Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 16


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Angel smiled softly, while still trying to get her breathing under control. 'My Alpha...' She tried to shift slightly, but still felt Cullen deep inside of her, the knot ever present. Angel felt Cullen's hand beginning to caress her gently, and when his hand drifted over her stomach, she slightly tensed.

Cullen felt her tense. "Anything wrong Angel?"

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Angel shook her head no.

Something bothered Cullen right there. He knew there was a reason why she tensed up, but figured, she would tell him if it was necessary.

After a while, Cullen felt his knot disappear, and was able to slide out of her. "Angel..." he tried to call to her. But when she didn't respond, he looked over and saw her asleep, using his one arm as a pillow. Smiling lovingly, he carefully picked her up and began to head back to the compound.


The next morning....

Everything was quiet this morning until everyone was able to hear Isobel screaming.

"You again! How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my room?!" screamed Isobel at Owen.

"Must you really shout? It is too early for that. Come to bed..." said Owen softly.

"I would go to bed, since it is too early for me to be up. But get your ass out of my bed. Again, do I have to reiterate that this is MY room...MY bed?"

"No you don't, but you also need to realize that YOU are mine, and what is yours is MINE. Now enough of this and come back to bed."

"I will not," answered Isobel as she grabbed her robe and threw it on.

"Where are you going now?" asked Owen, beginning to get irritated. Is this how it would always be?

"Isn't that obvious you arrogant asshole. I'm going to another room, since some idiot invaded mine." With that, she left, slamming the door behind her.

Owen groaned and he shoved his face into the pillow. I swear, the fates are really cruel or playing a big joke. "I hope you're laughing your asses off!" He said while rolling over to stare at the ceiling. I can't believe I am going to be mated to a she-devil.


When Angel woke up, due to the few shouts she heard, she noticed that Cullen wasn't in bed. Upon feeling the sheets still warm, he must have just left. As she sat up, Angel felt a few muscles aching, but she couldn't determine if it was from the run, or from Cullen. She couldn't help but smile at how it felt to be mounted by him.

Just then, Cullen walked in with a tray of food.

"Good morning Angel."

Smiling, "Good morning Cullen. I was wondering where you ran off too."

Grinning, "Well, I do have to provide for my mate and make sure she eats enough, so that she has energy for me later."

"I figured you had a motive," said Angel teasingly.

While they ate quietly, Cullen couldn't help but feed her a few things. Of course Angel being wicked made sure to suck or nibble on his finger. She knew right away that she was playing with fire, but she couldn't help it.

"You're lucky Angel that we both have work to do. Today is your official first day as Mistress of this household. So you actually need to run down to the kitchen and go over the meals first and then..."

"No need to tell me this Cullen. I already know what to do." She leaned up and kissed him softly. She then got off of the bed, and quickly ran to take a shower.

Cullen stood up shaking his head, while gathering the tray to bring back down.


Angel made her way downstairs, where she once again ran into Cati.

"Good morning Cati, how are you?" asked Angel cheerfully.

Smiling softly, "I am doing pretty well Angel. How are you? You look awfully happy."

"I'm doing wonderful. Seems like today will be a wonderful day. Now, I better run off to the kitchen. I can't be late on my first day."

Laughing they both said their quick goodbyes and went separate ways.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, Angel saw Glynis already there with the cook. "A very good morning to you both," said Angel happily.

"Seems like the Alpha did his part last night," grinned Glynis, while the cook tried to hold back her laughter.

"Oh, that he did. Now, let's begin going over the menu for all of today's meals, before I go up to make sure all the rest of the chores are being done. And who knows, I may have time to visit Cadifor and Alainn."

So Angel went over the menus and quickly observed the chores were being done. She tried to help some of the omegas' but was quickly stopped. She was going to argue that the job will get done faster if we all pulled together, but the omegas' wouldn't hear of it. Angel knew there were a few things she had to learn about the hierarchy of this pack. She met up with Eilis and together they checked the supplies in the store room to see if they needed to put anything down on the list of things to buy.

Without realizing it, it was already late afternoon. After much persuasion from both Glynis and Eilis, Angel decided now would be a perfect time to take a break. First she had to find her sister. She hasn't heard anything from her—not since this morning, when she woke up the whole house.

As she made her way up the stairs, she found Isobel in her room.

"I see you are finally up Izzy."

Isobel turned to face Angel. "I was up much earlier but was finally able to come back into my room."

"Yes, we all heard you waking up earlier."

Isobel shrugged. "Not my problem that the vermin snuck into this room late last night. I really should consider dead bolting this door."

"And do you really think that will prevent him from entering?" asked Angel.

Isobel thought about it for a while. "Probably not. Damn it. I will have to consider getting a steel door to be put in this room."

"Yea, good luck trying to pass that by Cullen."

"Speaking of the devil, how did it go yesterday? I take it the run was a success?"

Angel then began to describe how it all went. Especially how she had to go hunting all on her own, and managed to provide for the pack. Of course she kind of tried to skip over the activities that happened later on, but from the look Isobel gave her, Angel figured she was able to put the pieces together. Angel managed to mention to Isobel that she finally will get the chance to visit the horses. She pointed out that it felt like she was neglecting her Alainn.

"Ok, you guys are worse than rabbits. Soon there will be a bunch of mini Cullens' and Angels all around this compound."

Angel didn't say anything for a moment. After a few long moments, Angel said, "Izzy, I need to tell you something that I haven't told anyone yet..."


About an hour later, Angel went into the kitchen to sneak a few items into a bag. She was glad that no one was around. Once done, she headed outside toward the stable. Angel noticed many of the other horses were out in the corral, but Alainn and Cadifor weren't there.

Angel was then able to see then Quilliam walking out of the stables. As she approached she asked, "Is Alainn in her stall?"

"Yes my Lady. It seems like Cadifor won't let Alainn out of his sight. I guess there will be a foal coming along maybe by next season. That's the only reason why they are not out yet. The Alpha's horse doesn't get along with any of the others. So we send them to the pastures separately."

Angel nodded her head. "Thank you Quilliam. I had to make time today to visit Alainn and of course Cadifor. Don't tell Cullen because he will then begin giving me another lecture how Cadifor is hard to handle and such." Angel shook her head. "Cadifor is just a big baby to me."

Quilliam laughed. He saw how much both horses loved when Angel visited them. He still couldn't get over the fact that Cadifor trusted anyone else, besides Cullen, to handle him and to be so close.

"Well, I am going to wish you a good day My Lady. I need to check on a few more horses out in the pasture, before making a few phone calls. It seems like we might have one or two horses that may arrive here in a couple days. Many things to do and plan."

Angel nodded, and made her way to the stable. When she opened the stable doors, she heard Cadifor right away.

"It's alright big guy. It is only me," said Angel to let him know that she was approaching.

As she walked down the aisle to their stables she noticed both horses in the same big stall. She walked in, to stroke Alainn's between the eyes. "How is my baby doing?"

Of course Angel didn't expect an answer, but she always knew horses were smart animals. She then felt Cadifor stepping closer and nudging her. "Yes, big guy, I am happy to see you too," said Angel laughing, while she reached over and petted him as well.

Cadifor then nudged Angel's bag. Again, Angel couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry; I didn't forget both of your treats. But shhh,' whispered Angel to Cadifor, "don't let Cullen find out. I don't think he would appreciate that I was spoiling you both like this."

Angel reached into her bag and gave the horses each an apple first.


Isobel was just getting out of the shower, when she noticed she wasn't alone...again.

"You know Owen; many people would knock before entering other peoples' rooms."

"Yes, most people. But lucky for me, I did knock. You never answered, so I helped myself in."

"Of course you did," grumbled Isobel.

Isobel continued to gather a few clothes. As she walked back into the bathroom to change, she heard Owen say, "We need to talk."

"It seems like that is ALL we do. I am beginning to get really tired of hearing 'we need to talk'." She exited the bathroom, wearing jeans and a tank top. "So what do we need to talk about this time?"

"You know exactly what we need to talk about."

"Owen, if it is about this morning, than there is nothing to talk about. You need to ask permission before you..."

"I will not be asking permission for something like that. You are my mate. When are you going to stop fighting this and accept it? It really is beginning to get tiring Isobel."

"Listen, I know that you think..."

"There is no 'thinking' about it. You are my mate and you know it."

"...anyways... that may be so, but I am not ready for all of this. Angel might have accepted it faster but that's her. Even though we are twins, I am different. I just can't accept it so easily."

"That is why I have been trying to spend time with you. So that you can get to know me better and be more comfortable around me."

"More time with me? Is that what you call it when you sneak in at night?" Sighing, Isobel sat down at the edge of the bed. "You need to take it slowly Owen. I know that's asking a lot from you, but I am just letting you know, that if you keep pushing me like this, one day you will push too far. I'm not trying to hurt you, but I'm just stating a fact."

Owen held back the shout he wanted to scream. She will never leave me...never. But he did understand how this all may be frightening to her. For him it was normal because he was born a were, but for her, this was still all new."


While Angel continued to brush out Alainn she never heard the stable doors closing shut. After a while, she stopped mid-stroke when she began to smell something. Quickly stepping out of the stall, she was able to see smoke at the opposite end of the aisle. She quickly ran toward that end, and saw the fire beginning to start. Angel looked around to put it out, but found nothing. She ran fast to the other end near the two horses and grabbed Cadifor's blanket and ran back to the fire to try and smother it. But by the time she got there, the fire grew stronger. Still she tried, but as she started to cough from the smoke she decided to get the hell out of here with both horses.

Angel ran to the stable doors, just noticing now that they were shut. When did this happen? She knew that she left them open. She shook her head. This was no time to be thinking about that, she had just minutes to get out, before the next stable would be engulfed in flames that contained all the hay and straw.

She tried to open the door, but found she couldn't. Angel tried to kick and bang on it, to try and budge it—but nothing.

"Someone help me! I can't open this door."

At this point she heard both Alainn and Cadifor neighing loudly, and getting anxious. But also at the same time, she was able to hear that very distinct laugh. As soon as Angel heard that, she felt all the blood drain from her face. No ... noo... not again!! CULLEN!

Angel quickly shifted to hybrid form thinking she will be able to break down the door. But this became impossible for her. Shifting back, she ran quickly to see if there was another way out...


"Fine, I will give you space Isobel, but don't you dare think that I wont sleep in the same bed as you. Of course I will try to keep my hands off of you, but I need to be here, to make sure you are safe.

"Safe? Why wouldn't I be safe here Owen?"

Sighing carefully, Owen explained, "With those certain incidents that happened to Angel, I fear it may be someone from this pack. I don't know who, because we are still investigating it, but I just need to make sure you are safe. Please at least allow me this."

Isobel wanted to argue, but she was able to see how desperately Owen needed this. She couldn't help but fear for Angel a bit. Isobel really wanted to kill who ever has been doing this to her. Before she was about to agree and tell Owen that it was fine that he slept here, from the corner of her eye she saw something out the window Owen was standing in front of.

"NOOOO....." screamed Isobel.

Owen was confused. At first he was shocked, but then turned angry at her refusal. "I will not accept that Isobel, I will be sleeping...."

Isobel quickly ran to the window. "No no no... Owen...LOOK!"

Owen saw the fear in Isobel's eyes. He quickly turned to see smoke coming from the stable.

"Angel is in there!" With that said, she quickly bolted for the door, but Owen grabbed her first.

"Stay right here...."

"Like fuck I am..."

"Listen, I am contacting Cullen... stay here and let us go for her..."

Owen ran out of the room, fearing the worst. Immediately he contacted Cullen through their bond, 'Cullen!! It's Angel. Outside... stable on fire'. He was running so fast down the stairs, he knew he couldn't make out complete sentences.


Cullen shot out of his seat and was going to the door.

"What is it?" asked Gavin as he quickly followed. He noticed right away something was wrong.

"I don't know.... Owen..."

Just then he looked up to see Owen running down the stairs and seeing the fear in his eyes. "What is it?!" shouted Cullen.

Owen tried to pass Cullen, but he wouldn't budge. "There is fire coming from the stable and Isobel said Angel is in...."

Cullen felt like his heart was ripped out right there. He didn't wait for Owen to finish, but bolted for the door.


There was no other exit! Angel ran as fast as she could to the horses. They were beyond agitated and frightened. She tore the blanket in half and covered both the horse's head and tried to lead them both near the stable doors. She felt herself growing so tired. Her lungs felt as if they were on fire and she couldn't stop coughing now. It was so hard to breath, as Angel tried to gasp for air.

Gasping, Angel positioned Cadifor in front of the stable doors.

"Do...it," Angel coughed some more, "kick Cadifor." She had no idea if he would understand her or not. Angel dropped to hear knees. It was unbearable now. She then heard the door being kicked and wood splintering. "Again big guy....," wheezed Angel.

Then she heard the door busting open. She quickly slapped Alainn's rear end, knowing Cadifor would follow right away. Cullen...


Cullen was running down the long field toward the stables. He saw how the one end of the stable was up in flames. 'ANGEL!'

It seemed like he couldn't get there fast enough. He heard other shouts going up behind him, but didn't pay any attention. He had to get to Angel now.

No....she can't leave me now. I won't let her.


Angel knew she had no more strength. It was so hard to move, let alone breathe in air. She then felt a nudge and managed to open her eyes to see Cadifor's face—nudging her again.

"Go... boy..."

Neighing loudly, he nudged her again. With this movement, it caused his reins to fall over head. Angel was able to grasp it.

"Pull Cadif..."

Cadifor immediately began to pull, dragging Angel out of the stable. She was then able to get some air into her much starved lungs. That is when she heard the shouts.


Things were turning darker right now for her. She knew she was about to pass out.

"Angel... Angel....," screamed Cullen, as he then noticed his horse and the lump form on the floor. His heart stopped beating once again, fearing for the worst. He ran over and dropped to his knees. "Come on baby.... Wake up..."

He shook her, but with no response, he stood up, picking her up as well. He moved them away from the stable and placed her gently on the grass.

"Gavin the horses! Owen, get the others to put out the fire now!" shouted Cullen, while he began to check Angel out. He felt a pulse and thanked any and all the Gods. He noticed Isobel and Glynis running toward them.

"How is she? Angel... Angel..." Isobel shouted, trying to shake her.

"Here Alpha," said Glynis, while handing him water.

Glynis threw a whole cup on Angel's face, while holding her head up as Cullen tried to pour water down her throat. At first, Angel began to cough and spit the water out, gasping for air.

"Cullen," Angel said in a raspy voice.

"Shh... shhh my love. Save your energy. Take in slow deep breathes."

Angel shook her head slowly. "Too tired..."

"Alpha, she needs to sleep, let her have her rest. Come on Lambie, rest yourself."

Again, Angel shook her head, trying to stay conscious for one more moment...

"Angel," said Cullen softly, "listen to Glynis and..."

"NO," Angel managed to shout out, using up the last of her strength.

"Angel nothing is more important than for you to..."

"The baby," gasped Angel, as her hand automatically went to her stomach in a protective way.

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roseloveroseloveover 10 years ago

You want to no what would be one of the saddest things ever is if it was Glynis but thats so impossible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
tan emocionante

el mejor capitulo hasta ahora me rei un monton XD

oneboobeeoneboobeeabout 12 years ago

THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some body is in trouble when Cullen catches them.....lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Lol damn no wonder she was so hungry lol and emotional

kitteh_katkitteh_katover 12 years ago

I'm so happy!!

I wondered why she was being so weird about the fact that she may get pregnant,

and when she talked to Izzy, I thought she was just saying that she didn't really want to get pregnant...

But now she IS!!!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I cant believe Angel was pregnant! Probably should have known though, because nobody is that sensitive to people touching their stomache. I hope the Puppies will be saved...

mssdiamondmssdiamondabout 13 years ago

I KNEW IT!!! she was too jumpy about her stomach to not be pregnant lol. NEXT please im excited about this

mariasmdmariasmdabout 13 years ago

pregnant so soon!damn.. it's hard life.

mokkelkemokkelkeabout 13 years ago

and still we don't know who exactly it is that wants angel dead!!! damn

i like owen more and more , iso is starting to see something in him too yay

WerewolfEnthusiastWerewolfEnthusiastabout 13 years ago
omg love it

omg my heart was literally beating faster an faster just reading this latest chapter. please post more soon. totally would be cool if she found out she was pregnant with twins.

anyway love love love it keep up the awesome work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Please Post Again Soon!!!

I can't wait for you to continue on with this amazing story. You are killing me by leaving it as it is, and I hope you'll update soon! I'm in love with this story and the characters! Please,Please,Please begin updating once more! Your driving for loyal readers crazy with the wait...

ansiransirabout 13 years ago

i am waiting for so long to know what will happen next.... Please post next chapter fast... Its killing me...

willieonewillieoneabout 13 years ago

I think the half -brother and Cati are behind all the incidents he want to be Alpha and she want to be the Alpha bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I cant wait any longer!!! hurry up and submit the next chapter i love love love yoour story!!! sidenote i think cati is behind the accidents

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
All i can say is...

i hate cliffhangers.

But really i cant express in words how much i love your story.

Also I am agreeing with E.M. in saying that the stepmother is the one behind all of Angel's "Accidents".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
The stepmother did it.....

...I think. Anyway, must complement you on your many improvements, but i still think you would benefit from having a proofreader, before you publish the next chapter. If you want, i could help you again with that. You have my gmail since last time, so drop me some lines if you need to, E.M

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

...I only read like, the first three chapters.

God, I feel horrible for saying this but, I guess I must have been born an editor; I just skipped everything after the first few chapters I read to get to the most recent one so I could tell you what a shit writer you are! (again, my deepest apologies) you were horrible! Goodness, you changed your POVs so abruptly and so many times I got dizzy, and your authorial intrusion drove me up the wall. I sort of skimmed through this chapter and I see that you have an editor now! Thank goodness. But I honestly cannot see myself going through all the previous chapters to get to the good one(s). I am sorry to say that you may have lost a lot of readers due to the gramatical errors you made in previous chapters. If you were to write another story, however, I would probably read that.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? why did you leave us hanging???? now im gonna be dreaming about possible outcomes, and be...... well absolutely restless until you poet the next chapter. needless to say please hurry.

NightpleasureNightpleasureabout 13 years ago

OMG why oh why did you do that to me. this was entirely tooooooo short but really a great read. I cannot wait for more chapters to come.

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