We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 13


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The maître d' looked a little surprised and said, "you travel with your accountant?"

"Hãy để anh ấy yên," (leave him alone) begged Lanh.

"Anh ấy yêu cầu nó" (he asked for it) said Don and he kissed Lanh and Kim-ly then said in a snotty, faux surprised voice and said, "You don't?" The maître d' slunk back to his station as Andi and Paul laughed in approval. After settling in and ordering Don asked, "Where is this little cruise heading?"

"Nisi Arcadia," said Paul as he poured the wine. He made sure that tonight the wines were from the Mosel region of Germany.

"Isn't Arcadia the homeland of Pan, the Greek god of debauchery?" asked Kim-ly. Leave it to Kim-ly to know about everything to do with debauchery.

"Well... he's the Greek god of nymphs, satyrs, proto jazz music... and debauchery," said Andi. "A friend of ours owns the island and we're going to dock there and spend a few days being beach bums before sending you back to the Minnesota winter."

"And operation Sue Lin!" said Lanh happily.

"I still don't know about that," Don said softly. It's been ten years since that bastard, Captain Ismail, callously informed Lanh that a case of endometriosis had left her sterile. It was horrible the way that bastard told them on Christmas Eve so he could go on vacation. "Sorry kids, all your hopes and dreams are gone, the child you had been praying for and dreaming of for the past six years will never happen. Merry Christmas now get out of here."

It gave Don no pleasure in knowing that he played a part in getting that man's military career ended, he was sure that the heartless bastard was doing just fine in his civilian career with an education paid for by the young airmen he treated so callously. Right now, Don was just worried that Operation Sue Lin, as the girls called it, would raise bad memories, and leave him with an emotionally shattered wife again.

"Operation Sue Lin is how we will get our baby," said Lanh cheerily. She sipped her wine and smiled, "This is good!"

"It's a delicious kabinette," said Yi.

"Not this wine," said Kim-ly. "It's definitely prädikatswein, I think it's a spätlese if anything." An impressed Paul showed Yi and Kim-ly the label, it was definitely a spätlese. "I drank enough, I should know," said Kim-ly.

"Yes, you did," said Don and Lanh in unison.

"What is operation Sue Lin?" asked Andi.

"Because Lanh's endometriosis affected her ovum," said Kim-ly, "we're going to take one of mine, mix it with Don's contribution, and plant it in Lanh."

"If it's a girl we're going to name her after Sue Lin," said Lanh.

"Who is Sue Lin?" asked Kenny.

"It's the name of the baby we lost..." said Don and his throat tightened up. He couldn't believe how much it still hurt. Before anyone asked, Don finished it for them. "After Lanh was diagnosed with endometriosis, we tried to adopt a baby, it took years and almost every free dime we had. We were finally approved for a darling little Thai girl, her name was Sue Lin. We were going to get her on Christmas eve, it would have been four years ago this past Christmas..." He looked around the table and everybody was hanging on his next words. "I got injured and because of that we couldn't get Sue Lin."

Seeing the distress in Don's eyes Lanh called a halt to it. "No more, not right now. Let's be happy tonight."

Andi was sure this was the story of how he got the pulmonary emboli that is causing him so many vascular difficulties. She wanted to hear more about it and Operation Sue Lin, but Don is really suffering from emotional distress right now. "I agree. Let's eat, drink, and be merry. We have a busy morning ahead of us!"

Andi, Paul, Kenny, and Yi raised their wine glasses and said, "Hear hear!"

Dinner was delightful, the Minnesota trio had as much seafood as they could endure, Kim-ly had huge shrimp stuffed with crab meat and covered with lobster sauce, Don had the lobster pie, huge chunks of lobster topped with a cracker crumb stuffing drenched in sherry and melted butter, and Lanh had shrimp scampi with linguini and lobster meat. The three wordlessly picked off each other's dishes, in fact they passed each other's dishes back and forth as they mixed their main courses.

After dinner they walked out to the marina and stepped aboard Andi's Dream. As Yi and Kenny cast off Paul explained that he and his brother John owned a house here in Jupiter along with several others scattered around Naples and Sarasota that they rent out, but the Jupiter house they keep for their own use and as a short-term rental. They were going to tie up at their Jupiter house for the night, then early in the morning their other couple was going to arrive, and they planned to shove off for Nisi Arcadia around sunrise and arrive there late in the afternoon, or early in the evening, maybe later depending on how often they stop for fishing and swimming. "All I ask," said Paul, "is in Jupiter wear clothing up on deck, regardless of what you may see on shore. Tomorrow once we get out past the break water you can wear what you want, ok?"

"Aye aye sir!" said Kim-ly with a salute and Paul headed up to the flybridge as Andi eased Andi's Dream out into the channel and through the canals of Jupiter. It looked like Party Central to Don, Lanh, and Kim-ly, folks were outside relaxing on their lawns and docks and raising drinks to them as they drifted past, many were happily naked. Tiki torches lit the way and folks in all state of dress waved as they passed until they reached a large dock where Yi, Paul, and Kenny hopped out and tied up the boat securely, then connected water, sanitary, and electrical lines to the boat. Soon the big diesels shut down as did the onboard power generator.

"Yi and Kenny will be staying onboard up in the flybridge," said Andi as she came down from the bridge. "You can come into the house or stay here onboard, your choice,"

"I think we'll stay out here," said Don as Lanh grinned and a happy looking Kim-ly headed toward the main cabin.

Paul chuckled and handed Don a bottle of Auslese, a sweet German wine, and said, "Have a good evening," and went off to grab a nap before their other guests arrive. Don choked back a laugh as Lanh dashed off to the main cabin. He opened the wine carefully, reset the cork, grabbed three wine glasses, and headed forward.

Below deck he heard the occasional soft gasp that sounded like Lanh, accompanied by a low sexy groan which sounded like Kim-ly. He found the door to the main cabin open; he entered and was greeted by a sight he burned into memory and hoped he remembered accurately until the day he dies. Lanh was laying on her back, her legs wide open and Kim-ly was kneeling over her, Kim-ly was sliding two fingers in and out of Lanh's pussy and occasionally she would lean down and kiss Lanh's clit. At the same time Lanh was sliding her favorite dildo, "Stanley Jr." in and out of Kim-ly's cunt.

He walked over to the vanity and sat down on the swing-out stool and watched the girls edge each other closer and closer to orgasm. He knew from Lanh's shuddering breathing that she was close, Kim-ly's reactions are still new to him, so he wasn't sure where she was in her climb to orgasm.

"Yessss!" Kim-ly hissed as she rested her forehead on the bed between Lanh's legs. Her little sister brought her to a delightful orgasm with the dildo that she helped Lanh buy years ago. Lanh was sliding Stanley Jr. in and out of Kim-ly's pussy with quick, rapid little strokes that always gave Lanh wonderful orgasms. Kim-ly crouched panting over Lanh as her orgasm washed over her, as she slowly raised her head and saw Don sitting there watching, a huge smile on his lips and a glass of wine in his hand. "Get over here and help your wife cum, I can't get her off," Kim-ly snarled.

"Let me show you how it's done," said Don with an air of bravado. Mostly false bravado because sometimes Lanh gets in a mood where her orgasm just won't happen, but they both are getting better at avoiding such circumstances. Don lay down on his back and said, "Come on baby, get on top."

Lanh slowly climbed on him, but she kept her eyes closed, she didn't want to see judgement in Don's eyes for her sex play with her sister, Don was sweet to her in all things regarding sex, but she felt guilty about her enjoyment of sex play with Kim-ly. Don knew that she and Kim-ly were occasional lovers when he was injured in the Air Force and in rehab in Grand Forks. It was a celebration of their new affection for each other, the pains of the past forgiven and forgotten. Don even encouraged it because it helped Lanh deal with being separated from Don, but Lanh still hid her feelings. "I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear. And then she said it, "With Kim-ly it feels good knowing that I won't get pregnant, but with you I should, and I can't..." She didn't cry but she was close, "It used to feel good when I thought we could have a baby, then we found out I'm..." She looked around in agony trying to find the right words. "Some of the magic has gone out... all of our dreams are gone because of me..."

"Stop!" said Don hoping he said it in a caring way. "You can't believe that I think any less of you because you can't have a baby, I won't let you feel that way because it's not true. In a way it makes you more precious to me, you're someone who is wounded and it's up to me to comfort you and care for you."

"Really? You're not mad at me?"

"No, I'm not, it's not your fault, our path lies in a different direction." Then he gestured to Kim-ly and added, "it's ok if you like it more with her, just save some for me."

Shocked, Lanh drew up and opened her eyes, "I never said that." She held Kim-ly's hand and said, "This is us getting ready for you! But... you're right," she added sadly, "I don't feel like a failure with her."

"I understand," he pulled her close, Annie once told him that Lanh feels freer to have sex with Kim-ly because she's not expected to have babies, and now she just admitted it. "I don't hold it against you for not having babies, I just hope you don't hold it against me that we can't adopt."

Lanh gasped and stared at Don through her tear-filled eyes. "I don't hold that against you," she said shaking her head no to emphasize her words. "It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong..."

"I know, but I feel that way. So much pain would have been avoided if I got out instead of re-enlisting."

Lanh gasped softly in sorrow at his words and Kim-ly paused, she heard every word they said, and she realized that an important moment had just occurred. They had just admitted their deep-seated regrets to each other, something they've needed to do for the past four years.

"Love me," whispered Lanh as she sat up and felt Don's cock pressing against her pussy.

"I will always love you," he whispered, and he arched his hips up, his cock easing into her. The sensation overwhelmed her as it always did and she leaned forward, their lips meeting, their tongues entwining. And now that subtle self-loathing that each felt for themselves wasn't there, a milestone was reached, and an obstacle had been conquered.

"You guys," wept Kim-ly as she leaned in. Don's hand slid up her smooth perfect back, under her long, thick hair, his hand cupped the back of her head and drew her into the kiss. He was strong and forceful but loving and all three kissed... then she was kissing Lanh. Lanh sat straight up drawing Kim-ly closer, and Kim-ly found herself straddling Don's head, his trimmed beard brushing against her inner thighs.

As their lips pressed against each other and their tongues entwined, the sisters moaned from the sheer erotic delight of their kiss, their breasts now pressing against each other, their man beneath them satisfying them. Don's cock was spearing Lanh's pussy, his tongue was lashing Kim-ly's clit, the girls' hips were twisting as they rode his face and his cock.

Kim-ly came first, her passionate cries and groans filled the cabin, in her excitement she almost smothered Don, she pressed her pussy down on his face cutting off his oxygen. His face covered by Kim-ly's pussy, his cock swallowed by Lanh's cunt and these sensations were beyond anything he had ever experienced. He was smothered in love and sex, and he came hard, his hips raised up lifting Lanh up off the bed. The head of his cock pressed against her cervix causing her to yelp in surprise which kicked off a little orgasm of her own.

The three twisted and gasped as their nearly simultaneous climaxes shook their bodies and their minds. Kim-ly's juices filled his mouth as Lanh's moisture covered his waist. He didn't know how but Don soon realized he was holding Lanh's hand with his right hand and Kim-ly's hand with his left. He gave the girls a tug which brought them down next to him where they gasped, giggled and kissed.

Don barely remembered getting under the covers, but he remembers kissing Lanh goodnight. He woke up some time later to find Lanh and Kim-ly watching TV, eating popcorn, and finishing the bottle of Auslese. Without a word he went back to sleep, a deep, peaceful slumber.

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The soft purring of the diesel engines woke Don soon after dawn. Crawling out from between the two women he loved more than ever before, he pulled on a pair of swim trunks and a T-shirt, gave Lanh and Kim-ly a kiss (neither one responded) and went up on deck. As he stepped into the Galley area Yi handed him a cup of coffee with a cheery "Good morning!"

"Morning Yi, did Andi's friends make it?"

"Yep, she's giving them the big tour right now, they'll be down from the bridge soon."

"Need help with anything?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm whipping up breakfast this morning, shrimp and grits." She had several fresh caught shrimp on the counter in front of her, which looked like lobsters to Don.

"Oh that sounds good," grinned Don, "I haven't had that in ages."

Yi put some water on to boil and said, "I didn't know they served shrimp and grits in Minnesota," she said as she tossed the shrimp heads in the pot of water.

"I serve it," said Don with a grin and a waggle of his eyebrows and he sat down at a table on the mezzanine and watched the palatial homes of the Jupiter waterfront slide by. The boat made a turn and Don saw a huge red brick light house glide past; he took pictures of that for Danh along with several other pictures he had taken on the journey. Danh wouldn't understand the pictures but taking the pictures for his son made Don feel good.

Suddenly Andi's voice came over the boat intercom, "Prepare for rough seas."

Before Don could get up to see if Yi needed help, Yi called up the stairs to the bridge, "Galley is ready!" Moments later the yacht began to pitch up and down, it wasn't violent, but it was very noticeable compared to the ultra-smooth tracking the boat did all day yesterday.

"What's going on?" asked Don.

"It's the Jupiter inlet," said Yi as she rolled with the boat. "We're heading out to sea and the tide is heading in. Happens every morning about this time."

Eventually the boat stopped its pitching and rocking, and Don was watching the beach recede as they headed out into the open ocean. Whoever was driving opened the throttles and the big sporting yacht leapt forward; Yi went back to cooking and shortly Lanh emerged from below decks looking a little confused. Don's heart leapt when he saw her like it hadn't leapt in ten years. Their exchange last night, their admission of their fears did so much to bring them and Kim-ly closer together and now this little vacation now feels like a honeymoon.

"Are you ok darling?" asked Don as he led a shaken Lanh back to the mezzanine.

"Yeah, the boat was shaking so bad, it scared me. Kim-ly slept through the whole thing." Don and Lanh sat side by side holding hands and sipping their coffee, their heads touching as they spoke softly. "I got an idea," said Lanh, "when we get home, let's get married."

"Let's do it, we'll find us a minister and a priest and when we're done, we'll go skinny dipping in the pond." Don's eyes never moved from Lanh's eyes, "let's go home and stop trying to be important, let's just live."

Lanh gave him that smile that won his heart almost 18 years ago and she said, "I have cows to milk!" As they sat discussing their future, Andi came down the stairs with a couple that appeared to be Don and Lanh's age - early to mid-30's, maybe a little older than them. The guy was a solidly built fellow with dark hair and a deep southern accent. The woman with him was tall and slender with large breasts and chestnut colored hair, and she was breath takingly beautiful.

"Don and Lanh Campbell, this is Josh and Veronica Gravely. Josh and Veronica are my neighbors and they got married a few months ago,"

"We got married on Halloween," said Veronica as she extended her hand to shake.

"Don and Lanh have been married a bit longer," said Andi.

"We got married three days after we graduated high school," said Lanh as she shook hands with the statuesque brunette. "This ride is like our second honeymoon."

"This is our first chance to get away," said Veronica, "so this makes it our honeymoon."

"Don is an Air Force veteran like you Josh," said Andi.

"What was your AFSC?" asked Josh.

"Two Alpha Three, fighter comm/nav," said Don, "but I tended to do a lot of off the wall things."

"Same here," said Josh. "Two whiskey one, aircraft weapons, but I spent a lot of time on gunships."

Don suddenly looked sad, and he muttered, "Royce was a gunner." Lanh heard him and she put her arms around her man who looked like he needed somebody to lean on.

"Royce..." said Josh who searched his memory. "Do you mean Royce Brown?"

"Yeah, Chief Brown, did you know him?" asked Don. "He was my maintenance supervisor at Spangdahlem."

"Only by reputation," said Josh, "much of what we did on gunships was developed by Royce. He's a legend."

"He passed away a few weeks ago," muttered Don sadly. "He was my mentor when I was an ay-one-see." Then he looked at Josh and said, "You look familiar, were you ever at Spangdahlem?"

"No, were you at Minot?" asked Josh.

"Nope, I was at El Forko Grande."

Josh laughed at the disparaging nickname for Grand Forks. "Egland?" he asked but he knew the answer was probably no, Egland was special forces, not a lot of people went there.

"No," said Don. "Cannon?"

"No..." Then both men looked at each other and a look of recognition came over them and they both said, "The Kun."

"Yes! You were Juvat!" said Don, the Juvats were the 80th Fighter Squadron. "You're the weapons guy, master sergeant that got the brutal washdown!"

"Yeah, that was me," grinned Josh.

"What happened?" asked a grinning Lanh. Being an Air Force wife, she knew all about washdowns. On an airman's last day before heading off to a new duty assignment or retirement, the airman is "washed down" with whatever water source is available. It's a tradition that goes back to the Vietnam War.

"My man here pissed off some needle dick looie on his last day, he had the entire weapons flight laughing at this guy, in formation. Leftennant Loser turned around and stomped off and Josh got washed down just massively!"

"That sounds like my southern gentleman," said Veronica as she gave Josh a sweet kiss.

"You were expediting the electricians, right?" asked Josh.

"Yeah, I was there about a month or two when they turned the fire hose on you. I remember thinking, "if this is how they treat you when they love you, I need to piss these guys off," laughed Don. Then he said quietly, "I also worked at the MARS station, I remember patching your call home before you left... sorry man."

"What happened?" asked Veronica, but Don just looked down at his coffee cup.