The Azra-El Series Ch. 13


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His grip on her hand tightened, but it had nothing to do with the fear of being exposed. He simply didn't want to let her go. He didn't want to let her eyes go. Oh God! Why were they so beautiful?

"Oww," the girl cried out softly at his vice like grip, and he immediately let her go without thinking.

"Look. I am sorry about intruding on you. I didn't mean it. I am an angel of my word. I will never reveal what I saw to anyone. I promise. You have to trust me," she beseeched him. Her words sounded sincere, but they didn't register in Blaze's mind. He just looked at her slack jawed.

It took him a moment before he was able to nod like an idiot.

"Thank you. I won't let you down," the girl replied with a slight hug. His body tensed under her touch as a heat that had nothing to with sexual desire filled his face. Am I embarrassed? That was ridiculous. Since when was he shy with the women of Azra-El.

"What's your name?" he managed to splutter out as the girl reached for the door.

She looked back unsurely. "Lynn," she answered. "Bye!"

Blaze stood dazed, staring at the wooden door as it closed on him, as if it was exceptionally interesting.

Suddenly, he came back to his senses. He quickly put on his kilt, grabbed the robe she had dropped, and rushed out the door. There was no sign of the angel. Rebecca and Ely were browsing to the far right of the store and seemed completely oblivious to what had transpired.

"Hey! Did you see a young angel come this way?" he asked a nearby shop girl. In his daze, he hadn't even noticed how tall she was, let alone checking her energy aura. He had no idea how old she was.

"I saw someone rush out the front door. Shoplifter?" she asked, noticing his expression.

"No. She isn't!" he said before he ran out of the shop. He looked left and right along the gullies, but the girl was nowhere to be found. He asked the nearby shopkeepers and the angels strolling the streets, but it was almost as if she had disappeared into thin air.

Rebecca and Ely came out looking for him. "What is going on?" Rebecca asked him, noticing his almost forlorn expression.

"Ely! Do you know an angel named Lynn?"

"Yeah, my m- I mean auntie Lynn."

"No. I meant someone else. Someone younger." He would have said that she might be from Zara'ard, but the dress she was wearing was most likely a costume. And her accent was nothing like Seasht's

"I can't think of anyone like that."

Blaze sighed in disappointment. Maybe I'll come across her at the party? "By the way, I think I found something to go with the scythe," he deflected, showing her the robe the mysterious angel had dropped. Is Lynn even her real name?

The trio returned to the shop for Ely to try it out and for Blaze to purchase his Txiki costume.

It was a scanty black robe that hung off her shoulders and split into two narrow front and back pieces, completely revealing the sides of her body and breasts. The front piece split into two at her sternum from a small silver medallion and merged back under her belly button. A silver chain belt hanging low on her hips made the cloth cling to her body and had a couple of black tassels hanging from the sides. The robe was long, but it did nothing to hide her long and slim legs.

Blaze couldn't complain about being caught by this soul reaper. With a wraith-like hooded cloak and a magnificent scythe in hand, Ely looked the part of sexy grim reaper - if that was even possible.

"This is too revealing," Elyssa complained, trying to hide her skin but being completely unsuccessful at it.

"It's perfect!" Blaze exclaimed, but then suddenly realized that he was looking at Elyssa. "Besides, I am sure Astrid will outdo you in the skimpiness department," he added, averting his eyes.

Finally, after deciding on all their costumes, they headed back after picking up the Txiki needle on the way. Though rounded at the sharp end, she had modeled the weapon after a sowing needle. However, the wood she used was a deep mahogany, giving the needle a dangerous thorn-like appearance.

Blaze and Rebecca parted with Elyssa at the bridge, after he whispered to her that he might be staying the night at Rebecca's mother's place. He knew Rebecca wanted him to go back to the manor for the night, but it only made him want to stay more.


It was late in the afternoon by the time the two of them headed towards the middle-class section of the city. The architecture was a little down to earth but the vegetation was not, with vines and trees forming a synergy with the buildings.

With Blaze in her arms, Rebecca slowly flew towards a small single storied detached house with a flat terrace. A whitewashed fence surrounded the tiny backyard with a vegetable garden, and a slightly larger front yard with a lush lawn. Colorful flowering shrubs dotted the fence line and the house sat under the shade of a golden leafed oak.

A lonesome angel lounged at a garden table under the shade of the tree, sipping on a hot beverage and enjoying the comfortable warmth of the late afternoon sun. She noticed the angels flying towards her but made no movement of acknowledgement.

"Have the Lou brought visitors to this old dame's home?" the angel said in mock surprise when Rebecca landed and let Blaze down, her voice mature yet playful. Lou were the warm winter winds of northern Aranya, blowing from the north-east in the afternoons.

Aurnia Flynn was three hundred and twenty-seven years old, yet the only physical signs of her age were the lines under her eyes, which were mostly covered by the winged red mascara that complimented her magenta eyes. Her thick, deep crimson hair was tied in a comfortable top bun and a diamond shaped vermillion mark adorned the center of her forehead.

"Hello, Ma," Rebecca replied dryly.

"Oh my! I must be getting old to not even recognize my own daughter. Actually, when was the last time she visited me? I can't even remember. I think it's been years. Maybe that's the reason I don't recognize her anymore," Aurnia intoned, covering her lush red lips with a delicate hand and long fingers.

The shadows of the leaves flickered along the pale skin of her chest and upper breasts, as the wind suddenly picked up and rustled the leaves.

A loose crimson robe with a purple lining and painted golden flowers hung precipitously off the middle of her shoulders and the large mounds of her breasts.

"Stop with the theatrics, Ma. It's only been a little over seven months."

"So you claim." Aurnia switched her legs over one another, picking up her cup of tea and sipping at it. Her legs were smooth, long and a pale white. And, completely naked. The hems of the robe were split at her cloth belt and hung along the sides of the metallic garden chair.

Fuck, this granny is hot! Blaze thought, regretting his promise to Rebecca.

"So, who is this?" she asked after giving Rebecca a moment to suffer under the awkwardness of her scrutiny.

"She is your granddaughter," Rebecca answered with a straight face.

"Hello, grandma!" Blaze went along with the joke.

Aurnia swallowed her tea through the wrong entrance and started sputtering over the liquid.

"You must be joking!" she exclaimed, aghast. Was she really losing her memory? Has it really been that long since she had met her daughter? Blaze's red hair added credibility to Rebecca's statement.

"Yeah, Ma. How could you forget your own granddaughter? You were there when she hatched, twenty winters back. You even pulled her out of the egg. Do you even remember what year this is?" Rebecca asked in pretend concern, while Blaze furiously nodded his head.

Aurnia almost began to question her sanity, but she noticed the mirth behind their eyes. "Hmph, now you resort to tricking your old mother. O' Hathor, what have I done while raising this child to warrant such behavior?" she said.

"I am sorry, Ma." Rebecca gave in. "You know it gets busy when the demons are looming at our borders."

"All the more reason to visit your Ma, no? I know I did. Anyway, who is the kid?" She knew that it couldn't be her granddaughter, but the two of them seemed awfully close.

"Maybe you should put the tea aside for a moment. I don't need you croaking over a stupid beverage. You'll probably decide to haunt me over it."

Aurnia set the tea aside as her eyes narrowed in interest.

"Heard of the Righteous fury?"


Over the next half hour, Rebecca told their story to her mother and why she was there. Though initially astonished, Aurnia's amazement soon turned to excitement and then laughter as Rebecca told of her first interaction with Blaze.

"You got fooled and then defeated by a twenty-year-old?" she roared with laughter. "Little one, can I disown Becky and adopt you instead?"

"Of course, Mon Aurnia. Why would I say no to that? You're funnier and prettier than aunt Becky."

"Ha ha. Veeery funny," Rebecca replied dryly.

"So, you're living with Jie Er?" Aurnia asked, her tone suddenly a bit measured.

"It's not what you imagine, Ma. It's just convenient and fun," she replied. For now.

Though not all pairings resulted in a two-parent child, like Elyssa, it wasn't very uncommon for angels to form pairs. In fact, the Hashmallim, the society of love, stressed on such bonds. However, such bonds were mostly the platonic kind.

"Mmhmm. Well, why don't we go cook some dinner? I wasn't expecting guests, so I only have leftovers from lunch."

Blaze spent the evening helping the Flynns cook and eating a simple but delicious dinner. Aurnia was an entertaining host and she had innumerable stories to tell, both real and mythical.

"It's getting late, Ma. Let me drop Blaze off at the duchess manor. I will be back in a bit," Rebecca said after a long conversational dinner.

"She can just stay here for the night, Becky."

"It's a manor, Ma. I am sure Blaze would prefer to stay over there," Rebecca brushed her off.

"Actually, I'd rather stay here and listen to Mon Aurnia's stories." He had no intentions towards the older angel, but he did like to mess around with Rebecca. Moreover, he genuinely wanted to spend more time with her.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at him.

"The duchess and Elyssa may be waiting for-"

"I already told her that I may be staying over."

"Then it's decided. Blaze Er will stay the night and the two off you can head over to the manor the first thing in the morning," Aurnia decided without room for argument. "Let me quickly change into my nightgown. You two can change afterwards. I am sorry for the only room, Blaze Er. I bought this place after Becky moved out, and I've had no reason to build more. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't, Mon Aurnia."

Rebecca waited for her mother to leave the room before she whispered angrily. "I swear, you little twerp. If you try anything with my mom, you're going to get a real spanking."

"Oi! I already told you that I don't do grannies," Blaze replied in offense.

"You better remember that!"

Aurnia came out in a simple and roomy cotton gown. It was short but not too revealing over her thighs, and Blaze was somewhat grateful for it.

Rebecca and Blaze followed suit and they all chatted a little more before they headed to bed. At six feet wide, though a little cramped, the bed was large enough for three angels.

While listening to an interesting tale about a quadruplet set of angels who could each see only six hours a day, Blaze unconsciously took his place between the two angels. He was used to sleeping in between Jie Er and Rebecca.

Noticing it too late, Rebecca could only glare at him while he feigned innocence. Contrary to Rebecca's fears however, Blaze and her mother soon fell asleep; Blaze in mid story and Aurnia a little later. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes.


Blaze awoke in the middle of the night to a soft and springy pressure against his groin. He was lying sideways on his left arm and Aurnia's naked butt was poking into his groin, as she lay curled up on her side. Her short gown had ridden over her butt at some point during the night.

Shit! Blaze's member rose up under his long but flimsy shift and began poking into her soft skin. He lay unmoving as he tried to control his raging dick. It was against his principles to go after grannies, even if they looked like a sexy forty-year old. He had also given his word to Rebecca.

Unfortunately, he couldn't keep his eyes from roaming downwards, and the dim glow of the night light shone over her naked butt, revealing two nicely shaped mounds of pale skin. He immediately scooted towards Rebecca, trying to get away from the two temptresses.

He shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but the image was stuck in his mind and an aroused dick meant no sleep. A touch wouldn't hurt, would it? he thought as his eyes once more wandered down.

I am just curious, he convinced himself, and his hand moved on its own volition to lightly brush her butt cheek. He paused a moment, before placing his palm over it. He waited for Aurnia to show signs of waking, before he squeezed it a little and felt it. It was softer than Rebecca's, but just as springy.

"What are you doing!" a harsh whisper drove his hand away from Aurnia.

"Tis' not my fault. It was like this when I woke up," he defended himself hastily, pointing towards Aurnia protruding butt. He didn't put it past Rebecca to really give him a spanking.

"Then why was your hand on her butt?"

"umm... it was a mistake... and Granny's got a hot butt."

Rebecca sighed in exasperation. The way her mom was sleeping did suggest that there was some truth to his words. "Just close your eyes and go to sleep! We will talk about this in the morning."

"Hey! I tried... Also, it was your fault to stop in the middle this morning. Now, I can't seem to get it down," he turned around and complained, trying to put the blame on her so she wouldn't chew him out in the morning.

She reached down into his shift and felt his member as if she was confirming his statement. Blaze donned an expression that screamed "See!", when she felt his dick to be in fact hard and hot.

"That's why I told you to go back. Whatever! Just use my butt," she whispered with another sigh, getting up and covering them with a quilt she pulled out from her space ring. Angels didn't use blankets unless it was really cold, or they were used to having one over them.

Blaze stared at her in amazement. He hadn't anticipated this turn of events. He gave her a knowing grin.

"Take that smirk off your face! I am doing this for you," she muttered, quickly turning around and lifting her shift over her butt. Though he had been aroused by Aurnia's, Blaze wasn't the one to complain over minor details.

He immediately placed his greedy hand on her ass and gave her a tight squeeze.

"Just don't put it inside."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want her to wake up to my moans,"

"Oh!" he muttered in understanding, pulling out his dick and brushing it against her crack.

He gently lifted her upper cheek and placed his prick in the embrace of her butt cheeks, before reaching into her shift and sneaking a hand towards her breasts. Soon, he was grinding into her as he squeezed and massaged her soft and majestic breasts.

Rebecca endured his ministrations as she tried to concentrate on other things. She had come to Saket as a horny angel and Blaze's touch and the cock between her cheeks did not help in reducing her arousal. His hot breath against her neck made it even worse.

After a minute or two, he gently raised her thigh to push his cock against her slit and let her leg fall back over his length. The warm wetness helped him rub his shaft against her.

"mnh," a light groan escaped her lips before she shut them tight. "Can you make it quicker?"

Blaze thought for a moment before he replied. "It will be easier if we are both naked.

Rebecca turned around and glanced at her sleeping mother before sitting up. Smoldering at Blaze, she pulled her shift over her head, revealing her gorgeous breasts. Little did she realize that her smolder was making things worse.

The younger angel quickly discarded his shift and dove at her lips, bringing her body underneath him. Rebecca hurriedly covered them with the quilt as she tried to respond to his passion.

After ravishing her lips and leaving her breathless, Blaze quickly moved down to her breasts. She hastily closed her legs, not knowing if Blaze was still himself. She wanted him inside her but didn't think she could control her voice if they went any further.

Blaze took a breast into his mouth and started sucking on one nipple as he used his fingertips to play with the other. His legs straddled her wide hips and both their bodies began grinding into each other; his member and hips pressing deeply into her taut stomach.

Another moan escaped Rebecca's lips and Aurnia stirred in her sleep. She muttered something about an uncaring daughter and turned over on her stomach.

The two fornicating angels went still in fear, before slowly glancing at the older angel. Her head was turned away from them, but she still appeared to be fast asleep.

Blaze's eyes couldn't help traveling down the narrow and low valley of her lower back and up the steep slopes of her naked hills. He felt he could see underneath her crack, as one of her legs lay sprawled to the side.

"Eyes up here!" an angry whisper pulled his gaze away. He looked up into Rebecca's reddish pink eyes, gave a quick kiss on her jaw and continued his silent work.

Rebecca put a hand against her lips and closed her eyes to simply enjoy the feeling of his mouth on her breasts, hoping he would come soon. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep afterwards, but she at least wanted him to have a good night's sleep. The next day was important for him.

However, how could grinding against her stomach be enough for him? Her eyes flew wide open as she felt him raise his hips and line his member over her slit.


"Just putting it between your thighs," he whispered back, and Rebecca could only agree. Her willpower was only enough to hold herself back from taking his cock into her hand and shoving it inside herself.

She slightly opened her legs and Blaze moved in between them before she closed them.

With his member firmly lodged between the grip of her thighs, Blaze wrapped his arms around her small waist, placed his head between her cleavage and started slowly pumping his hips into hers. He tried his best not make any noise against her thighs.

His slow and measured movements, and the ominous presence of her sleeping mother made Rebecca wetter. The thrill of being caught caused her slit to start leaking and covered his cock in her arousal.

She tried to hold on, but it only got harder with each passing moment. "Heck!" she finally cried in frustration. Her knees and thighs subconsciously opened a little, and Blaze took it as a sign of wanting more. He angled his tip and penetrated her flowing warmth.

Rebecca's body and neck arched up like a cat, in surprise and in pleasure. She finally gave in and wrapped her arms around his head. However, her knees were still together and made her walls tighter than normal.

As he fucked her, one of her hands moved down to his butt while her other held his head against herself. She squeezed his tight cheeks as she allowed the heat and pleasure to spread throughout herself, continuously hoping her mother wouldn't wake up in the middle of an orgasm.
