Uma My Mother

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Spoilt son discovers the joys of his loving mother's body.
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I grew up in a sleepy little village in costal India. I was an only child, brought up by my widowed mother and maternal grandparents. Being the youngest at nineteen I was pampered by everyone. My mother Uma at firty three was a voluptuous woman with a very charming face and long black hair. She was well educated but extremely shy. We lived in a huge bungalow at the center of our estate. My Granddad and maternal uncle managed the affairs of the estate which often took them to town leaving me alone with the women folk. Since the men were hardly home and it got extremely humid the women took several liberties in their modesty at home. Often I would see my aunt and mother walk around topless in just their petticoats or saris.

One late summer morning I was still in bed, naked as usual under the thin cotton sheet. The heat and humidity in summer got pretty unbearable and it made sense to sleep naked. I was just about to wake up when mother walked in with a cup of coffee.

"Wake up sleepy head!" she said.

As I strained to open my sleepy eyes, I was greeted by the sight of my topless mother fresh from her bath and I could still smell the shampoo and soap. She wore a white cotton petticoat, wrapped her hair in a towel and slung another over her shoulder. It barely covered one of her breasts but they dangled freely and I found it hard not to stare at them.

Mother embarrassed with my gawking covered the exposed nipple with her hand. With a frown on her forehead she said "Stop staring you're not a child anymore!"

Before I could blurt an apology aunt Deepa stepped into the room. My aunt who is in her early thirties is an extrovert and bubbly figure with hardly any inhibitions. Much loved by everyone at home and dotted on by my mother. To me she was more of an elder sister than an aunt and I loved her very much. She was an attractive woman as she was charming. She was slender with all the right curves though they were slightly smaller than mother's. She had an uncanny resemblance to the bollywood siren Biphasa.

"What's the rascal up to, Uma bhabi (sister-in-law)?" my aunt asked jovially.

"He's been staring at my boobs" mother replied without a hint of shame.

"Well can't blame him, they are so tempting!" my aunt said playfully with a lusty undertone.

"Shush! You're another shameless thing." my mother told her off.

"Look at what they have done!" my aunt giggled pointing to my erection that was tenting the thin sheet I was under.

I was beat red when the two women started laughing at my obvious arousal.

"Oh the poor thing is so horny!" my aunt said as she playfully pulled the towel from behind mother.

"Deepaaa!" mother screamed, before they both laughed again.

Seeing no point in covering her nipple she let her hand down revealing her round breasts to my lusty gaze. For the first time I was witnessing a very mischievous side of mother and aunt Deepa. My aunt hugged mother from behind cupping her D cup breasts briefly to feel their weight.

"They are so heavy Uma bhabi!" she laughed.

Mother made a frail attempt to dislodge my aunt's hands making me wonder if this was the first time they were up to no good.

"Deepu! Not in front of Baba(my nickname)" mother yelled.

My shy mother contained her embarrassment as aunt Deepa fondled mother's huge breasts. Mesmerized by the sight of these gorgeous ladies engaged in erotic playfulness, I tried to sit up causing the sheet to ride further down and expose my erect manhood in all its glory. The two women gasped as they shamelessly stared at my thick uncircumcised cock. I quickly pulled the sheets up to cover my shame. They both broke into a girlish giggle having witnessed my obvious state of arousal.

"Someone has grown up." aunty said.

"Much too obvious." mother joked.

"How about a striptease for the horny young man?" my aunt asked.

Mother protested immediately but I nodded in excitement hardly able to believe what I had heard. My aunt whispered into mother's ears and very reluctantly mother seemed to have agreed.

"It's your lucky day" my aunt announced as she giggled in excitement.

My aunt put a Michael Bolton CD into the player and the two women began swaying and gyrating to the slow music. Aunt Deepa feverishly slid her hands up and down mother's body. Often circling and cupping mother's bare breasts. Mother enjoyed the attention her bare breasts were getting and she gasped every time her nipples were caressed. Mother being the shyer one would only occasionally caress aunt's buttocks. Then with my mother's back towards me aunt Deepa began to undo the knot on mother's petticoat.

"Deepa what are you doing?" mother screamed.

"Common Bhabi(Sister-in-law) it's just a glimpse of your buttocks be a sport!" she said with a naughty smile.

"Hai Ram(Oh God)!" mother murmured as the knot came loose.

Aunt Deepa teasingly held up the petticoat before letting it drop to the floor, while mom covered her face in embarrassment. She wore no panties as I suspected and the sight of her naked behind was extremely arousing. Her milky white skin was flawless and her full buttocks protrude slightly. She had thick but athletic legs.

Before mother knew it aunt Deepa swiveled mother around in a quick motion, giving me a full frontal view of mother's nudity. Her heavy but round breasts heaved with her every breath. The roundness of her belly and wide curvy hips were well proportioned to the rest of her body. Just below her deep navel sprang a thick patch of pubic hair that concealed her entire vulva.

Mother screamed "Deepaaaaaa!" before turning away.

"So what do you think?" asked my aunt as she giggled loudly.

"Wow... beautiful..." I managed to blurt out, trying to absorb as much of her nakedness as possible.

Mother's luscious body was on display like a slave in a slave market.

"She is so voluptuous!" my aunt added as she herself gazed at mother's nakedness.

"Okay that's enough!" my mother said picking the towel to cover her nakedness.

My aunt caught me staring at mother's exposed buttocks realizing my fascination for her butt.

She reached out to caress mother's bare buttocks "Like them?" she asked lustily.

"Shouldn't we let the poor thing have a feel of it? Uma bhabi!" my aunt asked mother.

"Nope!" mother giggled.

"Oh Uma bhabi don't be such a prude" my aunt said.

Mother gave in saying "Alright make it quick!"

She pushed mother backwards to me and with a wink said "Go on feel them!"

"God the things you make me do!" mother said as she waited for my eager hands on her bare butt.

I reached out with quivering hands and felt her body shudder with excitement as my sweaty palms came in contact with her soft yet firm buttocks. Aunt Deepa noticing my hesitation in going any further placed her hands over mine and guided them in little circles over mother's luscious buttocks. I soon got bolder and began gently kneading her buttocks realizing their softness and warmth. Mother gasped and clenched her buttocks together as I tried to force a hand between them. But my strong hands easily parted her reluctant cheeks. She soon gave in and relaxed her butt cheeks I could smell the musky odor from between them and see her pink anus. She was losing control over the situation until my probing hands touched her delicate anus.

Almost immediately she leapt around and very sternly she said "Noooo! Don't go that far!"

I was taken a back at mother's sudden reluctance.

"Why what happened?" aunt Deepa asked.

Embarrassed mother just said "Never mind I think he has had enough fun for now".

But Aunt Deepa wasn't going to give in to mothers feeble requests so easily. Knowing all of mother's weaknesses she began kissing mother's neck and earlobes. After some heavy necking and petting by aunt Deepa, mother was beginning to show her earlier state of arousal. Aunt Deepa was quick to persuade my reluctant mother to some more sexual exploration. She reminded her of my curiosity and how it would prevent me from picking up any disease or making one of the village belles pregnant. Further she reminded mother that she herself had waited too long for a man's touch. She told mother that there was no shame in seeing, touching, feeling or hugging between a mother and son after all you love each other and share a special relationship. Mother hesitated at first but being a logical woman she gave in. My aunt reassuringly hugged her telling her it was normal to be nervous and it would all be worth it at the end of it.

Aunt Deepa said "I want you both to get over your inhibitions."

Pulling away my sheet and exposing my erect manhood she kissed me on the cheek and said "No more covering up for you!"

And winked at mother and said "Enjoy!" before disappearing from the room.

There was a moment of silence in the room and my heart was racing in anticipation of what was to come. Mother had a smile on her face knowing all too well my eagerness.

"You're the most precious gift in this world to me." she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"A man at your age must have an enormous amount of curiosity besides you've seen me naked once, no point in hiding it from you anymore." so saying she discarded the towel and stood in complete nakedness.

I stared at her naked body in disbelieve still trying to digest what she had just said.

"So tell me what you like about me?" she said with naughtiness in her voice.

"Your buttocks I guess!" I managed to choke out.

"God you're so shameless!" she said with obvious embarrassment.

"It's big and round, soft yet so firm!" I managed to blurt out.

"Ok stop!" she said blushing.

"Can I see them one more time? Please Ma! " I begged.

Without a word she walked to where I was and turned round, so her buttocks were inches from my face. The smell of her jasmine scented soap still lingered on her skin. She stood still as I admired her buttocks for what seemed like ages. The skin that covered them was smooth as velvet with hardly any blemishes. She gasped as I bent forward and kissed her soft flesh, soon my eager hands were all over her buttocks caressing, kneading and squeezing them. I could see her pink and perfectly formed anus as I gently parted her butt cheeks.

"Are you going to touch it?" she asked nervously.

"Yes!" I answered without looking at her.

"So much for curiosity."She sighed.

With quivering hands I extend my index finger and touched her pink anus. I felt its delicate texture and circled the outer rim as she gasped. She immediately clenched her butt cheeks together as I tried to insert it into her.

"Not there!" she said.

Almost instantly my fingers moved further down to her vagina and before she knew it they were half inside her warm and wet vagina.

"Oh God what are you doing?" she almost screamed as she pulled away from me.

"No...No... Not yet sweetie! Please I am not ready yet." she said turning around with her stomach facing me.

"I...I...Still need a bit more time to get used to this whole thing" she said apologetically.

But her words fell on deaf ears as I stared at her thick pubic mound that covered her entre womanhood.

"I should shave it shouldn't I?" she said noticing my unperturbed gaze.

"No I like it this way" I said knowing it brought a smile to her face.

"You're such a sweetie" she said.

"You know what let us start with my boobies I am so much more comfortable with them. It will bring back sweet memories of suckling you as a baby" she said with a smile.

"Okay Amma" I agreed.

She sat down next to me on the bed and kissed me on my cheek before breaking into a giggle. Then looking down and cupping her huge boobs she said "You know you can give a woman as much pleasure by way of her breasts".

"Really!" I asked.

"Touch them!" she said softly looking at me.

I cupped her huge breasts in my hands they felt heavy but soft like a baby. I squeezed them viciously but she showed no sign of pain instead she smiled, admiring my curiosity. Taking one of her breasts in my hand I brought her nipples close to my mouth. She closed her eyes and waited in anticipation for my eager mouth to engulf her erect nipple. I suckled for long knowing it gave her more pleasure than she would admit to. She still hadn't overcome her shyness completely and she bit her lower lip to avoid moaning in front of me. But I could hear her whimpering as small spasms of pleasure passed through her body.

"Amma! I want to be inside you?" I said unable to contain my arousal any longer.

She looked into my eyes for a minute then she hugged me and gently stroked my hair. She was at a loss of words and I could tell she had a million different thoughts in her head. "No sweetie I don't think we should go that far as yet!" she said to my disappointment.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know...I don't feel it's right yet, besides I haven't had a man in there for a long time and I am scared Baba I...I... am so scared" she broke down.

I held her in my arms stroking her hair and kissing her face till she regained her composure.

"Amma we should at least try it once or how will we know. I promise I'll be gentle. Please I want to know what it feels like being inside you. "I begged her.

Seeing the desperation in my eyes her motherly love gave in to my persuasion.

"Well I don't mind trying it once for your sake but that will be it. I don't want to give you false hope." she replied.

"Okay" I agreed.

She lay down on the bed spreading her legs wide and asking me to position myself over her in-between her legs. I had never seen her exposed woman hood at such close quarters before. She looked gorgeous lying there as my erection slapped against her bare stomach as I got into position. For the first time I felt the delicate touch of her soft hands around my erect member as she pulled back the foreskin to reveal the pink head.

"God you're thick!"She whispered. I was grinning trying to thrust my erect penis into her opening

"Wait I need to be lubricated before you enter me" she said rubbing her clitoris with her free hand and inserting a finger into her vagina to check that she was wet enough.

She closed her eyes and said "Okay enter me now..... but slowly!". As my cock began to slide into her, she let out a soft moan and bit her lower lip.

"Oooowwww!" she winced. I wasn't any more than six or seven inches but I was extremely thick this combined with the fact that mother hadn't had any penetration in years made it painful I guess.

When the whole of my penis was inside her she opened her eyes and said "Sweetie don't move just stay still for a while I need to get used to the feeling of your penis inside me."

In truth she didn't want to orgasm, no not with her own son inside her it was still taboo for her. She was doing this after all for my pleasure and being an experienced woman she allowed herself to be penetrated without partaking in the pleasure herself.

The complete weight of my body was over her as I lowered myself onto her. My face was now resting on one of her massive breasts. She stroked my hair and kissed my forehead as I stared at her semi erect nipple. She could feel me getting bigger and harder inside her. I fondled her breasts for a while before kissing her on her lips. At first she was shocked and reluctantly allowed my tongue into her mouth, but soon we were smooching like teenagers.

Soon she got used to the feeling of my erection inside her and was able to control her own urge to orgasm. She looked into my eyes and smiled. "Amma.. can I..." before I could complete my sentence she said "Yes you can...". Unable to hold back any longer I began with slow long thrusts that got faster. I could feel the tip of my hard cock touch her cervix as she yelped in pain. She bit her lower lips and shut her eyes as I pounded her vagina with my thick member.

I could feel my orgasm building up as she winced in pain. Finally I exploded inside her releasing thick wades of cum. I collapsed on top of her. Our bodies were covered in sweat and before long we were both fast asleep locked in each other's arms me still inside her.

I would appreciate any feedback and encouragement to write the second part of this story.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5)

moms_lovermoms_loverover 2 years ago

Should have narrated licking mom's hair cunt and pink anus

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Love it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5).

His mom Uma is a keeper!

His mom Uma is a keeper!

His mom Uma is a keeper!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My cup of tea: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (5)!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

In general, I love Indian mom sex stories & Indian wife sex stories.

This one is No Exception.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The narration could have been slower like description of her hairy armpits, sweat smell, licking the armpits etc

djwilldjwillabout 7 years ago

Good story... May be let the aunty stay there too till the end.

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8over 8 years ago
Not too bad BUT

Your story itself wasn't too bad but you need to finish it , far too short for my liking and it ended far too abruptly. For me the best part of this story was the Aunty she had my full attention..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

lively, lovely, beautifull. I was looking for this type of stories. plzzz add more quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
next chapter

I would love to read more about the progression of the mother and son, maybe even more of mother aunt and son

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
this a great story and a great series by a gifted writer

And I absolutely love the comment from Mr. M2. This young guy not only fucked his own mother, but he publicly married her. That is just so cool. Everyone in the village knew that this was a son marrying his own mother, and they understood perfectly what that meant. I meant that Mr. M would have his big hard cock up his own mother's cunt more than it was hanging down over his young balls--his own mother's cunt, his own damn birth canal. I bet they laughed and made funny dirty jokes, congratulated the boy and slapped him on the back. "Blow your balls up your own mother's twat, M, that's what her twat is for!" and "You gonna fuck a baby up where you were a baby, M? Way to go, kid!" M is a hero in my book, just as Uma's son is hero. Up his own mother's cunt is where a boy's creamy sperm belongs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
My neighbor Subashini

When I was 4 years old, my neighbor used to babysit me after she arrived from teaching. She was 20 years old and I had a huge crush on her. She was a teacher at a nearby school. She usually wore pants to school. One morning I saw her leave for school in a skirt. I knew she was babysitting me that afternoon. I was not yet in school and contemplated all day that I wanted to peep up her skirt that afternoon. That afternoon she was giving me a bath. I tried desperately to peep under her skirt at her panties while she sqwatted to bath me. She pulled the curtain across my bath tub and asked me not to look because she needed to pee. I promised. I lied. I slowly moved the plastic bath curtain aside. The toilet face me directly. I saw her lift the toilet lid and sit on the toilet. I saw her spread her legs and pull her white panty down to her ankles. I could see her naked pussy and her pee spraying out. I even saw her shit coming out off her arsehole. I got a cockstand. I got out the tub and said I needed to pee. I ejaculated on her pussy while she was still shitting. She stood up while she was still pissing and shitting. I opened my mouth and drank her piss and swallowed a few lumps of shit falling out of her arsehole. It turned her on. She allowed me to put my cockstand inside her puss until I ejaculated inside her puss again.

wahlanwahlanover 10 years ago

Very, very nice story. i enjoyed it so much. Please, write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Most luckiest man in the world

Hey man i dont know whether its real or not. If it is real please do me a favour. I am also looking to have such a releation with my mom. Give some tips and ways to inform her about my desire and passion and love to have such a releation with my mom. Give me some ideas and suggestions to my email address my id ir

ranjit_madarchodranjit_madarchodover 11 years ago
Good Mother

I liked the mother's character.. who let the son fuck her

matharasi2matharasi2over 11 years ago
I married my mother and made her pregnant

Hi. I am looking to interact with people into mother-son incest, especially if you are a couple or have had a relationship with your mother. Does anyone know any good places for this, especially good if it is based around South Asian culture (as I am Indian).

There used to be a good forum for such people at a site called freesexyIndians before it got closed and made into a rubbish blog. Unfortunately I never posted there, as I was too scared about admitting my relationship with my mother, and feared backlash, but I often used to read comments there, and knew a few of the mother-son relationships were true, which gave me confidence in my own pursuit. However, things have changed a lot in the last two years, and I have done something I thought impossible, and I'd be interested in sharing my experience with like-minded others, if anyone wants. My experience outlined briefly below, but I'd love to write about it in detail with any other couples.



I publicly married my mother in a small temple at our village house a few years ago and she is now a happy wife to me and proud mother to our child. In reality I had been in love with her for many years, wooed her since my teens, and later, when I was 20-21, I finally managed to seduce her by introducing her to another couple that wanted to marry in the village but needed help.

Via helping the other couple, mother finally saw the man in me and fell in love too. We became lovers and I often fucked her as a lover, but she knew in my heart I wanted to see her as my wife. Not a secret wife. I wanted her to formally accept me as her husband and live publicly with her, and wanted our relatives to know too. This is a big taboo, especially in India, and she resisted for 2 years. It was only when she truly believed I wanted to make her pregnant out of love, and she also desired to become pregnant by me and officially acknowledge me as the father of our children, that she agreed.

As father had already gone, our marriage was not opposed as we feared and I proudly married her in front of her friends, my friends, and even some of our family attended the wedding.

Mother wanted to become pregnant straight away, as before she took precautions to prevent pregnancy, but now felt the first duty of a wife was to bear a child for her husband. She also wanted everyone in our family to know she was truly my wife and felt once she had a baby by me she would become more accepted. Initially it was hard, but now we are accepted by everyone I am proud when I see them watch her milk our baby. They even joke she looks younger and should have more children.

So all you Indian or incest lovers out there, know it can happen and there is nothing greater than marrying your own mother publicly and officially and making her pregnant with your children so you are joined forever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i just like these other subcribers kindly write were Uma and aunt share in the three some and make more erotic, sex orgasmic as much as possible

incestrohanincestrohanover 12 years ago

Write 2nd part and plz involve aunt too and some anal sex. Please put more talking between maa beta i love it u get 10/10

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Very Erotic

Liked the story very much. I found it very erotic. In the second part please include some anilingus and anal sex too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

dude write the second part .i'm waiting for it !!

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