We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 13


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Yi stepped behind Lanh and Kim-ly and said, "loosen up and enjoy the ride." She took off Kim-ly's bikini top and said, "You have three hours to get your freak on, have some fun!" She handed Kim-ly's bikini top to Lanh then, as promised, Yi and Kenny grabbed a couple bottles of wine and four glasses and headed upstairs.

Don took his T-shirt and swimsuit off then stepped down to the cockpit, opened a folding lounger and laid out in the sun. "Come on, let's join him," said Kim-ly and she pulled off Lanh's hoodie and top. Lanh was no stranger to sunning in the nude, in the past she had been the instigator of several skinny-dipping sessions with her sisters and with Don, but that was at their pond on familiar ground when she knew there was no one else around. Here were friends and acquaintances just a few feet above them! Her hands moved to stop Kim-ly but Lanh found that as she was making up excuses, her sister had completely stripped her and was leading her down the five steps to the cockpit.

Don lay in the sun, enjoying the warm rays on his skin completely ignoring a bottle of sun block that was in a gunnel pocket near him. "Lover, you need to start putting this on," said Lanh as she slathered lotion on Don's skin. "Second degree sunburn can happen quickly down here."

"Stand up!" ordered Kim-ly and reluctantly Don rose from the lounger and the girls spread lotion over him, front and back paying a lot of attention to his cock and balls. In return he helped coat Lanh then Kim-ly with sunblock. The warm, humid breeze felt so good on their exposed skin. As their hands traveled over each other's bodies the sensations evolved from playful to tender, loving caresses. Don found his hands filled with Kim-ly and Lanh's breasts, while their sunblock coated hands slipped and slithered over his cock and balls. By silent agreement Don and his lovers walked naked back up to the mezzanine and forward to their cabin.

His cock was so hard it ached. It had been a while since he had properly made love to Lanh and he was too tenderhearted to try with her injuries, a single wince in pain on her part was a mood killer on his part. Lanh was leading Don by the cock, which was not unusual, it was something she would do when they were alone, but now with Kim-ly here, everything was new.

They lay down on the big queen size bed, Lanh and Kim-ly's hands and lips explored every inch of Don's body. Don pulled his tiny wife on top of him, her delectable pussy pressing against his mouth. He began strumming his tongue over her clit and labia, his nose rubbing against her wet pussy, and he was cheered on by her sighs of pleasure. His hands caressed her tiny ass while she licked and stroked his cock. Lanh was terrified to properly blow Don during a 69, early in their courtship, at the peak of excitement, she bit down on him and caused considerable pain but no damage.

Now Lanh's familiar little gasps of pleasure that signal an approaching orgasm, she arched her hips downward, pressing her pussy against his mouth. He squeezed her cute little ass cheeks in time with her cries and suddenly she cried out, her entire body shuddering as she gasped and squeaked her cries of pleasure until it became too much, and she rolled off of Don.

Kim-ly and Don cuddled with Lanh as she returned from heaven, her gasps and pants slowed and her eyes opened and finally she gasped, "wow!"

"It was that good?" asked Kim-ly. Lanh could only nod her head and smile weakly. "I want some!" Kim-ly grinned and she dove for Don and pinned him down on the mattress. She lowered her mouth to his, it started out playful, but their kiss became passionate. As their tongues entwined, Kim-ly held on to Don tight and rolled him over and now he was on top and she held him tight, terrified that he would pull away.

As their kiss ended Don and Kim-ly studied each other's eyes, both saw a mixture of passion and confusion. He started to rise up to get away when a hand grabbed his cock. "It's ok," whispered Lanh as her saliva slickened hand reached around Don's cock and covered his length with a layer of saliva. Lanh lined his cock up with Kim-ly's pussy then whispered, "love my Kim-ly."

Don once promised Lanh years ago that he would never say no to her in bed, even if she asked him to stop at the most inopportune time (which happens), or if she asked him to be kinky (which happens also), or if she asked him to fuck her sister (which he thought would never happen, so it was easy to agree to.) For the first time in his life Don's cock began to enter a pussy that was not his wife's.

He shuddered as Kim-ly's pussy spread open for his cock, and Lanh's hand stayed on his cock all the way in. Kim-ly was very hot, very wet, and very different than Lanh. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on tight, so tight that Don could barely move. "You're in me," she gasped, "you're really in me!" then she started kissing him. Her tongue slid into his mouth and swirled around, wrapping itself around his tongue. So different, so foreign, yet too, very similar to his love, Lanh. Kim-ly broke the kiss and turned to face Lanh whose lips were touching her cheeks gently.

"We're here for you now," said Lanh as she kissed Kim-ly's tears away.

Kim-ly loosened her grip and gave Don more freedom to move. His ass began to rise and lower, his cock slid deeply in her delicious cunt, and he began fucking more enthusiastically with Lanh's encouragement. As he fucked his willing sister-in-law, Lanh and Kim-ly were kissing and Kim-ly loosened her grip on Don. "Now baby, now!" gasped Lanh as Don fucked Kim-ly faster eliciting a smile and a happy groan from Kim-ly.

"Oh god, give it to me," Kim-ly sighed as his thick cock pummeled her willing pussy.

Lanh's hand cupped Don's balls and she hissed, "do it like you do me." Don gave Kim-ly a stronger stroke but Kim-ly pushed him up.

"No... too much..." gasped Kim-ly, but it set off an orgasm that she couldn't hold back. Her fingers clawed Don's back, her heels dug into his ass. Her gasps and cries started to set Don off and before they knew it, he was climbing to an orgasm too. He desperately tried to hold back and that made his climb to release assured and before he knew it, he was cumming in Kim-ly. They both cried out as wave after wave of pleasure washed over them, Don hugged Lanh and Kim-ly close.

As Don's orgasm retreated and his cock softened and slipped out of Kim-ly he realized that Kim-ly was frowning. "Baby, it's ok... Kim?" Suddenly Kim-ly burst into torrents of tears, howling in soul wrenching pain. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't realize..." Lanh stopped him as Kim-ly wailed and cried, holding Lanh and Don close and tight.

Finally, Kim-ly started to articulate her agony and with heartbreaking sorrow she wailed, "I was so lonely!"

Kim-ly spent years alone in the apartment that Don built for Lanh. Years spent alone, waiting for them to come back, hoping, and praying they'd be back soon and every time she'd get her hopes up that they would return, Don would reenlist, and they would go somewhere else leaving Kim-ly horribly alone, laying in the dark. Her family was gone, her twin brother Bao in a happy, feisty marriage with that joyful nutcase Rosa, Tam was finally smiling again, and she was happy teaching at the university and caring for her blind husband and her three boys, Huy and Ahnjong were in very lucrative law practices with an adorable pair of twins and Trung was gone with his big busty blond. Even her folks had no time for her. Kim-ly's world revolved around Don and Lanh's cows on Don and Lanh's farm and managing Don and Lanh's finances all without Don and Lanh.

"I'm so sorry!" whispered Don, "I didn't know." Kim-ly's wailing was even louder, her sorrow was breaking his heart. "We would have come right home if we knew you needed us."

"We're here for you now Kim-ly, and we're not going anywhere," said Lanh as she tried to kiss Kim-ly's tears away.

"Not without you, never again," said Don softly in her ear. They huddled together for a long time until Kim-ly's weeping subsided. "We're family now, you, Lanh, Danh, and me, and we're never going to leave you alone."

"Never?" Kim-ly asked in a tiny, choked voice.

"Never," said Lanh. "We need you..." she gave Kim-ly a kiss then a smile and said, "You're ours now."

Not long later, Andi, Yi, and Kenny came downstairs to start preparing lunch and they found Don, Lanh, and Kim-ly in the cockpit area relaxing on loungers pushed close together. Don, in the center, was facing aft, Kim-ly and Lanh on either side of him were facing forward. The early afternoon sun was warm, and the ocean breeze was delightful. Kim-ly groaned in happy agony, it's been ages since her pussy was stretched out like that, even though Lanh said that Don went easy on her. She was looking forward to later in the trip when they planned on giving Kim-ly a proper welcome to the "Campbell Family."

Andi and Yi were wearing sarongs, and both were topless. "Sexeeee!" said Kim-ly when she looked up from her book. Yi was slim and athletic with small, firm breasts that rode high on her chest and had tiny areola that were barely bigger around than her nipples, and a waist and hips that were roughly the same size. Andi on the other hand was short with a beautiful hourglass figure, large, round breasts with large pink areola and nipples that are barely noticeable until she is excited, a tiny waist, and wide, round hips with a beautiful round ass.

"You like?" asked Andi as she swayed her hips, then she quickly added, "I mean the sarong, you like?"

"I love it," said Lanh. She really did love it, but it wasn't practical.

"Good, we're going shopping as soon as we get to Jupiter. Now come on, I want to show you something." Andi and Yi led the Campbells along the narrow side decks outside the mezzanine and saloon to the foredeck which earlier was carrying a small zodiac inflatable boat. The Davic crane had lifted the zodiac and it was now hanging over the edge of the port bow and the foredeck had several comfortable couches that previously were holding the zodiac. Paul and Kenny met them on the foredeck, and they all sat down with some very nice wines. Paul asked, "What wines do you prefer?"

"Lanh and Kim-ly are the big wine drinkers here, but we prefer any Mosel wine only because we were stationed in the Mosel region and drank that exclusively," said Don.

"That is if Kim-ly left us some," said Lanh which earned her an elbow from her sister.

Andi asked Don what he referred to, and Don said, "Kim-ly came to visit us several times when we were stationed at Spangdahlem, and she developed a taste for Mosel wines."

"Anything in a blue bottle," said Kim-ly indicating the blue bottle that vintners in the Mosel region of Germany use for their Reisling wines.

Kenny was studying a tablet and he showed it to Yi who said, "you're right! Everybody, look west, straight off our bow."

"He's right? He didn't say anything," muttered Kim-ly as she looked west with everyone else. Far off in the distance there was a possibility of land and soon a large white cloud started growing from the land, a bright light pierced that cloud then started lifting up through the cloud and soon it could be seen, a bright flame was now heading upwards, and it was creating that cloud. It was miles away, and according to Yi it was a SpaceX Falcon 9 SuperHeavy rocket lifting off from Cape Canaveral. As the tongue of flame lifted into the sky it was high up and accelerating before the roar of the dozens of Raptor engines finally reached their ears from miles away. They could feel the roar of those engines as the air around them vibrated with the fury of those rockets.

They watched, amazed, as far above they could see the side boosters separate from the main stage then a misty umbrella appeared above them as they started their return burn. Don lost sight of them as the boosters fell from the sky, but as they neared their landing back at the cape their engines fired up one more time, slowing the huge boosters down for landing. From miles away it was hard to discern exactly what was happening, but apparently the boosters landed successfully.

"That was totally cool!" said Don. "Does that happen a lot?"

"It's getting to be more and more regular," said Paul. "About every five days there's a launch and that's just here. SpaceX launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base, they have their own facility in Texas, and there's another spaceport that opened up just across the Georgia border, Camden Spaceport. They're planning on doing about 12 launches a year up there."

As they secured the zodiac back on the foredeck, Kim-ly asked, "Where to now?"

Andi grinned, "after lunch, we're going to Jupiter, of course."

Lunch was Ruben sandwiches, something the Campbells had never tried. They've heard of them, they know what goes into a Ruben, but they have never had one. Andi was shocked, and Don said, "when we traveled, we tended to eat local cuisine so we could get a taste for the area. We've never been to New York and Ruben sandwiches don't appear on many rural Minnesota menus."

"New York is just one possible origin of the Rubin," said Yi. "I subscribe to the rumor that it was invented in Omaha, Nebraska." She served the sandwiches, and they were huge, thick grilled Jewish rye bread piled high with thin sliced corned beef covered with melted Swiss cheese, tart sauerkraut, and creamy Russian dressing.

Kim-ly looked at the mountain in front of her and said, "I would be happy with half a sandwich."

"That is half of a sandwich," said Yi, "Your sister got the other half." Kim-ly looked at her tiny sister who was joyfully eyeing up her sandwich half with a look of unbridled voraciousness. For being such a tiny woman, when she's hungry Lanh can pack away a good-sized meal, and Lanh tore into that sandwich like a lioness on a wounded gazelle.

"Honey, relax," chuckled Don. "There's plenty to go around."

"Can't help it," said Lanh around a mouthful of Ruben, "it's so good!" The salty, almost ham-like quality of the corned beef, the zesty rye bread, the tangy sauerkraut, the smooth Swiss cheese, and the creamy dressing all combined to a mouthful of flavor that transported Lanh to a crowded deli in Times Square. She ended up finishing her meal and she had portions from Kim-ly and Don's lunch also and made a note to herself to talk to Rosa about a Ruben bánh mì at her parent's restaurant.

As they ate, the girls passed around baby pictures of their children, there were many pictures of Danh and Krissy, and Grandma Nguyen sends dozens of pictures of Danh "helping" at the restaurant every day. In return Andi shows pictures of her twin girls Sandy and Madoline and her son Danny, who is four months older than Danh.

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The dash to Jupiter started the moment dishes from lunch were washed and put away and all passengers were safely seated up on the flying bridge. Don took a seat next to Andi who was in the captain's chair. She explained the different screens and controls and she described the settings she planned to keep her eyes on. When she had her course laid into the navigation system and she was confident that the radar was clear she slowly eased the throttles forward.

The twin MAN diesel engines gradually came to life as Andi's Dream clove smoothly through the calm sea. The gyro stabilizer was barely utilized, and Lanh's feared sea sickness never even raised its ugly head. As Andi piloted the big, beautiful boat south she turned to Don and asked, "You look like you have something on your mind, what is it?" When Don deferred, she tried again, "I can put on my doctor hat and promise no judgement."

"If you had said that two years ago..."

"I DID say that. I say it during my initial evaluation with every patient," insisted Andi.

"No, it's not the same."

"How? Tell me, how is it not the same?"

Don took a deep breath; how do you say this to the Doctor that probably saved your life? He tried straight up. "I used to think that you had the most awesome breasts I could possibly imagine... now I know I was right."

Andi turned sideways in her seat and took a deep breath to show off her magnificent breasts, wide based, beautifully rounded, dark pink areola, and erect nipples. She started chuckling and said, "Kim-ly was right, you are a dick."

Don pointed toward the bow and said, "Keep your eye on the sea when you're driving."

Andi put her hand on Don's arm and used her concerned voice, it wasn't her concerned doctor voice, it was her concerned mom voice. "What is bothering you? Tell me, what is in your heart that hurts so bad?"

Don looked back to where Lanh and Kim-ly were sitting, back in the open-air area of the flybridge where they talked with Yi, Kenny, and Paul. With the rushing wind and the thrum of the powerful MAN engines they were out of earshot. "I almost ruined Kim-ly. I could have killed her... I didn't know she was so lost and alone. When we re-enlisted it got worse, when we went to Korea she went into a deep depression. When I got injured in Saudi Arabia, she was inconsolable. I think Danh exists to keep his mom alive, she would have a little piece of me, he appeared when we moved to Colorado, and she was emotionally shattered. We were home, she was happy, and then we left again." Don was actually near tears.

"Ok, enough," said Andi in her stern mom voice. "It's not your fault, you were living your life. If you had come home, you would have avoided a lot of injury, but you also would have avoided your education. You need to get her help, and if that breaks up what you have now... at least she'll be healthy." Don and Andi spoke for a long time on Kim-ly's mental health, and Andi convinced Don to speak to Kim-ly about seeing a psychologist.

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Dinner at the Jupiter Yacht Club was incredible. While Andi's Dream was docked yards away, Paul and Andi took everyone to dinner at the Yacht Club restaurant. At first glance it looked like a place that would require tuxedo and gown just to be seated but Paul told them, "This is Florida, a shirt with a collar would be considered high fashion after traveling from the First Coast to the Treasure Coast. Polo shirts, shorts, and deck shoes will be fine. The only polo shirt that Don brought had his ham radio call sign embroidered above the pocket. "Nice!" said Paul and shook Don's hand, "I'm KX2OBJ. We'll have something to talk about at dinner."

"Lanh and Kim-ly have their ticket also," said Don. "We insisted that everyone try while Karole was healing, I wanted everyone on the air before we traveled back to Minnesota, and they did it."

"Good for you, Andi doesn't have an interest in the hobby, but she doesn't mind that I spend a lot of time on the air."

Don and Paul sat at their table trying to convince Kenny to get his ham license while they wait for the girls to arrive. First on their agenda after docking Andi's dream was to go shopping. Eventually they swept into the yacht club dining room, all four women were wearing Hawaiian print sarongs with matching bikini tops. Lanh looked nervous, she would never wear something this daring in public, but she and Kim-ly wore almost identical sarongs, the hibiscus print was identical, the primary color on each was different.

The maître d' recognized Andi and Yi, but he clearly didn't think much of the Nguyen girls even though they were dressed similarly to Andi. Paul, Don, and Kenny rose as the girls approached and Paul said, "Doctor Campbell, would you like to introduce your guests to Rene?"

Don grinned, he wanted this. "Most assuredly, Doctor Jarecki. Rene, let me introduce our guests, this is Doctor Nguyen Hong Lanh, and this is Nguyen Minh Kim-ly, she is Doctor Nguyen's accountant."