All Comments on 'The Azra-El Series Ch. 11'

by CapDragon121

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jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 5 years ago
He is still a child somewhat

He went from a hormonal punk kid to an even more hormonal punk kid that also happens to be "Kind of a big deal" on a new planet. Also, seems like he didn't have much animal husbandry in his old life. I have a tiniest bit of understanding about the care of some animals, and even a bit of history with horses. The scene was rough. But I also have memories of being just an absolutely stupid and ignorant child. So long as no lasting harm was caused, and he gets himself properly turned around... I will say this, even more than the rest of the story, that scene is really going to challenge you as a writer. Cause now, something soon, story-wise, you're going to have to show us some reconciliation that feels believable, or find another way to resolve this conflict you've established. Even if there isn't a "good" resolution, you've put it there, good luck solving it. The rest of your story is solid enough for me to go along with if you don't manage it, but I'd just recommend thinking of it as a boundary for future works, or something else to work on, writer's choice.

Still enjoyed the chapter, and I thank you for it. As a personal aside, I'd suggest keeping away from his "human" side for a moment. Though I imagine a fair bit of his problems might occur precisely because of that. People might think to warn away and coach, but its not really an instinct for angels, is it? I don't know. Again, good luck to you.

James7594James7594over 5 years ago
Another fabulous Chapter

Once again, I am very happy with the story... The sex scenes are a little better constructed and the plot is thickening very beautifully! I especially loved you addition of the scene with Bravada... As it was happening, there was a strong feeling of dread growing! I am really happy about it though! You showed us that you didn't make your MC pointless! No matter what anyone says and wants, what they do is what matters the most. You said a lot of things about what you think makes a good story and what you think is important. I am glad to see you back those words up. Showing the dangers of doing extreme things when you are fresh high off an exciting and successful event, is a genius stroke. Nice job mate and I cant wait to read the next chapter!

J. Jamie Dupane

PS: The answer is yes. Yes, write that short story( > 6 literotica pages) as well! That is actually a fine plot that can go under Hilarious/action genre! Mad scientist and First Person story is something I would love to read! <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another good chapter

Thanks for the update!

I've been enjoying your creativity as the world of azra el is revealed in each chapter.

I fully sympathize with Blaze's struggles with the pegasus. I've met a grumpy horse or two and the experience was unpleasant. It didn't suprise me to hear later that the owner of "grumpy" was almost badly injured when the horse misbehaved. (She was injured)

Needless to say the horse went to a different home.

Which is better than what the girl's father would've done.

Animals have minds of their own.

More of a motorcycle guy myself. Equally or more dangerous than riding horses.

But hell..... we can't all be cowboys.

I'll probably join your patreon at some point. All this work you're doing the least I can do is buy you a coffee. Few people realize how much time and effort goes into writing. You deserve more than accolades.

Enjoy your family and the holidays.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great chapter

Wow you didnt hold back on the sex scenes which is good in my opinion. I have a very important there going to be a loli? Also if your looking for some inspiration from erotic novels, a recommendation i have is road to kingdom. Its probably my most favorite erotic novel besides this one. I do find it interesting how you approached the scene with claudia and the pegasus, i didnt think something like that would happen, but it did feel satisfying seeing blaze get put down.

ReaderReaderficReaderReaderficover 5 years ago
Amazing as usaual

This story is unbeatable it is the best series on here by a long shot and with the Pegasus scene it was so spot on I felt like a horrible person just reading it because it really was an accurate portrayal but that aside I really liked the masage..massage I don't know I can't spell it and auto correct isn't being helpful nevertheless thank you for the story its still amazing oh before I forget I loved how sky has changed it was heart touching

wankr65wankr65over 5 years ago
Nice portrayal of character

I didn't realize up until the scene where he tries to tame the Pegasus what a smug jerk blaze was turning into, you somehow portrayed that so subtly and then had the story arc to show how he may be reforged so that all this power does not corrupt him. I feel like these are the early days where our hero gets tempted, and these are the life lessons he learns to be a better hero. Although alot didn't happen in this chapter i can see the subtle build up of blazes character abit more clearly here. But overall it also makes me crave more of this story and i have a hunch something big is about to happen in the next few chapters. Hopefully im right :D.

ReaderReaderficReaderReaderficover 5 years ago
Ohhhhh dam

OK so here I am 6 hours and a good nap after finishing your story when it hits me YOU DIDN'T SAY WHAT THE DOGS WERE CHASING and man all I can say is I hope I know what they were chasing

Finbar9800Finbar9800over 5 years ago

Well you have certainly been busy, for the romp in the stable you could have said “a romp in the hay”, but to each their own, besides it didn’t really change how I thought about that particular scene, it was more like a side thought. Now as for my opinion about blazes idea involving trying to bond with the Pegasus I will say this, I’m not much of an “animal lover” but even I thought it was a on the extreme side, though I can see the angle you were trying to get at. You also mentioned that ely’s mum or mom (not exactly sure which) is a general, so you could have blaze describe some earth weapons to her or even Rebecca. One question though, is blaze also going to fuck Siofra? Other than that stuff good job, I realize that you are busy and all but I still can’t wait for the next chapter

Yours truly, Finbar

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good job.

Another well written chapter. Try to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

CapDragon121CapDragon121over 5 years agoAuthor
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Ahren: His humanness is what gives meaning to his reincarnation. I am going to try my best for a proper reconciliation. Making mistakes is a part of life - Blaze is still a good person and I will not turn him into an angsty teenager (if that's what you're worried about). He seems a bit more like a kid as he is among 'teens' of angels.

James: Haha. I'd like to write that at some point.

Motorbike Anon: I've done a bit of horse riding over a summer in college. Got to know two horses. One of them was a cantankerous pain in the ass and got moody and jealous very easily. The owner had a real bond with her though, and it felt quite meaningful. Anyway, I got to be a cowboy for a little while - still can't ride a motorbike though :(

I'd take that coffee any day :P.

Reader: I have no idea what you're talking about OR do I?

Finbar: No, Siofra is only 29 and is considered a kid, but there will be other Pixies.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anon & Wankr: Poor Blaze:( Everyone liked him get put down. But I did think Claudia was the best person to do it and drive some sense into him.

About Loli: I don't know your definition of the word but it isn't my thing - sorry. A shorter flat chested pixie or a fairy is as far as I can personally go.

lazyhornylazyhornyover 5 years ago
angels pregnant old fashioned way soon?

love the series so far. would love for angels blaze have fucked and showed old fashioned baby making. to end up old fashionend pregnant and start giving birth the old fashioned the way. and that is how more male angels become a thing again.

ZeroCrossZeroCrossover 5 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable

I've stumbled upon your story a while ago. I couldn't read it then, so I saved it for later. I'm glad I did. Most of stories here feature characters with no dumb, facing no challenges. That isn't the case here.

I liked the Pegasus story because it shows that Blaze, despite himself, is still flawed. He can still learn and grow as a person. That means he'll be facing interior as well as exterior challenges, and he isn't more knowledgeable than angels many times his senior. No matter how powerful he may get, you've made it clear you'll give the Death Star to Darth Vader if you give Luke an X-Wing. That's good storytelling, which is sadly all too here for erotica.

Thank you for writing this, sincerely.

For the record, I truly enjoy how you don't delve into the specifics of each character's appearance. I don't get lost trying to figure who is bustier than who and the sort. As you mentioned, we don't know to know how long is Blaze's schlong. That being said, you have a large cast. Do not hesitate to bring up vague traits during sex scenes (hair color or length, skin color, etc.). You've purposefully made or a very international cast, which is good but even after marathoning the whole thing it's hard to keep track how each angel looks like.

Finally, if you need another editor, I'd gladly lend a hand. :)

RanceSamaRanceSamaover 5 years ago
FAP-TASTIC! Elementary my dear!

This story has it all:

Animal abuse

Flawed anti hero

Frozen movie reference!

Minions!!!! <3

Threesome massages

A horny adoptive angel mum and horny high ranking angel soldier who are both potentially addicted to the first ever dick to exist in their world for untold millennia in a world where dildos and vibrators and any other sex toys have never been invented. Yet.. (I hope not. Or else poor Blaze Dr will be obselete!)

An intelligent pet angel-killer bird

And rip Momo... 2k18-2k18 :'( They may have all forgotten you but you will always be my unsung hero of this story. Live strong my lil Easter bunny of doom! If only Blaze Er was able to save you with his first aid miracle sperm. Or if you were secretly immortal. Or able to reincarnate. Or ressurrect. Sigh... :'(

Well, I guess congratulations are in order on a job well done. I like how you took my idea in and added seasons, holidays and different weather to this world of yours. I am now interested to know if angels have figured out that you can go swimming for fun at the beach. Do they even do that? Or have they never thought about it? Do they think water is just for cleaning, bathing, drinking and some other practical things or are they creative enough to see the "fun" side of it? Will Blaze Er have to teach them?

I am interested in what the sentient natives inhabitants of the world of Azra-el wear during hot and cold weather seasons. Do they get skimpier or more modest in their attire respective of weather conditions?

Also, what kind of satellites orbit Azra-el? I don't remember if you mentioned this ("planet"?) "world" having any moon(s) or artificial satellites. Does it orbit another "planet" that can be see as in the sky? Does it have an asteroid belt? Will there be any meteorites seen as shooting stars? What do the sentient beings of Azra-el think of space? Do they have philosophers? Do they believe they is life out there or the believe they are on the only world to support life? Do they believe their sun it the center of their solar system or do they believe Azra-el is the center instead? Will there ever be angeled missions to their moon(s)?

What is the tallest mountain on Azra-el? What's the largest ocean called? Most significantly: is their sentient life underwater? Will their be mermaids? Or will it be angels that can transform into mermaids or vice versa? Do volcanoes exist here? Are there natural disasters here? Are there tornadoes here? Do sunamis exist here? Does lightning exist here; is it lethal?

Are there weather conditions that prevent flight of angels? Can an enemy faction(s) take advantage of this? Can angel wings get too wet to fly with? Are demons affected similarly? Do demons favour crude weapons? Will there be another war?

Too many questions I know. Pardon my over enthusiasm over how your world works. These are mostly out of curiousity and mostly for you to think about. I don't expect you to answer them all for all to see in the authors note. If you did, my opinion of would increase exponentially all too suddenly. You would reach the legendary Deva level, senpai!

I love good imagery. Helps me visualise what the world is like. And your's is good so far. I wonder if it's not too much of a bother to ask you if you made it clear when jumping from one event to another. Like from one day to the next or one place to another by adding... I don't know, something like a symbol to show this or an extra space between such paragraphs to show some form or separation.

CapDragon121CapDragon121over 5 years agoAuthor
Reply to Rance's Questions

Rance, here are answers to your questions. They might’ve been too many for the Q&A. Doesn’t mean, I aiint gonna answer them though. Maybe I will post them in later chapters.

Q. I am now interested to know if angels have figured out that you can go swimming for fun at the beach. Do they even do that?

A. Obviously. They enjoy hot springs. Why wouldn’t they enjoy beaches? Elementary dear :P. I am sure there will a chance for Blaze to head to the Purple sea and frolic with the sunbathing angels. You will also notice that I mention nymphs and siren in my next chapter. Lotsa potential as you can see.

Have you checked out my map yet? It’s in my artwork and I will be updating it on my patreon account (for free). Haven’t made too many changes yet, but I plan to create an Inkarnate map soon.

Q. I am interested in what the sentient natives’ inhabitants of the world of Azra-el wear during hot and cold weather seasons. Do they get skimpier or more modest in their attire respective of weather conditions?

A. Culturally they do, but since almost all angels can manipulate energy these days, they don’t really need to adhere to the norms. The young ones do have to were reasonable clothes, but we don’t care too much about them, do we? Don’t worry though, you will get too ‘see’ all sorts of clothing in my story.

Q. Also, what kind of satellites orbit Azra-el? I don't remember if you mentioned this ("planet"?) "world" having any moon(s) or artificial satellites.

A. Has only one moon like Earth, sadly. The sun however looks a little bigger in the sky. However, it is not as hot our own, so it evens out.

Q. Does it orbit another "planet" that can be seen as in the sky?

A. Sure. The planet is the second planet in its solar system, which has 7 planets. Two of them can be spotted with the naked eye, just like our Mars.

Q. Does it have an asteroid belt? Will there be any meteorites seen as shooting stars?

A. Yes and Yes.

Q. What do the sentient beings of Azra-el think of space?

A. Its all speculation. They haven’t gone out into space yet.

Q. Do they have philosophers?

A. Obviously. And scientists, archeologists, theologists and so on. However, it is a pre-modern era time sorta arrangement. Universities are few and a lot of intellectuals work by themselves and are sponsored by the rich or the noble.

Q. Do they believe there is life out there or the believe they are on the only world to support life?

A. They do believe in life out there. Why? That’s a spoiler.

Q. Do they believe their sun it the center of their solar system or do they believe Azra-el is the center instead? Will there ever be angeled missions to their moon(s)?

A. Yes. Their science is pretty advanced even if their technology seemingly isn’t. Yes, but that is not within the scope of this book or in its timeline. Will probably send a Carnike first. It's name shall me momo.

Q. What is the tallest mountain on Azra-el?

A. Azra-El is the continent of angels. We haven’t explored other continents yet. Tallest mountain is Mount Olympus. Second tallest is the Wudang Shan of the Xian country.

Q. What's the largest ocean called?

A. The angels haven’t sailed the entire world yet.

Q. Will there be mermaids? Or will it be angels that can transform into mermaids or vice versa?

A. Nymphs and Siren – water versions of angels and demons.

Q. Do volcanoes exist here? Are there natural disasters here? Are there tornadoes here? Do Tsunamis exist here? Does lightning exist here; is it lethal?

A. Yes.

Q. Are there weather conditions that prevent flight of angels? Can an enemy faction(s) take advantage of this? Can angel wings get too wet to fly with? Are demons affected similarly?

A. Yes. Depends on the strength of the flyers and the strength of the weather conditions. Just getting wet is an inconvenience but doesn’t stop them from flying. Does consume more internal energy though.

Q. Do demons favor crude weapons? Will there be another war?

A. The demons have advanced quite a bit in the past 600 years, so their weapons are similar to the angels now. They do, however, prefer different types of melee weapons when compared to the angels.

‘As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.’ – Einstein.

Statement: ‘You would reach the legendary Deva level, senpai!’

A: I am a Dragon, my cute little kouhai (no homo). What do puny little Devas amount to? Muhahahahahaha

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
No second R

Prostate is correct. Prostrate is flat on your back.

Great story tho.'

oxygen5011oxygen5011about 4 years ago
Less les scenes

The idea itself is ok but i prefer not to see plenty of les scenes. I hope you will lessen them. Thank your hard work.

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 3 years ago

I know I am a little late to the party . But I just found your works . I am loving it . Anyone who suggests less of anything is too prudish for literotica . You are very talented . Your characters of the female variety are just as diverse as can be . I love the unknowns and mysteries . They will unravel in time I am sure . I love the concept and the premise , your otherworld . I would also be surprised if you lost many female readers . Although I know this is all finished and ancient history . I say just keep doing what you are doing .

AerthoAerthoover 2 years ago

The Pegasus scene was odd. Blaze is so over the top that it's impossible to tell if that was foreshadowing of him having a darker side or just... serial killer tendencies?

Him being someone without any experience around animals works for the scene, just not the maniacal villain behavior at the same time.

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I am a time-traveling dragon with a fetish for human women. I am also the author of "The Azra El Series". Arc 1: The Heavenly Union, is complete. Arc 2: The Hela Empire (ongoing) (Its being posted as "Azra-El Series Arc 2") Notification (July 19th, 2022): A while back, I cam...