Twixt Afternoon And Evening

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Wife surprises me, then ups the ante.
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A little tale, which some might consider cautionary, but others might not. It all takes place over a period of half an hour or so, and the only sex is visual and pretty mild. It might leave you hanging, so if you don't like that sort of thing, pass on right now please.

Otherwise read on and enjoy.


"Well that was a bit different Nina," I grinned at my very pretty, and, that afternoon, surprisingly sexy young wife.

"Don't know what got into me Ken," she replied, grinning back, instinctively covering her lovely bare breasts as I stared at her. "It just felt so natural even though Nick was there."

"I don't think he thought it was natural. At least, I don't think he thought it was normal."

"Well going topless round our pool is quite normal for us," she teased me, fluttering her eyelids outrageously.

"Not when my best friend is there," I pointed out, trying to seem at least a little aggrieved. "I know I encouraged you to wear your bikini, but I really didn't expect you to take your top off."

"Nick didn't seem to mind," Nina giggled naughtily.

"I'm damn sure he didn't," I agreed with her. "When you undid your top I thought he was going to have a heart attack."

"When I took it off, I thought he might," she went on, dreamily. "He couldn't take his eyes off me all afternoon."

"Off your tits you mean," I corrected her. "Not that I blame him."

"So you didn't mind then," Nina queried, pretty confident what my answer would be.

"Of course not," I confirmed, dropping my eyes to her beautiful tits, now that she'd dropped her hands away for my pleasure. "When you've got a wife with a pair of breasts like yours love, then why should I resent my fellow man enjoying them?"

"Looking at them, or enjoying them?" She teased.

"Looking at them Nina," I stated, pretty firmly.

"So no touching then," she asked, her grin widening.

"Let's not go there Nina."

"Just a little fondling maybe," she pushed me.

"I said let's not go there Nina."

"But what if he did?"

"But he didn't," I made my point. "I was there."

"Not all the time," she reminded me. "You went indoors to make that telephone call."

"Are you telling me that Nick made a move on you when I wasn't there?" I demanded, not sure if I was upset or excited.

"Not exactly," she answered, pulling down her bikini bottoms and replacing them with a tiny pair of lace panties. "He already had."

"Then what the hell are you telling me?" I demanded in some confusion. "We're going down for dinner in a few minutes with him. Has something been going on?"

"Depends on what you mean by 'something going on'," Nina continued to tease me. "Depends whether Nick having a quick grope counts as 'something going on'."

"A grope," I spluttered. "He groped you? When? I didn't see anything."

"In the pool when we were throwing the ball around," she admitted, reminding me of how gorgeous she'd looked jumping around trying to catch the ball, unaware, or at least apparently so, of how much her bare breasts were bouncing around. "Nick tried to wrestle the ball away from me a few times."

"And he did get it," I commented, having been aware that the pair of them had been playing around quite a bit.

"That's not all he got," she informed me, a touch uncertainly, waiting to see my reaction.

"It wasn't only the ball his hands were searching for," Nina carried on when I hadn't exploded at her revelation.

"He grabbed your tits?" I asked quietly, my throat going dry, and my nether regions sending signals to my brain that it was having difficulty in understanding.

"Not so much grabbed them as brushed up against them," my wife nonchalantly went on, tugging her favourite pair of skin-tight jeans slowly up her long slim legs, and breathing in as she zipped them up. Did wonderful things for her tits did that, by the way.

"I hope that's all he did," I retorted, maybe wishing that it wasn't quite so.

"That's all he did," she confirmed, hesitating before she continued with," The first time."

"The first time," I repeated in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"That's all he did the first time," she giggled. "I guess I should have complained or something, then he might not have been so bold the next time."


"I suppose he thought I didn't mind, so the next time I got the ball, he grabbed me from behind and cupped my tits really good."

"But why didn't you tell him that you did mind?"

"Why would I do that honey," she questioned me. "I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all, and in fact I quite enjoyed it."

"Quite enjoyed it?" I asked in astonishment."

"Well really enjoyed it actually honey," she responded. "Sorry but Nick giving my boobs a squeeze was quite a turn on. Let's be honest Ken, I'd been flashing my bare tits off to the pair of you all afternoon and I was getting quite squidgy, so being felt up by him was very welcome."

"And you didn't stop him?" I demanded.

"Only when he tried to put his hand inside my bikini bottoms honey," Nina answered as if we were discussing the price of bread. "I thought you'd be Ok with him feeling my tits, but didn't want him to go too far. It was just a bit of fun after all."

"Thank God for that," I sighed, pretty well honestly. "So that was all was it?"

"Of course," Nina told me smiling up at me, as she pulled on her high heel shoes that she'd spent the last few minutes choosing. "Except when you went to make your telephone call of course."

"Damn it Nina," I demanded, aware that this was where the conversation had started. "What happened then?"

"Nothing much more," she answered over her shoulder as she started to rearrange her hair in front of the mirror. "He just grabbed me and felt my tits up. Oh and kissed me a bit of course."

"You let him kiss you?" I spat out, surprised how that upset me more than letting him feel her up."

"Yes, sorry about that," she sort of nearly, almost apologised. "I got a bit carried away, but that's as far as it went."

"And you don't think that that was too far?" I questioned her, confused that I wasn't feeling especially angry.

"A bit too far maybe," she had the good grace to admit, grinning at me through the mirror as she stood there putting her long blonde hair into a pony-tail, just how I liked it. "I did tell him he mustn't kiss me again."

"Well you better tell him he mustn't feel up your tits again either."

"If that's what you want honey," she teased me, her grin widening, even as she applied a little bit of light make-up.

"You look bloody gorgeous Nina," I was forced to tell her as I sat there looking at her, strappy high heeled sandals, tight, skinny, low cut jeans, dangly earrings and very little else. In fact nothing else that was visible, unless you counted the string sides of her panties, that peeped out, up above the waistline of her jeans. Her firm thrusting breasts still as bare as they had been half the afternoon, and with that wonderful healthy glow about them that a few hours in the sun would cause.

"How about wearing that skimpy white tee shirt thing," I suggested, knowing how daringly brief it was, and how excitingly it moulded itself round my wife's breasts. That is of course when they weren't peeping out through the over large, plunging arm slits. She'd never worn it in public since we'd got home from our holidays in one of the more relaxed Spanish holiday resorts.

"I thought we agreed that it was a bit too revealing to wear around our friends Ken," she replied, reminding me of the discussion we'd had the only time she'd tried it on since, to go out to a local party. A decision that I'd vetoed in the interests of our reputations.

"I think with what Nick's been privy to this afternoon, that might rate as a bit of false modesty Nina," I reasoned, surprised at quite how much I found myself wanting my wife to show off a little skin to my pal again.

"I don't think so honey," she disappointed me with.

"Oh come on Nina," I argued. "Nick would love it."

"No," she replied firmly.

"How about the blue halter top thing," I changed tactics, hoping that she'd have the nerve to wear that after the close attention she got from all the guys at the Christmas ball.

"No, too dressy," she dismissed that idea. "Wouldn't go with my jeans."

"How about ....."

"How about I decide what I'll wear," she interrupted me. "How about I go down just as I am?"

"Just as you are?" I repeated. Well, more or less.

"Yes. Just as I am," she confirmed. "You just said I looked gorgeous like this, and I'm pretty sure Nick would agree."

"I'm damn sure he'd agree honey," I spluttered. "But you haven't got a top on. Your tits are bare."

"You don't think they look good?" Nina pouted, playfully, sticking them out saucily.


"You don't think I look good?"

"Fucking gorgeous!"

"Then what's the problem Ken?" she asked impishly. "I've had them out on display all afternoon, so why cover up now if I don't want to?"

"It's different," I exclaimed, trying to get my head round quite why it was so different.

"Different good or different bad?"

"Just different," I avoided her question. "Topless at the beach or round a pool is sort of .... Kind of, ..... Well I don't know. It's sort of socially acceptable."

"And round the dinner table isn't?" She asked, with a twinkle in her eye.

"Hardly," I responded, nearly choking on my words. "It's just not done. It's sort of ..... I don't know .... More suggestive."

"Suggestive good or suggestive bad?" She continued to tease me, unable to hold back her giggles.

"You just can't," I pleaded, trying to ignore the almost painful tightening in my chest.

"Why not?" my sexy little wife asked quite seriously, at last turning round from the mirror that we'd been looking at one another through and facing me, her ripe breasts swaying to and fro gently from her movement, and making it near on possible for me to keep looking at her in the eye. A little act that I'm pretty sure she did quite deliberately.

I opened my mouth to tell her why not, but no words came out. Unable to function, I simply sighed deeply and shrugged my shoulders.

"That's settled then," she stated, objections over-ruled, and squeezing past me towards the door, the warmth of her bare left breast as it brushed lightly against my arm, cutting off any further argument from me, and almost cutting off my airways. "You'd better get ready honey. Nick will already be down there waiting for us."

I coughed. Well more sort of cleared my throat, that being about all I was capable of, as my eyes were riveted on her tight, denim clad arse, and her long blonde pony-tail swinging back and forward across her bare, slim back, as she waltzed round the bed towards the door. What a sight!

"You sure about this Ken?" She demanded, her hand on the doorknob, the meerest trace of uncertainty detectable.

"Not at all," I answered honestly, having doubts much the same as she obviously was.

"But you're not going to stop me?"

"Apparently not," I gasped, still surprised at myself, and Nina for that matter.

"You don't want to come down with me and see his reaction?" she asked; spot on with my own thoughts.

"Reluctantly not," I sighed. "Don't want to make it look too contrived, and besides I have to get changed. Maybe tell me later."

"It's a promise," chuckled Nina her very cheekiest grin returning, and her confidence with it. "And I won't forget, no kissing."

"Or touching," I cried out, suddenly experiencing a moment of panic.

"Oh come on now Ken. Be reasonable. Nick's not a robot, and it could be a long evening."

"Your Jeans stay on and the zip stays up then," I relented, immediately half regretting it. Wondering why I had.


"That applies to Nick's Jeans as well."

"Of course."

"And no ...."

"Oh come on Ken," she interrupted me again with a playful frown. "Please let me have some fun."

It was the sigh and the shoulder-shrugging thing again. I simply couldn't bring myself to actually say yes, or Ok or whatever, but didn't want to ... Didn't want to what? Buggered if I know, so I shrugged my shoulders yet again and gave her a smile.

"Thanks Ken. I love you," she smiled lovingly back. "Don't be long honey or you might miss the fun."

And with a final, exaggerated wriggle of that lovely bottom of hers, she closed the door behind her and was gone. Gone, half dressed, tits and all, down to my friend Nick, who was waiting downstairs with no idea whatsoever that the fun he'd had earlier was about to go up a notch.

What the fuck have I done?

I asked myself the question, but didn't have an answer, so with a final drawn out sigh, and yes, a huge smile on my face, I grabbed my clothes and started to throw them on.

I wasn't sure what the rest of the evening would hold, but Nina and Nick were certainly going to enjoy it, and so, by Golly, was I if I had anything to do with it.


Well what happened then?

Nothing too serious, I'd like to hope, but I'd like to know what you think.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducahabout 2 months ago

Interesting premise. This couple was dangerously adventurous where their monogamous relationship was concerned, seemingly unaware of the Law of Unintended Consequences. They should at least know that when one plays with fire, to expect some painful blisters at the very least.

I would find someone other than Nick to explore boundaries. He seemed to have none.

This is mostly on Nina. Ken was a doofus unable to see the writing on the wall and out of touch with how many men are wired to respond to a lovely woman baring her breasts so blatantly.

You buys a ticket and takes your chances I guess. Remember to keep your arms inside the ride at all times and have fun.

ibuguseribuguser5 months ago

I don't like the plot but the writing was excellent.

It earns a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bad story. Lame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Shit story you are getting worse

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Someone said it promotes a spineless wimp cuckhold. I agree. Ken should have Burnt the Bitch from her Whitney shit with Nick in the pool and saud fidget the finer eat the shit out if Nick his predator friend!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just another slut wife with a WACC husband. the question is would she allow hubby to have a similar fun with her BFF - a hot blond.

ErotFanErotFanover 2 years ago

I think Teasedhubby said it first and best. Any sequel would be pretty much more of the same unless wife breaks her promise. Then she would move from a tease into slut territory.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

All of this writers main c lose the ability to think or speak and allow themselves to be over ruled. I guess she really wants to live this sort of life and writes about it a lot. She is expert at writing cuck shit and wimps for protagonists. Crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

No friend of mine. Nick would not be welcomes again and the wife would be on a very short leash never left alone for a very long time. She objects then its over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Just a load of crap.

mark73107mark73107over 4 years ago

What you did is create a fucking slut you dumb asshole. Run while you can and close out your bank accounts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

What on earth was this load of crap about?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
One word

One word GARBAGE.

mark73107mark73107over 5 years ago

What a pussy. He just lost his wife and inherited a whore,she's going to push until she gets to fuck who she wants .


andyinozandyinozover 6 years ago

Unadulterated shite

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

it's either one star or five stars with this author. Guess which one this story is.

1WiseSage1WiseSagealmost 7 years ago
Psychological Abuse

That's no wife; she's just an ordinary, dime a dozen, street-walking, gutter-slut-whore. For women, it's not a matter of "if" but only of "when".

bworth1943bworth1943over 7 years ago
stone cold

Manipulative bitch. I was first going to suggest putting his foot down regarding her behavior. Then I realized it was to late. Kick her to the curb and get on with life. Not an innocent story from her , she just cucked him .

NotrichNotrichalmost 9 years ago
Such fun.........

we can have when both are willing to just go with the flow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Love it!

Love the storyline, well writen leaving us wanting MORE please?

I love dressing outrageously myself, usually end up getting well fucked...good job we're swingers!

PoorwriterPoorwriterover 10 years ago

You are an excellent writer. This was such a fun story. It is the first of yours I have read and I plan to read several more.

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
What do I think?

After reading excellent stories like "Honey, we need to talk" you apparently have lost your mind and decided it's okay for a husband to be a voyeuristic, spineless cuckold.

What I think is that this was a poor story. Not badly written. Just a story about a wimp. Not interesting.

Barkley570Barkley570almost 11 years ago
First Story I've Read of Yours

Oh, my! Very, very, very sexy. Can't wait to read more of your work.

PeterPiperTwoPeterPiperTwoabout 11 years ago

Great Teaser! - by the master of course.

guzzieathomeguzzieathomeabout 11 years ago
Go for it you know you want to!

Well Ken, if you were going to, you should have exploded with rage by now, but you haven't so now you need to go with the flow and enjoy whatever happens. Give your friend full access to whatever your wife will allow. Lets hear what happened soon.

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