Warning Signs Pt. 02


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Gloria slid her bikini bottoms off and tossed them into the pile with their tops. She stood next to the bed and posed, "Not bad for a broad my age, huh?" she said, fishing for a compliment.

Rose got onto her knees on the bed and giggled. "You're a gorgeous woman, Gloria. I aspire to be so hot when I'm your age."

"Oh," Gloria said, winking, "you make me sound ancient, sugar."

Rose laughed, "Not at all! You're not that old. But, for whatever age you are, you look great."

"That's true!" Gloria chuckled. "You going to take those bottoms off too?"

Rose hesitated. "I don't know," she said nervously, "Mike is up there. I'm not sure I feel comfortable being naked in front of him."

"Honey, you do what comes naturally and don't worry about Mike. He knows when to join in, and he knows when to disappear."

Rose nodded and untied the strings on each of her hips, then pulled the little piece of cloth from between her legs and tossed it next to Gloria's bikini. "By the way, Gloria," she said, getting off the bed and hugging the large-breasted woman, feeling their breasts rub together, "thanks for handling that situation with Bob about the teddy. I hate lying to him, but sometimes the truth is harder than fiction."

Gloria kissed Rose softly on her lips and smiled, "Don't I know it. No worries, darling. Your secret is safe with me."

A couple of minutes later, Bob choked on his champagne when he saw his wife and Gloria come up the stairs completely naked. Jerry noticed too and commented, "Now that's the proper way to enjoy a new boat. Hello ladies."

Mike Hernandez turned to look over his shoulder and did a double-take as she saw Rose naked, thinking for a split second that it was Rose's daughter Amanda. "Damn," he thought, "the mom's even hotter than the daughter." He started imagining have them both side by side and felt his cock getting hard.

Rose sat down on Bob's lap, her back to Jerry and Mike, discretely keeping her tits and pussy pointed away. Gloria sat across from them, immediately behind Mike in the captain chair. Jerry was next to Mike trying to find some decent music on the satellite radio. He landed on the 80's channel and kept it there.

"I ever tell you about playing guitar on Stevie Nicks record back in the day?" he asked, looking over at Bob and Rose.

Rose replied to them, "You played guitar on Stevie Nick's record in the 80's? Which one?"

"Bella Donna, in 1981. I was a young studio musician and played a mean guitar back then. I was on a bunch of records and in a couple of hair metal bands. You should have seen my hair. I was all permed up and came down to my ass."

"Oh, he was pretty," cooed Gloria. "That's when I met him. I was a stripper in LA, and he was in a glam band. They opened for Motley Crue and Poison if I remember."

"They opened for us," he corrected her. "Well, at one point. They hit it big, and we didn't. I wasn't really into it that much."

"You were into it for the pussy!" Gloria countered. "Just like all of them."

Jerry laughed, "Well, yeah. Of course. I was in a band that made it pretty big, but I left to do motocross before they got huge. When I busted my knee and couldn't race anymore, I went back, but glam was dead, and grunge was all the rage. I hated grunge. I hated Seattle. It was always dreary, and I needed the sunlight of SoCal and Arizona."

That reminded Bob, "Oh, are you going to Seattle on Monday?"

Jerry gave Bob a look that said, "Let's not talk about work now." Instead of answering he looked out over the water and pointed to a small island was visible in the distance. "Mike, head over there and let's go for a swim."

A few minutes later, they stopped by the small island. Mike grabbed a tow rope and dove into the water, swam ashore and tied the boat to a tree to keep it from drifting away. The island had a little sandy beach.

Jerry dragged Rose out the stern of the boat and tossed her into the water, then dove in after her. When he surfaced, he pulled Rose to him and kissed her. She did not attempt to stop him but willingly returned the kiss.

Gloria preferred to remain in the comfort of the main cabin, where it was cool, and have a martini. Bob was about to jump in the water and stay with Rose, but Gloria strongly insisted that Bob keep her company.

"Make us a couple of martinis," she demanded.

He found the ingredients in the well-stocked bar and made her favorite cocktail. He was not into it, preoccupied with his wife and Jerry.

Gloria watched Bob, carefully reading his body language. She could tell he was tense and worried about something. She had a feeling she knew what it was. "Come over here and sit by me, young man."

Bob brought the martinis and sat down next to her on the sofa. His eyes roamed her naked body. She was extremely sexy, and it was hard not to stare.

"Something's bothering you," she said, putting a hand on his thigh, very close to his cock. "What is it? Are you having second thoughts about swinging with us?"

"No, that's not it, well not exactly," he said, sipping the martini. His face shriveled a bit at how strong it was, but that was the way Gloria liked them. To Bob, it might as well have been straight vodka.

She massaged his thigh, letting her naked breast rub on his arm. He felt her erect nipple sliding back and forth on his bicep. "Then what's bothering you? Not getting enough attention for this?" She said, reaching between his legs to grope his dick. "Oh, someone is already hard."

Bob laughed and told her that wasn't his problem. "I don't know. I'm just starting to wonder if this is right for us.g. I'm paranoid about things all the time now. I've accused Rose twice today of cheating on me."

"With Jerry?" she asked, squeezing his cock and feeling it throb. However uncomfortable he was feeling, it wasn't making him tell her to stop.

He nodded. "Yeah, I feel bad about it, but I can't help wondering."

"You have to trust her. You know she's going to fuck him now, don't you?" She slid onto her knees and started undoing the velcro front of his shorts.

Bob sighed and leaned back. He knew it was likely, but he was surprised at how willingly Rose seemed to take to the idea. He had expected she might have some reservations, especially after their conversation at the dock. He looked out the window then back at Gloria. "Yeah, I figured as much."

"You're okay with it, right?" she asked as she pulled his cock free and stroked it in front of her face.

He moaned and relaxed a bit, watching her play with his cock. She pulled on his shorts, and he lifted his ass so she could slide them off.

"I'm not 100% okay with it, but I'm getting there. It's better because I'm here. It's when I'm not with her that I worry, like when she's alone with Jerry or when I'm out of town."

She stroked his cock faster, using both hands. "They're never alone, baby. He hasn't seen Rose since the last party and hasn't fucked her since the first time you guys came to our house. You know, the day you fucked me." She leaned forward and licked around the head of his cock slowly.

He groaned and lifted his hips, trying to shove his cock into her mouth. He could hear Shawn's voice on the phone, "He used Gloria as bait to get me out of the way while he manipulated Corrine into giving herself to him. I lost my wife; you will lose yours if you don't get out while you can!"

Suddenly, he felt an overwhelming need to stop this, to get Rose and get the fuck out. He pushed Gloria back softly, "I'm sorry, I can't do this." He stood and pulled his shorts back up, closing them around his cock.

"Bob," Gloria said, trying to stop him, "you gotta relax, baby."

"I know," he said, "but I can't." He moved to the doors at the rear of the cabin.

"Don't go out there," Gloria cautioned. "You won't like the results."

He looked at Gloria for a moment, then went out the door and climbed up on the deck. He scanned the water around the island and spotted Rose. She was standing in the water up to her knees with Jerry facing her, and Mike behind her. They appeared to be very close together.

"Shit!" he thought as he climbed up onto the railing.

"Rose!" he shouted, "Rose! I'm coming!" She didn't hear him. He dove off the boat and swam as fast as he could in her direction. It wasn't all that far, but he hadn't done much swimming in many years. He was out of breath as he came up and it took longer than he thought to close the distance. Finally, he was able to wade through the water, taking big bouncing steps as the water became shallower.

Jerry was holding Rose to him and was kissing her. She was pressed against him. Mike was behind her, kissing her neck and feeling her ass. Rose had her arms around Jerry's shoulders. One leg was raised and wrapped around his hip.

"Hey, let go of my wife!" he shouted as he got closer to them. Rose turned to see him, a surprised look on her face.

"Bob, what are you doing?" she called back.

Jerry pulled her back around and tried to kiss her, but she was turning to see Bob. Mike's cock was hard and was rubbing on her hip. Just then, Rose's eyes got big, and she let out a loud "Ungh!" Bob was pretty sure he knew where Jerry's cock was.

"Rose, we're not doing this!" he yelled angrily, moving towards her.

As he got closer, Mike turned to face him. "Yeah, we are. Get your ass back on the boat and let Gloria entertain you. We're taking care of Rose now."

Bob tried to push past, but Mike he got in the way, blocking him from reaching Rose.

"Bob, what's going on?" Rose asked, her body being pushed rhythmically. She looked unsure of the situation.

Jerry turned her to face him, "Ignore him." He tried to kiss her again, but she hesitated.

"Rose, I changed my mind! I don't want to do this! Let's go home," he yelled as he struggled to get around the muscular boat captain. "Let go of me! Rose! Come here!"

Jerry leaned down and took Rose's breast in his hands and sucked on her nipple. She turned back her husband. "Bob?"

Bob planted his foot behind Mike's and shoved him hard, sending him on his back in the water. Bob jumped forward and grabbed Rose by the arm, pulling her. Jerry jerked her back, "Get the fuck out of here, Bob. She's mine now. If you know what's good for you, get your ass back on the fucking boat!"

Mike regained his feet. He launched into Bob, tackling him and driving him into the water. Rose pulled hard against Jerry, trying to separate herself, to break away and get his cock out of her.

"What did you say?" She asked, fixing Jerry with a hard stare.

"Rose! Let's go!" Bob cried out as he broke the surface. Mike shoved Bob's head under the water.

"I said you're mine now, not his. You belong to me." Jerry moved to kiss her again, pulling her hips tighter to him, thrusting his cock back into her pussy.

She gasped and looked into his eyes, felt his hands on her body, his cock filling her pussy. She looked back and saw her husband fighting with Mike. Bob broke free and reached out to her. Mike grabbed him, spun him around and punched Bob hard in the face.

Rose turned back to Jerry and closed her eyes. He kissed her. She breathed in deeply, then slapped him as hard as she could across the face, "Take your fucking hands off me!" She gained her footing, and his cock snapped up, as it quickly pulled out of her. She saw it, and drove forward, raising her knee to smash into his balls. Jerry doubled over in the muddy beach on his hand and knees.

Rose ran to Bob and covered him with her body protectively, "Leave him alone!" she screamed at Mike.

"I'm here, Bob! I'm here!" she was kissing him all over his face. "I'm here, baby. I'm here!"

Mike grabbed her and tried to pull her away.

"Mike!" shouted Jerry. "Let her go. They want each other. They can fucking have each other. Let's go." He untied the boat and started swimming to it. Mike gave Bob one last, evil look, then turned and followed his boss.

Bob pulled Rose against his chest and kissed her. "Oh Rose, I'm so sorry!" he cried out, "I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you."

She kissed him repeatedly and held onto his neck. "I love you, too. I'm sorry, too! I didn't know. I didn't know he was such as asshole."

The boat engines roared to life. They turned to see Jerry standing at the back of the boat, staring at them, as it turned and accelerated away across the lake.

Bob held Rose tightly. "I'm sorry I ever got us mixed up in this." He led her out of the water and collapsed onto to the beach.

Bob," she asked nervously, "we have more urgent things to worry about. I'm naked! My bikini is on the boat! We're stuck on an island in the middle of this giant lake, and nobody knows where we are! Everything we had is on the boat!"

"Not everything," he corrected her, pulling his Samsung S8 out of his pocket. "Waterproof." He pulled his t-shirt off and gave it to Rose, who put it on to cover her naked body.

He thought about who to call.

"Call the police!" Rose suggested.

"I have a better idea," he said.

He pulled up Jerry's contact and pushed "Call."

The phone rang a few times then Jerry's voice came on, "You wanted her, now you got her. It's a long swim back."

"Rose is pregnant." Rose grabbed his arm and gave him a "what the fuck" look. He raised a hand indicating for her to wait.

"What?" Jerry asked.

"Rose is pregnant. We don't know who the father is. Could be you. Could be me." There was silence on the other end of the line. Rose started to speak, but Bob put his finger to her lips urging her to be quiet. He whispered in her ear, "I'll explain in a minute."

"So, that's what was bugging you?" Jerry asked.

"Yeah, I've been freaking out," he was lying his ass off and trying to deliver his best sales pitch ever. "If it's mine, I mean, we can't be swinging right now. If it's yours, well, then I won't interfere, of course. We've been fighting and trying to come to terms with it."

"You're sure she's pregnant?" he asked.

"Yeah, we found out yesterday. Some birthday present, huh?"

"Yeah, sure is," Jerry replied.

"We thought about not even coming today, but we didn't want to let you guys down. We weren't planning on doing anything sexual. So, I freaked out, being overly protective of her." They could hear the sound of a boat engine coming closer across the lake.

"We'll be there in a couple of minutes," Jerry said, then hung up.

"I'm pregnant? That's what you came up with?" she asked, with a look somewhere between a smile and an angry grimace.

"Yeah. Well, it worked, they're coming back to get us."

"It's brilliant," she said smiling. "It can explain everything, right. You were being protective and were freaking out. Let's get back on the boat, get back to the dock and get the fuck out of here."

"That's the plan," Bob said nodding.

"Please, don't let that animal ever touch me again," she said shaking in disgust. "When Jerry said I wasn't yours anymore and I belonged to him, I understood. Shawn was telling the truth! I looked into his eyes. He's fucking crazy!" She shuddered, remembering the crazed look in his eyes.

"Well," he began, "I think we are probably good for today. I don't think he's going to push to fuck you now. I mean, don't you think? You kneed the hell out of his balls!" He managed a chuckle. "Just sit with me, and we'll tell him you feel sick."

"You need to quit your job," she said, hugging him lovingly. "I can support us until you find something else."

They could see the boat approaching. They wouldn't have much time. "I've got another idea. I'll need your help," then he added, " and Shawn's."

"I'll do anything you want, honey, I love you completely." She kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you too. You'll have to follow my lead," he said, holding her tightly.

The boat drifted as close to the island as possible. "I guess we'll have to swim." Bob started to walk into the water, but Rose stopped him. He looked back at her. She gave him a weak smile. "Happy Birthday," she said.

"Oh gee, thanks," he replied, then the two of them walked into the water until it was deep enough, then swam the rest of the way to the boat.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

cheating whore . and husband a little wimp.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 4 years ago
I told you so..

Rose was seeing Jerry on the side. She is a Slut but things are changing now that she knows the truth about Jerry. I agree with most that the story got the old heart pumping, a good old fashioned fight for the girl...that old bitch Gloria didn't do her job and kept Bob from breaking up the beach party. Let's see how this tale of infidelity ends, just hope that Jerry burns in hell. And that Rose is lucky she has a forgiving husband, She was cheating, She was lying, and she was caught. Getting better.

kiteareskitearesalmost 6 years ago
Pulses are racing

Damn you play a rough game, dragging us down before pulling us back up again.

I've said before submission doesn't happen like it did at the party, over several months of drip feeding she might succumb, but if she truly loved Bob then it wouldn't take much to break the illusion.

TBH I struggle to believe that even after just a couple of months she would agree to a DP with Bob so close, however it showed that Gloria is totally complicit with the plans and as guilty as Jerry. Now we know more about Mike I fear for Amanda and hope Rose comes clean with Bob about what happened at the party.

Are those tubes still loaded?

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110almost 6 years ago
Getting Better

Liked the action. A good old fist fight over the woman always lightens the mood. My opinion of Rose keeps declining. I keep hoping something will redeem her, but it doesn't look good. Liked it for the fight scene and Bob finally growing a pair, but only a 3.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchabout 6 years ago
Nice save

Getting better!

elling50elling50about 6 years ago

Suddenly this story became very interesting again.

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 6 years ago

One Ace for the King,

oosieoosieabout 6 years ago
Like it

I like it, you actually made my hart beat faster, you have the ability to get me emotionally involved. That takes talent. Hat off for that.

prinnaveaprinnaveaabout 6 years ago

I'm going with money talks, bullshit walks, at this time. Next part could be even more intriguing, knowing the menage trois minus Bob.

Might need to call CSI. :)

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 6 years ago

hope jerry and mike get whats coming to them.

they are a couple of assholes.

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