Two of a Kind Ch. 02


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Again the memory of that moment in the tent flashed in Bashta's mind. He flushed again, sure that his face had to be glowing bright red, even in the dim light. Looking at their linked hands he whispered so quietly that Cavel had to lean close to hear. "I think I liked it."

Cavel looked confused, "Liked what?" "Being under you." Bashta closed his eyes, missing the hungry look that transformed Cavel's face.

Before Bashta could take another breath Cavel moved in, kissing him hard, his tongue invading Bashta's mouth. Bashta moaned at the assault until Cavel jerked away with a gasp.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just... You can't say things like that."

Bashta looked hurt. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to say something wrong."

Cavel lifted his chin with one hand, swiping his thumb over Bashta's swollen bottom lip, "Oh no, babe, you said something right. Too right. I couldn't stop myself. I don't want to push you too fast."

Bashta smiled under his touch. "Thank you." Cavel looked around; the midday heat was finally fading. "Let's get back to camp, okay? We still have to get to that Temple and rest this afternoon."

"Okay." Bashta stood up and lightly jumped to the next branch down. Alternating jumping and swinging his body gracefully, it took him only moments to make the last leap to the ground. Cavel followed much slower, methodically climbing, holding on to the tree at all times.

"Sure, make me look like an oaf, why don't you?" he grumbled when he dropped to the ground where Bashta waited. Instead of a sarcastic response Bashta just wrinkled his nose at him and shook his head in amusement.

"Well, lead the way. I'm sure you know a much faster way back than how I found you."

Bashta said nothing but held out his hand. He grinned happily when Cavel took it as they made their way back to the waiting men.


The sun was hovering just above the horizon when they stood outside the Temple. It was a dark stone cave; the triangular rock face above it was carved into the semblance of a giant black jaguar with stone pillars on either side. The entrance, flanked by dark stone walls that reached toward them, resembled nothing so much as a gaping hole waiting to suck them inside.

Cavel was incredibly nervous as he stood there in the evening light. Sweat dripped down his face as he waited, glancing between Bashta and the Temple. "Are we supposed to do anything? I was so concerned with getting here that I didn't even think about what I would have to do when we went into the Temple."

Bashta smiled at him. "Don't worry. I have offerings for you. They came to me in a dream so I know they will be lucky for your clan."

Cavel closed his eyes and sighed in relief. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Reaching out, he ran a gentle hand down Bashta's arm and twined their fingers together. "I even slept better than I ever have last night." He smiled at Bashta, remembering the way the younger man had held his hand and snuggled close after the heat of the day fell away and the cool of the evening had taken its place. They had stayed close together as Bashta led them through the secret trails toward the plateau.

Bashta pointed. Cavel gasped as he turned back to look at the Temple.

The sun touched the horizon and the stone began to blaze as if it were on fire. The opening became a fiery pit and flames danced and shimmered above the carved face and pillars high above them. All of the men were frozen in awe, souls brushed by the otherworldly ancient Temple. Respect for the legends and traditions of the Jaguars made them quiet as they waited but now pure awe held them motionless as they waited for Cavel to find the means to save their families.

"We must go inside now, quickly, before the flare fades and the Temple is closed to us," Bashta warned Cavel. Feeling as if there was a stone in the pit of his stomach, Cavel stumbled behind him, hardly daring to take his eyes off the fiery face that loomed high above them, watching as they dared approach the most sacred Temple to all jaguar Carthera. Bashta pulled him along carefully but quickly as the sun continued to sink below the earth. They paused before the opening and Cavel looked back at his men who had come so far to protect him on his journey. Their clan's only hope was for him to go on. His face was serious as he squared his shoulders and then nodded at Bashta's questioning look.

He took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Cavel cautiously followed Bashta into the fiery opening. He flinched as he walked into the wall of flame, expecting it to burn but all he felt was pleasant warmth flowing through his body. Their footsteps were dampened in the stone tunnel and Cavel was startled when he realized he could no longer hear any sound from outside the cave. He turned his head to look back and faced a sheet of silently flowing flames that blocked his view. Fear settled heavy in his stomach and he shuddered.

"We have to perform a cleansing ritual in the pools before we go before the Well of Souls. It will purify our bodies and our minds." Bashta smiled reassuringly at Cavel. "Don't worry, you'll like this part."

Cavel's mouth was dry and he couldn't speak, only nod. His clan was depending on him.

Knowing his mate was there with him was a huge comfort as well. He took in Bashta's confident walk, his demeanor tempered with respect, but not fear. Cavel needed to trust his mate. He found his mind drifting to think about their relationship. His bond with Bashta might be incomplete but they had acknowledged it and made some strides to coming to terms with it. No matter what, Cavel would find a way to complete their bond. He was ready to end his loneliness.

He forced himself to focus, to move his eyes from Bashta. He took in the intricate carvings lining the walls depicting jaguars in the wild and Carthera, both changed and unchanged. There were also birds, and plants, figures that looked like men. Some of the men were doing things he didn't care to think about, shuddering and looking away from that section as they walked. In many images a huge black jaguar was depicted with rays radiating from his head. He frowned, unable to understand the story behind the pictures.

He thought about asking Bashta but they needed to find the Well of Souls. He wouldn't get distracted.

He could feel the warmth increasing even as the light from the opening faded. Silent, they walked downward until the floor under them leveled out. When the air changed, moving over his skin Cavel stopped and spread his arms out; he sensed they were in a large chamber. His nose wrinkling in concentration, Cavel smelled water. Bashta was still there, though no longer in arms-reach.

"Bashta?" Cavel whispered.

"I'm here, just getting a fire started." Small flames began to build, revealing Bashta crouched down feeding small twigs into the growing fire. Soon there was a small blaze dancing on larger branches and he stood up. His face grew solemn as he reached down and unwound his breechclout. "We need to bathe in the sacred pools and purify our bodies before we approach the Well." Cavel's breath faltered. He had to focus on the cure. He closed his eyes, repeating that to himself until he could get his feelings under control. He began stripping with his eyes closed, unbuttoning his shirt first and slipping it off. He opened his eyes to find that Bashta had turned away and was moving in the shadows near one wall. Cavel quickly looked away, gazing at the ceiling of the cave, the murky darkness pushed back only a little by the fire's light.

Dropping his shirt, Cavel unbuttoned his pants, shoving them and his underwear down at the same time. He flushed when he realized he forgot to take off his boots first. The awkwardness of balancing on one foot to get them off took his mind off what he was actually doing until he turned to face Bashta by the fire again.

Despite the gravity of the moment they took the time to appreciate their first glimpse of each other naked. Cavel had seen most of Bashta's body, but the sight of him fully unclothed held Cavel transfixed. Bashta was running his eyes up and down Cavel's body and a sudden tightening in his groin betrayed his own reaction. Cavel quickly turned away to face the dark pool on their right, biting his lip to hold back his moan of want.

"Uhh... let's get in the water," Bashta stammered.

He was eager to step into the warm water. The heat and the darkness would hide a multitude of embarrassing reactions he couldn't stop from happening. Cavel cleared his throat and nodded but didn't say anything, following Bashta. They stepped into the pool carefully, planting their feet on the slippery rock.

The heated water made them both groan and the swirling water felt good but Cavel could not seem to relax. They sat on a rocky ledge for a short time, soaking up to their shoulders. After a short time Bashta stood up and then turned to pick up a round wood bowl from the side of the pool. He dipped it into the water and filled it, pouring the steaming water over his head four times and then handed it to Cavel.

Leaning back, the warm water streamed over his head and washed away sand, sweat, and dirt when he copied Bashta's actions. Bashta poured a handful of crushed flowers in the bowl after Cavel was done and then dipped water inside, swirling it as he chanted in a language Cavel didn't recognize.

"Close your eyes," Bashta whispered.

Cavel closed his eyes and then sank down into the water at pressure from one of Bashta's hands on his shoulder. He shuddered from being on his knees in front of his mate despite the warmth as Bashta poured the strong smelling astringent fluid over his head. Setting the bowl aside he stood behind Cavel, still chanting. Once again he pushed down on his shoulders again until Cavel went completely under the water. He stayed there for a moment then came out at urging from Bashta's hands. He wiped at the water streaming down his face until he could open his eyes safely.

"Almost done," Bashta assured him. He filled the bowl again and began his chant as he swirled the small orange flower pieces around and around. Offering the bowl, Bashta continued his chant as Cavel poured the sharp smelling liquid over his head. He grimaced as some went into his mouth but quickly ducked under the water. His head was tilted back as he came out of the water and water streamed down his shoulder length hair and back. Bashta ran his hands over it, pushing more of the water off making Cavel bit his lip and look away again.

"We can get out now."

Once out of the pool, Bashta picked up the bowl and walked over to the dark corner of the room. Cavel took a few moments to try and get his erection to go down. The warm air was rapidly drying their bodies by the Bashta returned with an unlit wood torch in one hand. Cavel was eyeing his sweaty clothes with distaste.

"We can't wear those anyway. We must go unclothed from here," Bashta told him. He dug through the small woven bag he'd brought with him and pulled out a small leaf packet folded up and a gourd.

"What are those?" Cavel asked.

"The offferings." Bashta handed them to Cavel and then lit the torch in the small fire. He led them from the chamber with the pools through a tunnel opposite the one they entered through. It grew warmer as they went deeper into the headland. "This is the way to the actual Temple."

"Okay," Cavel said quietly, his throat too tight to say more. His stomach churned.

Either he would find a cure in the Temple somehow or the time it had taken for his men to come with him, to protect him on their journey, would be stolen from the precious last moments his clan might have together.

The thought of that was almost more than Cavel could handle so he focused on his surroundings. The only problem with that was becoming too aware of Bashta's lean naked form leading the way as the muscles from his calves to his ass tensed and relaxed with each step he took. The flickering of the torch only served to make his compact muscles more defined.

Cavel was beginning to become uncomfortably aroused when the tunnel began to rise up into the carved peak. The light began to shimmer as it reflected off walls covered in black shiny obsidian and carved in even more intricate scenes than the tunnel by the entrance. Cavel was fascinated, stopping for a moment to reverently touch a female protecting a set of cubs. The lines of the small creatures seemed oddly vulnerable and he had the oddest urge to cover them with his hands and protect them from an unseen menace. It left a sense of urgency and renewed determination to save the kitlings of his clan.

Noticing that Bashta didn't see him stop, he hurried to catch up before the light faded but he slowed when he realized the light wasn't coming from the torch. Looking up the tunnel he saw the flickering orange light that flared in another opening. Sweat broke out across his body. He could sense something beyond that way, a vast power.

He straightened his shoulders. No matter what happened, he was prepared to be the alpha his clan needed.

Bashta plunged into the flames and stood in a small chamber high in the plateau. The torch went into a holder beside the door. Two ovals of flickering flame, the eyes of the great cat carved into the outside, were directly behind the altar. He took two steps into the room and waited for Cavel who shuddered when he entered the chamber. The power inside the room was immense and made all the hair on Cavel's body stand up.

Nodding, Bashta indicated the offerings Cavel still clutched. "We'll do it together," he assured him.

At the far side of the room there was an altar held up on either side by two pillars carved into jaguars bowing, backs arched with their heads low to the ground. The flat obsidian top was polished to a mirror shine and the staring eyes of the great carving were reflected in its surface. Taking the leaf bundle Bashta unwound the bit of vine holding it together and laid it in the center of one of those glowing eyes.

Inside the packet were two carved black rings, shaped painstakingly by Bashta on their journey. They were plain bands but each one was a perfect circle, polished to a black luster that caught the light of those glowing eyes and reflected it back again.

Cavel gently placed the gourd down in the other eye and tugged carefully to pull out the stopper. Inside was the highly prized oil from the tucuma fruit, strong and fragrant. Bowing, both men stepped back several steps from the front of the altar.

Panicking, Cavel began to lean toward Bashta, opening his mouth to ask where the Well of Souls was. Bashta shook his head, not speaking. Cavel began to shake, fearing that he had come to the wrong place when nothing happened. Reaching over, Bashta squeezed his hand, locking their fingers together. Bashta knelt, tugging Cavel down with him. Letting go, he bowed and then closed his eyes. His strong voice broke the silence for the first time as he began chanting, his voice rising and falling in ritual entreaty.

Cavel didn't have the words but he closed his eyes and began pleading in his mind, begging for help to save the jaguar spirit's chosen people. He felt his body become heavier, as if the weight of his fear pressed him down. He refused to think that way, of the pain and anger he felt over his sick clan. He would show the spirits what he wanted to save, not what his fears.

Instead he thought of the love he had for each of the kitlings he protected. Their smiling faces, unconscious grace, and pure souls that deserved to live. They made the world a better place just by being within it. He thought of the love their parents showed through their sacrifices, his men coming with him to protect his journey with their own lives if necessary. All that so their children would have a chance to live.

With their eyes still closed, both men reached for each other's hands at the same moment. The bond they had found on their journey through the jungle flowed through them. The sense of completeness, the relief from the aching loneliness that threatened to tear them apart when they stood alone, was now assuaged just by being near the other. With it came the fierce desire brought a fine trembling they both felt racing through their limbs as they grew closer.

Bonded or not, Cavel swore that he would be the best mate Bashta ever had. He would give him, not the family he lost, but a new family to enfold him in layers of care and affection.

He just needed help.

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Ali96Ali96over 11 years ago
So great!

Loving it!

flowergurl17flowergurl17almost 12 years ago
love them

I love all ur stories. I'm so hooked on ur stories. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

i like it ;D

Cia81Cia81over 12 years agoAuthor
Nice try

The flaming comments just make me laugh. Seriously, at least you posted this comment in Ch. 2 and didn't keep reading and wait til the end of a story to post a nasty comment. You don't have to like my stories, plenty of other people do. Why don't you do everyone a favor and just move on? Critiques are welcome, but someone just posting insults is not worthy of my time. I refuse to waste any more of it on you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This story is just long , boring, and your just dragging it on. You should put a warning at the beginning "Warning :this story will put you to sleep"


Cia81Cia81over 12 years agoAuthor
More coming!

I submitted the next chapter of this story today. I hope everyone continues to enjoy Bashta and Cavel's story. Thanks everyone for commenting and sharing your thoughts, as well as those who have voted or favorited the story.

As an aside, the visual for the Temple and the story idea came from a photo I made. It shows the view of the Temple in all it's glory, as I see it. Any who are interested, send me feedback with your email and I would love to share it with you.

fukmi_allnitefukmi_allniteover 12 years ago
New bonds come full circle.

This story is amazing. I love all of the detail and thought gone into this story. The description of the cave/temple made me feel as if I were there.

xSpiral82xSpiral82over 12 years ago
Another awesome chapter (;

I really like the purification stufff ;p maybe im just interested in the similar japanese purification techniques with water. Really nice chapter and can't wait till mating season XD

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Lots of information

So Bashta would be alpha of his tribe which is right now only 1 person- himself. If he mates with Cavel that might be a conflict. They can't live 2 places at once.

AsymbiiAsymbiiover 12 years ago
did it again

Right when it was getting good you just had to stop.

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