Unbroken Ch. 18


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"Hey..." He chuckled, checking out the toys. "Would you like daddy to buy you a toy." He kissed him on the cheeks and heard him giggle. "Okay. Daddy will choose some really special toys for you."

With his hand on the pram, Aidan started checking out the toys. There were quite many but he was looking for one really special for his son. He needed it to be suitable and not one that would cause harm to his lovely baby.

As he was still choosing, someone came by his side and started checking out the toys. He hadn't even bothered to see who it was because he was so busy. But after a few seconds, a toy appeared right in front of his face. It was a beautiful stuffed doll which was really lovely, beautiful for cuddling. Seeing it, Aidan smiled brightly and moved his hands towards it.

"Wow! This is really beautiful." He started moving his eyes towards the person. "I think this would be lovely for..." Before he could even finish his sentence, Aidan trailed off and his eyes widened. He immediately moved his hand away from the door.

"You?" He gasped, getting away from him.

Aidan couldn't believe that Luis had the nerves to follow him at the mall. Luis was holding the stuffed doll, smiling as brightly as he could at Aidan. He was putting on a tight blue shirt which he had tucked in a beautiful black designer's trouser with pitch black shiny shoes. He had his hair cut and then gelled at medium. He was looking super cute and his smile was heavenly but Aidan didn't appreciate it at all.

"What do you want?" Aidan asked harshly. "What do I have to do so that you can live me the hell alone?"

Luis chuckled, still staring at the handsome looking boy. "Why do you always have to look so sexy?"

A frown appeared on Aidan's face, upon hearing Luis' question. "Really?" He snapped.

With a deep sigh of irritation, rolling his eyes, Aidan gripped the pram and started going away from Luis, making sure he was going as fast as he could at that particular time. He was mad at Luis for always following him around.

"Hey..." Luis gripped his arm, pulling him back. They came face to face, so close that Luis felt his hot breath on his face. For a moment everything disappeared but Aidan pulled away from him angrily.


"I thought you were about to buy our son some toys?"

"Yes!" Aidan smiled for a second and lost it. "But I have changed my mind. I don't wanna buy anything for Jacob. In fact, I wanna get the hell out of here as fast..."

"Why?" Luis shrugged. "Aren't you gonna allow me to even greet my son? I mean it's bad enough that you don't allow me visit him. The least you can do right now is to allow me..."


"Well," Luis got closer to him. "I am going to see him whether you like it or not."

Before Aidan even got the chance to answer back at Luis, the crazy guy rushed forward and then leaned down. He slowly got the baby out of the pram and started kissing him softly on the cheeks. Aidan just watched without saying anything to the crazy guy.

Luis was happy. He was really happy he was holding his son. In the last one month Luis has not seen his son occasionally because Aidan doesn't allow him to do that. But now... he was holding him tightly and kissing him.

"Don't worry," He held his son tighter. "Daddy is right here with you. He is really right here. And I won't leave you alone my son. I will always love you so much." He looked at Aidan and smiled brightly. "He's grown so much in the last one month, hasn't he?"

Aidan rolled his eyes, moving them away from Luis. And that was when he noticed that there were a number of people that were watching them, admiring them. Some of the people were happily smiling. They didn't know that Aidan had a child but they were just happy seeing Aidan and Luis together because they knew they were a perfect match.

Tearing his eyes away from the people, Aidan rushed to Luis and got the child away from him. He quickly put him back into the pram and started pushing it away from the toys section.


Aidan stopped. "What is it now?" Aidan snarled. "You have already seen your son. What else do you still want from me, Luis? Is it so hard to accept that I don't want to see you?"

"No..." Luis nodded. "When you love someone, you don't give up on them." He got closer to Aidan. "I have telling you how much I really love in the last one month. Why is it so difficult to understand that..."

"Because I don't love you," Aidan snapped. "I have moved on and..."

"No, Aidan..." Luis shook his head, staring deep into his eyes. "I can still see your love for me in your eyes. I have more reason to love you even more, Aidan. We have our little bundle of joy..." He chuckled happily. "That baby was conceived when were so much in love. We didn't just have sex to make that baby." He breathed in, remembering the wonderful moments. "We made love and we both..."

"Luis..." Aidan's heart was already racing. He didn't want to have the conversation Luis brought. "I don't have time for..."

"Please," Luis now got a serious face. "At least, let me buy my son something and..."

"No thanks..." Aidan said rudely. "I can buy my son..."

"Is this how we are gonna play it?" Luis said angrily, clenching his fists. "Then fine. I am alright with it. Jacob is my son. You wouldn't have had him without me." Aidan had never seen that side of Luis since he came back. "You will not keep me away from my son. I say I will buy him something then that's how it's gonna go and there is nothing you can do about that."

Aidan couldn't believe what he had just said. He couldn't believe any of it. Luis had just snapped at him and fought with him verbally. He wasn't mad or anything but rather amazed. He still couldn't believe it was Luis that had spoken to him like that. In fact, he couldn't even move an inch.

Luis smiled teasingly and then went to grab a huge trolley. He came back to Aidan and picked up several toys. What surprised Aidan was that he just stood without saying anything. He couldn't anything.

Luis on the other hand grabbed as many toys as he could gather. Then he got a beautiful baby blanket, clothes, and many other things. By the time he was done, the whole trolley was now full. He came back and then stood in front of Aidan.

"I am done with everything okay. Is there anything else..."

"If I want something then I will buy it myself. I can take care of my..."

"Our son." Luis corrected. "He is our son and nothing is gonna change that."

"Okay." Aidan chuckled bitterly. "You've done what you wanted to do. Can you now..."

"What's he doing here?" Ethan rushed towards Aidan. He had a big trolley with him were there were a lot of things. "What the fuck does he want?"

"Hey, Ethan my..."

"Don't call me that." Ethan snapped, pointing at Luis. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my brother? He says he doesn't love you anymore. Why can't you just respect..."

"Hey!" Luis raised his hands in the air. "There is no need to create a scene here. I just came to buy my son some things okay. Besides, it is none of your business if I choose to try and to..."

"You have some nerves..." Ethan snapped, trying to get close to Luis but he was stopped by granny.

"Luis is right," Granny said softly. "We don't have to create a scene here. I think we should leave before this situation gets of hand." She moved to Aidan. "Are you done with everything?"

Aidan nodded. "Let's go."

They all started going and Luis followed them behind, still staring at the handsome boy with the baby. He was wondering what it was gonna take him to just get a taste of that boy once again. He was thinking what it was gonna cost him. He was ready to travel to hell just to get Aidan's love back. He was feeling as if he was insane by staring just at the boy. The last one month has been really different for him. Only God knows the number of wet dreams he has had in that month. It was just too much. He always woke up really wet like a teenager. He has had many adventures with Aidan in his dreams but now he just wanted it to be a reality.

When they reached the till, the cashier added all the items and gave them a huge bill. It wasn't too much for Aidan or anything. But when he got out his wallet, Luis gave the cashier his credit card.

"What are you doing?" Aidan said angrily. "I think I can..."

"It's fine." Luis smiled. "I will handle it."

Without even putting up any arguments, Aidan told his family that they needed to go. They picked up everything that they had bought including the ones Luis had bought and started going out to their car, fancy car. They packed up everything but just when Aidan was about to enter the car, Luis came running to him.

"What do you want now?" Aidan said harshly.

"Please." Luis pleaded. "I really need to talk to you. Can we talk this over dinner or something like..."

"No!" Aidan said harshly. "I don't have anything to talk to you about. We are over and nothing is going to change that."

"Aidan..." Luis got on one knee. "Please, give me a chance to prove myself to you once again. Don't let our son grow up without..."

"He doesn't need that." Aidan snarled. "He won't even feel as if his family is not complete because we are a complete family. I have to go now and..."

"I will never give up." Luis chuckled. "You know the way I am. I will never ever give up. You will eventually get tired and accept me again."

Aidan took a quick glance at Luis and then got inside the wonderful car. As soon as he entered, Justin started the car, leaving Luis still kneeling down there. Aidan took a glance behind and saw him getting up from the ground.

"Persistent guy." Justin chuckled softly. "That guy will never give up on you. You need to trust me on this one."

Aidan moved his head forward and sighed. "He is really persistent. I wonder what I have to do to get rid of him. Why is it so difficult to just understand that I don't need him? Seriously, I am getting tired of him. I need him to just leave me the hell alone."

"Yeah..." Granny sighed, holding the baby tightly. "He really loves you, I guess."

"I don't care about him." Aidan was so mad that he had no idea he could ever be that mad. "I don't even..."

"What do you plan on doing?" Ethan said. "I am ready to support you even if you decide to get back to him and..."

"No..." Aidan gasped. "Why would I do that?" Then his face got serious. "I will not go through the pain that Luis had caused me back there. I think I need to find a way to get rid of him. I need to show him that I have moved on from him. I have to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Okay." Ethan sighed. "Tell me if there is anything that I need to do to help."

Aidan nodded, smiling happily. "Okay."

Aidan knew he had to come up with something to get rid of Luis permanently. Everything that he's done has not worked. For the last one month, Luis has pestering him nonstop. Now he knew he had to get rid of him somehow. He had to show him something that would get him away and make him stay away forever. But what was he going to do, he thought?


In the last month that has passed, Luis had been pestering Aidan like nothing else. At first he just used to come to the castle to call up on Aidan even though Aidan used to avoid him. He was persistent and he had stayed outside the gate the whole day just waiting for Aidan. He didn't go until Aidan came out and made him disappear back to the palace. But of course, he came right back.

The first time Aidan had decided to take his child to the park, things had been great until Luis appeared there and got his son. He forced Aidan to follow him to take Jacob to see different places while talking about his and Aidan's relationship the rest of the day.

The guy has been really persistent and he just came out of nowhere wherever Aidan was going. He had tried everything just to win Aidan's love back. He tried flowers, letters and even shouting out everywhere but it wasn't working for him because Aidan was not even listening to him. He has knelt down in front of Aidan in public but he just walked away.

Luis is a persistent guy and he wasn't gonna give up on the boy that he really love so much. He wasn't gonna give up on him. There was one time Luis had shouted out in the street that he loved Aidan and wanted him back. He had even asked the people to help him beg Aidan but still nothing.

Aidan has been used to Luis' appearing out of nowhere. In fact, sometimes with the crazy things that he does, Aidan laughs harder. Luis has been constantly reminding him of the life they shared back in the day. But Aidan doesn't want to listen to anything.

Aidan has still refused to listen to the royal family even though they have been begging him and telling him to come back to the palace. But all he wants is to have a good life with his son. He just wants to live peacefully without Luis' troubles. The only way for that was to get rid of Luis once and for all. He just wanted him out of his life and that's all.


The next day, Aidan was busy on the floor playing with his happy little son. He was smiling, watching and talking to the young baby. Granny, Ethan and Justin were seated on the couch talking with him and playing with Jacob from time to time. They were really happy and they had forgotten about the incident that had happened the previous day.

Suddenly Aidan heard a car honking and Luis' voice calling him. He quickly moved his angry face towards the door and then to granny and Ethan. They both looked worried.

"Now what's he doing here?" Ethan snapped, clenching his fists. "I swear I will kill that guy this time. Can't we spend a minute of our time without him disturbing us? I am really getting tired of this."

"It's okay." Aidan got up, slipping into his sandals. "Just play with Jacob for me." He sounded really mad. "I will handle him once and for all." He looked at Justin. "Please. Can you come with me?"

Justin nodded and got up. They both started heading outside, towards the beautiful diamond gate and glass gate. Aidan had his fists clenched. He was gonna deal with Luis once and for all. He was gonna make him go away.

Aidan was just wearing a deep yellow cargo short, black t-shirt with white stripes and deep blue sandals. He had been having a great time with his son until Luis showed up and ruined that for him. He just wanted to have peace.

As Aidan reached the gate with Justin, he found Luis smiling brightly at him, gripping the bars harder. He was just in casual and he was looking super hot in tight skinny jeans. He was absolutely sexy.

"What do you want?"

"Didn't I tell you that I would be back?" Luis chuckled happily. "I will never leave your side and..."

"How long do I have to deal with this?" Aidan snapped, pointing at Luis. "I have had enough of you and..."

"Please." Luis pleaded. "I just wanna..."

"You wanna talk?" Aidan snapped. "Okay. I will let you talk but you will have to listen to me. From today, I want you to leave me alone."

With a loud shout, Aidan snapped his finger, letting the gate to open widely. Seeing the wonderful gate open, Luis gasped as his eyes opened wider. That was the first time Aidan had ever opened the gate for him. Without wasting any time, Luis rushed inside to Aidan.

Reaching Aidan, Luis gripped him into a really tight hug. He was really happy. Having Aidan so close to his body was having a really bad effect on him. He was drooling over that boy. His heart was pounding in his chest and his hormones were out of control. He was panting, in need of Aidan's love more and more. There was nothing he wanted more than that.

"Thank you so much, Aidan." Luis said happily, gripping him harder. "You have no idea what this really means to me. I have... I am so happy right now."

Aidan could feel his own body betraying him. He quickly pulled away from Luis' tight grip, getting away from him. "What do you think you are doing?"

"I... I thought you had forgiven me and..."

"What's there to forgive?" He chuckled bitterly. "I have nothing to forgive you for and..."

"Aidan, please..." Luis gripped his hair harder, pulling on it. "It's been a month now that you came back. Haven't I proved how sorry I am? Haven't I shown you how much I love you?" He quickly held Aidan's hand, rubbing softly on it. "I can feel that your love for me..."

"I don't love you anymore, Luis." Aidan said abruptly, pulling his hand away from Luis. "I don't love you because..."

"What?" Luis chuckled, trying his best to keep himself cool. "Aidan, please, we both know that you have been telling me that since you returned. Why is it hard to love me again? I know you love me. I know you do and..."

"I don't love you." Aidan yelled, giving Luis angry eyes. "Do you think I would love you after everything that had happened? Why would I love someone..."

"Please, don't start with this." Luis chuckled. "You and I both know..."

"I don't love you." Aidan yelled, his veins popping up on his neck. "I am in love with someone else, someone that makes me happy, someone that stood by me when I was broken and someone that has loved me truthfully and..."

"Stop!" Luis snapped, dropping his hands furiously. "You and I both know that is a lie. Why should we deny ourselves, my love?" He frowned, getting closer to Aidan. "I have paid for my sins already. I know I had hurt you a lot and I am really paying for it now. What haven't I done to show you how much I love you? Why do you need to create a fictional..."

"He's not fictional." Aidan said angrily, gripping Justin's arm. "He's right here. Justin and I are together now and..."

"What?" Luis laughed softly, staring at Justin. "Him? Oh, when did this happen? You are only hurting yourself because..."

"I love Justin..." Aidan said confidently, staring at Justin. He seemed really confused because Aidan hadn't planned that. But he knew he had to make it seem real to get rid of Luis. He gripped Justin harder, pulling him closer to him. "We are both in love with each other. He has shown me what no one has ever showed me in my..."

"Stop it..." Luis was seriously hurt. His whole body was in pain. He could sense that it was a lie but it hurt terribly. "I know exactly why you are telling me all this. I know that you are only doing it so that you can get rid of me but I will never leave, Aidan." He got even closer. "I will always be here until you..."

"You think this is just to get rid of you?"

"Yes!" Luis nodded in pain. "I know you are only doing this to..."

"Okay. I will show you that we are together."

With a loud groan, Aidan gripped Justin's neck, pulling his head down. They were now face to face, looking into each other's eyes like lost lovers that had suddenly found each other. Then all of a sudden, Aidan pulled Justin down and captured his lips. He closed his eyes softly, gripping his neck harder. Then he started kissing him softly, hoping for him to play along. Justin on the other hand was surprised but he knew what Aidan was doing. He closed his eyes, gripping Aidan's waist, bringing him closer to his body. Then he started kissing him furiously, sucking on his lips and tongue. Everything seemed hot and they kissed right in front of Luis. Aidan was really happy Justin played along.

Luis' tears came rushing down as soon as Aidan started kissing the tall man in front of him. His tears were hot, painful and... nothing like he had ever felt before. His heart started hurting terribly, pounding like never before. His breaths turned into pants. His entire strength left him and he fell to his knees in front of the two kissing men, more tears pouring down his face. He stared at the both of them as the pain slipped through him.

Aidan's heart hurt like hell, that he felt as if someone was trying to pull it out of him. He felt a sharp pain in his chest that felt as if his chest and heart was constricting. With a loud gasp of pain, Luis moved his hands to his painful chest, gripping it harder. It felt as if someone had just pierced his heart right there. He had never experienced such pain in his entire life.
