All Comments on 'The Azra-El Series Ch. 13'

by CapDragon121

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Finbar9800Finbar9800over 5 years ago
Amazing work

I don't know how you do it but every new chapter is better than the last.

The dancing scene was simply amazing and the simple grace with which you wrote it made me feel like I was both watching it in person and performing at the same time. Bravo on that. You hinted at how Blaze had caught the eye of the younger princess and I'm surprised that you didn't have her try get Blaze to dance with her.

I have one suggestion as to what you could do over a few chapters. You could have a huge culture shock by having one of the angels that are close to Blaze ask Blaze to describe Earth in more detail, and the some of the things that you could have him explain could be anything from different beliefs and religions to technology to strategies to how nobody on Earth is able to fly like a bird to history and so much more stuff. for example you could have Blaze explain how there were and are multiple civilizations that believe in more than one deity from the greeks, to the romans, to the egyptians, to the norse to name a few, or you could have him explain the concept of cars or phones or computers, to have him describe various battles from history and how humans developed more and more technology, to how humans have hundreds of known languages but are unable to use any of them to actually make peace (these are just a few examples). You are amazing at writing some of these characters I feel like I have known them my entire life. Whenever I read something that you have written I get sucked into the story, I feel like I am actually experiencing the same thing these characters are experiencing. I become immersed in the world that you create.

You are an amazing writer with an amazing talent. you are capable of such amazing things. I truly hope that you never give up on this, because you are by far one of the best writers that I have had the pleasure of reading the stories of (and that is no easy feat to achieve). you make the characters feel more alive or relatable or something and that makes your stories that much better to read. I truly enjoy reading what you write.

There is only one thing that I am not a fan of and that one thing is that these chapters don't seem to ever come out fast enough or long enough (at least in my opinion) but the quality of the work is just getting better and better with each new chapter

I wish I could draw as well as you could by the way.

Your fan, Finbar

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great chapter

I rather enjoyed this chapter with all the scenes that happened. At this rate, I would accept, if this series became a dancing competition. I was a bit confused about some stuff brought up during the read. The first, was when blaze talking about his "principle" of not banging a milf. I don't remember this being brought up before this chapter so I was confused about that. Another address the tournament, I am guessing blaze will be joining the tournament, but I feel like it is a bit rushed to put Blaze fighting competition. I don't know if I missed it, but there is no mention on when the tournament is and I feel like Blaze is undertrained when it comes to fighting. It feels like you are going to be giving a random power-up of unparalleled fighting skill or I just completely missed a bunch of important detail somewhere. I really do think you need to focus on the training side for blaze because I do see this series leaning towards fighting being a bigger part.

I don't know if you have changed it yet, but in the 1st chapter you do say that this series is all about sex, so the "principle" blaze has should not be towards milfs like you have it. I really don't know why you have it like that it seems weird to me. It makes sense for the "younger" angels that are 100 and below. Then again you are the writer, so you might have a different view towards older women.

Anyways this was a great chapter and it sounds like you might picking it up in terms of how often you release a chapter, I look forward to the next chapter and I hope you have a great week.

P.S. I am trying to get my account for this site, but I screwed up somewhere, but I will be under the name "dhrew" the next time I post.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 5 years ago

w00t w00t, another chapter. I had actually grown a bit concerned in the last few days, as I noticed that I had yet to bask in the radiance of your writing. I've gotten my newest inoculation now and am happy for it.

I was a bit worried about Miss Tango for a bit, but I do love how that gets "resolved", quite tasty. The magnetic force Blaze encounters in this chapter is an intriguing thought and I am interested in how this develops.

Looking forward to (if only the thoughts) of training a good bee and the young woman constantly wandering into doors she shouldn't.

Theother1gaterTheother1gaterover 5 years ago

Why does your map look like Australia? Love this story but seriously can't wait for blaze to get into a major brawl/conflict.

DrasticExplorerDrasticExplorerover 5 years ago
So your whisker is hooked up like a dial-up phone line?

Hey, everyone suffers from misunderstandings, turns out even dragons!

I really liked this chapter. Frankly, the world that you've created is so impressive and rich in detail that I can't even complain about the pace or the length. This was a good pace for the chapter and it did really feel like dirty dancing. Now I'll have to watch the movie again!

I'm very curious about the mysterious purple-eyed Lynn and who she might be. Although I must say that having Ely as a platonic character seemed very wrong at first, I see why it is that way now. They are like the same person so it'd be like Blaze having sex with himself....? I'm sure that that can be arranged somewhere in this universe.

I had an important question that I hope you can answer - Was this story inspired from sex or was the sex inspired from the story? Sometimes the sex feels like it's in there just to satisfy horny perverts like me (not that I mind hehe) and not actually needed for the plot as a whole and sometimes the plot is driven by sex like the healing of Jie's wings. Therefore I am very curious about if given the chance, would you write this story smut-free or would that not be possible because the story exists because of the smut? If the former is true then I feel like i wouldn't mind foregoing the sex in a chapter if it helps further along the story a bit or if that space can be used for an epic battle sequence or something like that. But I am very curious to know what you have to say about it.

Say hi to Phil and Betty and draw a couple of dickbutts on a planet or two!

Also if you don't use that needle like a giant 14-inch dildo, I'll be very disappointed ;)

Brittanyduran99Brittanyduran99over 5 years ago

Amazing work as always loved this long part

CapDragon121CapDragon121over 5 years agoAuthor
Response to Drastic, Finbar, Dhrew, Theother & Ahren

DrasticExplorer: Shh! It’s called the Txiki needle. And, dial up phones are so slow – quantum entanglement is instantaneous.

The story definitely started out because of the sex and sex is the great ‘inspirator’ :P. But personally, the story has become much more. There will be parts of it driven by sex but not most. When I wrote the first chapter, I just imagined a silly story where Blaze challenges random angels in return for xxx. Lol. That’s been booted now.

So, is it possible for the story to exist without the sex? Probably – though I’d have to think about a way to manage the sex driven part (It’s not just Jie Er’s wings). But will I do it? I don’t think so. You have, however, managed to make me think about publishing a non-erotic (still adult) version. And oh yes, there will a chapter or two without sex – I don’t think I can manage to weasel in a sex scene in the more intense chapters.

Finbar: Jie Er, Rebecca and Ely all know about Blaze’s previous life and I reckon he’s told them a lot about Earth, even if their conversations don’t appear in the novel. Do they believe him? – To a certain extent. Though they may harbor doubts arising from his curious hatching. They also may not ‘respect’ humans enough, as they are so short lived. What would you think when you hear of an intelligent species of dogs or monkeys that only live for 20 years? You may be surprised by their huge populations and the amount of stuff they build, but you may think they cannot be as ‘aware’/learned as you are. Anyway, that was a random philosophical tangent.

Discussing culture shock sounds interesting. I will think of ways to add it somewhere.

As for technology discussion – I am waiting for the right moment to do it.

Dhrew: Gah! No more dancing for me :P, even if I had a lot of fun writing them. I am glad you enjoyed the dance scenes.

I think you’re a little incorrect. Blaze has no interest in banging ‘Grannies’ – this came up before – Once, when he met the mayor of Varan. He is perfectly fine with Milfs – Fiora and Caludis are both Milfs, even if they don’t look like it. Even Jie Er could technically be a young Milf to Blaze. It depends on your definition.

The problem with Azrael is that Gilfs look like Milfs and Blaze will have a ‘hard’ time reconciling with that. Think of it as a character quirk.

Aurnia and Manjushri are well over 300 – that is equivalent to a sixty or seventy-year-old human. Their physical appearance may not look like it, but their energy aura definitely does. Though Blaze has not used his Anja enough, Angels do ‘see’ with their Anja as well.

I personally don’t have an issue with most sexual prefs. I am a big fan of ‘younger’ milfs.

Tournament: It’s a parallel tournament for under 60’s (not the one Ely is going to take part in). Priscilla is 50 and though she isn’t the strongest of her age, she is pretty good. However, Blaze is definitely under prepared for the tournament. That’s why he doesn’t really want to join it. But he may not be able to avoid it. (No random power ups and he will have around 8 months to prepare.) The tourney is at the end of the school year.

Theother1gater: Why does AzraEl look like Australia? That was the first question I had for myself when I drew it. I answered it in my Q&A in earlier chapters. It just turned out that way. I am not an Australian. But ironically, my editor is :P. However, the similarities of AzraEl end with the shape. The continent is larger than Asia and is the northern hemisphere (thus climate will look different than Australia’s). Even the shape is only similar on depictions of a flat map. It gets much narrower towards the poles.

Ahren: How do you train bees?

A. With a stinger.

ReaderReaderficReaderReaderficover 5 years ago

This chapter was AWESOME like usual but I really liked the spacing and the detail in this chapter and with the otter its all good I think I've decided Rebecca and blaze are my current favorite "special" duo and of course elly and blaze are great but you really caught my attention when you wrote about the angel that looked like a viking I am curious now about tattoos in this world I don't remember if you have wrote about them but It would be cool if there ended up being some meaningful tattoos between some of them ohhh and the dance fighting thing was super fun

Birdstheword1Birdstheword1over 5 years ago
Trust your instincts. You're on the right path.

Another marvelously well done chapter . the agony of having to wait so long for your updates is only soothed by how detailed and in-depth you've gone with this chapter. This has easily become one of my two favorite ongoing series on here. Thank you for.all.of your hard work.

QuantumTruth11QuantumTruth11over 5 years ago
This story is fantastic!

I started on the website by reading ltpc's novels - I love dragons and it seemed the best in the that Fantasy genre. I came across your novel a few times, but the title really put me off. Then I saw your profile pic and decided to give it a try.

I can only say that I've been swept off my feet. I read all the 13 chapters in one day (that's a feet as they seem around 250k words.) A few of the early chapters like Chapter 5 may need a little editing, but the later chapters are perfect.

I don't think I've read such well developed characters in any recent fantasy. They are so real and draw you in with their quirks. The story is also complex and seems to be exploring an entire world - I love it. I just hope that you can keep up the complexity, which you currently indicate you can.


Patiently waiting for next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another good read.

The chapter was nice and entertaining.

wankr65wankr65over 5 years ago
Interesting ending

Reply is Abit late because internet issues, I just managed to load the story and about halfway through I noticed my internet died so I wasn't able to comment. But I really like how you further developed the relationship between blaze and Astrid. I've always shipped blaze an Elyssa. But the passion between them that was displayed here moved me. And the cliffhanger you left at the end of this chapter was beautiful, really got me excited for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love your work

I've only got into this story recently, however this story has pulled me in better than any book I've read within the past year and a half. But anyhow I've always wondered how the angels would react to meeting a human, or if there were more male angels somewhere, its quiet easy for me to connect with Blaze as we're the same age. I would love to see blazes past life explored about and it's effects on his new family and himself. Anyway I love what you're doing! I can't create an account on here so please just refer me as BC.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great work man....

Finally man........ it's over......I was reading almost non stop for past 4-5 day and that to over my exam. The story is really very good. It's good that you didn't showed the main character to be overly powerful and all. It's good to watch him learn, make mistakes, fall and get up again. I also liked that you putted some quite good humor, started building up the character. I am really looking forward to see him the story is going to play out, especially with that mysterious girl from the changing room. I am also waiting to know what happened with Jie Er and what will happen with the bird ( qua..... Sorry I forgot his name). In all I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter and will the amongst the first ones to read . You really are talented. Thanks for sharing. ENJOY. .........SAM😉

RanceSamaRanceSamaabout 5 years ago
Check out Parallel Paradise on MangaRock! It's very important! Very similar to your ahem "Scientific Research Material" for the "Plot" fufufu!

Before I begin, may we all have a moment of silence for our fallen martyr, MOMO the the true Unsung Hero. Gone but not forgotten... *"sniffle, sniffle"* ahem! You were, no you are the true MVP, fo without her our friendly neighborhood man of culture, Blaze, would be dead by now before he even got his first harem and became king of his class at school! How sad is that?! Thanks to MOMO's selfless sacrifice we still have a story.

Get back in those eyes tears! Darn! Those onion ninjas man. Barbarians they're, I telling ya. Barbarians! *"Sniffling intensifies."*

You may have been an opportunistic, cowardly asshole in life, but your death defined you as the hero we needed but the hero we never deserved... The true Unsung Hero the world... any world, has never seen before.

Now for a few words from a certain admiral from a certain alternate future Earth leading a certain futuristic military which just conveniently also happens to employ the use of Spartan super soldiers of which a certain notable individual by the designation of Spartan 117 Master Chief Petty Officer First Class is a definite part of....

Lord Hood, I leave the rest to you...

The panorama changes to that of a battle ravaged vista near Mount Kilimanjaro...


On a hillside near the portal to the Ark, Marines and Naval personnel gather. Lord Hood removes his cap, and begins his speech.

Admiral Hood: "For us, the storm has passed... the war is over. But let us never forget MOMO who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For HER decision required courage beyond measure; sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that HER fight... our fight, was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to THE UNSUNG HERO, MOMO fallen. SHE ennobled all of us, and SHE shall not be forgotten."

Admiral Hood puts his cap back on, and salutes.

Gunnery Sergeant Pete Stacker: "Present arms!"

Seven Marines, standing in a line, draw their battle rifles and fire three volleys in unison, a three-volley salute to the fallen. The sound of the shots echo through Mount Kilimanjaro. The panorama changes as the Marines fire each shot.

Admiral Hood: "Hard to believe he's dead."

The READER/REVIEWER looks away, toward the Presence of the AUTHOR, hovering silently in the sky.

READER/REVIEWER: "Were it so easy..."

And now... For the *"Penitent Tangent"* from the *"Guilty Spark"* that I am, fufufu! XD

Oh Alice, she's so adorable isn't she? I can almost picture the next time she "accidentally intrudes" on another sex scene involving Blaze and another angel without being noticed that she only gets noticed after they are done engaging in coitus. Or better yet, have her witness it, get noticed by only Blaze, have him wink and grin at her, and latter bullshit his was out of it by telling her that it was only a "biological imperative" and have her publish a dissertation paper about it at the top of a new chapter XD

She seems to enjoy watching people doing coitus. Of all your comedic characters, she is now my second favourite; with MOMO (RIP her heroic spirit) taking 1st place. But now that I think about it. MOMO deserves the noble award of tragic Unsung Hero in your story. So this means that Alice is now promoted to my #1 favourite comedic character! I look forward to more of her umm "accidents" XD And what was that about training her lol!

"These angels were also dressed in white, but all of them wore matching robes with a red balance printed on their chests. 

What is it supposed to balance, their tits? Blaze wondered as he noticed the scales of the balance were positioned right under their mounds. "

Thanos: Perfectly balanced as all things should be...

Subarashi! The Blaze pubs and carnike references made my day. *"Sniffles"* poor carnike... *"Sniffles."*

Oh wow! Clio the reporter actually makes "bzzt" sounds to match her bee costume! Involve this attention to detail.

The imagery throughout the festival was so exquisite that I could almost taste it!

To duet or to duel? That is the question.

But on a serious note: How the heck did you manage to choreograph the Astrid and Blaze dance without messing it up? Are you back a dance instructor by day and professional "dancer" and Author by night?

Hahahaha! I am so dead! I was also expecting Alice to make another cameo appearance in the ending coitus scene of this chapter but the 🐝 was even better! Unfortunately, I must make significant complaint to you Dragon-born AUTHOR (In my head cannon you are Aurelian Sol, search him up, he is much like you he watches over civilization he creates stars and is sarcastic. Search for his voice lines on YouTube and Aurelion Sol lore to understand why I think he basically you but cooler XD!) You forgot to make her say her catchphrase "bzzt!" How could you :'( She was supposed to be in character kappa! XD Just imagine this scenario: You know when Blaze and Astrid heard the *"click"* sound? That should been accompanied by an immediate *"Bzzt!?"* Before "buzzed off" in a "Blaze of glory! Fufufufu XD

Other than that "significant" umm... "Buzz-kill" I blazingly enjoyed this. I love the quality of life change of adding meanings of the terms you have created to describe different age ranges of angels as part of a character's thoughts. It feels natural like that. That and I think I speak for everybody when I say, we're too lazy to go from one chapter to another to keep finding out where you wrote all the meanings of the terms lol kappa. 👌😉🧐🥺👌

Dear God! What have I done?! I done went on another bloody tangent thingy again, I swear on me D! Ah well, the Author, Aurelion Sol, probably doesn't mind...right? So much for that very articulatedly sophisticated grammatically correct essay of a review that I o, so managed to articulate and gramaticise... Funny that... Oh well, it can't be helped...

HornyMythicCreatureHornyMythicCreatureabout 5 years ago

Why would Rebecca care if Blaze fucked her mother? I thought sex was just like a long hung for angels.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

love the story but tired of going through two pages of q and a or response... before the story begins to get the the story.. its not endearing.. this stuff aside from character listing etc.. should be at the end of the chapter.. its like credits if you skip you might miss something but at the end of the day you want the damn story not some damn description of shit you read for more then 10 chapters already. i get this might seem rough but its too much now.. i shouldn't have to scroll though 2 or 3 pages before a story begins. thats my main grievance. keep it up but please.. get to the story at the start..

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I am a time-traveling dragon with a fetish for human women. I am also the author of "The Azra El Series". Arc 1: The Heavenly Union, is complete. Arc 2: The Hela Empire (ongoing) (Its being posted as "Azra-El Series Arc 2") Notification (July 19th, 2022): A while back, I cam...