Unsettled Times


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“But... I... I couldn’t tell her the truth about us, as I had to win her trust.�

“For what?�

“To find out more about Mikael. After all Nadja told me that Mikael was involved in some dubious deals when they broke up in 1917. She said that Mikael had actually delivered goods to the Democratic and Socialist revolutionists, as well as to the Czaristic troops. Nadja thinks that he might actually be a wartime-profiteer - but she never saw him dealing with weapons.�

“Shut up, mal’chik! I don’t give a shit about Mikael or any other lousy member of your family. But I’m quite concerned about your attitude towards our relationship. Remember though that I could have easily just let Nastasija take you to the court yard and have you executed. But you are still alive, because I have saved your from death penalty. Now you owe me your life. You are mine to do with what I want. And you should happily carry out my wishes, as well as show your gratitude to me for taking the time and effort to teach you.

But instead it seems though that you still are unwilling to admit my superiority over you. Maybe you need more of my medicine. I will be sure to adjust your doses to reflect your attitude, Jurij.�

“Come on! Why are you so mad at me? I have just tried to be a nice guy and cheer up poor Nadja. So aren't you acting a little bit unfair towards me?�

“You poor baby! It almost sounds as if you are pouting. You should remember however that in love and war everything is fair! Still it won't do you any good to complain. It is evident, that I will have to use a firmer hand with you. As it appears to me now, I am not sure that I can trust you to do as you are told, if I should be absent. The next time we see Nadja, you WILL tell her the truth about your relation to me, or I will make sure your tongue hurts you so much it will be difficult to even take your medicine. Have I made myself clear enough?�

“Yes! You have indeed!�

“Good! Then let’s go. We will need to hurry to catch up with the track of refugees.�

Thanks to Alessia's strict rushing, they only walked for about ten minutes until they indeed caught up to the group of refugees. When everyone stopped for the evening, Alessia made sure their fire pit was far enough away from the rest of the group, so that the others would not hear any whimpering noises from Jurij.

“I will build a separate fire for us and set up a camp for the night. You, mal'chik, are going to tell the nerjacha the truth. Don’t be long or I will eat supper without you.�

Jurij nodded his head in silent affirmation. Quickly he found Nadja sitting in the middle of the group and asked her to walk off to the side so that he could tell her some delicate news. But then his confidence left him. Instead of giving her an open confession, he just managed to stutter and stammer, but never quite got the right words out. He also didn’t realize that Alessia had approached them from behind and stood only a few feet behind him.

When he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth, Alessia walked up behind him and said: “My dear Nadja, what Jurij is trying to tell you, is that he become my prisoner, after he got caught breaking into my office. I have saved this man from execution because he loves me so much that he'll do anything for me... including getting dressed like this. "

Nadja didn't really acknowledge Alessia. She just starred at Jurij.

Alessia kept talking as Nadja continued to stare at Jurij: “Now he is being re-educated. I am his Commandress and so he will do as I say when I say it or suffer punishment from me. ...or he can visit the firing squad. Speaking of which Jurij, my boots are dirty.�

Hesitantly he dropped to his knees and began to clean her boots with his shirt. When Jurij had finished cleaning her boots, Alessia cleared her throat, which in Jurij’s mind suggested to him that he was required to kiss them as well, which he did. He was very red in the face when he performed the task, however his cock was hard as a rock.

When he had finished she only commanded: “That’s enough Jurij!�

Nadja stood there in shock, so Alessia explained: "He loves polishing my boots and he'd polish yours as well if I asked him too."

Her words got Jurij blushing even more.

Fortunately he heard Nadja answer: “No thanks! I think I can keep my boots clean for myself.�

“Fine! Then let’s go, Jurij. And don’t let me catch you talking with someone behind my back again.�

What neighter Alessia nor Jurij noticed was the fact that Nadja's nipples still had hardened underneath her shirt.

When Alessia and Jurij reached the fire area, she said: “Jurij, now let Me hear you say the words again. Who are you?�

“I am your prisoner and nothing but your prisoner.�

“Well said, Jurij. What was so difficult about telling her that?�

Looking down, Jurij shook his head. “I don’t know.�

She walks up close to him, touches his cheek softly and whispers ‘You know I have to punish you for not telling her the truth.�

“Yes, Commandress.�

Her face never altered, he was unsure if she angry, but he assumed she must be.

“And what else have you learnt today, my mal’chik?�

“I understand now that as your prisoner it is not up to me anymore to decide who I might talk to. So please forgive me!�

“I don’t think that you have earned my forgiveness yet. But I will give you another chance to tell the truth: Does Nadja make you hard Jurij?�

That was a tricky question. But Jurij wisely answered: “Not as much as you do, my Commandress.’

Alessia smiled at her smart prisoner and said: “Now, let me make this question a little easier for you: Does she make you hard? And don’t back off this time â€" it is a simple yes or no answer!â€?

“Yes Commandress, she does.� He replied looking down at the ground.

That was the moment when Alessia thought she heard something in the bushes. Looking around, she spotted a swift movement behind the tree. Then she saw the silhouette woman, trying to hide. And this woman was wearing the silver bracelet that Alessia had just seen around Nadja’s wrist.

Alessia yelled: “If you expect to have any skin left on your back side, you better come out of the woods Nadja…right now!�

Nadja all but ran to her feet. “What are you doing here, nerjacha?� Alessia asked, while Jurij was humiliated beyond belief. His face was a brilliant shade of red while he sat wondering if Nadja had heard the entire conversation.

“Well, I had heard some news to tell Jurij about Mikael, but then I lost my nerve.� Nadja answered with her eyes downcast.

Thinking for a short moment, Alessia said to Nadja with a cruel grin on her face: “I am about to make Jurij comfortable for the evening. You will wait right here for my return.�

“Mal’chik come over to this tree. And open wide.� She placed an old sock of her into his mouth and then secured his head to the tree, making sure the sock wouldn’t be dislodged. She tied his hands together behind the tree. Then she pulled down his trousers and left them around his ankles, but his penis was clearly visible. He was now deep red in embarrassment.

“I expect maintaining an erection will not be difficult for you at this point. Nadja and I are going to have a fun filled evening…you will think about why that sock is in your mouth, you will be right here until morning…unless I have to pee. Good night mal'chik, sweet dreams.�

She walked over toward the fire and she and Nadja began to talk quietly, the entire time, while kneeling and Alessia's feet and never once looking up into her eyes. At the end of their very long conversation Alessia took Nadja’s chin in her hand and made her look up at her, said a few words and Nadja burst into tears, kissing Alessia’s feet, working her way up from the feet to the knees, and continuing up the thighs to Alessia’s pussy. When Nadja reached Alessia’s pussy, she made love to her pussy with her tongue, causing Alessia to moan repetitiously and audibly. Jurij continued to feel like his groin had been kicked, and even cried at one point while listening to Nadja lick and suck on Alessia’s pussy. The two women fell asleep giving each other pleasure. Jurij dozed off a couple of times, but was not really comfortable enough to sleep.

When Alessia awoke, she came right over to Jurij and untied him, commanded him to his knees and gave him his morning drink. This time when he had licked her clean, he looked up at her and said “Thank you Commandress.�

“For what Jurij?� she asked him, smiling sweetly.

“For…um…well for allowing me the privilege of being your toilet.�

“Are you feeling threatened, Jurij?�

“Threatened? What do you mean?�

“I mean, do feel like you could be replaced very quickly? That perhaps Nadja might have given me more pleasure than you have?�

Eyes lowered, he spoke very quietly: “I... I deeply hope that there will always be something that only I can offer you.�

His bold answer made Alessia smile. She walked closer to him and grabbed his balls, squeezing them in her hand The strength of her grip was not enough to actually hurt him, but surely enough to let him know she had a firm hold on them.

“You're right. Nadja hasn't something to offer me like these, has she?� she whispered into his ear.

He shook his head no and Alessia let the fingernails of her other hand dig into the top side of his penis, which had grown fully fully erect again.

“And she surely hasn't one of these neighter!?� she whispered at him and again he shook his head no.

“Look at me, Jurij.�

Without any inhibitions her hands played with Jurij’s cock, while her eyes never stopped looking at him and her mouth whispered: “As long as these work for me when I want them to work, you have nothing to worry about.�

In fact her words had quite the different effect. Now Jurij was indeed worried that Alessia might replace him as soon as she would find a better toy to fulfill her needs. So far Jurij had hoped that Alessia would also would want to keep him around her for his inner values like his charm, his wisecracks and his commitment to her, but now he wasn't so sure about that anymore.

Fortunately his worries got quickly distracted by the ongoing strokes of her warm hand. They felt so good! So good that Jurij had to close his eyes to fully take in the enjoyment Alessia's hand was causing. He felt that he rather should be grateful about this precious moment than worried about the unknown future.

But then Alessia's hand released his cock as suddenly as she had began to play with it.

“Go and get ready for the day!� was all Alessia said for an explanation. Jurij's whole body of course was still turned on by her previous tease. The bitter realization that he could do nothing to make Alessia continue her gentle teasing left him in a pure state of helpless frustration.

Alessia seemed to even enjoy the look of despair in his eyes as she widely grinned back at him.

“You better hurry to get ready!� she reminded him.

“Today I want to get as far to Saratovskaya as we can. We are traveling with three of us now and you, my dear, are the bottom of the barrel. Therefore if Nadja tells you to do something, you are to do as she tells you.. Am I understood, mal’chik?�

Still sexually charged up by Alessia's recent gentleness, these iron words of her hit Jurij like a hammer.

“Yes, Alessia. As you wish.�

As Jurij began to walk away Alessia added: “And Mal’chik!? I don’t need to tell you to leave your penis alone, do I?�

“No, Alessia! Of course not�

Alessia smiled hearing him say those words. She also felt her pussy dampen a little by the thought that his pleasure was firmly at her will by now.

Half an hour later Alessia, Nadja and Jurij started walking. The first few kilometers they walked in silence, Alessia was the first to speak. “Nadja, pick up the pace and walk ahead two strides.�

Nadja did as she was asked, Alessia spoke very quietly to Jurij.

“Nadja wants me to make an exchange with her. She has offered me seven days of complete submission, in exchange for one day with you as her personal sex slave. I am considering the offer. What do you think about that?�

“What? She must have been joking!�

“She isn’t!�

“But who does this woman thinks she is? She can’t treat me like cheap meat after all I have done for her. And I am surely not for rent!�

“You soon might be!�

“What? But... She is still the ex-girlfriend of my cousin Mikael - so every intimacy between us would be absolute weird. You surely wouldn't accept such a humiliating offer! You should reject her and I promise I will never speak to the ungrateful bitch again.�

“Don’t tell me what I should do! All I have asked for was your opinion!�

“Sorry! It is just.... I mean, what would Nadja want me to do during this one day of servitude anyway? And what kind of use would you have for seven days of complete submission from Nadja? What could a unreliable woman like her offer you what you can not also get from me?�

“Oh â€" I have my ideas! Be sure of that! In fact I am indeed thinking this might make a nice arrangement. Of course you would be required to do anything she asks of you. So I was thinking you and I could make a trade: your obedience in exchange, I perhaps would allow you one orgasm, and if you were really a good mal'chik, I might even let you cum in my hand.â€?

“I don’t know. Somehow this whole deal scares me.�

“There is nothing to be scared of, my mal’chik. Actually it might help you to accomplish my superiority over your fate. And if you behave well, you might even benefit from this deal. Besides you don’t really have any say in the matter. Don’t forget, we will be seeing Nastasija again - you wouldn’t want to irritate me before that encounter, would you?�

“No, Commandress! I surely would not want to do that.�

They continued their walk in silence until they reached a small clearing.

Alessia spoke up: “Well â€" I think all three of us should leave the track of refugees behind now. Instead we will make camp here, at the back of the clearing by the wood line.â€?

With that Nadja, Jurij and Alessia cleared a spot to make a fire and to place the makeshift tent. When that was completed Alessia looked at Jurij and said: “I want all of your clothes back, mal’chik.�

He began to undress as soon as the words came from her lips. He handed all of his clothes to her and was told to go and find water. Again he did as she instructed. Nadja was sent with clothes to fetch wood, while Commandress began to make a fire. When both had returned, Alessia smiled at them and said “I have a couple of things I need to take care of, Jurij, get me your ropes from my bag.�

Jurij did as she bade and handed them to her. “Follow me Jurij.� He followed her to a tree and was tied to this tree, hands up above his head, cock hard as a rock. She grabbed his balls gently and said “You be a good mal’chik while I am gone.�

Then she turned and looked at Nadja… �I need a babysitter nerjacha, you will watch him, but do not touch him and do not speak to him, you still have a few hours before he is yours.�

Nadja got an evil smile across her face and replied: “Yes Commandress, as you wish.�

Alessia was gone for hours, and Nadja did just the opposite of what she was told. Jurij just stood there, with his cock sticking straight out, hard as a rock. Nadja kept herself busy by the fire, awaiting Alessia’s return. But after about an hour, Nadja was bored, so she walked over to Jurij.

“Would you like to be untied?� she asked.

“No!� was his clear reply.

“Really? That is too bad, Jurij.� She walked closer to him and pinched one of his nipples hard, pulled and twisted at the same time until Jurij cried out. Then she did the same thing to his other nipple again. Once more he cried out.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be untied?�

“Yes, I am sure. My Commandress won’t allow it.�

“Oh â€" your Commandress won’t allow it! That’s sweet! Totally stupid, but still sweet!â€? Nadja mocked her bound victim, before she walked toward the fire and sat down to read a book.

Around one hour of mutual ignorance later Jurij spoke up: “I have to pee.�

Nadja shrug his plea at first, but when he got louder the second time, she said: “NO! You didn’t want me to untie you…you can wait, or piss all over yourself! I don’t care which alternative you choose.�

“Come on, Nadja! I NEED to pee! Please!�

With that she got up, walked over to him and punched her fist directly into his stomach.

“I said NO! Instead you better use this opportunity to re-consider the consequences of your reluctance, so that you maybe will be more agreeable towards me next time!�

Jurij coughed and choked a minute, trying to gain his composure. The punch to the gut hadn’t made the feeling the fullness of his bladder any easier to bare, but he knew at this point he must await Alessia’s return or she would be very angry with him. He began to try to think of other things, however no thought could take his mind off his need to urinate. All he could think about was the last time he had peed without her permission.

He couldn’t let such a situation happen again! So once more he begged: “Please forgive me if I should have disrespected you in any way, Nadja! Just tell me what I can do to change your mind!�

His offer was answered by a hard slap across his face.

“Don’t you call me just ‘Nadja’ anymore. You will address me as ‘Miss Nadja’ from now on! And I think, I have a new name for you too, Jurij. From now on you will be the ‘Little cousin of an asshole’. “

As she glanced to his cock she added : “And believe me : When I say little, I do mean little. In the heat of the moment I might shorten your name to ‘asshole’s cousin’. But I will always be thinking LITTLE. No wonder she hasn’t let you fuck her yet. She has toys bigger than you. Don’t you agree?�

“I am afraid I have to, Miss Nadja!�

“Well said! So let’s still try to make it a little bigger!� she grinned and began stroking his member in her delicate hand. He looked down and watched her teasing his helpless shaft. Soon his whole body tensed, he felt so on edge of cumming as well as of pissing.

"Please!" he warned, "I am so close!"

“And so?�

“Alessia wouldn’t allow me to cum nor to piss!�

“That’s hardly my problem, is it?�

He couldn't help but thrust his hips, fucking her silken fist, the head of his cock was swollen and purple and weeping drops of fluid.

Then he saw stars. Roaring in pleasure he shot jet after jet of white foam onto Nadja's hand,

dripping down Nadja’s fingers. She held that hand to his mouth and raised one eyebrow. In response Jurij dutifully licked her fingers clean. Fortunately he hadn’t also pissed on them.

Still he grew more and more worried about his committed crime of having an unauthorized orgasm.

“Please don’t tell Alessia about it!�

"Well, we will see how you will behave towards me in the future!� Nadja answered with a wicked grin, secretly enjoying any second of Jurij’s rising anxiousness.
