. Mom just smiled.

"You've remembered we're going out soon. Got to get drinks in before the quiz starts." they reminded him.

"It's OK. It'll probably take me a while to sort Katie's mess out."

"Tim ... Please ..." came the call.

"I'd better go up. I'll eat later."

The next ten minutes were a blur to Tim. Katie dragged him into her room, pressed him to the wall, frenched him until he struggled for breath, ground herself against his swollen cock, still constrained by his pants.

"Wow, I guess that's a great welcome, but why?" OK, the post-hypnotic suggestion had worked.

"Why? Because you're going to practice on me until you get it right."

"I haven't eaten since a sandwich at lunchtime. Besides they haven't gone out yet."

"OK, you eat. We begin as soon as they go."

Tim got greeted with another kiss. "You're OK now?" said Katie, "No more distractions."

"Look at me, concentrate on my finger ... deeper ... place of calm ... trusting ..." The chair by Katie's desk was no match for Sally's comfy armchair, nor was Katie's skirt retreating to give him a glimpse of panties. "3 - 2 - 1" and Katie was awake.

Tim suggested she lay on the bed, tapped her forehead, "Sleep."

"Katie, I'm going to touch your hand. Every time I touch you will get the most pleasant feelings, as if someone was gently stroking your breasts and sides." Tim watched Katie's face and, he thought, this was working better than with Sally. "Each touch makes the feelings better and better." He watched the smiles and Katie taking in small, sharp breaths. "And when I touch your knee, those pleasant feelings will be deep in your tummy, moving down to your pubes as if an invisible hand was ..."

Katie's breaths became deeper and as Tim's hand moved further up her thigh, Katie lifted her butt and pulled her skirt higher. Her panties were a mid green and Tim thought they were from a set, pink green and yellow - he had seen them in the laundry. They didn't have a damp patch though, unlike Sally's. A few more words, a few more touches and that changed, however he just couldn't get Katie to cum.

"3, 2,1"

Katie opened her eyes and smiled, "So that's how Sally feels,"

"I think it's going to take a few sessions to make you cum." Katie reached down without the slightest hint of modesty and pushed a finger just inside her panties. "No," she answered, "But I feel ready,"

"Ready for what?"

She tugged her panties off and offered them to her twin. "See."

"They're quite wet, so what. Did you pee just before I came home?"

"Does it smell like pee?"

Tim inhaled, "Very nice. Not pee, for sure."

"But you can't leave me feeling horny."

"Lick you out?" Tim offered.

"Mmmm sounds good but I've a better idea. Your hypno rubbish didn't make me cum. Your fault, I choose how to cum."

"OK, whatever way you choose."


"Sure, you choose."

Katie got up from the bed, moved over, unbuckled Tim's pants, unzipped, tugged then let them drop. "WOW, There we go. That's what I need." Slowly and deliberately she unbuttoned her blouse and threw it on a chair, swiftly followed by her skirt. Now she was naked. Before Tom could protest his boxers were also on the floor, then his sweat. "You can keep your socks on," she advised, giggling. "Now I teach you."

It took Tim several attempts to guide his swollen cock inside his sister. It took patience and care for her to guide him fully in, although he needed no text book to show him what to do next.

Katie drew in several gulps of air, Tom's width and length filling her more than she'd ever been filled before. "Hell Tim, how did you manage to hide all this?"

He didn't answer, concerned and apprehensive about what he was doing.

"Yes, Tim, that's ooooh, that's right, just, mmmm, yes." He watched as she bit her lower lip and wondered at his own feelings, being gripped in his twin's tight vagina. Katie had her eyes closed, soft guteral noises coming from her throat. Spurred on by this he moved in and out with increasing rhythm then realised "Fuck" his own pleasure was coming too fast. All at once he climaxed with force, pumping his cum hard and fast into his sister.

"No worries," said Katie as his shrinking member slipped out.

A combination of small delights offered by Katie for the next 10 minutes and he was ready again. "Let me take over," she suggested, and soon she was on top, keeping his resurrected fullness inside her. Now she controlled the rhythm and, to be honest, Tim preferred that. Oddly, it was those few minutes that were to form his preference for some years to come. "Let me know if you're gonna cum again," she asked. Katie's agility and fitness, not to mention her suppleness allowed her to control both her own arousal and her twin's. Tim enjoyed this new experience, watching her breasts rise and fall and her inner muscles willing him to keep his maximum hardness.

The minutes passed, Katie adjusting her speed, even stopping and starting. She had never been with any man who compared to her brother's dimensions and she was going to make every second count. She leaned towards him, his length staying within her as they kissed, a lover's kiss. Tim felt his urge to once more spew his load inside her rise and fall until he felt the urge to cum again.

"I'm going to cum, I think," he told her.

"Squeeze and pull my nipples," she said. "Tell me to cum for you." Tim did as she asked as Katie adjusted the angle she needed. Each time he urged her, she speeded the thrusts she alone control until, at last, her body convulsed in those oh so familiar blasts of orgasmic pleasure. Tim was only seconds after. They lay for what seemed an eternity, kissing and hugging, loving each other's presence, bodies still tingling.

Katie lay spooned, her soft naked breasts lightly pushing against her sleeping twin. She reached over and pressed the button atop her bedside clock. The bright red LEDs glowed 9.10pm. Daddy and mom were never home before 11, they had almost 2 hours. She reached again, lightly touching her brother's still semi erection. She stroked, wondering if he was awake. She moved her hand to gently brush his right nipple, lightly coated with fine hair. Tim's pride responded. She was sure he was asleep, but with the persistent touches he awoke. He turned on his back, his flagpole raised.

Katie kissed him on his lips, gently at first but then both mouths accommodating the other's. Her fingers still stroked, first his nipples then his cock. "Reckon you can manage once more?" she asked, knowing any reluctance on his part would be countered.